2020-01-18 - Taking the Edge Off

Hera, Steph and Devlin have a few drinks and catch up.

IC Date: 2020-01-18

OOC Date: 2019-09-16

Location: The Pourhouse

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 3634


It had been a long shift and Devlin is glad to be done with it. Dropping a text to Hera about where he was going for a drink. He is seated in his civies and already has a beer that is half finished.

When Devlin suggested going out for drinks after their shift, Stephanie wasn't about to say no, if anything the alcohol would help take the edge off. Sitting next to Devlin, she was in jeans and a navy hoodie, having just grabbed a beer herself.

Hera comes in dressed a bit casual, for her anyway. She has a pink sweater, jeans, and white dress shoes underneath. With a grin she spots Devlin and Stephanie. "Hi there oh mighty medical workers." She shoots off a text on her cellphone before taking her seat, "How are we doing this evening? Not burning the midnight oil I take it?"

"Just chilling for now." is Devlin's reply as he stands to offer Hera a hug. "Most of the usual stupid things.. people in the cold to long, people that doesn't realize you can be a heat causality in winter, along with the usual stupid winter dumbass tricks..."

"Just another Friday, or something like that," Steph chimes in, "Trying to get Dev to open up a little. I've been so buried with work over the holidays, makes me realise that I don't really even know my friends that well. It's kind of sad." After her first beer, she considers something a little stronger.

Hera accepts the hug and settles herself into a seat. "Well you need to chill out. It's good to see you enjoying yourself." She peers over at Stephanie and says, "Sad?" Then she blinks when the woman goes to get something stronger, "Whoa the evening just started girly, be careful there. Wasn't too long ago I passed out myself from too much alcohol."

A pull is taken from his beer, "Anyone up for wings? Nachos? something else? Not really hungry, the chili in the firehouse was good and filling." Devlin smirks, "Old soldier usually sums it up for most Stephanie.. 4 tours.. lots of minor and annoying baggage."

Devlin's voice pulls her away from a crucial point in her decision making for her next drink. "Right." She clears her throat at Devlin's explanation. "I could go for some nachos if we're sharing." She pauses at Hera's statement and says, "I was just thinking about it." She flags the bartender down for her usual, to which the man at the bar just nods.

Hera licks her lips for a very brief moment and says, "Nachos, that does sound delightful. I need to watch what I eat though. I have a..." she looks to her cellphone and rolls her eyes, "Pest, sheesh, what the." She then moves to show Devlin and Stephanie the strange poem that came across her phone."

Remember that unfortunate Operation Bulky Ninja event? Beep New text from an unknown number, unless she somehow got the Candy Hulk's from somewhere else.<br /><br />I warned you once 'bout mind so macabre<br />It matters not for whom you slobber<br />When agreed wasn't me you jobber<br />Or bobber; we're agreed, so don't clobber<br /><br />Perhaps my point it was missed<br />While you enjoy thoughts where to be kissed<br />Protection of all I do insist<br />To protect her, she would be pissed<br /><br />In regards to your wit<br />I will admit<br />That you'll have the last word to acquit<br />And if you look for mine, seek north past my pant's slit.<br />

A brow goes up very Spock like for Devlin. "Ok.. that is interesting.. who sent it?" He then requests a large plate of nachos with the works. He takes a pull from his beer, "May be your buddy from the theater?"

"What did he need to protect you from in the first place? That's what I want to know," Stephanie says, not entirely following why a giant nuisance would have any interest in protecting Hera. Her new drink arrived, a long island iced tea. So it wasn't the shot she had considered, but it was a decent compromise.

Hera looks over at Stephanie and says, "Now, that's what both you and I want to know, seriously. He's really, odd. How can a big lug like him run that candy place anyway?" Looking at Devlin now she asks, "Do you think it's something like him not getting laid enough? I'm definitely not going to help him with THAT."

Devlin starts laughing as he thumbs up Hera. His tone gets that.. so funny I squeak a bit when trying to talk.. "Worlds.. worst... blue.. balls... He'll blow a....play.. boy.. to shreds in ... frustration.." He leans back almost to the point of falling back but catches himself. The laughter only pausing for a few moments before it starts up again.

"So you think it's all some ploy to get your attention?" Stephanie tries to understand what is going on but nothing makes sense, and she's had only one beer. She takes a sip of her cocktail. Maybe she's too sober for this.

Hera rolls her eyes and tells Stephanie, "No, I think he needs to lay off the drugs and get on some perscribed ones. Can you guys recommend a doctor? A head doctor? Maybe I'll need to call the cops then get you two involved." She looks over at Devlin and tries not to laugh too much herself, "Breathe cousin, just....just breathe."

Ok... you tempted Devlin.. oops? "What.. not a hand doctor?" and yeah.. more busting out laughing for the man.

"That's not exactly what we do, Hera. Unless someone's been hurt or there's some sort of emergency, we don't really deal with that sort of stuff." She rolls her eyes at Devlin and says to Hera, "I think he's lost it."

Hera begins to slap the counter of the table where they are sitting, unless they are sitting at a bar. Laughter is infectous and she begins to chuckle herself, "Talk abour rubbing yourself the wrong way hahahahaha." Yup, they're family, and they really haven't even started drinking anything hard yet.

"Lighten up, Stephanie.. it's funny." Devlin grins as the nachos arrive, "Another beer please.." He grins a bit, "Oh.. almost on a roll.. should see what it is like when a platoon starts rolling on something funny.. hard on the lungs.." He hmms, "that was a good one Hera.. we'll be ok so long as he isn't yanking this joke out.."

Hera adds to the humor of the situation and says, "Well, he might want to yank something else that, that is for sure." She giggles at that though, hoping to keep the humor going.

Stephanie relaxes her expression as Devlin tells her to lighten up, letting out a small smirk. "It would be funny if I didn't keep seeing the guy around wherever Hera is. He always seems to be such a bother. But if this guy thinks there's something to protect Hera from, maybe we should consider the possibility? Better safe than sorry after all?"

Devlin shrugs, "Sounds like he should talk in stead of creep about to me." He hmms, "And if there is a danger.. hard to see or say what it is. Just relax and be aware of what is taking place around one's self."

Hera thinks for a minute and asks, "Well, do you think that Thewlis and Jade night have an idea? I mean if there was a need for someone to protect me, they were there wouldn't they kind of know what might be happening? Just a thought. They're good people."

"I don't really know them that well, but it's worth asking them," Stephanie says casually, drinking away while snacking on the nachos arriving.

Devlin nods, "Oh.. Hera.. remember when you saw Stephanie and I respond to that call at the apartment building?" He nibbles on nachos and finishes off the first beer as the other one is being brought to him.

Stephanie's posture stiffens at the mention of that specific call.

Hera remembers and nods to Devlin, "Yeah, I do. If it's the time I was thinking about, Hans was going crazy. I've never seen him go that crazy. It was, quite odd."

Devlin nods, "Just wondering if you saw anything after that window broke? Or anyone.."

<FS3> Stephanie rolls Spirit (8 5 5 4 2) vs Hera's Composure (2 2 2 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Stephanie. (Rolled by: Stephanie)

While Devin is asking Hera these questions, Stephanie idly observes Hera, and tries to discern if the woman has any traces of Glimmer herself.

Hera shakes her head and says, "No, not really. I saw Hans going nuts and the golly gross giant calling me a cougar. I think that was enough for the night. Everything, went ok, didn't it?"

Devlin nods, "Thanks.. oh.. Golly Gross Giant? I take it no one you know?"

Stephanie just continues to listen in to Hera and Devlin talk. This conversation is getting interesting and she's got nothing to contribute. And it would explain why Hans seems to like her so much, he was there at the call. She hadn't remembered, or recalled.

Hera grumps and says, "That Jolly Gross Giant is Everette, but, oh well. I did have a bit of a strange instance the other night. I think it was a little bit of a wierd, I dunno, odd dream. Didn't think I normally had odd dreams when I went to sleep but." she shrugs, "Never had things so perfect in a town before. Austin was pure hell and Seattle was lonely."

"So he has name? Same guy from the gallery?" Stephanie comments, "You had a dream? What do you remember about your dream?"

Devlin nods as he drinks his beer, "Oh crap.. look at the time. I have a meeting to go to in the morning..." He chugs his beer like an old pro. "Got to run.."

Hera waves toward Devlin as he rushes off. "Yeah, it'll sneak up on you." She then shrugs, "I, I don't know it's, just thought I heard something but it must have just been part of my dream. Well, I guess I should go home as well, check on Hans and what not." She stands up and offers Stephanie a hug, "Thanks for looking out for him."

Stephanie hugs Hera back when she excuses herself to leave. "No worries. We're partners, we look out for each other." And she sticks around to finish her drink and the nachos.


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