2021-06-01 - The Tower of Rabble

Four veterans enter the strange lighthouse that appeared on the coast. An ambush ensues. The time is set. The beacon goes dark.

Content Warning: Combat

IC Date: 2021-06-01

OOC Date: 2020-08-15

Location: Before the Lighthouse

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 5916


The lighthouse was strange, there was no denying it. Part of that strangeness was it just suddenly coming on one day. There's no telling how long it had taken to be built or how long it had been there, no one really came out this way. What could be noted was when the light had come on. It was a distinct color. Usually the type of long lasting lamps that a lighthouse had were white with a tinge of yellow, either from the illuminater or just how long something had been in service getting dirty and cloudy by heat and the forces of the sun's UV's.

This light was different. It was tinged with blues and slight purples, and anyone that Glimmered could see it from miles away. They could feel it through the trees even when it was occluded. It called. It spoke directly to the power of each Glimmerer's mind. It was familiar. Anyone that dreamed or had stepped across knew this feeling. It belonged to the Veil. The light was brought through and sent out.

Why? Well if it were just that easy to know why, people wouldn't show up to investigate...

The outside of the lighthouse was ramshackle up close. Inspection seemed to give one the sense of impossibility, because it was not poured of concrete, built of stone, or even constructed of metal. It was all of these things, but none of them the same. Rusted girders, broken stone, crumbling swaths of asphalt. This tower was incredible and terrifying in its haphazard form. There was no realistic way something like this should exist, and yet... It rises almost six stories into the air...

And there were no doors at all to be seen.

Not that August would have been able to resist such a thing on his own, but married to a woman like Eleanor, his arrival at the lighthouse is pre-ordained.

He parks a ways out, choosing to walk the last quarter mile rather than risk something like it falling on his damn car. (The way this month is going that's next up on the list.) He's dressed for an excursion, in his heavy hikers, a black squall jacket, denim jeans, and hefty flashlight. He's got his hunting knife as well, though has forgone the gun.

After hearing quiet comments that sound like some of the people he knows want to investigate the light house, Devlin decided to come on out. After all, he's got the aide bag. He pulls up in his Jeep parking where he notices August's vehicle.

Exiting the car, one can see he's wearing an old set of tiger stripe fatigues with a tactical vest over it and a pair well used of jungle boots. Gerber MK2 knife hanging off the web belt that is also holding a couple of canteens. A small day pack may hold some food for a fair guess. However, over his back is a medic's aide bag that happens to have a climbing robe tied to the back and fair guess he's got a few things like pitons and carabiners in the side pockets.

Well, what sailor can resist a lighthouse? Especially a Glimmering one. He's arrived on that rattletrap sidecar bike, and left it parked by August's car. Joe's also gone for that semi-martial look. He's in black fatigue pants, worn gray t-shirt, canvas jacket. He's got a heavy black waist pack at the small of his back, an ugly Glock holstered at one hip, and a hunting knife at the other. The knife's grip glows a soft green, as if he feared losing it in the dark.

He comes ranging up by the others and says, subdued, "God, this looks weird. I know that's a redundant thing to say in Gray Harbor, but..."

It's very clear to the three vets approaching this tower, having a look at it. There was something off about the feel of it. Not just the light. Maybe it was a trick of the mind, or maybe it was the similar powers the three men shared in matching levels...

The walls felt... Thin.

August looks back over his shoulder when he hears Devlin in the approach, gives him an upnod. "Heya." He scans this side of the lighthouse, keeping a healthy twenty feet from the base. "So. I'm pretty sure this wasn't always here."

A half-turn to verify it's Joe he's heard, then a laugh that's half-grunt. "Even around here, randomly appearing buildings is...kinda odd." He edges closer to the structure, starting a slow spiral in, looking for windows, signs of inhabitance...anything, really. No Glimmer, not just yet.

A cop car pulls up to the curb, a short while after Joe's climbed off his ridiculous bike and headed over to join the others. Black and unmarked; some flavour of American muscle flecked with dust and minor paint damage. The engine's killed, and a radio goes off as the bulky frame of a civilian-clad cop climbs out. He switches the thing off after a brief out of service message mumbled into it, and shoves it into the glovebox along with his badge and gun, and locks it.

After a brief glance over the lighthouse, de la Vega reaches for the other, non duty weapon stowed under his seat. Holsters it, slams his door shut, and trudges over to meet the others.

"Well, figured ol' Rod might be here. Would love to get his autograph." Devlin chuckles. He then nods a bit, "Yeah.. glimmering buildings that show up out of no where.. almost feels like a roach motel for us." He looks to the August and Joe. "Good to see you both here." And then he hears/sees the car that Ruiz exits, "Well, looks like some iron being packed." he gives the cop a nods.

Joe favors Ruiz with dimples at his arrival, albeit dimples hidden in that scruff-aspiring-to-beard like Viet Cong hidden in the jungle. "Hey, baby," he says, warmly. "Check this out. A whole goddamn buildin'. Am I crazy, or was this not here when I sailed in a year and a half ago?" He holds out a hand to the cop, but his gaze is even then drifting back to the improbable structure. To Devlin, he says, "I know plenty'a the threats that come through from the Other Side laugh off bullets...but on the other hand, now and again that ain't so."

The tower stands implacable. Sure, August could look for windows, and may even found some panes of glass, but there was nothing about this exterior that was anything but opaque. Besides the top, of course, the beacon signal continuing to slowly rotate, issuing it's white-blue-purple beam of a siren's call it seemed to put out.

August makes a face, shakes his head. "Not seeing an entrance." Or, not a 'normal' one. He licks his lips, raises a hand to try something--ah, but there's Ruiz. He tilts his head, thoughtful. "Hey, you're just in time." He nods at the building. "Wanna try giving this a read? Doesn't seem to be any windows or doors."

Javier's adjusting his cap as he comes up on the little gathering of vets. Which might strike him as strange in itself, if anything ever struck him as strange in this damned town anymore. He tugs it off to rifle knuckles through his dark curls briefly, then pulls the hat back on again, and offers a smile to the others that's more akin to a quick baring of teeth. "Can't speak for whether you're crazy, but no." He looks up at the thing. "Definitely wasn't here before."

Then August asks if he wants to try giving this a read, and he grunts something under his breath. Something that sounds like, "You ever fucking consider that might be because we're not supposed to go inside?" But he does, obligingly, start prowling a little closer to the thing. To take a look.

"Feels kind of thin around here.. might not be a door as we normally think of one." Devlin nods, "Yeah.. thought crossed my mind, Ruiz. And I had this feeling if I didn't show up, I'd definitely would have been needed. So hoping this is a wasted trip for me." He watches Ruiz take as look as he takes a moment on his own to attempt sensing to see if there is a door in this thin area.

So, of the four men here, one of them was never the boots on the ground type. One of them never walked patrol at night, skin crawling with expectation that something will come out of the dark, that ancient and visceral fear. And of course, that's the one that cups his hand to his mouth like he needs to be heard at the top of the structure and yells, "HEY! Anyone in there?" Like whatever thing might dwell there just needs to be jarred out of the nap it's taking. Joe's peering up, as if in expectation.

Ruiz can feel it. There are memories here. Every single item has memories...

A piece of sidewalk is clicked on, a heel heard, though the steps are light. She's singing to herself, dancing, in fact. Blond hair, angular face... Park?
Porcelain? A broken coffee cup, hands are scrubbing it. The whole one. Sometimes a manager has to do a thing themselves, lead from the front. Red hair, Espresso... Ruiz knew Eleanor well enough to spot her.
A chair leg, just the leg, but the whole piece of furniture had creaked as a man with one natural leg and one artificial had plopped down into it after a long night hosting people in his bar. Another familiar face. Easton.

The tower stands silent but for memories.

August's expression shifts to gratitude as Ruiz checks out the tower. He's well aware Ruiz would be far more inclined to put up DO NOT CROSS tape, assign a few squad cars, and call it done. August wants to know, however, and Ruiz is the one with the best mind Glimmer among them. So.

He starts at the sound of Joe's voice, turns a look of incredulity on him. Not that they'd been hiding, or anything, but-- "Well Cavanaugh, that's certainly one way to let them know we're out here." He sighs, waits for Ruiz's report, gives a nod for Devlin's suggestion in the mean time. "Come to it, we might have to do that."

Devlin's head just slowly turns to Joe looking at him for a moment and then back to the tower. He takes a slow inhale and exhale of breath. More alert than anything else now.

Pausing at the shout from Joe, the cop turns to fix the blond with a bemused look, bordering on mildly incredulous. Then turns back to finish his perusal of the tower. It's a moment before he informs the others that, "It looks like the thing's made out of.." He makes a noise like a huff. "..things that someone with the Shine has touched or used. I think. Never seen anything like it."

<FS3> Devlin rolls Physical+2: Good Success (8 7 6 5 5 3 3 1 1) (Rolled by: Abitha)

Aware that he's getting the 'Cavanaugh, you jackass' stare from each of them in turn, Joe has grace enough to look a little sheepish....and then offers them a guilty little grin. Like a Golden Retriever that's well aware Mom is about to discover just how much he tore up the carpet trying to get at the interesting smell underneath. He takes a tentative step closer, looking more at the surface of the wall than up at the light. "I wonder if it's what called me here," he says, softly. "Or a representation of the call that this place has for those who Shine."

Devlin comments, "Opening a door here would be easy. Almost too easy I think. Add in this memory thing.. sounds like a lot of opportunity for OH Cool, followed by a massive OH shit..."

August glances at Joe and Ruiz, nods at Devlin. "Well, let's have it. I don't think we're gonna find out anything out here."

With a shrug Devlin nods and then makes the last push to open the door, "Here goes nothing."

Some folk had been through Veil opened doors before, surely. They didn't usually open like this. Things creak and crack and bend and shudder, the whole tower seeming to rearranged itself to allow a hole to open. A machine thrum gently issues forth, and the space within seems deep, the pressure felt changing in everyone's ears as the opening yawns inward to a space that seems so much bigger than the tower itself. Immediately visible inside is more material, more trash, more collected things, though a quick look would convey the piles, though still seeming random and haphazard were at least organized by material, like metal, wood, stone, and the like.

He's brought his flashlight, and Joe clicks it on. "Jesus," he says, with a kind of low, reverent tone. He edges up to the door just opened, but he does not step through it. Busily directing the beam one way and then the other, blue eyes wide and curious. No more calling out to whomever might be resident. No, he's coming down on the side of deciding he'd rather not meet whoever might live there.

August watches the door open, taking half a step back like he means to dive clear. Nothing rushes out, so he relaxes, even steps forward and, like Joe, brings up his flashlight. "What the fuck," he murmurs. His expression tightens. "...hang on. This could be those little bastards. The gremlin...things. The ones stealign everything." He edges forward, leans in the door, looks up. "Have they been taking it all to build this? What the hell for?"

Devlin shrugs as he pulls his head band light out to turn on and put on his head. "No clue.. I don't get to all the fun that the rest of you do. But I am slowly building up my clue book. Shall we then?" he motions to enter on in.

<FS3> August rolls Alertness-4: Success (8 5 2) (Rolled by: Abitha)

<FS3> Devlin rolls Alertness-4: Failure (5 3 1) (Rolled by: Abitha)

<FS3> Joseph rolls Alertness-4: Good Success (7 7 6 ) (Rolled by: Abitha)

<FS3> Ruiz rolls Alertness-4: Success (7 5 4) (Rolled by: Abitha)

<FS3> August rolls Athletics: Good Success (7 7 7 2 2 2) (Rolled by: Abitha)

<FS3> Devlin rolls Athletics-4: Success (6 3 3 1) (Rolled by: Abitha)

<FS3> Joseph rolls Athletics: Great Success (8 8 7 7 6 2) (Rolled by: Abitha)

<FS3> Ruiz rolls Athletics: Failure (5 5 4 2 2 2 1) (Rolled by: Abitha)

It was a well laid ambush, which is par for the course when someone simply shouts, "Hello!" into the void. The exploring veterans get a few steps inside the room, the heaping piles of knick-knacks, refuse, and tchotchkes rising tall about them.

And then the firing starts.

It was like puffing pops, and then the sound of impacts and pings as solid slug rounds careen off the stacks they were walking by. Devlin was a little slow on the uptake, but somehow manages to get out of the way of a slug singing by his ear. Ruiz, however, even able to duck behind cover takes a glancing slice along a shoulder.

They could be seen now, the gremlins, their gangly little forms sheathed in variable styles of armor, cobbled together from all manner of metal, leather, even some things not quite recognizable. Some were aiming weird little firearms around from cover, some were crouching in wait holding wicked little hatchets and blades. The fight was joined.

<FS3> Joseph rolls Composure-3: Success (7 4 3 2 1) (Rolled by: Joseph)

It is his fault. The fact that the Veil and the creatures of Dream haven't previously used firearms against him and his friends doesn't meant he shouldn've expected that they could. They've certainly cropped up in Dreams before, even if in the form of pulse rifles. The sound of rounds zinging past him is enough to have a cascade of memory pop up - but this isn't a ruined village in Afghanistan, and he's not a man at the start of his thirties, not anymore.

But Joe's still swift enough to act, all but diving for cover behind what looks like a baby grand piano that was dropped keyboard first from a height...and yanking Javier with him. "Goddammit," he hisses. "This one's on me, guys. I'm sorry," he says, as he draws and checks to make sure there's one in the chamber....before he's yelling at the goblins, "What do you want?" The answer is probably 'your heads on pikes' but it can't hurt to see if there's negotiating that can be done.

Maybe Javier's getting slow in his old age. Or maybe he's a little too preoccupied with trying to make sure Joe's out of the way, before he himself is hauled behind a pile of junk. Whatever his excuse, he's rewarded with a crack of something across his shoulder, and snarls in pain. That's his favourite fucking leather jacket, jackasses. Pistol tugged out of its holster, he thumbs off the safety and tucks it in close to his body while he waits for a window to take his shot.

"Ah fuck.." as Devlin realizes they are under fire and Doc didn't notice the ambush, then again.. that is what Grunts are for. He drops into a defense stance and starts shifting a little to make himself more difficult to hit.

August's answer comes in the form of--well, they're not guns the way August thinks of them, but it's still an ambush, in a building, near a city. Twenty years of hyper vigilance has waited for this moment to be proven right, and the simple sound of that puff has him bolting for cover, pulling movement Art around himself in a shield. "Ruiz. You okay?" He can feel it, that wound, it's not bad, but it can't be great.

He pulls out his knife. "Not sure I'd bother, Cavanaugh. People that ambush seldom like to talk."

August uses Physical to create a self-shield.
First Pistol-Wielder attacks August with Pistol but hits the COVER they're behind.
Devlin uses Physical to create a self-shield.
Second Pistol-Wielder attacks Devlin with Pistol but MISSES!
Assault Rifle Wielder fires full-auto!
Assault Rifle Wielder attacks Ruiz with Smg and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Chest.
Assault Rifle Wielder attacks August with Smg but MISSES!
Assault Rifle Wielder attacks Devlin with Smg but MISSES!
Shotgun Wielder attacks Joseph with Shotgun and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Chest.

<FS3> Ruiz rolls Firearms-2: Success (7 6 4 4 4 4 3 3 3) (Rolled by: Abitha)

<FS3> August rolls Alertness: Success (8 6 5 4 3 2 1) (Rolled by: Abitha)

<FS3> Devlin rolls Alertness: Success (6 5 5 5 4 4 3) (Rolled by: Abitha)

<FS3> Joseph rolls Alertness: Good Success (8 6 6 5 5 1 1) (Rolled by: Abitha)

<FS3> Ruiz rolls Alertness: Success (7 7 5 4 3 2 1) (Rolled by: Abitha)

Bullets were whizzing by. It was almost eerie in the way the gremlins attacking the combatants did not speak at all. Joseph and Ruiz both get their own grazing hits in the chest as they get settled into their cover, though Ruiz is able to pop off a shot that knicks the shoulder of the one that seemed to have the better weapon with the automatic capabilities.

Everyone notices there was now one of the creatures charging out of cover, head down, running straight for them. It didn't hold a visible weapon like the rest, it was holding onto something, protecting it against its body as it runs.

<FS3> Joseph rolls Composure-4: Success (8 7 3 1) (Rolled by: Joseph)

They should be almost cute, these little creatures. Like something out of an old fantasy movie. The fact that they've cobbled together arms and armor from discarded items and trash doesn't make the round he takes any less painful....and Joe drops back, hissing in pain.

But the way that little one runs, the way it's got something cradled to it's chest...

They may be at the sea side with a cool breeze blowing in, a world away from the desert heat of Iraq....but a suicide bomber's recognizable, nonetheless. So he's reaching out frantically with his power, trying to slam something heavy into it, make the runner stop before he gets close enough to blow them all to hell.

<FS3> August rolls Physical (8 8 8 7 2 1 1 1) vs Running Back (a NPC)'s 2 (8 7 7 5)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for August. (Rolled by: Abitha)

<FS3> Joseph rolls Physical (7 6 4 4 3 2 2) vs Running Back (a NPC)'s 2 (8 5 5 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Joseph. (Rolled by: Abitha)

Ruiz attacks Assault Rifle Wielder with Pistol and HITS! Impaired wound to Chest. (Reduced by ARMOR)
August uses Spirit to alter Ruiz's Defense by 2.
Joseph attacks Shotgun Wielder with Pistol and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Head.
Devlin attacks Assault Rifle Wielder with Spirit and HITS! Impaired wound to Chest.
Assault Rifle Wielder fires full-auto!
Assault Rifle Wielder attacks Ruiz with Smg but MISSES!
Assault Rifle Wielder attacks August with Smg and NARROWLY MISSES!
Assault Rifle Wielder attacks Devlin with Smg and NARROWLY MISSES!
Shotgun Wielder attacks Joseph with Shotgun and NARROWLY MISSES!
Second Pistol-Wielder attacks Devlin with Pistol but hits the COVER they're behind.
First Pistol-Wielder attacks August with Pistol and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Head.

August has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: First Pistol-Wielder)

Shotgun Wielder has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: Joseph)

Assault Rifle Wielder has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: Ruiz, Devlin)

August spends a luck point and is back in the fight!

"I'll live," grunts the cop, squinting a little at August when he calls him Ruiz. But it isn't challenged. Not here and now. Instead, he drops a round into the chamber of his pistol, flips the weapon sideways, and pops it out of the little gap in the stacks of junk he's hiding behind to take a couple of quick shots. Then back behind cover, urban warfare 101. It's like Tijuana all over again.

The one hurtling toward them with all the appearance of a suicide bomber has him barking at the others to get down, get down, even as August's hit and he hasn't realised it yet. Back out he goes, pistol trained on the critter, aimed for a headshot as Joe summons his power in a barrier aimed to try to stop it in its tracks.

More havoc, but also two gun-wielding gremlins are neatly taken down, including the one with the machine gun. The runner finds himself in a bit of a pickle. Sure, he was a little heavier than the others, but his feet find themselves skidding as he's being pushed backwards, and Joseph's well-timed pull has the creature back and off its feet. It was delayed, but it tries to get to its feet and start running again.

The other armored forms with their wicked little weapons now charge as well, the shooters they'd been protecting now gone and not in need of protection. It was about to be a bloody melee.

Focusing on the SMG gremlin, Devlin cause the creature's torso to erupt in brief hot flames.. combined with the shot from the Chief, the creature just goes down hard.

August slaps a shield onto Ruiz, because on the long list of conversations he's not having, one with Itzhak about how Ruiz got killed by Veil Nonsense is #5-10. He's just finished with that when he spies the runner. That body language, it's etched in his mind, in the minds of thousands of combat veterans. Oh hell no. He grabs hold of the creature's armor, begins hauling it back towards their side of the battlefield.

He's so focused on that he doesn't pay attention to how exposed he is. And that means he's easy fodder for a headshot. He's lucky it doesn't take his head clean off, but there's one hell of a gouge now. Dazed, half-blind with blood in his eyes, he levers himself back up. "Okay...fine. You little fuckers."

He'll just help Ruiz kill it instead.

That didn't work as well as he'd hoped....and they're all coming on. Apparently they've never heard the proverb about not bringing a knife to a gunfight. Joe's leaning out of cover, too. But he's not aiming for the would-be bomber. No, now he's drawing down on another that's armed with a shotgun. These little jerks are apparently refusing to abide by the Geneva Convention. Unsurprising.

Devlin attacks Second Pistol-Wielder with Spirit and HITS! Flesh wound to Chest.
August uses Spirit to alter Ruiz's Attack by 2.
Joseph attacks First Pistol-Wielder with Pistol and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Right Leg.
Second Pistol-Wielder attacks Devlin with Pistol and NARROWLY MISSES!
Ruiz attacks Running Back with Pistol and NARROWLY MISSES!
First Axe-Wielder attacks Devlin with Axe but Devlin EVADES!
First Pistol-Wielder attacks August with Pistol and NARROWLY MISSES!
Sword-Wielder attacks Ruiz with Sword but Ruiz EVADES EASILY!
Second Axe-Wielder attacks Joseph with Axe but MISSES!

Devlin growls as his fire shot does little to the shooter, "Damn it.." And then the Axe is swung at him, "Really.. my little sister can do better than that.."

<FS3> August rolls Spirit-2: Good Success (8 7 7 6 5 5 4 3 3 2) (Rolled by: Abitha)

Seeing Roen pick himself back up again like the stubborn motherfucker he is, Ruiz can't help but smile slightly to himself. He might even have words for him, were he not a little bit preoccupied with trying to slow down the thing that's coming at them with a couple of shots aimed at its face. Shots that miraculously miss. But so does the gremlin that's firing on him, making it a stalemate all around. He curses under his breath, dives back behind cover, and switches up his target as August starts doing something to the grenade with a shudder of his power.

Axes and blades were slashing and whipping and the only things seeming to get hit in the moment were the gremlins, thankfully for the men assembled.

The Running Back is back on his feet, now, shaking its little head as to clear it. It doesn't seem to notice the click and crack of the thing it was holding. It was trying to start running toward the group again. Too bad it would never make it...

Well, they slow the little bastard with the grenade down, but he's a bit of a tubthumper, apparently. August is unimpressed. "Fine, fine. But the grenade's staying over there."

He knows grenades perfectly well; it's a thing you have to be taught, if only so you don't go blowing up half your unit by being a fuckup. So now he's going to make his instructor's proud...sort of.

He's not in good enough shape to pop the pin out with spirit, and anyways, it's being held to tight. But dismantling it, that he can do. Hell, it might even go off--which is fine, as long as it goes off somewhere away from them.

Joe's prairie-dogging in and out of cover, and the goblin's little axe doesn't hit him, but goes skittering off the glossy lacquer of the piano's smashed lid. A look at August makes Joe grimace...but Roen's more than doing his part.

His own shot doesn't do the damage it did the first time, but it's enough to wound another of their attackers. "Stubborn little fuckers. What's their grudge against us?"

Running Back uses Grenade. EXPLOSION!
Running Back attacks First Pistol-Wielder with Grenade but hits the COVER they're behind.
Running Back attacks First Pistol-Wielder with Shrapnel and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Right Arm.
Running Back attacks Second Pistol-Wielder with Grenade(Concussion) and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Chest.
Running Back attacks Second Pistol-Wielder with Shrapnel and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Chest. (Reduced by ARMOR)
Running Back attacks Second Pistol-Wielder with Shrapnel and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Left Leg.
Running Back attacks Second Pistol-Wielder with Shrapnel and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Chest. (Reduced by ARMOR)
Running Back attacks Second Pistol-Wielder with Shrapnel and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Left Leg.
Devlin attacks First Axe-Wielder with Unarmed+Martial Arts. Stopped by ARMOR on Abdomen.
Ruiz attacks First Pistol-Wielder with Pistol and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Chest. (Reduced by ARMOR)
Joseph attacks First Pistol-Wielder with Pistol and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Abdomen.
Sword-Wielder attacks Ruiz with Sword but hits the COVER they're behind.
Second Pistol-Wielder attacks Devlin with Pistol and NARROWLY MISSES!
First Pistol-Wielder attacks August with Pistol but MISSES!
Second Axe-Wielder attacks Joseph with Axe but hits the COVER they're behind.
First Axe-Wielder attacks Devlin with Axe but Devlin EVADES EASILY!

Second Pistol-Wielder has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: Running Back)


The grenade goes off, Running Back's parts spread to the four winds. The entirety of a stack is blown over, crushing one of the shooters beneath it in a shower of green ichor, shrapnel ripping into a second. It was havoc, but the fight went on, the things seeming to swing with fury and frenzy as more and more of their brethren die around them, but none of it seems accurate. Were they losing steam? Panicing? It was hard to tell under all that armor the Harborites kept bouncing weapons off of.

"That is now how you use an Axe.." Devlin says as the Gremlin swing goes wide while Devlin takes advantage to snap kick at his opponent. "And armor.. that is just dirty pool.. well if you insist." As another round wizes by his head, "Hey Chief.. mind stoping that guy from improving his aim.. "

<FS3> August rolls Composure-4: Failure (5 5 4 1) (Rolled by: August)

<FS3> Ruiz rolls Alertness: Good Success (8 8 6 4 3 3 2) (Rolled by: Ruiz)

Ruiz pops off a couple of shots at the critter harassing August, but doesn't succeed in slowing it down much. He's about to switch things up and go help out their medic, when his spidey sense starts pinging. The fuck is August.. "Hey. HEY. Roen, que diablos estas haciendo?" He dives out to shoot, and takes a chance at abandoning cover, sprinting across to where August is hunkered down.

Just as the grenade goes off it occurs to August just then that there's a major drawback to that, at least for him.

The sound and the blast wave and (gremlin) body parts wash over him, and he's even in a ramshackle building full of memories of people and--

--tearing it to fucking pieces so they can get out. Yes. That sounds like what he has to do. Healing people, talking to them, none of that worked last time. It's going to be different this time. He's going to rip this entire place to pieces.

Lots to work with in here too. Except...Ruiz. Well, what is he even doing, running out from cover? Maybe tearing the lighthouse down has to wait, because now he has to keep Ruiz from getting killed.

He's seen people die by grenade before. Never a small, inhuman person, but....people. It's still enough to make Joe shudder all over in disgust, even as another attempt to hamstring him with an axe is greeted by the blade thunking into the wood of the piano lid.

Ruiz bolting from cover makes Joe yell at him. It's wordless, somewhere between scolding and despair. But he's still trying to bring down the would-be shotgunner, snapping off rounds with the pistol.

<FS3> August rolls Spirit (7 7 6 5 5 5 5 4 3 1 1 1) vs All Are One (a NPC)'s 6 (8 7 6 3 2 2 2 1)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: Abitha)

<FS3> August rolls Spirit (7 7 7 5 5 4 4 2 2 2 2 2) vs All Are One (a NPC)'s 4 (7 6 6 6 4 4)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for All Are One. (Rolled by: Abitha)

August spends a luck point. Reason: YOU ARE NOT THE THREE MUSKATEERS

<FS3> August rolls Spirit (8 8 8 7 7 7 5 5 3 3 3 2) vs All Are One (a NPC)'s 4 (5 5 5 4 3 1)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for August. (Rolled by: Abitha)

Ruiz attacks First Axe-Wielder with Pistol and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Chest.
Joseph attacks First Pistol-Wielder with Pistol but hits the COVER they're behind.
August uses Spirit. EXPLOSION!
August attacks First Axe-Wielder with Spirit Web and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Head.
August attacks Second Axe-Wielder with Spirit Web and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Head.
August attacks First Pistol-Wielder with Spirit Web and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Head.
August attacks Second Pistol-Wielder with Spirit Web and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Head.
Devlin attacks First Axe-Wielder with Unarmed+Martial Arts and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Chest. (Reduced by ARMOR)
Sword-Wielder attacks Ruiz with Sword and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Head.
First Axe-Wielder attacks Devlin with Axe but Devlin EVADES EASILY!
First Pistol-Wielder attacks August with Pistol but MISSES!
Second Axe-Wielder attacks Joseph with Axe but MISSES!

First Axe-Wielder has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: Ruiz, August, Devlin)

Second Axe-Wielder has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: August)

First Pistol-Wielder has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: August)

Second Pistol-Wielder has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: August)

Javier's seen plenty of people die like this, in close-quarters, ugly combat. In the war, in Afghanistan, and on home soil, too. People desperate to take and hold onto what little turf they thought they owned. He squeezes his eyes shut as the spatter hits him, and keeps moving. Shoot and move, and something slices into the back of his head, but it doesn't stop him from colliding with August and trying to grab a handful of his shirt and demanding that he snap out of it.

August had done this before, and in his flailing, might have forgotten whatever foul link these things had. Sure, there's havoc everywhere, blades singing through the air, shots fired.

And then August's gift can be felt reaching, expanding, striking... And all four remaining gremlins burst apart like water balloons filled with green ichor. Strangely, as things go quiet, those who've encountered the little beasties before might notice the smell was most definitely not nearly as rancid as it used to be. It almost smelled slightly sweet and salty, like fresh seaweed.

August's head would hurt like absolute hell. His power shouldn't do that, but it did, and there were consequences. But for now, everyone was safe.

Devlin has seen many combats due to Iraq and Afghanistan deployments, the exploding bodies and what grenades to, don't seem to phase the medic for now. "August.." He comes over to the man, "Sit down.." his tone the classic Cause Doc Says So "I'm going to look you over, ok?"

Ruiz gets to August just in time for, well, that to happen. The cop might think his shaking August is what triggers the violent reaction, but it's not. It's August's shaping Art snaking out out of him before he can stop it, striking each gremlin and shattering them as surely as it would glass.

August grips his head and screams. The pain is blinding, everyone's pain is all over and as soon as he can think he's going to throw up and pass out. Hopefully, in that order.

The ground under their feet cracks.

It's not supposed to do that. August is a healer. That the flipside of healing is harm....if it's ever occurred to Joe, it's refusing to rise to the top of his mind right now. The sailor's left standing for a moment in blank horror, lips parted, and liberally spattered with the green ichor, shaking.

But he visibly blinks himself out of it, and turns to hurry to Ruiz's side. Devlin's got August, but the cop's been hurt, too.

<FS3> Ruiz rolls Mental+2: Good Success (8 8 7 7 5 5 4 3 3 3 1) (Rolled by: Ruiz)

Javier's pistol is hurriedly safetied and shoved back into its holster. And if he's noticed that he's bleeding, he draws no attention to it. First order of business is getting Roen under control; which is attempted with what sounds like a half-whispered lullaby in the other man's ear, while he tries to hold him down for the medic. He, of course, is a reader of no small skill, and threads of his power are also used to gain August's compliance. To impose calm on him, until he's capable of it himself.

Devlin doesn't break out the aide bag as August looks pretty rough, so he just touches the man, "Looks like we cheat, you old fart." he teases August. "Now lets get you functioning better.. ok?" He asks as he continues focusing on Augest, "You guys ok.. any band aides needed?"

August sucks in a breath of surprise as Ruiz's Glimmer snuffs out the spiral of chaos August was diving into headfirst. He sits, heavily and suddenly, wincing as the movement jostles his head. "Fuck," he says, raising a hand to feel the bloody gouge, lowering it a second later as Devil checks him over. He shudders. "Th-thanks." He blinks tears from his eyes, winces. "I don't know what happened. I felt that grenade go off and...but I saw you," his eyes, one with a dark red sclera, flick to Ruiz, "come out of cover and--I couldn't let them..."

His voice fades. It takes him a second to respond to Devlin, but eventually he makes a face. "Probably should...this one." He taps the side of his head just below the lovely furrow left by a headshot that could have, should have killed him. "And...thanks. For the...healing." Another look up at Ruiz. "And making me stop." He clears his throat, eyes Ruiz's injuries. "Do you..."

"I got it," Joe says, voice oddly raw, putting out hands to both August and Ruiz's shoulders. Spirit's the least of the three with him, but he's got enough to help, even if it's just a little. That he's still bleeding from his own wound doesn't seem to have occurred to him at all. Still in the adrenalized aftermath where pain is just a distant cloud on the horizon.

A beat, and he has to ask, ".....what did you do to them?" His voice is a hoarse whisper, as if the grenade's explosion had temporarily affected his hearing.

"I said I'm fucking fine," grumbles Javier, swiping at some blood that's leaking into his eyes. Then swiping at it again when it doesn't stop. He cuts his eyes to Joe, then hitches his chin at August, like, deal with him, before pushing to his feet to go take stock of things. "I'm going to make sure we don't have any more company," he informs them gruffly before prowling off to do just that.

"I don't know," August whispers, voice hoarse. "I was just trying to stop the one after--de la Vega." Does he catch himself about to call Ruiz something else? Maybe. He shudders, reaches out to Joe to return the favor. An amazing idea, considering, but August is full of those lately.

"I...I think I've felt it happen before. They're synergistic with our Glimmer. Somehow." He sighs, shuts his eyes. "I'll...I should go home." He sighs. "Might have to text Ellie though."

"I can take you home, or I can volunteer Javier. Car's a lot more comfortable ride than my bike, but I can get the bike up closer'n that car," he notes. Joe looks August up and down, before casting a worried glance after Javier, calling, "Be careful, honey," Then he's looking back to August. "I started work on him, but all it does is just speed things up a bit. You look pretty damn bad. And I heard of those guys, but I've never met 'em before..."

An empty room with the quiet of the dead surrounds. At least it felt quiet after the fact. The machine hum was ever-present, a pressure to the ears, the mind, the realization of this taking time as the men are forced to come to terms with the explosions, shots, swipes, chaos. The hum came from above, through the impenetrable ceiling. What made it? No one can tell. It almost sounded like the slow arch of a wave, the sound rising and falling, pumping slowly.

A pool stood in the middle of the room, a shallow one, they'd find. Only a few inches deep if they put their hands in and found the bottom. It was the surface that was strange to look at, because through it, they could see an entirely other room as if they were staring at a world upside-down. An large room, a gathering place, a raised dias, four thrones. An Axe, a Cradle, a Hammer, a Web. Axe and Cradle held corpses, rotting and deflated. Hammer and Web stood empty.

Tucked against the wall, it was clear there was a notch, a cut-in. There should be stairs there, as any lighthouse might have, slowly curving along until it passes to the new floor, but instead of a door, there was a wall, the entirety of it seeming a clockwork, ticking, moving construction. The Spiritualists would feel they did not want to break it, for they knew not what force could explode from it. The Physicalists did not want to pull it, because it felt, on inspection, like a spring wound to the breaking point, the whiplash it could unleash unthinkably painful. The Mentalists knew this thing was much like the towers, but the memories were darker, the husbands waking up screaming and flailing, the loved ones appearing bathed in blood.

They need only need wait, though. They knew... Somehow... Something had set and wound this, a defense left behind, a Time Lock Safe to hold the intruders at bay. The lighthouse would stand for now, but the beacon? It was out.

But that's OK, the townspeople would be heard saying the next day. That was normal. Everyone knew that lighthouse was rickety. Someone would go fix it eventually. It's not like ships really needed lighthouses anymore, what with newfangled GPS and auto-pilot assisted steering. It's more just some historic landmark anyways. That's what the normal folk would say. The Glimmering, the Shiny...

They knew different.


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