2022-05-02 - Cabbage Patch Kid?

What happens during Beltane doesn't stay during Beltane.

IC Date: 2022-05-02

OOC Date: 2021-05-02

Location: 1 Oak Avenue/Greenhouse

Related Scenes:   2022-05-05 - I Can Work With This

Plot: None

Scene Number: 6614


When you are doing all sorts of experimental gardening, you have to really be watchful of what's happening in your greenhouse. Also, you have to make sure everything is properly watered and fed. Beltane or no Beltane, Ava is doing one of her early morning checks to make sure everything is AOK. No Veil animals popping out and running wild in her, right?

"Hey, Mikaere? Can you grab that sack of fertilizer and bring it in for me, please? It's so heavy, it's hard for me to get it and the door." She props the door up from the inside and holds it open for him with a hopeful look.

On the basis that Ava is still (still!) providing him a place to rest his head (on the nights when he's not elsewhere, particularly now, with his boat back in the water, if not yet ready to sail off into the sunset), Mikaere's generally inclined to be helpful. Likely enough, he'd be inclined to be helpful even if that weren't the case, mind you, but it's an added incentive. This morning, having drunk his usual milky coffee, and come outside to enjoy the unseasonable sunshine-- sure, of course he's willing to help.

"Sure, of course I'm willing to help," he tells Ava, stepping away from where he'd been watching one of those rabbits frolic (okay, yes: two of those rabbits; it is May day after all) so that he can heft up that fertiliser-- look ma, barely any hands!-- and carry it in to the greenhouse for her. He doesn't usually come in here, partly out of respect for Ava's private space, and partly because... greenhouse. Full of Veil things. Good idea? Doubtful. "Big manly man, showing off his manly muscles for the pretty lady," is definitely, definitely teasing. Definitely.

<FS3> Mew? (a NPC) rolls 2 (8 8 3 3) vs Mew! (a NPC)'s 2 (6 6 5 4)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: Ravn)

There are things you expect in a greenhouse. Plants, for one -- plants are good. An absence of weeds, also good. Growths that don't quite resemble anything familiar -- fig palm, possibly, but fig palms are palms, they're not supposed to be this viny. Mangrove? On dry land? Something. It's a tree-like growth, and overnight it has developed a nice, shiny seed pod.

Figs don't grow in pods. Beans grow in pods. Bananas don't grow in pods, pineapples don't, mangos don't, nothing that isn't a bean or a pea grows in a pod. But there we go -- it's a pod. And something is making small mewling noises.

Something is a black cat. Plenty familiar from next door, Kitty Pryde is definitely not supposed to be in the greenhouse. There's no sign on the door reading 'no cats allowed on the premises' or 'two feet only' but all the same -- you don't want a cat in your greenhouse, because cats have very specific ideas about what to do with patches of loose, easy to scrape in dirt. She's staring at the pod, as if hypnotised.

"Oh! You manly man, you!" Ava teases right back with a laugh, letting the door close behind them once Mik has made it inside. "Whatever would I do without those big, strong muscles?" Hands on her hips, she pictures it for a moment. "Honestly, it'd be pretty dramatic. Lots of grunting, some swearing. Might drop the bag while I try to open the door. Or I'd cheat and have the plants help me." Filthy cheater.

There's a pause at the mewing. "Kitty Pryde?" How the hell did she get in? If she got in, that means things can get out. Not a good thing. It's all racing through her mind for a moment before she realizes that Ravn's familiar is staring at something. "That's-- unusual." Oh, her voice is brimming with excitement as she scurries over to go check it out. "What did you find smart kitty?"

<FS3> Mikaere rolls Mental+2: Great Success (8 8 7 7 7 6 5 5 4 2 2 1) (Rolled by: Mikaere)

Mikaere stops short of attempting to show off his muscles in a hero pose, which is admittedly something that would be difficult to do while still holding the bag of fertiliser. His grin suggests he's also imagining Ava attempting to lug the bag indoors, but whatever reply he might have had, it is unquestionably forestalled by that mewling-- and by Ava's reaction to it. Hastily, he sets the bag down, carefully out of the way of plants and stray footfalls. Carefully, he draws up just behind the doctor's shoulder as she scurries closer.

"Careful," he suggests, his dubiousness matching her excitement. "Hang on, don't get too close. Let me check--"

If it's just a cat and some plants, at least that surveying tendril of thought he sends out, hunting down consciousnesses, will reassure him of it. And if it's not...

Better to know, right?

Kitty Pryde's head swirls. She fixes large, green eyes on Mikaere -- and then pointedly looks back at the pod. She sees you, human, and your shit is of no interest to her. Her mind is decidedly feline -- nothing particularly strange about it, though for a cat she does seem pretty sharp. And Opinionated.

The pod, though. That's a consciousness. A worried one.

Ava straightens a bit as she feels Mikaere pull up right behind her, the back of her shoulder bumping the front of his. She reaches back to pat his in assurance. "You check, but either way I'm still going to have to study it. That's what I'm doing this for. Besides, if it were too dangerous there's no way Kitty Pryde would be that close to it, right? Cats have great instincts when it comes to other predators and not getting too close to them." Well, usually. "And she's smarter than other cats."

Ava glances back at him as he checks, waiting for a half a second before taking a couple of eager steps forward.

"I didn't say don't study it, just: it's better to know what you can about what you're dealing with first. And she," Kitty Pryde, for whom he has a linger glance, "may be particularly smart, for a cat, she's not-- mākutu. Supernatural."

Mikaere's frowning, though, staring at that pod with no small amount of concern. "Whatever it is, it's conscious. And... worried? It's worried."

He's going to stay riiiight here, thank you very much, on high alert: if anything comes out of that pod, and even so much as looks at them funny...

<FS3> Mew? (a NPC) rolls 2 (8 6 6 2) vs Mew! (a NPC)'s 2 (7 7 4 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Mew?. (Rolled by: Ravn)

Plaintive little sounds emerge. Maybe these are what drew the cat here in the first place -- a half-forgotten maternal instinct? Kitty Pryde was a mother once -- before her kittens were a) copied a couple of times and b) distributed all over town and into the Veil. She doesn't remember because her memory is that of a cat; if it's not relevant now, and nothing reminds her, it is gone.

Maybe that little mewling sound does remind her.

<FS3> Ava rolls Spirit+2: Good Success (8 8 7 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 2 1 1 1) (Rolled by: Ava)

"Oh!" She heard that. "Did you hear that?" Is Ava listening to a word Mikaere says? Of course she is. "Worried? It sounds worried. Not angry, which is good. I wonder what kind of Veil creature it is. It's our very first one!" There's a beaming smile back at her current house mate before she's hurrying towards the pod to study it thoughtfully.

"Hey, it's okay," she murmurs to the pod as she reaches out a hand towards it, brushing along it. The other hand brushes along Kitty Pryde's fur, reassuring her as well. How to get this open safely? She tilts her head, glancing, glancing. Fuck it. "Open sesame?" It's a plant, so Spirit should work, right? She gently wills the pod to safely part open without harming the contents.

"I-- yeah," says Mikaere. "I heard that. Just remember... the, uh, Veil creatures aren't necessary friendly, right?"

Under normal circumstances, 'open sesame' might crack a smile from the tall Kiwi, but he's a little more concerned, today, watching that pod with outright wariness.

As if responding to Ava's gentle touch of mind -- and a curious nose poke from Kitty Pryde -- the pod's leaves gently unfold.

That's not a flower. It's definitely not a chick pea. It's a --

"Meow?" says Kitty Pryde, puzzled.

"I know. They aren't necessarily unfriendly either. Just like wild animals aren't."

As the leaves unfold, whatever Ava was expecting to find, this was certainly not it. It's clear from the shock on the woman's face that of all the things that could have grown in her Veil garden from a mix of cryptid blood fertilizer, faerie magic, Veil figs, and Beltane the tiny form blinking back at her was not it.

The varied shades of pale to deep blues suggest hints of aquatic nature, though the tips of the nose, palms and feet all have the pale coloration that might match someone of a skintone lighter than Ava's. The deeper blues mark the flesh of the tiny form in a similar manner to that of a tiger's stripes along arms and legs. On the face they seem to stream up from the forehead in light shades, and accent around eyes, nose and mouth, highlighted with an iridescent glitter. Large, very human eyes blink, surrounded by dark lashes that match a tuft of equally dark hair on top.

There is noticeable webbing between the toes, though from this angle it's hard to see if the hands match that in any way.

"That's a whole baby," she whispers.

"That's a-- holy fucking shit," says Mikaere, whose incredulity is matched by a note of uncertainty and-- no, not fear, but certainly something that is far from comfortable. "Did you know you were growing babies in here Ava, because that's... I mean, one way to avoid gestation, but, um."

"Mew," says Kitty Pryde and licks her paw. Great, so it's a helpless little human. Aren't they all? At least this one's striped, like her kittens were.

"Does my face look like the face of someone who knew they were going to grow a baby, Mikaere?!" Ava asks in a whispers voice. Whispered because don't spook the baby. Oh god. "This is the highly experimental plant, with the special fertilizer. But holy shit. I don't even recognize her race. Does she need water? She looks like she belongs in water? Shit. Uh, shoot."

Ava grabs her phone and takes a quick pictures before sending off a quick text and staring back down at the baby. "She's not... human, obviously. But, how...?

(TXT to Aidan Ravn) Ava : Either of you recognize this baby's race? Help!!!! Picture of baby

<FS3> Mikaere rolls Mental+2: Good Success (7 6 6 6 5 5 3 3 3 3 2 1) (Rolled by: Mikaere)

(TXT to Aidan Ava) Ravn : What the actual fuck is that?

Ava has a point. It's just... Mikaere shakes his head. Babies are not supposed to grow in greenhouses; that's a fact. It just is.

He steps forward again, now, though, and as he does so, extends his thoughts towards the baby. He can't read minds, of course (more's the pity), but he can offer a cautiously soothing touch. "She's... clearly not, no. But-- okay, highly experimental plant, grew a baby. Do we pick her up? Put her in the bath or something? We can't just leave her here, right?" That would be Bad.

(TXT to Aidan Ravn) Ava : I'll take that as a no.

(TXT to Aidan Ravn) Ava : She grew in the garden.

The baby looks happy (for now). Like a pea in a pod. Contentedly resting, looking up, a little puzzled; and if it is indeed like any human baby, it's a) very happy to have been spared the trauma of passing through the birth canal, and b) unable to see much beyond shadows and shades of light.

How long will it stay content? How do you care for a -- pod person? Should you?

Don't ask Kitty Pryde. She's just going to sit here and staaaaare.

(TXT to Ava Ravn) Aidan : ...what where did you find a shiny blue baby?

(TXT to Ava Ravn) Aidan : wait you grew a baby? it looks like some kind of sky tiger person. are there sky tiger people?

(TXT to Ava Ravn) Aidan : did... is this a fairy ring thing?

"She grew in the garden sounds better than I accidentally grew a baby, right?" Ava asks with a squeak in her voice as she stares at her phone. "Ravn doesn't seem to know what she is since he asked what the actual f* is that." There's a sigh. Her hand goes out to gently brush across a plump cheek. "Hi there, dumpling. You're a sweet little bean, aren't you? Not exactly the kind of bean I was expecting, though."

<FS3> Mikaere rolls Composure: Good Success (8 7 7 4 3) (Rolled by: Mikaere)

(TXT to Aidan Ravn) Ava : She grew in my greenhouse. From a Veil Fig, mixed with special cryptid blood fertilizer... on Beltane. In a garden tended by faeries. So it might be a mix of a few things?!

(TXT to Aidan Ava) Ravn : A FEW THINGS?

(TXT to Ava Ravn) Aidan : so sort of yes

(TXT to Aidan Ravn) Ava : I'm just trying to make a bestiary! Okay?! I didn't know I'd accidentally grow a baby!

"I'm pretty sure you're supposed to use birth control to avoid the latter," says Mikaere, and it might be a joke except for the fact that he is 100% not laughing right now, thanks very much. "Um. Seriously, Ava, what are you going to do? Your garden grew a baby."

Did she notice how he suddenly changed from 'we' to 'you'? Because he absolutely did.

(TXT to Ava Ravn) Aidan : don't try to thing her with anything. uh. graft. don't graft her. i mean if that was any weird kind of thought

(TXT to Aidan Ravn) Ava : I would never.

(TXT to Ava Ravn) Aidan : ok good

(TXT to Aidan Ravn) Ava : I'm trying to figure out if someone knows her race so I can figure out what she needs.

(TXT to Ava Ravn) Aidan : can you tell how fast she feels like she's growing?

<FS3> Ava rolls Spirit+2: Amazing Success (8 8 8 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 4 4 4 2) (Rolled by: Ava)

(TXT to Ava Ravn) Aidan : and does she feel like a plant or a person? like. you know, if you were going to do magic on her

The cat sniffs the bean baby's foot. There is not much of a reaction; and why would there be? If this child is anything like its human equivalent, it can't even make out that the shape down there is a cat. Why is Kitty Pryde attracted? Possibly she feels some kind of kinship, having gone Over There many times. Possibly she knows that where there are babies, there is milk.

The kid is still attached, so to speak, in the way that a pea lies comfortably in its pod, absorbing nourishment to grow through its skin. If removed? Heaven only knows. It's the size of an infant a couple of weeks after birth. Might be a very ripe pod.

(TXT to Aidan Ava) Ravn : I have no idea what that's supposed to be. Plant people are -- I mean, they exist in folklore, but we're talking nature spirits, things like dryads and naiads, the embodiments of natural phenomenons.

(TXT to Ava Ravn) Aidan : she reminds me more of sky and water but i guess maybe there could be a flower that looks like that?

"Don't think I didn't notice your little switch there, sir." Mikaere gets a little look from over the phone, and a squint. Oh, she noticed. "Not helpful. What happened to the big, helpful man, huh?" As for what she's going to do. "I'm going to gather information as best that I can, and then I will make a plan based on that information. Until then, I'll care for her as best I can, I suppose."

She lets her power flow out towards the pod and baby both, studying it, just as she has in the previous days. Maybe it'll be a familiar, comfortable thing for the pod baby, who knows?

(TXT to Aidan Ava) Ravn : ... I can't tell a tulip from another tulip.

(TXT to Aidan Ravn) Ava : Water and sky are as much a part of nature as flowers are.

<FS3> Feed Me, Seymour (a NPC) rolls 2 (6 4 2 1) vs Nice And Warm In My Pod, Thanks (a NPC)'s 2 (8 8 7 1)
<FS3> Victory for Nice And Warm In My Pod, Thanks. (Rolled by: Ravn)

(TXT to Aidan Ravn) Ava : Okay, so she's definitely human equivalent enough that she's reading person on the powers scale of things instead of plant. Seems about two week old? But is also still attached to her pod. I'm nervous about plucking her off of it.

Contentment is the best descriptor for how the child comes across; alien, unfamiliar sensations, but they are good sensations. This is a good place. A warm, safe place. Infants do not have much in terms of instinct or opinions -- warm, cold, hungry, full, dirty, clean. This kiddo? Lookie, she got toes, grab and bounce a little, giggle, titter.

Kitty Pryde cants her head. Milk doesnt seem like it's about to happen. Pea babies are disappointment.

"Okay," says Mikaere, with a little squint at Ava's phone, and then another at the baby. "Look. I'm not opposed to helping with anything I can, but-- parenthood is not something I signed up for. Foster-parenthood. Whatever. You'll have to run that one past Deacon, if she--"

Stays? What do you do with a blue pod baby? It's clearly an uncomfortable procession of thoughts for the Kiwi, who stays where he is now, and just watches.

(TXT to Ava Ravn) Aidan : yeah but i mean usually they don't grow in pods? i think. i guess i don't know though.

(TXT to Ava Ravn) Aidan : well does she seem happy on her pod still? maybe you don't have to pick her yet?

(TXT to Aidan Ravn) Ava : I have no idea. Babies usually don't grow in pods at all. I think I need to talk to the faeries. She's still happy. Giggling even, surprisingly.

(TXT to Ava Ravn) Aidan : can you get in touch with august? if anyone has an idea about babies growing in plants it's probably him. otherwise we might have to try to get over the other side to see if someone knows a thing?

(TXT to Aidan Ava) Ravn : Pretty sure the Røns are in Portland with no intention of returning until their kid is old enough to, you know, not turn into something weird. Don't know if Eleanor gave birth yet.

There's a break in the tension for a moment as Ava finally laughs softly and pats Mikaere on the shoulder. "Oh honey. Never in a million years would I expect a friend who is just trying to have a safe place to rest his head to suddenly play parent to a pod baby I accidentally grew in my Faerie Greenhouse. I promise you can unclench. Just don't abandon me forever while I figure this out, yeah?"

Her smile widens some as the baby giggles and grabs her feet, expression relaxing. Well that's so damn cute.

(TXT to Ava Ravn) Aidan : not sure portland's that much better but i guess it depends where they stay... gotta still have phones though don't they?

(TXT to Aidan Ava) Ravn : You're talking to the guy who called his aunt a year ago, only to be informed that he's a Swedish celebrity chef. I mean, texting or calling Portland is absolutely an option but I'm generally not optimistic about getting in touch with people outside of this strange-ass town.

"I mean... when you put it like that." Mikaere lets himself smile, crookedly, though actually? Putting it like that doesn't make the whole thing sound any more plausible. "Right, okay. I'm not leaving." Yet. "And I'm here, while you need me, for now. What do you want to do? Are you... leaving it there? Harves-- er, that's not what I mean. You know. Removing it? Or?"

(TXT to Ava Ravn) Aidan : i'm pretty sure that... isn't related to being not in gray harbor? i mean i could be wrong. but. i'm pretty sure.

Harvesting the baby might be a simple matter of lifting her out of her pod. That of course begs the next obvious question: What do you feed a pod person? Water? Fertiliser? Sunlight?

(TXT to Ava Ravn) Aidan : anyway if we can't ask him hey that seed made a blue sky tiger pod baby do you know what she is or why then i think all i've got is try to ask the fairies or try to step across and ask anyone who'll listen...

(TXT to Aidan Ava) Ravn : I may be able to do that. Step across, I mean. Rosencrantz has been drilling me on it. But it'd be my first shot so I recommend maybe packing a serious picnic basket.

(TXT to Ava Ravn) Aidan : sorry 😕 i'm not super good with plants. or babies. i mean i can do some things but it's not like. a specialty?

(TXT to Ava Ravn) Aidan : but i could go with if we want to try

"I can't just leave her here," Ava says as she looks at her. "The others are just normal Veil Figs. If they open the way they're supposed to, then she could end up being something's breakfast." Chewing her lip, she studies the baby again. "I grew her. So she's my responsibility. And she's a she, not an it. Clearly." Her hand waves generally at the baby.

"I may need to give you my credit card and have you run to town to grab some stuff, though. Because I have nothing for babies in that house." Luckily, what she does have is room. Ava walks forward to wrap one hand behind the baby's neck, the other feeling around behind the back to see where she might be attached and gently starting to lift.

"Her, sorry," says Mikaere, who maybe has not been paying all that much attention to the genital configuration of the baby in question, mostly because the colouration is plenty distracting as it is.

He's a little less sure about this whole buying baby things, though, and is silent for a few moments (his gaze flicks idly towards Ava, and her phone, as it buzzes). "Uh-- sure. Okay. If that's what you need."

Maybe this show is over. Maybe it's the lack of milk. Maybe it's the fact that the pod is no longer making sounds that somehow reminds Kitty Pryde of other small, striped things that once needed her attention. Maybe it's just that it smells of fish but it's not actually a tuna.

Whatever the cause, the black cat gets up and, without further ado, wanders back outside. She comes and goes, that one -- sometimes alone, sometimes with the Uncat, the lynx-sized copy of herself. Veil-touched cats. Better to not ask where they go.

"Don't worry, I'll make you a list that you can just hand to the person at the store, along with the card. You just have to stand there. I promise." Once the baby is lifted from the pod, there's a few new sounds being made, those fingers grasping. Now it's easier to see the slight webbing at the bottom of the fingers that matches the more obvious webbing on the feet. "Alright, little bean. Let's go try to figure out what you might need," she murmurs, juggling carefully hold the baby and manage a quick text as she moves to head inside.

(TXT to Aidan Ravn) Ava : Maybe we can try to open a door into the faerie portal? Myles accidentally gave me that idea the other day. I don't know. Either way, going to try to get her sorted. Let's plan for trip SOON.


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