
Maddie's icon
Madeline Johnson
Full Name
Madeline Johnson
Dark Brown
Dark Brown
Played By
Esther Povitsky
[object Object]
Supplemental Information

Duncan's icon

The Unlikely Survivor

In the darkest night I’ll
I’ll search through the crowd
Your face is all that I see

Jimmy's icon

The Ever-Present Sidekick

Alexander's icon

The Villain In Disguise

Easton's icon

The Unwilling Adventurer

Eli's icon

The Fool

Banned for LIFE!!

System Information
  • Do I know you? Maddie's been all over America as well as to some foreign locations. For the past decade or so, she's been actively seen around thin points in the Veil. Totally keen to have run into people the world over, doing Veil-stuff.

  • Let's watch scary movies! Maddie loves horror movies. The only thing she loves more is horror movie MUSICALS!

  • Seven Ages Theater. For some time, Maddie toured with the Seven Ages Theater troupe. She wasn't with them when they were last here in Gray Harbor, and she never participated in any of their Shakespearean stuff, but she did star in some of their more .. offbeat productions. This includes musical versions of Dracula, Misery and the Exorcist.

  • Borderline homeless. Maddie and Duncan live in a camper that they park around town. Don't judge them.

  • That isn't a real skeleton. Maddie and Duncan travel with a skeleton. His name is Jimmy and he rides shotgun, always.

  • Terrifically Terrifying Tours! Maddie is the "M" of DM's Terrifically Terrifying Tours, scaring the bejesus out of Gray Harbor since 2019. Want to go on a ghost tour? Want to remind Maddie while scaring the bejesus out of people in Gray Harbor is bad for the environment? Hit her up!

There's nothing classically beautiful about Maddie, though she could be summed up as 'quirkily adorable'. Standing at precisely five feet nothing, she's perfectly petite with a slender and softly curved build; there's absolutely nothing athletic-looking about her, but she manages to keep a decent figure. Her oval face is defined with prominent cheekbones, wide, expressive dark brown eyes, a narrow nose and cupid's bow lips. Dark brown hair falls straight down to her shoulders, often pulled back in a messy bun or ponytail to get the flyaways out of her face. She has a fair complexion, almost always leaning towards 'almost too pale'.

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2019-11-28 - Thankful for...
**Open vignette scene.** Feel free to share a snippet of your character's Turkey Day. Could be anything - something that happens/ed off-camera, a character you didn't get a chance to play, a misty water-colored memory, whatever's clever. Note that this isn't a "live" scene in the traditional sense; just a collection of vignettes around a common theme. I'll be leaving it open until Friday the 16th at around 4:30 PM Pacific / 7:30 PM Eastern.
KarmaBum, Nicole, Cassidy, Erin, Greg, Elise, Graham, Eli, Tobin, Aidan, Alexander, Easton, Sutton, Byron, Gina, Clarissa, Carver, Lilith, Elias, Cole, Lex, Vyv, Andi, Ruiz, Abitha, Mark, Lucinda, Genevieve, Lyric, Ignacio, Justin, Itzhak, Finch, August, Isabella, Rebecca, Hyacinth, Minerva, Jaime, Joey, Everett, Eleanor, Maddie, Love, Duncan, Tyrone, Abby, Sparrow, Zoiya, Tillie, Nathan, Harvey, Hailey, Carter, Andy, Roxy, Viktor, Shauna, Kailey, Rhys, Daisy, Grant, Jacob, Noelle, Martel, Yule, Anne, Patrick, Reese, Libby

2019-04-26 through 2019-09-08 - Yesterday (Open Vignette)
Happy 3-month Game-iversary, GH! Let's do a little retrospective: Look back for your character's first on-camera scene. Share what they were doing the day before that. (This is an open vignette scene. We'll be leaving it open till about 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern on Friday, July 5th.)
KarmaBum, AlmightyMe, Nicole, Erin, Thomas, Elise, Graham, Eli, Tobin, Aidan, Magnolia, Kevin, Alexander, Easton, Jonathan, Sutton, Byron, Clarissa, Carver, Lilith, Cole, Vyv, Andi, Isolde, Mark, Cameron, Lucinda, Dahlia, Sarah, Finch, August, Isabella, Tyler, Rebecca, Minerva, Everett, Eleanor, Maddie, Rick, Love, Duncan, Sparrow, Zoiya, Tillie, Nathan, Harvey, Hailey, Poe, Scott, Andy, Roxy, Viktor, Daisy

2016-11-06 - 1000 Days Ago
1000 days ago was November 6, 2016. What was your character doing just under three years ago? This is an "open vignette" scene - not a normal scene, so don't be intimidated by the number of participants. Pop in, share a little glimpse of what your character was doing.
KarmaBum, Violet, Alex, Erin, Julia, Elise, Graham, Eli, Tobin, Aidan, Magnolia, Kevin, Alexander, Easton, Mariah, Jonathan, Sutton, Byron, Carver, Lilith, Bennie, Elias, Cole, Lex, Penny, Harper, Vyv, Andi, Ruiz, Isolde, Lucinda, Genevieve, Lyric, Dahlia, Ignacio, Justin, Itzhak, Finch, August, Isabella, Tyler, Rebecca, Hyacinth, Minerva, Jaime, Joey, Everett, Eleanor, Maddie, Rick, Love, Duncan, Abby, Sparrow, Dante, Zoiya, Kelsey

2019-10-30 - Masquerade: Opening Ceremony
Gray Harbor's Masquerade kicks off to a great start!
Erin, Tobin, Alexander, Sutton, Byron, Frankie, Ruiz, August, Isabella, Minerva, Everett, Maddie, Duncan, Alison, Roxy, James

2019-10-07 - Chicken Soup For Duncan's Soul
Wherein Maddie dies, revives, and sells TP to Clarissa
Clarissa, Maddie, Duncan

2019-09-15 - Cease(Crotch)Fire
A beautiful friendship is born at the end of this log, and crotch fires are successfully extinguished
Alexander, Maddie, Duncan

2019-08-17 - Building A Better Mouse Trap
Maddie and Duncan were both harmed in the making of this log
Maddie, Duncan

2019-08-12 - Banned For Life
How not to get invited to a Terrifically Terrifying Tour.
Eli, Alexander, Maddie, Duncan

2019-08-05 - The Price Of A Bear Trap Is Exactly $200
Now you know how much bear traps cost
Noah, Easton, Jaime, Everly, Maddie

2019-08-03 - Terrifically Terrifying Tours
"This is gonna be so great. We'll make enough money to kill Alexander and bury Jimmy in, like, a week tops."
Maddie, Duncan

2019-07-28 - Like Four Thousand Papercuts
bears attacked and stole money from the diner and ate peppermints and rekt a bunch of dishes
Maddie, Duncan, Blake

2019-07-28 - Slimy Shimmy Suits
Eli stumbles across the evidence of someone having a very fun night in the park.
Teresa, Eli, Alexander, Easton, Isolde, Maddie, Duncan, Corey

2019-07-26 - Ixnay On The Eleton-Skay
Duncan & Maddie lose their //entire house//. Noah suggests they change their names and Duncan calls dibs on Harrison Ford.
Noah, Maddie, Duncan

2019-07-23 - Gorillas With Skeletons
Duncan and Maddie are being totally casual at Abby.
Maddie, Duncan, Abby

2017 - Little Lights in the Darkness
So we wanted to play out the highlight reel of these two characters, and this is what happened. tl;dr - They meet, fall in love, run afoul of the Seven Ages Theater Company, and acquire a skeleton, then head toward Gray Harbor.
Maddie, Duncan