2019-11-22 - Hot Plates

Clarissa texts Alexander about the Blackwood mystery and learns he uses emojis for some inexplicable reason.

IC Date: 2019-11-22

OOC Date: 2019-08-09

Location: Text %R%RThe air is cool with a hint of chilliness on this autumn night. A thin, misty drizzle falls from the sky and swirls grayly.

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 2891


(TXT to Alexander) Clarissa : You never sent me the name of that girl you hired, Mister Clayton

(TXT to Clarissa) Alexander : Because there was no girl, Mrs. Robbins. I'm sorry, but I didn't hire anyone. I did send you your shoes back. Did you receive them?

(TXT to Alexander) Clarissa : I did. Thank you for collecting them. As for the theoretical girl, were you able to place the picture I found?

(TXT to Clarissa) Alexander : Not yet. I need to get on that, though. I've had to deal with a couple of other issues.

(TXT to Alexander) Clarissa : Well, I feel that as the first person to enter that room, practical jokes aside, and as head of the historical society I should be apprised of anything you find.

(TXT to Clarissa) Alexander : I don't mind. But are you sure? You might not enjoy the whole story.

(TXT to Alexander) Clarissa : I am well acquainted with the genre of tragedy and scandal, Mister Clayton.

(TXT to Clarissa) Alexander : I suppose what I mean is are you going to yell at me more?

(TXT to Alexander) Clarissa : I never yell, Mister Clayton. I emphasize.

(TXT to Clarissa) Alexander : (...)

(TXT to Clarissa) Alexander : Okay. Are you going to emphasize at me more?

(TXT to Alexander) Clarissa : Are you going to need it?

(TXT to Clarissa) Alexander : I don't think I needed it this time. I warned you. Repeatedly.

(TXT to Alexander) Clarissa : Yes, well I'm sure you've never touched a hot plate before in your life. I'll keep that in mind.

(TXT to Clarissa) Alexander : I have. Touched a hot plate. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to be frightened.

(TXT to Alexander) Clarissa : In any event, whatever is the actual reason behind what happened in that room pales in comparison to a little girl someone tried to wipe out of history. I'll see if there are any more files on the Blackwoods in the archives.

(TXT to Clarissa) Alexander : You're right. 🙂 I'm glad you feel that way, and I'm glad of the help.

(TXT to Alexander) Clarissa : Aren't you like 40? Don't pretend to know emojis. I'll let you know if I find anything.

(TXT to Clarissa) Alexander : 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

(TXT to Easton Alexander) Isabella : ???

(TXT to Easton Isabella) Alexander : Ignore. I was proving to Mrs. Robbins that I know emojis.

(TXT to Alexander) Clarissa : Siri delete this number

(TXT to Clarissa) Alexander : I would laugh, except that's also kind of mean, and so I'm sad. 🙁 🙁 🙁

(TXT to Alexander) Clarissa : Goodnight, Mister Clayton. Or I suppose in terms you can understand moon, camel, camel, paw print emojis

(TXT to Clarissa) Alexander : Good night, Mrs. Robbins. Don't die.


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