2020-08-10 - The Power Gauntlet (Phase Three)

Yet another trio of empowered GH denizens are tortured in the Dark Domain and it's a brutal experience for all involved.

IC Date: 2020-08-10

OOC Date: 2020-01-31

Location: The Dark Domain

Related Scenes:   2020-04-27 - The Power Gauntlet (Phase One)   2020-08-09 - The Power Gauntlet (Phase Two)   2020-08-12 - Something Fun   2020-08-13 - The Power Gauntlet (Phase Four)   2020-08-27 - The Power Gauntlet (Phase Five)

Plot: None

Scene Number: 5030


It's Friday in Gray Harbor, 8:47 pm. One moment, three people are living their lives one way, then they're taken to pay dues.

The snare this time isn't quick, it's a matter of seconds that's nauseating, it feels like being pulled by a very strong magnet from the inside. It's unpleasant and confusing and right before it happens, vision blots out, sound deafens. Then it's back. But when it is...

It's dark. It's very dark. Nothing can be seen around, initially, but eventually the floor starts to illuminate with subtle, sickly gray light.

Aidan, Alexander, and Rekani know they aren't alone, they've come to on their knees in this dark space and vision is limited at first. But there's a feeling of the others nearby, the breathing, the shifting, and the inevitable voices of wary confusion.

<FS3> Alexander rolls Composure: Good Success (8 6 6 6 1) (Rolled by: Alexander)

Alexander was sitting in a car that wasn't his, at a point which, were he twenty years younger and about a hundred times more popular, would have made a great makeout spot. It's overlooking the harbor, and he's been there for a while, just studying the city with a brooding expression. He's not Batman, but put him in a rubber suit and he might just make a third tier knock off of the dude.

But no. Instead, he closes his eyes for a moment, and then the world shifts and twists around him, throwing him on the floor with very little in the way of ceremony. In a darkness in which he is not alone. Surprisingly, he doesn't immediately panic and start to flail around with his knife, although he does reach around to the small of his back and pull it carefully. "Hello?" he calls, carefully, not moving until that sickly gray light allows him to figure out which way is 'down' and which way is 'up'.

"Oh fuck my life, fam." Rekani can be heard groaning, a hand lifting to rub at the side of his head. The sight, the sound, and a thing he was seldom sued to, nausea, were not pleasant things to Rekani. Face scrunched in discomfort, he sits back a little so his rump can hit the floor with all the weight the round Latino had in him. He looks around, but his hand was already cheating toward his hip, starting to dig into that oh-so-fashionable fanny pack. What's good for nausea? A little silver pen. He brings it to his lips and takes in a little hissing suck on it, holding it while he gets his bearings.

"Yo." Rekani answers Alexander, looking him up and down. They probably didn't really run in the same circles, by the look of him.

Aidan was just having a perfectly nice evening, and now he is... not. Not so much. Well, perfectly nice except for the heat, really, but a t-shirt and a pair of shorts definitely older than he is were doing a half-decent job about that, especially paired with ice cream. There is no longer ice cream, just darkness and nausea. Thankfully that does not result in there sort of being ice cream again, at this time.

He opens his eyes and it's still dark, which is worrying; he moves a hand in front of them, trying to figure out whether he can see them move or not, before the sense of others has him listening harder, trying to make out whether this is friends or... well, not. The voices he ends up with seem familiar, if hard to immediately place. "Hey?" he greets back, as the light starts to rise and shapes start to form into something possibly closer to recognizable, though he can't quite make them out yet. People, though. Seems like normal-shaped people. With those vaguely familiar voices. "Um. Aidan, here."

The sickly gray light continues to rise and rise from the floor, but the darkness is so thick around them, it really just looks like they're in an empty space with no perception of what lies around or beyond. It's also quiet, very quiet in a thick way. But the more light starts to rise, the less that quiet reigns. It begins to change into a faint ambient humming noise, like they're in the black belly of a giant machine, metaphorically speaking. It comes from no real direction, it just presses the air from around.

And it's cold. There's wisps of fog trailing around, they can at least see that.

Alexander looks in Aiden's direction, first. He breathes out, his expression easing just a little as he sees a face he's seen before. "You're the magician. Aiden. Hello. Are you injured?" He sidles in that direction, giving Rekani a wary once-over. "I don't know you. I'm Alexander Clayton." He shivers; his t-shirt and jeans are not really made for the chill in the air, and the hum sinks into his bones. "This is probably bad. "I'm sorry."

"Aw, wassup, dawg." Rekani was finally ambulating his mass to a more upright position, finally putting a hand out, arm slightly bent like he meant to clasp, not shake, when greeting Aidan, "I ain't seen you since the trash thing, man." There's a brief offering of the silver pen, because obviously, they'd gone through life or death together, and Aidan had even patched him up! Of course he'd share a puff. To Alexander's... greeting? Rekani has to sort of parse it, but also does that hand-up offering, "Yo man, Rekani. And cmon, like, we been shot at and shit before, we always come out." Always boundless optimism.

The cold felt, but probably taking a moment to really get through his extra 'padding', unknowing he was likely to be left hanging by the cop botherer, Rekani takes that moment to try to suss things out, as the darkness wasn't really the friend of the human eye. He snaps his fingers, willing that smashing of air molecules together, trying to get a light ball started.

<FS3> Rekani rolls Physical (8 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 2) vs The Dark Domain (a NPC)'s 10 (8 8 8 7 7 6 3 3 3 1 1 1)
<FS3> Victory for The Dark Domain. (Rolled by: Lilith)

"Hey, Mr. Clayton," Aidan greets, coming up with a smile for him, even if it's a slightly worried one. It is at least not worried because of Alexander; that's something, right? It remains for Rekani, who is not left hanging 'cause that would be rude, and also he did recognize both voices and that is a weird minor triumph! "Hey," he repeats, "Yeah, it's been a while!" He doesn't have any extra padding, though -- just enough, really -- and given the amount of exposed skin, the chill of this place is making itself known swiftly. He wraps his arms around himself when he has them both back.

Politeness tells him to accept the offered pen, about a moment before a thread of sense suggests a clear head is a good idea, and he pauses, answering Alexander, "I'm not hurt, thanks. Are you? Either of you?" Another look around at the cold dark and gradually noisier nothing-much. "Um. I mean, you're pretty much both right, there. This probably is bad, and so far we've always got through it or we wouldn't be here now. This one's weird, though." The smile's dimmed through that, and what remained dies suddenly, arms tightening around himself as he looks around, and stress casts its vote for maybe just a small puff before he hands the pen back. Sense may never have deserved quite as much credit here as luck anyway. "The last time I woke up in a darkness was. Not good. But. But at least we're not strapped to metal tables?" That qualifies as a bright side, right?

<FS3> Aidan rolls Alertness+Glimmer (8 7 4 4 3 2 2 1) vs The Nothing (a NPC)'s 5 (8 8 7 6 6 3 1)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for The Nothing. (Rolled by: Lilith)

<FS3> Alexander rolls Alertness+Glimmer (8 8 7 7 7 2 2 1 1) vs The Nothing (a NPC)'s 5 (7 6 6 5 3 2 1)
<FS3> Victory for Alexander. (Rolled by: Lilith)

<FS3> Rekani rolls Alertness+Glimmer (7 3 1 1 1 1) vs The Nothing (a NPC)'s 5 (8 7 6 5 3 1 1)
<FS3> Victory for The Nothing. (Rolled by: Lilith)

You know what would be useful right now? Light. Rekani tries and something like light shouldn't be a hardship of exertion or issue for an empowered physicalist. In fact, it starts up, initially, as it should. But it's just a flash of forming and the man knows suddenly the physics of this place on those tiny levels is different, that's why it seems harder, perhaps. That and there's darkness around them that feels like a Void, a pushing entity that threatens to consume, and consume it DOES. When he's able to coalesce and pull existing light to form into flare, it's immediately pulled away and apart and eaten by the fringes of dark with little wisps.

That said, Aidan and Rekani can't really tell that much is happening around them otherwise after that brief flare up is disturbingly eaten away. It seems like just that, save for the gradual lifting of sickly, unnatural gray light from the floor to let them see each other as they confer and notice... well, the extent of nothing. For them, that faint ambient hum is backdrop noise, it just seeps in with different degrees for the two of them. Hell, Aidan might not even sense that, the area around them is so thickly encompassing and dark and threatening, it's damn distracting, especially after seeing a light display of power get eaten like that.

But Alexander...

He's a mentalist, it's not that this space is loud or even signature with a consciousness anywhere, no. It's the utter LACK of feeling anything that's so foreboding, and the hum rises. The more the hum rises, the more that Emptiness seems to push inward with the dark, forging through it. Something is coming. He can't hear it or see it, but it sets his alarms off in the worst way. How do you prepare for what you can't see or know? What warning is there to give?

Alexander is a lot more rude than Aidan is; he leaves poor Rekani hanging, just staring at the hand for a moment. "Rekani. I'll remember that." Is that reassurance or a threat? Either way, it's abrupt, and his eyes scan the darkness around them, his shoulders hunching defensively. "I'm not hurt. Yet." Boundless optimism is clearly not Alexander's stock in trade. He does give Aidan a sidelong look, and something that might be a smile if you look at it wrong, before he adds, "I wouldn't give them ideas. Things can always get more fucked than they currently are."

Case in point. First, Rekani's light is eaten in a way that makes him visibly shudder, and then he looks around for...for what? There's nothing there. And yet, at the same time? "Something's coming," he tells them, and moves into a defensive posture, knife at the ready. "...darkness? That noise. Something. Be ready. Don't die." It sounds more like a wish than an order, a weird little prayer tacked on at the end.

Rekani might have had a negative, or even confused reaction to Alexander's answer to his greeting, but he was kind of distracted for the moment, and with his weed-muddled mind, it was probably going to be totally forgotten. He doesn't even remember to take back the pen. As boisterous and forceful of personality as Rekani is, its probably a mark of some kind when his face immediately falls, eyes going to where that light had flared and gone. Brows risen, eyes open, the fat DJ was looking quite concerned, "Yo, that felt all kinds of bad, and I do not think I want to do it again." Between that awful feeling of his power getting eaten and Alexander's warning, it's enough to have Rekani digging a little more awkwardly and deeply into his fanny pack, producing a long, metallic breaker bar slightly marred with grease, 17mm socket still attached.

Aidan is trying to pay attention to what's around them now, but it's difficult while also trying to push away memories of a Then that keep seeping into his mind. There's no light on them; this rising grey is different. That darkness isn't full of eyes. Not that he can see. But it doesn't help him in the least with trying to see what is, even if the flare of that particular anxiety does start to feel just a bit less sharp.

The issue with the light helps with stoking a different one, especially with Rekani's comment on the feeling of it. "Like... which kinds of bad?" he asks, and absently slips the pen into a pocket as its owner seems busy right now. He only has two and they're not really meant to hold much more than a key and a quarter or something, so he might even remember to return it later. He is definitely not about to pull out a crowbar from either. "...Something," he echoes, and takes a breath, looking around again and doing the best he can to draw his focus and his powers together. "Don't die," he repeats as well; it sounds like agreement.

<FS3> Alexander rolls Athletics+Reflexes+1 (7 6 4 4 3 3 1) vs Inky Liquid Metal Filaments (a NPC)'s 5 (8 7 3 2 2 2 1)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: Lilith)

<FS3> Alexander rolls Athletics+Reflexes+1 (7 7 6 5 3 3 3) vs Inky Liquid Metal Filaments (a NPC)'s 5 (8 6 5 5 4 1 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Alexander. (Rolled by: Lilith)

<FS3> Aidan rolls Athletics+Reflexes (8 6 4 2 2 1) vs Inky Liquid Metal Filaments (a NPC)'s 5 (8 6 4 4 3 1 1)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: Lilith)

<FS3> Aidan rolls Athletics+Reflexes (8 7 3 3 2 1) vs Inky Liquid Metal Filaments (a NPC)'s 5 (8 8 6 5 2 1 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Inky Liquid Metal Filaments. (Rolled by: Lilith)

<FS3> Rekani rolls Athletics+Reflexes (8 6 4 2) vs Inky Liquid Metal Filaments (a NPC)'s 5 (5 4 4 2 2 2 1)
<FS3> Victory for Rekani. (Rolled by: Lilith)

<FS3> Alexander rolls Athletics+Brawn (6 5 4 4 3 2 1) vs Dark Energy Conduction (a NPC)'s 5 (7 6 6 6 4 3 2)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Dark Energy Conduction. (Rolled by: Lilith)

There is something coming, there is. But is it really Something or Nothing? The men can only do so much against either, both are the Unknown. It's subtle at first, the way the darkness starts to trickle out into the relative safe and visible space where the trio are standing together. The eyes are already so maladjusted and the Darkness always plays tricks on what's seen without light-- this is true in the natural world, but it's amplified here.

This is where shadows flood from, it's why paranoias make bogeymen out of chairs and lampshades in the night and fill closets to scare children away from sleep. This place is why grown adults reach around doorways to hit light switches instinctively before stepping into the bathroom, this is why you don't hang arms off of the edge of the bed and sometimes feel the urge to leap onto the mattress so nothing grabs you lurking in the darkness underneath. Darkness consumes the mind beyond what's visibly perceived over time, so it's very hard to tell what's happening until it's chaotic.

It's terrifying, those moments right before it happens, Darkness and Nothing and Emptiness and Silences are the historic night terrors of humanity since it's birth and rise, it's why man was motivated to make fire, it's the Perfect Storm for fears, it's the Alpha Predator that existed before the spark of light and life that made it all.

Dark, inky liquid filaments grow out of the darkness slowly at first, then start branching out with exponential growth to form and link and reach for the light around the men, perhaps the very light inside the men. The second they realize what's actually happening, those thin formations start to glimmer like dark energized metal made of shadow and strike to snare.

Rekani and all his bulk aren't having any part of it. He may not be the most athletic or agile man alive, but his body and reflexes are on point and he doesn't have the instinct to swing that metal bar.

Alexander also is on point with his reflexes, but unfortunately, he also has other instincts-- he tries to ward while dodging, that metal blade in hand with defensive swipe of gesture that slashes through and dissolves some of those inky tendrils of metal or energy (or both) on the spot. But when it dissolves, it wraps around his blade to absorb, then LAUNCHES up and through his blade arm to blacken the bloodflow in the veins to shadow and pain, so much pain.

Aidan. Poor Aidan. He's either too rattled to move fast enough or just is in a very bad place with some bad luck. The dark filaments have trouble at first, lashing in, then darting back to try again with whipcoil around his ankles. And once he's rooted, they lash and form a dark energy bubble around him like encasing tinted glass.

Look. When Alexander feels threatened, he tends to stab things. So when those liquid filaments start coming for him, he eels out of the way, but can't help but try to counterattack. Thus proving that Alexander makes bad decisions. He lets out a surprised yelp when the black reaches out for his knife blade - but it's when it touches his skin, and sinks into his skin that he starts to scream. The pain is immense, and he does an agonized little dance, shaking his knife arm as if he could force the black out of his blood with the spasmodic movements. For a moment, he doesn't notice anything else.

Reflexes on point or not, the sound that pops from the Latino's throat is anything but panicked. Yelping as he gets out of the way, he raises the bar, looking for something he thinks would actually be damaged by it... But there were other problems, and the squeaky wheel gets the grease. He looks to the scream first, and his mind shoves, trying to break the thing away from Alexander. Even if he can't affect inside the man, maybe he could get the rest of those grasping tendrils away from him.

<FS3> Rekani rolls Physical (8 8 7 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 2 1) vs Inky Liquid Filaments (a NPC)'s 8 (8 8 7 6 5 5 5 4 3 2)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Inky Liquid Filaments. (Rolled by: Lilith)

Aidan yelps too as the filaments come for him and he leaps away, gaining him only half a second at most before that secondary whip-coil does what the first sally didn't quite manage. He struggles in vain, the instinctive movements against being rooted like that, and as that bubble rises around him other instincts kick in, a sharp slashing movement of his arms and hands down, past each other and outward, willing the same slash into and through the things trying to restrain and capture him. Other things are going on outside the dark-tinted not-glass, but he can't focus on that yet.

<FS3> Alexander rolls Athletics+Reflexes (8 8 4 4 3 3) vs Inky Liquid Metal Filaments (a NPC)'s 5 (8 8 6 6 1 1 1)
<FS3> Victory for Inky Liquid Metal Filaments. (Rolled by: Lilith)

<FS3> Rekani rolls Athletics+Reflexes (6 5 4 2) vs Inky Liquid Metal Filaments (a NPC)'s 5 (8 6 3 2 2 2 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Inky Liquid Metal Filaments. (Rolled by: Lilith)

<FS3> Aidan rolls Spirit (8 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 2 1) vs Feeder Box (a NPC)'s 10 (8 8 8 7 6 6 5 5 3 2 1 1)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Feeder Box. (Rolled by: Lilith)

<FS3> Aidan rolls Athletics+Brawn (8 4 4 4 1) vs Lashback Effect (a NPC)'s 5 (8 8 6 4 3 1 1)
<FS3> Victory for Lashback Effect. (Rolled by: Lilith)

Inside the encasement, Aidan is left alone to get his bearings and/or panic lash, and a little of both happens. The view on the other side, if he was in a way to notice at all, it's like seeing figures moving through dark water haze. There's no sound from outside that gets in, he thinks he sees flashes of light encase the men in his peripheral, but it's hardly priority at the moment, or something he can even react to. Survival instincts kick in the moment his reflexes to break free with rampant slashes of breaking power, that's natural, but what isn't natural is what happens as a result.

Aidan's attack to free himself from the enclosure snaps back. He knows it right before it bloods both of his forearms after that downward sweep of ability-throwing gesture. It doesn't have the dark shadows that seem to have pained and set into Alexander, it's his blood, his damage thrown back onto himself. He could try again, maybe if he was strong enough or lucky enough, he COULD break free, but... there's distractions. The space is like a small standing tornado shelter that bows and bubbles out into a small circle arena and horrible, misshapen forms without faces start to rise with grey flesh from the floor, crawling out of that sickly light. It starts with two.

Meanwhile, outside of Aidan's enclosure, Alexander and Rekani are still under threat. Alexander's mobility is compromised as he's stunned with pain and Rekani tries VERY hard to push with his powers to rectify the dart of inky energized shadowmetal toward the man. There's something like a hiss of static, then recoil and it seems to work, but they aren't deterred enough. Alexander still has to try and move out of the way, but he doesn't make it. He's put into the same form of enclosure as Aidan with forming snap-up lashing and hum. Rekani might be so busy watching this happen, he doesn't see his own fate going the same way...

All three men are now trapped. Aidan's enclosure is attacking him? The other two have a moment to react to their new situation before anything happens in their space.

Alexander feels those tendrils wrap around him, and sees the enclosure forming. It's enough to snap him out of his pain-induced state, and he hurls himself away, trying to avoid entrapment. Instead, he slams into the walls of his prison, and beats at them with his fists. "Aidan! Rekani!" His eyes are wide, and he stabs at the prison with the knife - static electricity fits and sputters around him, but even Alexander isn't crazy enough to try and call lightning in an enclosed space. Instead, he rages at the sphere with knife and curse.

Rekani is scrambling himself, the wrench waves around uselessly as tendrils wrap around him, until the cage seems to form, trapping him now too. In a fit of frustration, flailing with the only weapon he had known to have even as a child, Rekani pushes his hands out in two directions, mind lashing out laterally, pushing, trying to break the bubble by stressing it from both ends.

Rekani spends a luck point. Reason: Roll bonus

<FS3> Rekani rolls Alertness+Wits: Success (6 5 2 2 1) (Rolled by: Lilith)

<FS3> Alexander rolls Athletics+Brawn (8 7 5 5 4 3 3) vs Dark Energy Conduction (a NPC)'s 5 (8 8 7 6 5 3 2)
<FS3> Victory for Dark Energy Conduction. (Rolled by: Lilith)

<FS3> Rekani rolls Physical+1 (8 8 8 8 8 8 6 4 4 3 2 2 2) vs Feeder Box (a NPC)'s 10 (8 7 7 6 6 5 3 3 2 1 1 1)
<FS3> Victory for Rekani. (Rolled by: Lilith)

Aidan cries out again when his Spirit snaps back at him like that, as the flesh of his forearms parts and and bleeds, and his arms wrap around himself again automatically, pressing the wounds against a t-shirt that is unlikely to recover from this encounter. At least it was clean. Was clean.

The pain both shatters and sharpens his thoughts, unpleasant but familiar, and he takes a deep breath to try to calm himself, eyeing the strange grey forms. They don't look very flammable right now and fire in here seems-- no. And he doesn't want it coming back. Doesn't want another slash coming back. Another of those breaths, and he manages a wobbly smile for the... things. "Hey," he greets them, "uh, nice to meet you? I'm Aidan." It never works. It never works. Though he's never tried making who- or what-ever it was feel that feeling of well-disposed friendliness along with it before.

<FS3> Aidan rolls Mental (7 7 7 6 5 5 5 5 4 3 3) vs Creepy Things That Might Not Have Feelings (a NPC)'s 8 (8 8 7 7 5 5 2 2 1 1)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: Lilith)

<FS3> Aidan rolls Mental (8 8 8 7 7 6 6 4 3 3 3) vs Creepy Things That Might Not Have Feelings (a NPC)'s 8 (8 8 5 5 5 4 3 2 2 1)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Aidan. (Rolled by: Lilith)

Oh, Alexander. It's natural what he does, it's no surprise that he hasn't quite made the correlation between the pain and that knife slashing at what comes for him, what contains him, but survival instincts are innate and it's not like he has time to think about it. No animal likes a cage and instinct is to lash at the confines to test the boundaries, first thing. It's not unlike what Aidan did, he just has a weapon. But the same pain happens in jolt, blackening not just the veins, but his WHOLE BLADE ARM with shoot upward. It's like being zapped and absorbing something painfully foreign at the same time.

The pain is pain and the blackness of flesh is alarming, but it's not the problem, it's just what the man wrought trying to remove himself from the situation. Immediately after, silence breaks inside the mentalist's bubble. All the noise goes IN to Alexander's head, like all of the outside world getting in. There's no mental defenses in this box once it slams into too much emotion and feeling. It's a lot like being in a mental fuckery box where you're DROWNING in the feelings of other moments, other times, other people.

The whole enclosure for Alexander is one huge residue of life that he's steeped in and it's horrible. It's horrible. It's double horrible because of who Alexander is, maybe. All those crimes and traumas he follows and reads and researches and KNOWS stab him like a thousand screaming knives. It's the victims. It's the suffering of every victim he's seen.

Rekani isn't going down without a fight himself. Like the other two men, he wants to fight the boundaries of this cage, and it's instinct. But once he's trapped and has that moment to orient and lash out, he takes a moment to really dissect what he's inside of, everything has a weak point, doesn't it? This thing does, the laws of physics are skewed, it's powered by dark energy and shadow, maybe, but it's also a solidly powered construct where all those filaments have come together, it seems.

He pushes. He doesn't just power-push with snap out of telekinesis to break free, but he aims at what he takes a moment to FIND, which is good. He feels the enclosure buzz with static and start warping outward with the pressure of it, threatening to snap, perhaps. It almost feels like a success, but it just bows outward in the end. That means it's weaker, right? He's doing it, right?

Something drops from above. It's a tied package that drops with a soft thud and it's ticking inside.

Aidan. His enclosure has already been tested to bloody result ahead of the other two and there's THINGS crawling out of the floor, like sick grey faceless mannequins made of putty and mutations. It's not okay. It's just NOT okay, they feel like a threat while locked in this small space of torture in the middle of a Dark Void Land. But does he lash out again? No. Aidan does what a straight spiritualist wouldn't, he tries to find some string of empathy to manipulate into what he wants them to feel, what he hopes to exude. But do these things even have a brain or feelings at all?

Three more start to rise and crawl up with formation out of that sickly floor while the first two creatures... stop. They stop after their first arm-reached step toward Aidan. Their weird little mis-shapen heads cock, as if considering what to DO with this good will or whatever it's making them uh. Feel? It's really hard to tell. It doesn't feel right to Aidan, exactly, because they aren't human so their minds aren't... it's just weird. But they're stopping while the others crawl up behind and stop too.

Then there's stillness. Silence. Stillness. Silence.


<FS3> Alexander rolls Composure (8 8 6 4 1) vs Sob Like A Child (a NPC)'s 5 (8 7 5 5 4 3 2)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Alexander. (Rolled by: Alexander)

Think. Fucking. Fast. Rekani's eyes balloon as he sees that package, so concentrating on exerting his mind on those week points he feels. Think fucking fast, boy. His eyes go to like six different placed, then he reaches a hand down, unsnaps the belt to his fanny pack and pulls it off, unzipping the opening and holding it as far open as he can. He slaps that shit down over the package, attempting to scoop it up, then shoves the opening of the Bag of Holding against the nearest weak point he can get to. He was giving himself a headache with as many things as he was pushing his mind to do, but he tries to at least put a buffer of telekinetic energy between his face and body and the bag. He'd never had something explode in it before, BUT IT WAS WORTH A FUCKING SHOT.

Alexander recoils from the pain on instinct, reeling back to the center of the box. But it's only when the rest starts - when all those things that cling to him tear through his defenses, and suddenly he's a child again, drowning in fear and anger and trauma and not even knowing how to process it, much less fight it. There's a moment when the knife comes up, and the blade turns towards his own face in panicked instinct, like he could silence the horrors by plunging into his head and stopping it at the source.

But he's not a child anymore. And Alexander knows horror. It's an old friend. And, in some ways, the reeling, keening mental overload gives him something to grab onto, something to think about that breaks him out of the cycle of strike and react. He crouches in the center of the sphere, and breathes, not so much fighting the feelings as letting them flow through him. Life sucks. He knows that, and so he just accepts that truth and looks past it. Tries to counter it, with emotions of his own, dredged out of the memories he clings to. He reaches out with his mind, trying to counter trauma with peace, pain with love, hate with joy.

<FS3> Rekani rolls Physical: Amazing Success (8 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 4 3 1) (Rolled by: Lilith)

<FS3> Rekani rolls Physical+3 (8 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 4 4 3 3 1 1) vs Fanny Pack Explosion (a NPC)'s 6 (8 8 6 5 5 4 4 3)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Rekani. (Rolled by: Lilith)

Is-- is it working? Aidan's brows lift a tiny bit, then a tiny bit further, as the creatures stop. His own head cocks slightly as theirs do, partly his own curiosity and partly the sort of subconscious mirroring humans sometimes do, particularly when they're aiming for rapport. And if there's more of them, well, they seem to be stopping too. Maybe... maybe there's potential here?


He blinks, and the tilt of his head gains a couple degrees before he nods. "Are you hurt?" he asks, and sends a tendril of his focus out across them and the enclosure surrounding them, assessing, well, general health and state of being. "I could try to heal someone, if I know who's hurt. Are you stuck here too?" Maybe they like it inside this thing, but... maybe not? It's only then that it occurs to him that... "Unless you were offering? Because if you can, I would-- that'd be really nice of you."

<FS3> Alexander rolls Mental (8 7 6 5 5 5 4 2 2 2 2 1) vs Feeder Box (a NPC)'s 10 (8 8 8 8 7 6 5 4 3 3 3 2)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Feeder Box. (Rolled by: Lilith)

Alexander spends a luck point. Reason: Reroll!

<FS3> Alexander rolls Mental (8 7 6 6 5 4 2 2 2 1 1 1) vs Feeder Box (a NPC)'s 10 (8 7 7 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Alexander. (Rolled by: Lilith)

<FS3> Aidan rolls Spirit (8 8 8 7 6 6 6 5 4 4 3 2) vs Wtf Are These Things (a NPC)'s 8 (8 8 7 5 4 4 4 3 3 2)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Aidan. (Rolled by: Lilith)

<FS3> Alexander rolls Alertness+Glimmer (8 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 1) vs Outside The Feeder Box (a NPC)'s 6 (8 7 4 4 3 2 2 1)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: Lilith)

<FS3> Alexander rolls Alertness+Glimmer (8 7 7 7 6 6 5 5 2) vs Outside The Feeder Box (a NPC)'s 6 (7 6 6 3 3 3 3 2)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Alexander. (Rolled by: Lilith)

<FS3> Rekani rolls Alertness+Glimmer (7 6 6 3 1 1) vs Outside The Feeder Box (a NPC)'s 6 (6 5 5 5 3 3 3 3)
<FS3> Victory for Rekani. (Rolled by: Lilith)

<FS3> Aidan rolls Alertness+Glimmer (8 7 6 5 5 2 1 1) vs Outside The Feeder Box (a NPC)'s 6 (8 8 6 5 3 3 1 1)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: Lilith)

<FS3> Aidan rolls Alertness+Glimmer (7 7 6 5 5 4 4 1) vs Outside The Feeder Box (a NPC)'s 6 (8 6 6 6 3 2 2 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Outside The Feeder Box. (Rolled by: Lilith)

---- Alexander ----

Inside his personal torture chamber, Alexander is having a time of keeping it together with such visceral mental assault and the pain in his blackened arm. For all intents and purposes, it appears to be hanging dead weight with sick shadowy blackness after the two lashes with the blade at something conductive he couldn't take time to understand. The mental assault doesn't stop at first, it feels like it might, but it doesn't. It backpedals and comes in again, this time with all the sick-minded rages and violences of the enactors TO the victims he was feeling before, bidding more and more out of his mental defenses when he starts to push back.

If it was hard to make light in the grieved and pained Darkness assaulting his mind, it's even harder once that changes, how do you muster it with those vengeful emotions and sick desires to HURT coursing through your very blood? If he reflects (and lives), it might be possible for him to relate to how Lilith explains she feels without meaning to, why she acts how she acts in combat, but for differing reasons. Urges. Urges. She's not a psychopath, but Alexander knows plenty of them from his hobbies. These are deadly urges, torturous urges that crave blood and scream for the adrenaline thrill or to sate some vengeance inside.

His nose bleeds. He bids light. He bids warmth from within, from all the places made to care, all to fight back. It's starting meagerly, but sometimes, all you need is a spark to see your way through. As the emotions start to dim to more tolerable levels, he thinks he notices the energy and sturdiness of the tinted bubble enclosure fading as light rises outside of it. It's weakening. His box isn't the physical construct to break down from the inside like Rekani's is. It's not who Alexander is and he clings to that.

---- Rekani ----

Inside Rekani's enclosure, the man has a very, very quick choice to make. He has blown powerful, physical force from the inside with telekinesis to try and force release and he has damaged his structure, he knows it. One more snap of TK that's lucky enough to hit where it should with enough force might well be the thing he needs. But there's a wrench thrown in the gears when that ticking, cardboard and paper tied package drops onto the floor from who knows where. It sounds just like a bomb. It might be a clock, it might be a ruse, it might be... well, a fucking bomb and he's in a very small enclosed space at the moment. Priorities?

Think fast. The only way out is through? God, why do people SAY that so much?

Rekani thinks fast in a panic and unsnaps that altered Endless Fanny Pack (tm). The package goes in like it's being swallowed, it fits with no bulging, but despite being in that container, the ticking grows louder. And louder. And louder. Rekani's physical shield snaps up to protect him with so much damned force. So much force. It's amazing how much power denizens of Gray Harbor can muster.

(Is that the point of all of this?)

The fanny pack explodes with tremendous force and all of the items inside that uncanny fanny holder fly out like missile projectiles. They go AROUND the man's shield of repelling force like a bubble of his own design and SLAM into the enclosure confines. There's soda cans, a bluetooth speaker, bags and boxes of snacks exploding with the impact to throw food stuffs around, tinkering tools, and... ladies well know the more you can fit into a purse, the more you'll put in it. Seems to be that way with Rekani's fanny pack too.

Of all things to free the man and break down the enclosure, it's a damned two liter of Mountain Dew saved for a stoner craving that hits a weakened bow-point to tip and finalize the force of the explosion. As the construct melts down into the floor, the man can see the Void space like he couldn't before. There's a wall in the rising ambient glow and in that wall is a door. But Alexander and Aidan are still trapped.

---- Aidan ----

Aidan is still trying to manage sharing his enclosure with others that are... multiplying. Another creature without a face and misshapen grey putty limbs crawls out of the floor to stand with the four others standing still and looking at the man while he looks at them with communication attempts. He's not just looking at them, though, while trying to understand, he's looking INTO them to see what they are, how they're made, if he can even know them enough to heal them at all. Remember what happened Aidan? Remember what happened last time you and August tried to heal something you didn't understand?

Aidan might just remember that unwittingly, because he takes time to dissect them into components with his alternate way of seeing and it's bad. It's real bad. If he had reached into one of those to start tinkering with whatever energies and forces comprise them in this dark space, despite what looks like a bartering peace treaty, he KNOWS what might happen. It's possible to do, sure, that's the hook of it that would let someone reach into those vaguely humanoid shapes, the idea that they're just familiar enough to the concept of people to set RIGHT again.

What he sees is kinetic semblance of molecules that are made of darkness and blue unnatural fire to simulate something that seems close to living. Oh, they WANT healed, but once that happens, he'll make a monster out of them or himself and there'd be no escaping one way or the other. If he reaches in, it clings to him, if he feeds them, they grow.

Heal. Heal? Heal. Heal!

Reaching for him, they start shambling approach. Aidan thinks he hears an explosion, but he's unwitting of the light lifting in the Void outside of his very space because looking at these things from the inside is like looking into Shadowhell's Mouth.

Alexander is crying. He doesn't bother trying to wipe his eyes, or hide it - he's not breaking down into helpless sobs, and really, that's all he can ask for at the moment. But tears are flowing freely down his cheeks, and he is not, it must be said, a handsome crier. But, at the same time, he leans forward to place his hand, the one not still covered in dark agony all the way up to the shoulder, on the prison, and he can feel what he's putting out trying to counter the horrors being inflicted on him. He licks his lips and pushes harder, mustering all the good memories and bright feelings that he can as he calls out, raspy, "Mine is weakening! Are you both still alive?" Okay is out of the question. Alive might be doable.

Rekani was not about to leave a man behind, but... He didn't have another bomb, and that had taken a considerable amount of force. He looks at the door, then the bubble, and...he gets a weird idea. Touching the stuff clearly seemed to hurt people, so he didn't wanna do that, but... he'd never seen anything leave through the doorways besides people, so... Peering around himself, he tries to move to get Aidan's bubble between him and the door. He sets his feet, breathes, and puts his arms out wide... Then claps them toward eachother. His mind lashes out at the bubble around Aidan, trying to shove it from two directions, trying to get it to push into the doorway, but also possibly compress it so part of it may go through...

<FS3> Alexander rolls Mental (7 6 6 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1) vs Satiated Feeder Box (a NPC)'s 6 (8 7 7 6 5 4 3 2)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Satiated Feeder Box. (Rolled by: Lilith)

<FS3> Alexander rolls Mental (8 7 6 6 6 5 5 4 2 2 2 1) vs Satiated Feeder Box (a NPC)'s 6 (8 8 4 4 4 4 2 2)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Alexander. (Rolled by: Lilith)

Alexander spends a luck point. Reason: Reroll

<FS3> Aidan rolls Composure: Good Success (6 6 6 5 4 1 1) (Rolled by: Aidan)

<FS3> Rekani rolls Physical (8 8 8 8 6 6 6 5 5 2 1 1) vs Reverse Square Peg In The Round Hole (a NPC)'s 6 (7 7 3 3 2 2 1 1)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Rekani. (Rolled by: Lilith)

Aidan remembers what happened when he and August tried to heal the trash cyborg. He remembers it both vividly and viscerally, and it makes him feel unwell enough that there isn't that much farther for what exactly he finds to push it. This at least means the evening's ice cream continues to remain where he put it, still, despite the return of the earlier nausea. "I'm sorry, I can't-- that isn't something I can--" he starts, taking a breath and stepping back from them. He needs-- time to think, to figure out how to get out of here, to-- wait, was that an explosion he'd heard? What's going on out with the others? A flick of a glance to try to see what's outside, but the inside is much more imminent. How to buy time?

He moves his focus back to the minds of the nearing creatures and tries to wrap an illusion for them: a flash of light from the center of him up and outward, and as it dissipates, emptiness where he stood, where he stands as he tries to shift out of their way, and an image of himself standing out beyond the glass, instead.

<FS3> Aidan rolls Mental (8 7 7 6 4 4 3 3 2 1 1) vs That Which Sees With No Eyes (a NPC)'s 6 (7 6 6 5 4 3 3 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Aidan. (Rolled by: Lilith)

Alexander's hopeful spark of light pushing against all the horrors in his mind grows. The foothold expands like a cleansing that starts to wash through him and it gets less and less oppressive, all the torment slipping to dim echoes that are perpetual, but easier to know as foreign and contrived, not his own. It lets his own mental faculties take over, it lets him feel the light that life gives him, all his blessings among the curses, his friends, his lover Isabella (he had to come back, he promised not to die), the principles the man holds in honor and good for the sake of greater good.

He will not be taken, not like this. With a last mind-whip of fight, he feels the comfort of sudden silence and realizes a little after that moment... he's not trapped. His own enclosure has melted down into the floor with quickness, he's somehow worn it down from the inside HIS WAY. It's brighter, he can see the door, the wall and yes, there's still darkness all around, but he didn't just emit hope, he sees it now with his own two eyes.

Alexander also sees Rekani out of his bubble space too and forming up to THROW the still-trapped Aidan in his bubble with TK force. It's hard to see the man inside, but it's apparent that there's other figures in there with him, which is very much a problem. There's movement toward Aidan while those things inside seek him out with sudden insisting and fingers that are formlessly tapered like claws, "HEAL HEAL HEAL!" They have no mouths, but they don't need them, this isn't speaking and the way they see...

The way they see is EXACTLY how Aidan wants them to see HIM, right out of reach. They get confused. They stop, They start again, but in that moment, Rekani unleashes his aim and power and though there's no force of motion from the inside to move any of the enclosure's contents, Aidan feels the sickening inertia of movement without sensing movement, a lot like seasickness from velocity. When his enclosure hits the wall and 'door' it melts right into it and pitches the man out in tumble next to it, momentum finally catching up to leave him sitting stunned. And free. And door?

All three men are free and the way is clear. Aidan's body feels sick still, just from looking inside those things, like he has a shadow flu that's persisting, it's a sticky form of the same symptoms, but he's okay outwardly, the bloody forearms are flesh wound slashes that are clotting already. Alexander's dead arm is still black with pain and shadow, but at this point, do you slow down to take a look? Rekani's head is SPLITTING with pain after that last move and there's not only blood from his nose now, but his ears in trickle.

All around them, laughter tickles them like dust and moths and decay, it's disgusting feeling on a level that isn't physical.

It grows! It grows! More! More! More!

Oh no. What did they do? They did what they HAD to do, but what did they DO?

The next sentiments flood into their brain like ichor and it's clear this isn't a threat or a taunt, no. It's foreboding.

It's a promise.

We will keep feeding.
We will taste terror, rage, and despair.
We will keep growing.

We will see you again.

<FS3> Rekani rolls Composure (6 4 4 1) vs Rekani's Athletics (8 5 4 3 2)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: Rekani)

Alexander does not slow down to take a look. If he was even inclined in that direction, the laughter changes his mind, and the only thing he hesitates for is to see that the other two are getting out. And he stares a bit at Aiden's prison being hurled towards the door. There might even be a wince. But no one seems dead, so he runs, flat out and dead-armed towards what he hopes is out.

And it is. Alexander collapses back into the car with an unpleasant amount of inertia, landing on the arm - now nearly black with bruises. He recoils from that, slamming an elbow into the car horn, and then just huddling into the corner of the car. Now he sobs, cradling the arm, and feeling the chill of that place fight against the summer heat he's returned to. It doesn't warm him all the way through.

Rekani lets his eyes open slowly. They were bloodshot. The half-lidded look and the tight pinch of his brows and nose almost verbalize the amount of headache he has. He was already turning his face toward where he knew there was another bubble, one hand starting to lift like he was ready to go for another round for the third man. It wasn't a question. But... Alexander was free. That was good. The outward hand turns into a thumbs up. He takes a shaky step, then another. His arm comes up as he sniffles, running his fist and wrist under his nose to wipe away whatever was coming out of his nose. Had he started crying or some shit? He looks down at the bright crimson streak. Nope. Worry couldn't override the pounding in his head, no thoughts did the verbose DJ think to verbalize, everyone was out or free. Those steps carry him, foot in front of foot, until he's passing through the doorway into...

Neon lights, pumping bass, dancing women... Someone would probably scream.

Well, fuck, the Cabaret was the last place he wanted to be with a headache...

<FS3> Alexander rolls Cooking: Good Success (8 7 7 4 2 1) (Rolled by: Alexander)

The nausea rises higher at that feeling of movement but not movement, and the real Aidan the creatures can't quite see presses a hand against his mouth to prevent the ice cream from finally escaping -- closer this time, but just barely fought off before he finds himself tumbling free, confused, wounded arms wrapped around his head as he rolls into a small ball to hit the ground.

Almost immediately he starts scrambling both away and to his feet, though with slight favour to the former, unsure whether the creatures might still be after him; it's a relief to see the other men, who he quickly scans for obvious injuries. And finds them. "Thank you," he says, since he's pretty sure his very vague hope the grey things might break the container to get out at 'him' is not what happened, and he follows them toward and out the door. "Do you need--" is about as far as he gets before the disembodied words are flooding his mind, and shutting him right up.

It grows! It grows!

And an echo within from the past: "Remember that we wished to see you grow."

And he's lying on the couch again, sweating clammy sweat against the sudden heat of the summer air, and oozing clotting blood against the cushions. There's still some ice cream in that bowl, but somehow, it's kind of lost its appeal.


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