
Harvey's icon
Harvey O'Donnell
Full Name
Harvey O'Donnell
Light Brown
Played By
Ryan Reynolds
[object Object]
Supplemental Information
System Information
  • Local Newspaper - Harvey is new in town but landed himself a position as the front page section editor of the Gray Harbor Gazette. It's not a huge newspaper and there's not a lot of people on staff, so it should surprise literally no one that they took someoen off the street and gave him an editor job.

  • Shine Through the Glow - Harvey wrote a self-help book about coping with Glimmer and published it through Amazon. It's vague enough that it could've been written off as some New Age self help bullshit had it actually sold more than 1 single copy, but alas, it did not. The book is now offered up for free download on Amazon as well a few obscure conspiracy theorist websites.

  • Fishing - In his free time, which he apparently has a lot of considering the Gazette isn't exactly top tier here, Harvey likes to fish.

There's a certain roguish charm about Harvey, a very devil-may-care sort of look about him. At six feet and two inches in height, he's tall enough to stand out in a crowd, a body of broad shoulders and lean muscle. His hair is light brown, prone to streaking with blonde in the summer months, curling in subtle waves at the top and shaved shorter along the sides. He'd likely have a bit of a baby face if it weren't for the scruff that he grows along his square jaw and chin, his cheeks dimpling when he smiles. He has a thin nose that sits between two hazel eyes, his brows bushy and often expressive.

His every-day wear is usually a combination of jeans and t-shirts, along with a sweater when it's cold, along with a trusty pair of black, square-framed eyeglasses. Never leave home without 'em!

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2019-11-28 - Thankful for...
**Open vignette scene.** Feel free to share a snippet of your character's Turkey Day. Could be anything - something that happens/ed off-camera, a character you didn't get a chance to play, a misty water-colored memory, whatever's clever. Note that this isn't a "live" scene in the traditional sense; just a collection of vignettes around a common theme. I'll be leaving it open until Friday the 16th at around 4:30 PM Pacific / 7:30 PM Eastern.
KarmaBum, Nicole, Cassidy, Erin, Greg, Elise, Graham, Eli, Tobin, Aidan, Alexander, Easton, Sutton, Byron, Gina, Clarissa, Carver, Lilith, Elias, Cole, Lex, Vyv, Andi, Ruiz, Abitha, Mark, Lucinda, Genevieve, Lyric, Ignacio, Justin, Itzhak, Finch, August, Isabella, Rebecca, Hyacinth, Minerva, Jaime, Joey, Everett, Eleanor, Maddie, Love, Duncan, Tyrone, Abby, Sparrow, Zoiya, Tillie, Nathan, Harvey, Hailey, Carter, Andy, Roxy, Viktor, Shauna, Kailey, Rhys, Daisy, Grant, Jacob, Noelle, Martel, Yule, Anne, Patrick, Reese, Libby

2019-11-14 - Sad & Tragic, Reprise
Just another dead end.

2019-08-12 - New In Town
Sometimes there are ways out of dead ends without having to go back to the beginning.

2019-04-26 through 2019-09-08 - Yesterday (Open Vignette)
Happy 3-month Game-iversary, GH! Let's do a little retrospective: Look back for your character's first on-camera scene. Share what they were doing the day before that. (This is an open vignette scene. We'll be leaving it open till about 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern on Friday, July 5th.)
KarmaBum, AlmightyMe, Nicole, Erin, Thomas, Elise, Graham, Eli, Tobin, Aidan, Magnolia, Kevin, Alexander, Easton, Jonathan, Sutton, Byron, Clarissa, Carver, Lilith, Cole, Vyv, Andi, Isolde, Mark, Cameron, Lucinda, Dahlia, Sarah, Finch, August, Isabella, Tyler, Rebecca, Minerva, Everett, Eleanor, Maddie, Rick, Love, Duncan, Sparrow, Zoiya, Tillie, Nathan, Harvey, Hailey, Poe, Scott, Andy, Roxy, Viktor, Daisy

2019-11-14 - Sad And Tragic
The title might be a little bit of hyperbole. Still: Hailey and Harvey manage to find a whole new way to ruin a date!
Harvey, Hailey

2019-10-18 - The Great Pumpkin
An innocent pumpkin patch becomes the site of FLAMING PUMPKIN CARNAGE.
Cassidy, Alexander, Gina, Cole, Harvey, Hailey, Rhys, Nasir, Noelle

2019-10-16 - Unfulfilled
Wherein Hailey and Harvey are destined to circle the wagons and never collide.
Harvey, Hailey

2019-10-06 - Flu Shots
No one came for flu shots, but they're getting them anyway.
Isabella, Abby, Harvey, Hailey

2019-09-18 - Catching Fireflies
A walk in the woods leads to good things for once
Harvey, Hailey

2019-09-04 - That Work Grind
Greg posts up at Green Harbor for a day of skating, selling, and maybe even hiring. Please feel free to join this scene as long as it's open!
Greg, Clarissa, Abby, Harvey, Hailey

2019-09-03 - Fish Food
Folks end up beside the pond with sandwiches, a fishing pole, and a puppy. Conversation and drool ensue.
Jonathan, Carver, Sarah, Justin, Love, Harvey

2019-09-01 - Scooby Doo, Where Are You?
Scene spoiler: The dog thing worked.
Harvey, Hailey

2019-08-25 - It's Been Awhile
A walk on the boardwalk leads to another dark conversation; these two need to find more cheerful subjects.
Harvey, Hailey

2019-08-20 - 58% Of Serial Killers Are White Males
So if one of these two is the serial killer, odds are...
Harvey, Hailey

2019-08-16 - Meeting People
People meet at the Cracker Barrel and no one gets injured!
Minerva, Zoiya, Harvey

2019-08-16 - The Beginning Of A Beautiful Friendship
At the end of this log, Harvey & Noah do what all super macho men do
Noah, Harvey

2019-08-14 - Angsty Back-Stories
The roommate situation is bleak - and involves bikers with pythons. The "first-time" conversation is even bleaker.
Harvey, Hailey

2019-08-13 - Desperately Seeking Roommate
Harvey & Hailey meet over coffee to discuss the roommate situation. No decisions are made, but Hailey's not arrested for being the serial killer
Harvey, Hailey, Haven

2019-11-09 - Gray Harbor Paranormal Society Meeting
The Paranormal Society has a meeting...and it goes very wrong.
KarmaBum, Nicole, Erin, Diana, Tobin, Vyv, Ignacio, Isabella, Minerva, Everett, Eleanor, Kelsey, Harvey, Hailey, Rusty, Noelle, Devlin, Jade, Thewlis

2019-11-02 - Sweet Dreams
Harvey and Hailey can't go on a date without it ending in MADNESS!
Harvey, Hailey

2019-09-09 - Breakfast Wars
When you really want waffles and the universe is like "nope."
Harvey, Hailey

2019-09-25 - Don't microwave apples or eggs.
Just some pro-tips.
Harvey, Hailey

2019-08-17 - Nothing Is Open At 3 In The Morning
When you text someone at like 3:15 AM and don't expect them to be awake but they are.
Harvey, Hailey