2020-11-14 - Hey. :taco: :star:

Gina just wanted delivery. Has no one informed her about grubhub?

IC Date: 2020-11-14

OOC Date: 2020-04-04

Location: Gray Harbor

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 5461


(TXT to Alexander) Gina : 🐱👤🐱 😒

(TXT to Gina) Alexander : ::taco emoji:: ::explosion emoji:: ::brain emoji:: ???

(TXT to Ravn) Gina : 🔪 🥞 . 🐦 🏃 🍕

(TXT to Gina) Ravn : Why YES waffles sound GOOD do I have to eat the bird

(TXT to Alexander) Gina : 🌿 🤯 🤢

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Gina : 🐦 😠 ! 🍕

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : Parrot wants angry pizza?

(TXT to Gina Ravn) Alexander : ::icecream emoji:: ::taco emoji:: !! ::heart emoji::

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Gina : 🙄

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : Hello Ravn. How are you? Do you want a waffletaco?

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : I am seriously considering drowning myself in the bathtub I don't have. But outside city limits because I promised de la Vega not to give him extra paperwork. 😜😜😜😜

(TXT to Gina Ravn) Alexander : Whhhhy would you drown yourself? And why don't you have a ::bathtub emoji::? Don't you bathe? I hope you bathe?

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Gina : wtf is a waffle taco

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Gina : + 🐦 + ignore 👮 they could use more work.

(TXT to Alexander Gina) Ravn : How many trailers do you think have space for TUBS? 😂 And, because once this fucking green cloud shit is over I'm gonna read back on the conversations I had this week and I'm gonna go kill myself and save y'all the trouble because I get STUPID when I get high and then I get WHINY and then I get GIGGLY and I don't know which is worse but I TALK way too much 🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰

(TXT to Gina Ravn) Alexander : It is the most wonderful thing. We have invented it, and we will make millions of dollars. Think a taco! Except, it's a waffle. And it has ice cream in it. ANd it is DEEP FRIED. We're gonna sell it to Easton, and be rich.

(TXT to Gina Ravn) Alexander : That's a lot of bunnies. I want to pet the bunnies.

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Gina : i think thats a chocotaco

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : THEY STOLE OUR FUCKING IDEA

(TXT to Alexander Gina) Ravn : I can't find the squirrel emoji I feel like

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : i want to go to france and have a chocotaco.

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : Why france? And why not our waffletacos? Support your local business!

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Gina : als you care way too much what other people think

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : Now I wanna go back to Marseilles and have boullabaise THANK YOU FOR THAT

(TXT to Gina Ravn) Alexander : ALEXANDER.

(TXT to Gina Ravn) Alexander : What is boullabaise? I could google, but I want hyou to tell me.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : Fish soup. I had the best on a small pier side tavern in Marseilles. With three guys from Provence who were gonna hitch-hike north while I was going south. And it was raining but we were outdoors.

(TXT to Gina Ravn) Alexander : That sounds lovely. Make me some.

(TXT to Alexander Gina) Ravn : Me? Cook? Might need to actually bury bodies in the woods. I'm not THAT single.

(TXT to Alexander Gina) Ravn : OK, I AM that single but I don't cook.

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : i can cook. hate cooking, tho. prefer to have other people make me food. half of why i settled on diner.

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : You're both sad. So sad. I learned how to cook.

(TXT to Alexander Gina) Ravn : I used to eat out ok.

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : actually pretty happy rn. shits better from a roof. would be better if i had pizza and ice cream but someone's being a bitch and not ordering me any

(TXT to Alexander Gina) Ravn : I STILL eat out. I eat at your bloody diner!

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : we cleaned up all the blood

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : wait, no, nvm. that was a dream

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : the diner gets a lot of bear attack dreams. idk why, theyre pretty defensive, not aggressive.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : Maybe they fear the omelette too.

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : literally no one is forced an omelette at gunpoint. you dont order it u dont get it. the omelettes a consequence of your bad choices.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : I'm so high strung. I lost all my filters. I tell people stupid shit I shouldn't tell ANYONE. Don't come near me, I'm gonna curl up and cry on you or something. Or eat everything in your pockets.

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : thats why you shouldn't keep secrets. look at me, i'm an open book. i'm not gonna regret shit.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : Like I got any secrets from you anyway, psychic chick.

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : alexander are you really going to make waffletacos because I want two of them. bring them to my roof.

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : She's not wrong about the omelettes. Everyone tells you not to get them. If you avoid good advice, that's on you. But otherwise, I am laughing so hard. SO HARD. Gina you might be a book but you're written in Latin. Backwards! And I might make waffletacos, but it involves moving and I don't wanna.

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Gina : its not like I want to learn about people's shit. they just shove themselves on me.

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : It's true. I know so many things I don't even ask about.

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : People are shovey.

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Gina : i like boxing rings

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : Hey, I ATE my fucking omelette. I took my punishment. And Gina picks shit right out of the air aroudn people, not our bloody fault. I didn't wander up and tell her hello beybeh wanna know everything about me

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : boxing rings are so focused. you can just lie down and all you feel is hits and determination. great detox

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : why did you eat the fucking omelette?

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : Because I ordered it because I was curious

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : um no i dont, ravn. you ALSO kept bugging me for a card reading. and i can't pick it if its not there. not my fault most people dont notice obvious shit

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : You make poor choices. And Gina lies down in boxing rings.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : I was trying to find out if you were a fraud. Professional interest. I'm a fraud.

(TXT to Gina Ravn) Alexander : Most people are. It's okay.


(TXT to Gina Ravn) Alexander : Gina is smart.

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Gina : 🐈

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : 😡

(TXT to Gina Ravn) Alexander : Gina is not a cat.

(TXT to Gina Ravn) Alexander : I do kind of want to pet her hair, though.

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Gina : its pretty soft. not quite silky, but pretty close. i take good care of my hair

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : Oh, that sounds nice.

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Gina : i keep considering maybe dying it navy blue, but i like the purple. grew out of changing it every six months. rly helped to keep it healthy, not dyeing it all the time

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Gina : why havent you dyed your hair alex

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : Why would I dye my hair? It's brown. Brown is nice.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : I dye mine

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : dont you ever want it to be something else? or be browner?

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : youd look good with a few dark green highlights. maybe just green on the sides. you should buzz your sides and make them green

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : Noooo. I want to be exactly what I am and nothing else. And it can't exactly be browner than it is. WHY GREEN?

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Gina : birdboy should just grow his out permanently and learn to condition. put it in a ponytail.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : Used to dye mine black. Woulda gone blue except my mum would have screamed for a decade


(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : thats lame, alexander. growth is change.

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : it was a shitty dye job. i was doing better when i was thirteen.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : Well, you weren't there to show me. I had to figure it out myself. And when you WERE THERE ALL YOU DID WAS COMPLAIN.

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : says the rude boy who got up in my face because i sat on a fucking bench.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : my fucking bench

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : entitled af.

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : I feel like I'm missing part of the conversation.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : Har har har. Never heard that one before.

(TXT to Gina Ravn) Alexander : DId I fall asleep?

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : Sorry. There was a dream. That was kinda real and not kinda real.

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : anyway alex bcuz youre pretty down to earth, so green with your already dark hair will make it look browner and still vibe. how is that not obvious??

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : Gina was in my home when I was seventeen. It didn't happen. But we both remember it.

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : why do people not get obvious shit.

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : You want to make me into a dryad is what I'm hearing. And when you do, you will cut my skin and get high on my blood.

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : I know how this works.

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Gina : fuck no, dryads are catty bitches and too clingy

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : I'm not clingy.

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Gina : exactly. your not a dryad

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Gina : hunter theme works for you, though.

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : I'm not. That's true. I don't want camohair. I do want to know more about you and Ravn oh this is the date! THe one without making out! I remember this!

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Gina : thats why the little alexander doll has the sherlock hat AND the ammo vest. it was hard to find one of those little vests doll-sized.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : There was no fucking date, that was the whole point. Our parents just thought we should 'meet' and maybe we'd 'make friends' and 'my son is totally not gay'.

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : rly not a dat

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : my mom just needed a prop to show how benevolent she was.

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : You don't actually have an Alexander doll. Although it sounds cool. Cute. I like it. And I hear that. My parents tried to arrange some pity dates when I was a kid.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : made me consider being gay.

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : i like having dolls of people I can tolerate. that way if they become untolerable i dont have to worry about going to jail.

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : ::blush emoji:: You tolerate me? That's so nice!

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Gina : you tell funny stories. and you jump and get spazzy a lot. its entertaining.

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Gina : still want to hear the end of that 1993 murder case you were telling me about.

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : I like that you think my stories are funny. I find your general misanthropy with bizarre flashes of compassion to be charming. Oh! That one! Yes. It was a creative use of a food processor.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : I find her bloody annoying.

(TXT to Gina Ravn) Alexander : Creative but also kind of stupid. Food processors aren't rated for bones. Raaaaavn, annoying is part of her charm.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : Can tell it's not you she's got blackmail material on.

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : wtf would i blackmail you? i give like, no shits. take your mommy issues somewhere else plz

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : They're not fucking mommy issues. They're fucking women issues.

(TXT to Gina Ravn) Alexander : Why? Women are nice?

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : Sure. As long as they decide to not be women about things.

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : based on your mom being a bitch. my mom wasnt exactly a prize but i don't go around trash talking other peoples marriages.

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : (...)

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : I'm not trash talking anyone's marriage.

(TXT to Gina Ravn) Alexander : Ravn. I feel like we're getting to the core of some deep issues here. What happened?

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Gina : yeah, ur not, thatd be what I would do if I let my mommy issues get like yours.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : ... I hate you and the smug pony you rode in on.

(TXT to Gina Ravn) Alexander : ::frowny face emoji::

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Gina : actually a unicorn. Veil shit is good for putting things in perspective. great free therapy

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : WAIT

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : I have questions. VERY IMPORTANT QUESTIONS.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : there's not enough pot in gh for this

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : i kind of miss molashura. he was p. fucking great and just wanted ground meat a lot. ??

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : Why do other people get Veil unicorns and fairies and shit while I only get my parents trying to turn me into a cannibal and everyone I love wanting to kill me?

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : WHY IS THAT FAIR

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : same reason I get a pain disorder and people thinking it's hilarious that I don't know what the fuck to do with my life

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : dude im a mover. I used to drop into the veil whether i wanted to or not. chances are you only get dragged in when somebody's hungry.

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : not everything in the veil is bad. some are just living their weird af lives.

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : its all dangerous, tho. that parts true. but i mean, any kid on the street could stab you if they wanted to

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : its all bad

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Gina : i'll take you to meet Our Lady of Penultimate Feasts one day if i give a fuck again. she's p. awesome. you just cant finish what she puts on your plate. v. important.

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : what happens if you finish? Can Ravn come? I feel like he's better at feasts.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : I don't do parties.

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : ...srsly? you become the ultimate feast. why do you think she's feeding ppl for free?

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : I definitely don't do parties with Unseelie Sidhe.

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : but beyond that shes not so bad. i used to take lunches there in middle school a lot.

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : I feel like this is not a good place to dine. I don't WANT to be a cannibal.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : just stay the fuck away from the sidhe ok

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : trust the fucking folklorist for once

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : shit, that's what you are

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : Gina's a fucking sidhe

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : I need more wine.

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : i'm not sidh, they're not sidh. though maybe they inspired them. they're just over there. and she wouldn't make you eat people. shes too greedy

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : I don't know what a sidhe is.

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Gina : european-style legolas-faeries.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : Celtic faerie. Can be good or at least not bad. Very alien. Has its own rules. Thinks like a lawyer.

(TXT to Gina Ravn) Alexander : Oh. Yes. Yes, that's what Gina is.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : will absolutely fucking screw you over and say 'but you agreed to it when you stepped into my realm didn't you read the EULA'

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : god, this is why i hate talking to newbies.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : no one forced you to text me

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : i only wanted someone to bring me food. i don't want to leave the roof.

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : You don't hate it, Gina. You tolerate us! <3

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Gina : i tolerate you, alexander. ravn i have mixed feelings about.

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : I also want someone to bring me food. I am laying on the floor because the carpet is nice.

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Gina : guess youre the only one left, birdboy

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Gina : i'll take pizza or thai food.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : You know, I wanted to like you. Because we have a lot in common. I tried. Get your own damn food.

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : thats one reason your life sucks so bad, birdboy. you want to like people and you want ppl to like you. When you give that up, shit becomes a lot easier.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : good point

(TXT to Gina Ravn) Alexander : Ravn. Are you okay?

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : Gina gets off on pissing me off.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : Doesn't mean she's not right, but it still pisses me off.

(TXT to Gina Ravn) Alexander : Yes. But. Lay down, look up at the sky, and watch the clouds. THey're beautiful.

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Gina : I mean you're such a pile of triggers I might as well enjoy it, otherwise I'd just have to avoid you, and fuck if i'm leaving a room for anybody.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : Hey, I can eat somewhere else. No big deal.

(TXT to Gina Ravn) Alexander : Gina. Be nice.

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Gina : (picture of a night sky - it must be far from town, there's very little light pollution.Just a dark expanse of black with light pinpricks. it's not crystal clear, but damn good for a phone camera)

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : I want to crawl inside that picture.

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Gina : being nice involves me knowing weird people shit. i do not have a metric for anything but fucked up. but skies are always nice.

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : I feel you.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : Screw that. Being polite to people doesn't cost you anything. I manage. You're just lazy.

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : im sorry, you of all ppl should know politeness is contextual af

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : Ravn, what would you like to see Gina do?

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : No, it ISN'T. You can be polite to someone even if you think they're an asshole. Instead of needling them constantly, trying to see if you can find the chinks in their armour. That's not contextual. That's just toying with people because it passes the time.

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : so whats politeness to you?

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : Gina doesn't have to do anything for me, Alexander. I'm just calling her out on pretending she's all sunshine.

(TXT to Gina Ravn) Alexander : i don't think Gina has ever been sunshine. Radiation, maybe?

(TXT to Ravn Alexander) Gina : this is going to sound like a low blow, but this is a srs question for you, ravn. wtf is politeness to you? bcuz i bet your mom was a master of etiquette and you hate her. and i know ppl always felt good around my mom and she was a disaster wearing pearls.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : Politeness to me means... Not being a dick. Be respectful, or at least, don't be disrespectful. Mind your own business. Don't get up in people's affairs unless they ask you to be.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : Etiquette and polite has nothing to do with each other. People can stab each other to death with etiquette but it doesn't make them polite.

(TXT to Gina Ravn) Alexander : I'm not polite. 🙁 I'm sorry.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : My rules, for me. Doesn't mean everyone else has to follow them.

(TXT to Gina Ravn) Alexander : But you're angry at Gina for not.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : Pretty adamant on the 'don't be a dick' part though.

(TXT to Gina Ravn) Alexander : I'm a dick professionally.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : No. I'm angry at Gina because she tries to make me follow -her- rules. Also, snerk.

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : its cool. the rules are bullshit, not even he follows them. this is really more about him, not me. so w/e.

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : Gina isn't bad. Ravn isn't bad. You should get along.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : This is literally why I don't date. Always ends right there. I'm a woman, nothing is my fault, everything should be exactly as I want it. Can I be dropped out of this, please? My life's too short for this brand of smug.

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : you don't need to play peacekeeper, alexander. 🌮 birdboy and I just have radically different coping mechanisms. plus i've always owned im a bitch. nor have i ever said i don't like poking people where it hurts. but i'm not a fan of being piled with other people's bullshit, so w/e again. peace birdie

(TXT to Ravn Gina) Alexander : ::taco emoji:: ::broken heart emoji:: ::sad face emoji::

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : Wait, so it's cool for you to poke people where it hurts but it's not cool for them to get mad about it. Yeeeep. That sounds about right.

(TXT to Alexander Ravn) Gina : oh no, they can be mad about it all tthey want. but piling their shit on my door? or wanting me to change? i might be a bitch, but ive never fucking asked ppl not to be the special little shits they are. at least not srsly. I point out if theyre delicate snowflakes just like they point out when i'm being a cunt about something, but the only change i ask from ppl is for them to deal or gtfo. I don't ask people to change.

(TXT to Alexander) Gina : its for the best. ppl dont like being outed on their bullshit, not if they havent accepted it yet. want me to drop u from this? promise i won't murder him.

(TXT to Gina) Alexander : I just don't know why these always start fun and turn sad. I'm sorry. I will make you both waffletacos at some point.

(TXT to Alexander) Gina : because lowered inhibitions make people reveal their true selves, and nobody likes the moment they realize theyve been seen. bonus of being me, i've always made my thoughts fucking clear as daylight. but i want two waffletacos. one better be chocolate. dark chocolate. the good stuff.

(TXT to Gina) Alexander : I'm sure I have some sort of chocolate.

(TXT to Gina Alexander) Ravn : I'm pretty sure that YOU texting ME to rile me up doesn't count as ME piling my shit at YOUR door. Anyhow, I'm going to regret this hard enough when we get off this high that I'm just going to drink the rest of this wine and pass out. Peace.

(TXT to Alexander) Gina : i really did just want somebody to bring me food and to send sky pictures too, tho. he hates me a whole lot more than i wanna provoke him. and im serious, you dont need to play peacekeeper, clayton.

(TXT to Alexander) Gina : i don't need anyone to justify me to him later. you're a nice guy, you might try.

(TXT to Gina) Alexander : Sky pictures are nice. I'm sorry he hates you.

(TXT to Alexander) Gina : (another picture of the sky, this one with the moon on it, just a little blurry. night filters must be on! there's also some treetops) he hates himself more than he does me. that's why it's w/e. its very good hes not stronger, or they would've had a field day with him. prolly better he keeps hating me instead. good survival mechanism.

(TXT to Gina) Alexander : ::attached pic: It's a scruffy looking backyard in the Elm neighborhood, that much is obvious, but the phone is pointed up through a window, giving another angle on that moon, and reddish clouds with only a few patches of black, here and there::

(TXT to Alexander) Gina : im waiting for more clouds to come. keep hoping there will be a storm. i love storms. (another picture, this one from an impossibly high perspective if she wasn't a physicalist, showing trees heading towards a rocky beach - it's not far, someone could probably triangulate her location based on which part of the Harbor it is. there's dark water and sky and the moon.)

(TXT to Gina) Alexander : Storms are nice. I like the way the air smells right before the clouds break open and all the rain tumbles down. That staticky wet smell. It rains a lot here, but we don't have all that many proper storms. You should go to the lookout point. If no one's having sex there, there's a great view of the town and the Harbor.

(TXT to Alexander) Gina : more a fan of how it feels when the storm's on us. nice thing about the beach is it always sort of feels that way. also probably won't care if someone is having sex at lookout point as long as they don't get in the photo. Not a bad idea, though.

(TXT to Gina) Alexander : I find that they tend to scream and flail a lot if you knock on the windows. Even if all you want to know is if they saw someone else. Ruins the mood, I guess. But yes, the ocean is nice. Isabella took me diving once. It was amazing. So quiet.

(TXT to Alexander) Gina : i'm more comfortable near the woods, but best part about the pnw is the beaches are right up against the woods. no waiting. you still googoo eyed over that one?

(TXT to Gina) Alexander : Now all you need is a woods UNDER the ocean. ANd breathing apparatus. Or gills! I think it would be interesting to have gills. And yes. I love Isabella. ::heart emoji::

(TXT to Alexander) Gina : weirdly, not a situation i've been in. woods beneath the ocean, i mean. ive had gills before. but props to you for finding a human being you can like and tolerate. you going to do the December thing?

(TXT to Gina) Alexander : December thing?

(TXT to Alexander) Gina : roen. he went legal with it.

(TXT to Gina) Alexander : Oh! No. Isabella can't stay, and I can't leave. And she deserves better than to be legally bound to a crazy person. I'm just happy she's here.

(TXT to Alexander) Gina : least you both know it from the start.

(TXT to Gina) Alexander : (...)

(TXT to Alexander) Gina : speaking of shit i don't know about, whats up with joey and rosencratzs bf?

(TXT to Gina) Alexander : Javier? I think they had a falling out.

(TXT to Alexander) Gina : (...) (backspacing...) (...)

(TXT to Alexander) Gina : think I'm a little high.

(TXT to Gina) Alexander : We're all very, very high, Gina. I don't usually roll around on my carpet like a cat, but that's why I'm doing riiiight now. But you should get somewhere comfy. And roll around on things.

(TXT to Alexander) Gina : i mean you should anyway, its fun. or get new carpet. i read on the carpets all the time. but think i'll head home.

(TXT to Gina) Alexander : I think you're right. I will roll around on things more often. DOn't die! ::smiley face emoji::

(TXT to Alexander) Gina : srsly, people are too caught up in shoulds and shouldn't. half the mystery of me is gone when you realize i just do what I feel like half the time. later clayton


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