2020-07-14 - Dysentery? Stop Making Shit Up

We need to talk...No not about that

IC Date: 2020-07-14

OOC Date: 2020-01-13

Location: 4G

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 4873


(TXT to Ruiz) Joey : Hey. I know last night was a shit show but I got a lead I didn't know if you had.

(TXT to Joey) Ruiz : A lead? What kind of a lead are we talking.

(TXT to Ruiz) Joey : Officer by the name Liu shaking down the control pad. Game store that got torched.

(TXT to Joey) Ruiz : Already got that information from Roen, but appreciate you passing it along. Still need to bring the girl in for questioning, though. You know her?

(TXT to Ruiz) Joey : Sparrow works for her.

(TXT to Ruiz) Joey : With Erin gone and her down a roommate and now down a job I told her she can come work for me so long as she doesn't let my gym bur the fuck down

(TXT to Ruiz) Joey : Cops are on this shit? They got fuckin cops?

(TXT to Joey) Ruiz : Sparrow? Ah, fuck, didn't know she was involved.

(TXT to Joey) Ruiz : And I can't answer that question, Kelly. You know that.

(TXT to Alexander) Ruiz : So uh. You doing all right? After yesterday.

(TXT to Ruiz) Joey : We being honest or professional here?

(TXT to Joey) Ruiz : We're being prudent, because last night was, as you eloquently mentioned, a shit show.

(TXT to Ruiz) Joey : Dysentery levels of shit show.

(TXT to Joey) Ruiz : The fuck's dysentery

(TXT to Ruiz) Alexander : No. Of course not. How's your leg.

(TXT to Ruiz) Joey : That's where you shit yourself to death in the PNW. If you're going to live near the Oregon Fucking Trail you have to know about common threats man.

(TXT to Alexander) Ruiz : It's fine. I've had worse. They treat you well enough at the station? I told them to go easy on you.

(TXT to Ruiz) Alexander : It's fine. I've had worse.

(TXT to Joey) Ruiz : Bullshit. There is no such thing as shitting yourself to death.

(TXT to Ruiz) Joey : But to answer your question? No. I'm doing about as well as you think I'm doing.

(TXT to Alexander) Ruiz : Now you're just parroting me.

(TXT to Ruiz) Joey : Bullshit? No You Shit. Seriously talk to Clayton. I'm sure he can throw a book at you about it or make you play the video game.

(TXT to Joey) Ruiz : The fuck there's a video game about shitting yourself to death in the PNW.

(TXT to Ruiz) Joey : I can't help it's historic.

(TXT to Ruiz) Joey : Look my anger management asshole in prison used to tell me the only way to prevent problems is by talking about them.

(TXT to Ruiz) Joey : Dysentery. Look it up.

(TXT to Joey) Ruiz : I'm not fucking googling dysentery. Worst case you're right, and it is possible to shit yourself to death, and like hell I need to make my day even worse than it already is.

(TXT to Ruiz) Joey : You want to talk about viruses, dehydration, or humiliation? All of which will kill you and somehow more manageable than last night

(TXT to Joey) Ruiz : Anyway, we did the best damage control we could. You need to sit tight.

(TXT to Ruiz) Joey : Me? Your'e the one that needs to worry man. This isn't a threat this is me, as your...whatever being concerned af

(TXT to Joey) Ruiz : Me. You're worried about me?

(TXT to Ruiz) Joey : Yes I'm fucking worried about you. You think I'm the guy in teh paper or did you forget we fucking met?

(TXT to Ruiz) Joey : Yes I'm fucking godddamned worried.

(TXT to Ruiz) Joey : 3 D's apparently worth of fuck you I'm concerned, asshole.

(TXT to Ruiz) Alexander : It's a singularly unhelpful but factually accurate response. Also my hands are shaking.

(TXT to Joey) Ruiz : I can handle myself. I knew I was taking a risk the minute I decided to become a fucking cop.

(TXT to Ruiz) Joey : I'm jsut as glad Clayton's alive trust me but think about the environment and what happened and I'm not the one that walks out of here completely fucked.

(TXT to Alexander) Ruiz : I don't blame you for being nervous. I'm not sure that you're safe.

(TXT to Ruiz) Joey : Not sure I ever have been. If I was no one fucking told me.

(TXT to Joey) Ruiz : Not sure you've ever been what?

(TXT to Ruiz) Alexander : Of course I'm not. But very important conversations with people who have guns are more acutely stressful.

(TXT to Ruiz) Joey : Dude I've been smacked around longer than I could fucking walk. I have no idea what safe means other than you got enough ammo and enough people to outlast everyone else.

(TXT to Alexander) Ruiz : (dots)

(TXT to Alexander) Ruiz : Are you talking to someone with a gun right now?

(TXT to Joey) Ruiz : You think I know anything else? You think I'm any better than you, cabron?

(TXT to Ruiz) Joey : You're the city's savior. Like it or not people fucking love you

(TXT to Joey) Ruiz : You're fucking with me, right?

(TXT to Ruiz) Joey : Way I hear it you also got a family and I strongly advise not screwing that shit up. Because last night you tipped your hand and I don't want to see you lose that.

(TXT to Joey) Ruiz : People believe what they want to believe. Ven lo que quieren ver.

(TXT to Joey) Ruiz : I did what I needed to do, Kelly.

(TXT to Ruiz) Joey : I don't speak pillowtalk and you know that and I'm not pulling out google translate. Speak asshole to me. It's our first language anyways

(TXT to Joey) Ruiz : Hey, you have any idea where Alexander is? Worried he might be getting himself in trouble.

(TXT to Ruiz) Joey : Look you do not have to justify what you did with me. I was next to you.

(TXT to Ruiz) Joey : Yeah he better be where I left him at home. which means he probably ain't.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Hey you ok today? Anyone hassling you? Did you put food in your face yet?

(TXT to Joey) Ruiz : And I said they see what they want to see. They want to see me as the big strong cop here to save them, so, sure. I can be that.

(TXT to Ruiz) Joey : You know what's messed up? All week I been having this recurring dream- like it's happened more than once of going out the way my graddad did. I honestly have no idea how I feel about that.

(TXT to Joey) Ruiz : You're not going out any damned way, for a long while yet. I'm not done with you yet.

(TXT to Ruiz) Joey : Well it's Gray Harbor so if that happens I'll take that as an invitation to haunt your ass.

(TXT to Joey) Ruiz : Go check on Alexander. He's not answering my messages. I'm worried about him, and I've got a rookie I need to babysit here. I'll catch you later.

(TXT to Ruiz) Alexander : No. Yes? Are you carrying? Probably. He left.

(TXT to Ruiz) Joey : Yeah I texted him. He's like a couple blocks down. I can jog over there.

(TXT to Joey) Ruiz : Forget it. He got back to me.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : I'm alive. Did you get sleep?

(TXT to Alexander) Ruiz : Don't fucking do that to me again.

(TXT to Ruiz) Joey : How can you say forget about Alexander? Haven't you seen his angry little face?

(TXT to Alexander) Ruiz : No. I've got shit to do. Talk later.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Not yet but I ate something. Got a lead for you. Sparrow Jones worked for that place that burned down. She's going to take care of reception for me. not the point. There's an officer Liu that apparently was shaking the place down before it burned

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : I gave de la Vega the heads up. Thought that might be useful to chew on. Chew very carefully. We don't have that confirmed and he's badged man.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : Sleep, Kelly. You and Stewart both look like shit. I know about Liu.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Stewart?

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : He just left. I don't think he's slept.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Oh shit. Things okay? I need to talk to him?

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Andre was his BFF. He's not gonna be okay after that.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : Things are not okay. But no shots were fired. Metaphorically or otherwise. He thinks I'm an idiot.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Hey having things in common is a good start.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : And now I've laughed. Fuck you. ::smiley face emoji::

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : 😉

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : I told you I was looking out for you. You never asked me how

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : I appreciate it.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : I actually do. I'm not being sarcastic. I'm never sarcastic.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : It's true. Your'e shit at sarcasm. Also lying. I think it's a good thing tbh.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : I don't like lying.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : It's weak and for cowards. Filthy habit.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : It's a tool. I just don't like it. Like guns.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Well you're not a tool. Just an idiot.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : But you did good.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : I didn't do anything except get myself in the shit.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Yes but you avoided dysentery. Please explain that to de la Vega before he gets himself into shitloads of trouble.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Look I have to go do damage control. Hit me up if you need anything.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : Wait. What the fuck has dysentery got to do with anything?

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : He didn't believe me that it's a real thing

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Like video games would lie to us

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : Video games would absolutely lie to you. But dysentery is real. Why doesn't he know about dysentery?

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Because he grew up on the beach under a drunk worm covered in tattoos for all I know

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : Sounds legit. Still, that's a shitty thing not to know.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : No kidding. Hope he doesn't learn the hard way. It's a good way to lose a horse.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : A horse? I feel I missed part of the conversation.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Well the game says anyways. I dunno. I never owned one. This week I can't even keep something to drive.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : Game? Oh. Oregon Trail. I liked that game.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : How a grown ass man can move near Oregon and not know the warning signs and last this long? I dunno

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : Pretty sure he would try and shoot dysentery.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Can you blame him?

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : Yes. Fire is obviously the superior choice. Shooting just spatters it everywhere.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Where as burning only takes out thing in a ring?

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Sorry, man. It's a little funny now.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : the fire was unintended. it was electricity.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : I know man. We're good. If we weren't we'd be talking about that. Also fwiw De la Vega was asking if you were ok. He's worried.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : I don't know if I want to talk to him. Or if he wants me to talk to him like I want to talk to him.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Yelling?

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : Probably

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Look it's a lot to take in. The world is a complex place. I wish it were a yes/no world and things are easy. They're not.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : This isn't about easy, Kelly. I'm not fucking blind to nuance.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Yeah I know. I just wish I knew how to make anything better right now I guess.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : I'm pretty sure you're the main reason I'm not enjoying a long, uninterrupted nap in the Firefly woods. You kept casualties down. Stewart said it was likely those guys had been tailing him. They were prepared for two people, and instead with you and Stewart, there were four. You did good. Nuanced good.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Thanks. I'm trying to. I don't know why people have to get stupid. Why can't business just be business?

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : I think it is, to the other guys. Just business.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Sadly, man, I think so too. Lemme know if you need me to bring anything by for your arm. I'm grabbing ice cream later because I need some fucking Chubby Hubby. I swear I do not know who named these flavours but I want to punch them right in the pints.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : It was just a graze. But thanks. And there's nothing wrong with Chubby Hubby, Kelly. Be proud of your sugar indulgence.


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