2019-11-23 - When It Rains, It... Is A Good Time To Go To The Park?

Diana and James plan a picnic in the park, so of course it starts raining. Devlin and Hara join in with bear claws and greetings!

IC Date: 2019-11-23

OOC Date: 2019-08-10

Location: Addington Park

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 2915


James and Diana have decided to get some fresh air away from her no doubt germ-ridden home, and Diana brought a blanket, suggesting a picnic. It really is white and red checkered and everything! For a picnic basket though, there's instead a bunch of Tupperware with various munchable things, and one with sandwiches in it. She packed way more food than two people could ever eat, which one may recognize is foreshadowing! Naturally, this being these two doomed people, it's started to drizzle a bit, because of course it has. Diana frowns, staring up at the sky with squinted eyes, and then shrugs. "I can handle it if you can!" she says brightly.

James flips the sky off while Diana frowns at it, then grins at her. "This is Gray Harbor. Our options were either 'light drizzle' or 'spider-baby hybrid invasion', so I'll take the rain any day.", he replies, then looks around. "Though maybe we might wanna find a spot with a little cover..."

Now that the blanket's good and laid out, if slightly wet, Diana flops onto it, bringing the Tupperware containers full of food with her. Though she probably made James carry some, too, she'll have insisted on carrying the majority. There really are a lot of them. They start getting laid out, even as she gives a theatrical shudder. "Yeah, I'll take light drizzle over spider-baby hybrids any day." A pause, then she adds in a chipper tone, "Including today!" She grins up at him, and then suddenly wrinkles her nose. "Oh man. This food is going to be SOGGY. Soggy sandwiches are not my favorite kind." She gives a soft laugh. "Shocking, I know."

James, of course, is not one to refuse Diana anything, but he did make sure that he got the heaviest bits. Look, he's 5'4" of thin bearded ginger, let him at least pretend to be the big strong manly type occasionally. "I'm just amazed we managed to remember to pack the... what are these, artisanal olives?... but we didn't think to bring an umbrella." He helps lay things out because, dammit, they're having a picnic if for no other reason than to spite the rain. Fuck you, rain. "Y'know, maybe we should've, ah, crawled under the blanket instead? Might keep the food un-soggy a little better."

Hera wears more casual shoes than she normally would, but they're still nice ones. The black, patent leather flats compliment her black dress, but might be not the most athletic pair one should wear in a park. She smiles a little as she takes in the scene, though the whispers of rumors have probably haunted some from time to time. A slaughter is a slaughter, but for now the most interesting thing is a picnic. Spotting the two getting situated, she waves in their direction, a sketchbook under her arm. Outside of that she doesn't seem to make a move to draw too much attention to herself, at least not at the moment.

There's a pause and a blink at his suggestion, and Diana says, "Now why didn't I think of that? You're clearly the smart one, of the two of us. She shoves the Tupperware that've been set down so far aside, grabbing up the blanket and trying to wrap it around them before shoving Tupperware into their laps, protected! "Without you here I would've had to have limp, soggy sandwiches, and--" She smiles as she spots Hera and the sketchbook, giving the woman a wave. "A fellow brave patron of the park, I see!" she calls with a soft laugh, but doesn't aim to bother the woman beyond that. As for Diana's attire, this afternoon it's high-waisted pants, leggings with some kind of print on them beneath that, and an 'ugly Christmas' style of sweater with dinosaurs featured beneath Santa's sleigh. A pair of battered old sneakers complete the look.

Jeans and a hoodie for James. Look, the man has a brand, ok? No one said it was a good brand. Still, he gets swept up by Diana's blanket witchery, and before he knows it he's beneath the blanket, tupperware on his lap, and looking mildly dazed. "... I mean... this actually isn't so bad.", he murmurs to himself as he looks around then back down at the food. He starts to crack open one of the containers just as he hears Diana calling out and waving towards Hera. When he looks up, he's got a pickle spear in his mouth. "... mmf?"

Hera chuckles a little as she watches the two out of the corner of her eye, then she moves the tips of her fingers to her lips, as if chuckling at them would be rude. "Plastic containers can be vicious." she comments, "But, random pickles are always good." Still she doesn't say all that much. There's no need to intrude too much.

Coming out of the Firehouse, Devlin looks freshly showered.. not so well shaved though. Then again for those that know Devlin.. normal. He makes his way over towards where Hera is, "Hey Hera," He holds up a paper bag, "Scored a couple of bear claws.." He then with the other takes a sip of his coffee, enjoying it like it was the elixir of life itself. "Oh hi there.." he says to the couple with the blanket.

To be fair, it's a solid brand! "Agreed," Diana says to his 'not too bad' pronouncement, and then she has the NERVE to take the pickle container from him, offering it out to Hera. "Free random food, if you're interested!" Clearly someone never learned not to talk to strangers! Then she waves to Devlin, holding the pickle box out a little differently so they can both have some, if they wish.

James blinks as his pickles are stolen, watching the container held out with a '... but... but my pickles!' expression. By the time he tears his eyes away from the pilfered pickles, he's surprised to find that the amount of strangers has doubled. He watches carefully now- by his math, if another two strangers appear, he has enough data to start plotting out at what rate the exponential rise in the number of strangers will overtake the confines of the park. Heck, in mere moments longer they could overtake the city, the state, the whole world! He starts to mentally prepare himself for the oncoming Infinite Stranger Crisis, but he still smiles politely at the others. Just on the off, very, very slight, chance that his rock solid theory about increasing stranger danger is incorrect.

Hera briefly looks down to her flat stomach, one that will soon be flat no more if she takes all of this offered food! "Bear claws, oh my. I'll need to start to really do some remodeling to work off these extra calories if I keep this up but a pickle." she giggles, "Better on the figure." Yeah, she takes one of the vinegar based cucumbers. How dare she! But hey, low calorie food. Fill up on that first! It's crunchy too! "Seems today is a good day for food stuffs. I should have planned on bringing out some wine. But." she goes to head in Devlin's direction, "Sweet treats it is!"

Devlin smiles, "Well you can donate if you want too." he offers to Hera. "Or you can take up some activity to burn the calories." He then sips on his coffee. "Hello.. did I see either of you at that meeting about the Casino. Forgive me please, new to the area and still learning faces. I'm Devlin." A short pause, "If Hera doesn't want a bear claw, guess that makes one of these fair game if someone is interested."

"What meeting about the Casino?" Guess that answers that one! Diana smiles back at Devlin and Hera, and replies, "And I'm Diana. Nice to meet you. The quiet one is James." She grins in his direction, then bonks his shoulder with hers. "Also, welcome to the area, Devlin!" A look to Hera and then, "Are you new to the area, as well? I'm not from around here, myself. Fairly recent transplant, in fact." She pauses at the mention of the bear claw, and then wiggles her fingers in a 'gimme' kind of fashion to him. As an aside to James, she adds, "I'll share if you're particularly nice." She grins again, and then says to Devlin, "And thank you! Would you like some pickles or anything? I'm assuming not, at least for the pickles since they're not going to be great after a bear claw. But I brought chocolate chip cookies!"

"... can confirm, am quiet.", James murmurs, smiling sheepishly at the other two when Diana bumps his shoulder with hers. And then that bear claw is offered, and his eyes light up, starting to lift a hand to request it, when Diana beats him to the punch. "... define 'particularly'.", he tells Diana, squinting a bit at her, before turning his attention back to Devlin and Hera. "... Casino? Not me- I'm local, technically, but I just got back into town after being away for 15 years, so, I'm not really fully up to date on everything going on yet."

Hera introduces herself a bit more. "I'm somewhat new. Actually opened up a bit of an artsy place in town. The name is Vivid Dreams. I hope to start some pottery classes then move into offering the public art classes as well. Just, have some fun, create new things, have a good glass or two. It's not a huge place but, needing new people to drop in. I don't have many sandwiches but plenty of wine and creativity." she grins.

Devlin offers the spare to James, "Came up here from LA myself. Before that, twelve years with the 82nd Airborne as a combat medic." As he says that, something about his eyes speak of one that has may be seen a lot more than one wanted too. "When I dropped by Hera's place they were still painting. Have not been there since, but it looked like it will be a nice place." He looks at Hera, "Didn't you say gallery?"

"Oooh, classes!" Diana says, perking up even more than her usually perky self. "Vivid Dreams, hm?" She glances at James, then looks back to Hera. "I'll have to stop by sometime! I'm guessing it's not all set up yet, though? Also, hear hear for wine and creativity!" She then says to James, "It may involve begging, pleading, and/or cajoling. Possibly worship. And also--" But then Devlin gives the bear claw to James, and she corrects, "It'll be really easy, actually. I'll give you a super easy time." And she bats her eyelashes at him, while occasionally eyeing the bear claw.

"Pottery, huh? I went to a place like that back in New York, once. Tried to make an ashtray, got banned, long story.", James replies to Hera, then tilts his head. "THo that place didn't have wine, so, hey, I'll take a look." And then Devlin hands him the bearclaw just as Diana is going on about the torture she'll put him through, and he grins up at Devlin, nodding his thanks. He turns back to Diana, waggling the bearclaw with an evil smile. "Oh is that so?"

Hera finishes snacking and offers a wave, "Well, come by and make some ashtrays sometime, whenever you want. As for me I think I need to head on off. Just remembers a phone call I need to return but, see you all around! It's a nice park no matter what past rumors say." With that, she heads off.

Devlin eats his bear claw with a ruthless efficiency.. poor bear claw. "Gray Harbor is an interesting town. A lot of rather interesting personalities.. " He smiles as he sips his coffee, "Kind of a nice day for the coast to be out." He glances towards where Hera goes, and then returns his attention to the two of you. "Hope we did not interrupt or anything?"

Diana glances over at James with an arched brow at the 'got banned,' and says, "I demand to hear this long story. Otherwise, there will be consequences." She nods to herself firmly. CONSEQUENCES. And then he's waggling the bearclaw, and she lunges at him, trying to take a bite. Screw begging! "Nope, not interrupting!" she calls out to Devlin, mid-lunge.

".. ack!", says James, as he is viciously assaulted for the pastry. "No- ack -no interrup- hey, no biting! -err, interruption, just- hey, caref- erp!", James manages to get out, while trying to keep Diana from the bearclaw... trying, and failing, as moments later the 'claw is in her possession and he is on his back, tangled in the picnic blanket, and blinking dazedly, unsure of how exactly he ended up like that.

Devlin chuckles warmly seeing the ~play~, "Ok.. may be this is some of what Sifu meant by enjoying life.." He sips his coffee. "Once I pass a few more state exams, I'll be a part of the EMS team." He takes a slow deep breath, "A little frustating.. but I can deal."

TRIUMPH! Diana holds the bear claw between her teeth, growling like some kind of (very successful, no doubt) animal. She then takes a self-satisfied sigh and a bite, before grinning at James and offering the rest. "It tastes better when you steal it," she informs him apologetically, and then looks to Devlin. "Who's Sifu?" she wonders, and then smiles as to the rest. "That sounds awesome, being part of an EMS team. Congrats on the exams you've passed thus far!"

James gingerly takes the bearclaw back as he carefully rights himself. "... fifteen years in NYC, not mugged once. A month back here, and I am the victim of a 'claw-jacking.", he grumbles, but can't keep the smile off his lips as he watches Diana from the corner of his eye. "EMS? Tough, thankless work, I hear. Congrats?"

Devlin says, "I was a medic in the army, just doing the same thing is all. As to who Sifu is, he is my Kung Fu and Tai Chi instructor." He again sips his coffee, "Sifu is the same thing as Sensi, just Chinese rather than Japanese." He smiles a bit, "When you save a life.. there is this rush and later when you see them, you can tell they are grateful that you were at your best on one of their worst days. So seems thankless.. but it isn't. "

Diana actually blinks at James' words. "You weren't EVER mugged, in fifteen years?" Another blink. "Well, score one for me, I guess!" she concludes in a chipper tone of voice. She grins over at him, then looks to Devlin, grin softening into a smile. "That sounds amazing. I've felt something similar, and there's nothing like it. Just... knowing someone had that rough of a time, and you were there." She actually, literally hugs herself at that, smiling warmly. And then she hugs James, because that's what Jameses are for. "Agreed that it's anything but thankless, even if it's tough." She smiles up at Devlin. "Also, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"... fair point, I guess. I mean, either way, goddamn hero, is what you are. Medic and stuff before, too? And giving away bearclaws?" He squints his eyes. "Suspicious." But then he's getting hugged by the little ball of sunshine beside him, and he blinks, waiting to see if this is just a precursor to another snack attack.

Devlin takes a breath, "No.. never a hero, I do my job. The hero's never made it home." He then all but drains his coffee, memories can be a difficult thing. "Good thing about EMS is that the chances of people being killed around you as you work are a lot lower.."

It is not a precursor! Diana just hugs him warmly, then pecks his cheek rather than his bear claw, and pulls away so she can reach for another Tupperware container. She tilts her head as she listens to Devlin, then gives a soft, sympathetic frown. "A good point," she says simply.

James smiles softly at the peck to his cheek, leaning into the hug once the threat is passed. "... fingers crossed that applies even in this godsforsaken town.", he murmurs, a bit more solemnly, before finally taking a bit of the bearclaw.

Devlin says, "Well there is a lot less shooting." He finds his smile again. "And I am finding there are good people that do want to help when things get bad. May be godforsaken.. but there are good hands here."

Diana rubs James' back lightly, and then pops open her Tupperware container, removing a sandwich and having a bite. She nods to Devlin. "There are always good people. That's what keeps me going, some days. Knowing there are so many good people out there, and they just need their chance to shine."

It's around then that James finally twigs onto the fact that, oh, right, he's the only pessimist in this conversation. He reaches out to snag a sandwich of his own, and gives a sheepish smile around it. "Mmhmmm.", he says, opting to fill his mouth with sandwich before he says something else.

Devlin says, "So what is it that you both do?" He looks for a trash can and then sets the cup in the can. "Mostly just curious. Nice to know what people do for a living."

"I'm a paranormal investigator," Diana answers with no shame whatsoever. She adds, "I write too, both a book and freelance, but I consider the investigating the prime job. It's where my passion's really at." She lets James answer for himself, but from the smiling she directs at him, she was definitely considering bragging about what he does. Still, she refrained. Somehow.

James raises a brow at the smile directed his way by Diana. It's clear he doesn't consider what he does worth bragging about, but he gives an affectionate sigh, and looks back at Devlin. "I'm a writer.", he answers, with, well, some shame. "Kinda freelancing on the paranormal investigator bit tho, thanks to Diana here.", he says, bumping his shoulder gently against hers. "I'm not great at the whole 'being a writer' thing, but, y'know. Getting there."

Devlin nods, "From some of the stories I have heard.. got some weird things going here in this town. And everyone has to start somewhere. I had to go through a lot of training just to qualify as a medic.. then once I got to my unit, truth be told, that was the serious start in my profession. I bet that is a crap load of things they do not teach in college when it comes to writing professionally let alone journalism."

"Oh, this town is Grade-A Weird," Diana says with a nod. "Also, he lies. He's really good with a turn of phrase, and his dialogue shines. Better writer than I am!" And then she bumps his shoulder back. "I hear you. You never know really what's what in life until you're experiencing it first-hand. I definitely didn't originally plan to be a paranormal investigator, but it was a good switch for me!"

"... in my defense, I lie for a living.", James murmurs, with an embarrassed shrug as Diana keeps trying to hype him up. "And, yeah. I mean, I didn't really study writing in college other than a couple of creative writing classes. In the end it's just about, y'know, putting in the time. You get better over time, or you don't."

Devlin nods, "I know what you mean there. There are times that frankly.. did not think I would measure up. But I did get better at my job. Later even teaching others to do it. Well, I have a Dive Demo to go to. Crazy me.. may up the resume with water rescue too.. guess I am a glutton for punishment." He grins and then walks off.

"And you lie so well," Diana says to James, grinning. "And yes, you do get better over time. That's what I keep telling myself, anyway." She gives a wry smile, and then says to Devlin, "Sounds like a plan, search-and-rescue-man! Good luck on your swimming!" She gives him a waggle of fingers, and then reaches for another bite of her sandwich, groaning with approval. That bite taken, she bumps James' shoulder with her own. "Wish he'd have stayed around. I was hoping to talk you into telling him your book title! That could've been a sale!"

James gives Devlin a wave as he heads off, then chuckles softly at Diana. "Lucky me that he escaped. Besides, he didn't strike me as the type of guy who might be a fan of that stuff." He shrugs. "I could be wrong, though." He then takes another bite out of his own sandwich, relaxing as it's just the two of them once more for a bit. "I can tell you're feeling better, though."

"You never know! He might've been your number two fan! I mean, obviously I'm number one, but you need to build a legion of followers before you can take King from his throne!" Diana leans over into his space, having another bite of her sandwich. "I am. I really am. No more bad dreams, no more running nose, no more coughing and fevers... it's good to feel like myself again." She glances at him sidelong. "How could you tell, though? I'm ever so subtle."

"It's that keen writer's eye. I notice all those little details.", James replies. And also she is subtle like a kick to the face. He smiles a bit more, and, after a moment's consideration, slips an arm around her when she leans back into his space, to gently keep her there. "I'm just glad you're better. I... I like seeing you happy."

"That's true. You do have a keen writer's eye." And then Diana leans in once he's said he likes seeing her happy. And she really leeeeeeeans iiiiiiin, and kisses his nose before pulling back. "I like seeing you happy, too. I... I mean, I could be wrong here, but. I get the sense it wasn't always a given, so I like seeing it even more." She leans back against his hand, smiling softly.

James blushes in surprise at the kiss to his nose, crossing his eyes a little to look down on it. He smiles sheepishly, ducking his head. "No, you're right. Happy... doesn't really come easy to me. Never has." But then he met her. "But then I met you." Wait, did he say that out loud?

He did! A wide beaming smile lifts to Diana's lips, and she reaches over to hug him, blushing up a storm. "Thank you," she says softly. "We'll find our happy, you and me. I don't think the weirdness that this world throws at us has to always be a bad thing. I mean. Sometimes it could be pretty cool. Especially when you've got someone to experience it with."

James bites his lip as she hugs him like that, the color on her cheeks showing how pleased she is with him. It's a mix of joy and terror that he experiences then, but at least while she's by his side, he can sort of ignore the terror. "... I hope you're right. About us finding it, I mean.", he says, then his smile softens. "I don't know if it'll be cool, but... I'd rather face all this stuff with you than without you. And I guess if there's any person that it could be, um, cool to experience some of the weird crap that's all around here with, it's you."


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