2020-03-10 - Coffee Break

Katherine attempts to meet new people.

IC Date: 2020-03-10

OOC Date: 2019-10-21

Location: Espresso Yourself

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 4232


Coffee is the thing that fuels Katherine. While drive and ambition play a part in motivating her career, coffee gets her going during the day. She's not one for fancy coffee, although she'll take flavoured coffee at times. Black, just like her heart, she always says, though the coffee this time is a caramel flavoured light roast. She's sitting in Espresso Yourself, reviewing some paperwork on a merger she's a part of in New York. Stuck in the midst of all the paperwork is a comic book, because really, she's not working, not at this point.

The door open and Jewellia steps inside with a shiver, stopping for a moment to tap the snow and mud off of her shoes before making her way to the counter. She is a small, athletic woman standing all of 5ft3, her very curly brown hair is tied back into a low ponytail. She is dressed in light-colored jeans, winter boots, and a fluffy pale lavender sweater under a leather jacket. slung over one shoulder in a camera bag as well as a messenger bag. Smiling at the Barista she orders an Ginger-apple tea.

A similar man, at least as far as people like Katherine. The battlecruiser he calls a truck is parked and Thewlis is through the door. Head down, hat pulled low, shaking off the cold as he starts for the counter. Brows knit and trying to make himself small as the baristas and a number of the table dwellers turn to watch as if they're about to get a show.

Hera seems to be in the mood for coffee like many other people in Gray Harbor. The cold weather can do it, or other things can inspire her to get a a warm cup. To keep herself warm, she wears a thick coat and shivers a little when she steps in, as if trying to get rid of the last final visage of the cold. "Not a night for tea, and certainly not an occassion for warm milk."

Turning to see who was approaching behind her Jewellia greeted the man with a bright, friendly smile, and a wave. "Hello!"

Katherine, who had been caught up in re-reading her comic book, has her thoughts interrupted by the noise around her. She looks around and notices the redhead commenting about tea and warm milk. "I don't really need an excuse for a nice warm up of coffee," she comments casually, "I have a feeling it's one of those nights anyway."

<FS3> Thewlis rolls Composure: Good Success (8 8 6 5 2 1) (Rolled by: Thewlis)

This might be a day of mysteries for Hera, and some of the counter crew. When he's spoken to, looked at even, Thew blinks, eyes raised, bobbing his head in a nervous sort of nod, the local gravedigger offers a fleeting smile that is quickly crushed out by self consciousness "Hi... umrm... Nuh-n-nnice duh-day?"

Hera doesn't seem to know everyone here, but Thewlis is a familiar face. "Oh hello!" she says, "It really is. It's a cold day so, not my favorite but, I wonder if they still have peppermint lattes or things like that? I know we're way beyond pumpkin spice season." Yeah, maybe she's one of those 'fru fru' coffee drinkers.

She smiled at the man again, taking note of his apparent shyness, as well as the stutter. As the woman comes up behind them she gives her a bright, friendly smile and a wave as well. Picking up her ginger-apple tea she moved out of the way so the other two can place their orders. "It is not as cold as it has been, still too much snow though."

"Yeah, well, my firm had me transferred to Gray Harbor for work last October, so I've really gotten the bulk of the winter experience here, I'm glad I have coffee to warm me up." Katherine says to whoever's nearby, which she figures are those at the counter. "I'm Katherine, but you can call me Kate, by the way. Nice to meet you all."

"Yu-yeah... too d-d-d-damned cold." blinking at his own language, head ducking slightly, and when people start introducing himself he offers the floor a long look. "Th-th-thoo-hoooo... Th-th..." he sighs and closes his eyes, "Thewlis... Muh-Moore." the guy in the paper for opening the movie theater on Maple recently.

Hera winks a bit in Thewlis' direction, "You left out the fact that you're the most amazing handyman on the planet Thewlis, but I'll be around to remind you. Speaking of which, did you say Malificent was playing now? I sure would love to see it."

"My name is Jewellia ( said, Julia). it is nice to meet you, Thewlis." She paused for a moment. "You are the guy in the paper that just bought the theater, right? That is pretty amazing." My brother and I are from Seattle, we don't get quite as much snow there as there is here, I have only been here for a few months now."She sipped her tea and looked at Katherine, giving her the same bright, friendly smile she had given the other two. "Where did your office transfer you from?"

Katherine says, "New York City, specifically Manhattan. I'm a lawyer and the firm wanted me to handle an account here. Decided to take on another client while I'm here," Katherine explains casually when Jewellia asks. She thinks about the movie theatre and considers possibly checking it out. "I haven't seen a good movie in a while. Might be a great date night situation. I hear there's a dance lesson/movie deal?""

Coming off duty, Devlin makes his way into the coffee shop. He holds the door for someone leaving the shop and then makes his way over to the counter. Enroute, "Hi Hera, Thewlis." At the counter he orders his coffee but rather than just black, he gets it with Irish Cream.

Hera waves over in Devlin's direction and offers him a smile. "I guess I should come out for coffee more often, this place is really hopping." she grins. It's then that one of the servers or someone takes pity on the woman to tell her there's not really too many 'fru fru' type drinks. "Ok uhm, hazelnut? I mean, if it's not that much trouble." She then goes over to be served, not in the mood for standard black coffee it seems.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention, I don't think I got your name," Kate says to the redhead in the room, trying again to interact with her, in case she missed her comment about coffee the last the time she tried small talk.

Waves at Devlin and gives him a friendly smile from where she was standing near the counter, sipping her drink.

"Yeah, the Duh-d-dd-Dinner and Da-hancing combo. S-suh-still go-g-going as far as I know... Muhmh-muh-Malificent sh-sh-should be in..." Thewlis grows thoughtful, "W-w-we're duh-doing the Rocketeer nuh-next wuh-week... Nuh-nightmare be-be-before Christmas." a glass is set on the counter, his regular order... Money is plunked down and bean seed water is his!

Jessica is on her phone as she pushes through the door soon after Devlin. Coat, scarf, beanie, checking texts with gloved fingers - it's cold outside! She makes her way to the counter almost by instinct, only looking up at the last moment to see the most beautiful sight in her world. "Hey, Babe" she greets Hera, leaning in for a quick kiss to the cheek and touching her with a cold nose. "Oh, sorry, didn't mean to interrupt" she smiles between Hera and Katherine before catching Thewlis' words. "'Nightmare Before Christmas'? That's quite some time before Christmas" she teases gently. "Definitely come to see 'The Rocketeer' though. How is the cinema going?" She works at the local newspaper so she knows pretty much everyone who runs a business - by sight/name if not actually talked to them.

Devlin says, "Nightmare before Christmas.. very cool. Love how they did the movie animation. Rocketeer.. man that rocket pack would be the wet dream for any paratrooper worth his salt.. " He smiles as he gets his coffee, "Thank you, Miss." And then smiles to the woman, that waved to him. He then moves to take a seat near Hera but pauses, "So cousin.. mind if I join you?""

Hera manages to order something warm and tells Devlin, "Of course, please, have a seat." But then she giggles a little when she sees Jessica and she goes in to quickly kiss her on the lips. "It's so good to see you away from work sweetheart. Surely I can buy you something to drink, eh? Also, we should go see Malificent! I really want to. Have you met Alisha? She said she would go with me but, of course, I want you to come." Why not have another movie night? She also asks Devlin, "Have you heard of it?"

After glancing at a series of drunk texts on her phone, Katherine rolls her eyes at the screen, before packing her things up and leaving, taking her coffee and her briefcase with her.

Jewellia moved to an empty table setting her camera and messenger bags on the table before sitting down. she wrapped both hands around her cup, seeming more interested in people watching then her work at the moment.

Jewellia waves bye-bye to Katherine

Devlin says, "I think so.. has Jolie in it, right.. with wings?" He sips his coffee and ahhs.. "Nothing like some good coffee.." He smiles a bit. "And a boring shift... Darwin took the day off it seems." He then greets, "Hey Jessica.. I swear if Hera's smile gets any brighter she is going to blind you...""

"The first 'Maleficent' or the second one?" Jessica asks before shaking her head about Alisha. "I don't know her. Is she trying to steal you away?" She's only teasing. "Sure, I'll come along if I can. Hey, Devlin, nice to see you again. I assure you, Hera's smile can't match mine. It's okay, I'll grab something. Fancy a muffin?" she asks Hera as Jessica gets her turn at the counter. A nod of greeting for Jewellia.

Thewlis pauses, blinks, "Jessica! Y-yuh-you're th-th-ha-haht Jessica!?" Thewlis suddenly turns very red and looks to Hera, offering a wave to Devlin.

Dropping Katherine from pose order. (by Katherine)

She smiled and waved back at Jessica.

"Nothing like mutually assured blindness.." Devlin teases. He then grins to Thewlis, "Hey Handy dude.. I may be needing some DIY advice later on. Future..." He then hmms seeing the people watcher.. "New face, Hera?"

Hera moves to lace her fingers with Jessica's and with her other hand she holds her girlfriend's hand. "It's hard not to be happy around her, very hard. She then gets a bit curious, "I imagine you have met Thewlis and, Thewlis, you haven't met my girlfriend before? So much goes on at times it's hard to keep track." She then nods, "Do you mean Thewlis? I've known him for a while but the people watcher is waved at. Yes, new faces are always welcome and she tells Jewellia, "Hello Miss. Care to join us?"

When hera offered for her to join the people at the table she seemed to consider it for a moment and then picked up her bags and drink moving over to take an empty seat. "Thanks!" she was a young woman looking to be in her early to mid-twenties. her very curly brown hair was tied back into a low ponytail, and she was dressed in light-colored jeans, winter books, and a fluffy lavender sweater. "I am Jewlia (said, Julia)"

"I know of Thewlis but I don't think we've actually met before. I guess Thewlis will meet most people with his non-movie job. Yes, apparently I am that Jessica." A little laugh at being famous and the mutually assured blindess. "M.A.B. doesn't really have the same ring to it." Drink and muffins are ordered and she will sit at the booth, happy to hold Hera's hand again. "Hello, Jewlia. I'm Jessica. I support your name starting with a 'J'. This is Hera, Devlin, and Thewlis." Indicating each one in turn.

Nodding to Jewlia, "Welcome to a place with some of the best coffee in town. Now if I could just get our station house moved right next door." He chuckles some over his coffee and takes a sip. "We don't bite.." he shrugs.. "errr... much or very hard."

She smiled and laughed a little. I support your name starting in J as well, do you prefer Jessica or do you use Jess?" She sips her tea slowly looking at each of them in turn as Jessica introduced them."Thank you. it is nice to meet all of you." She gave a nod and a smile to each one in turn. She looked at Devlin curiously. "Station? Are you a cop? My brother, Adam just joined the police department here." She laughed. " I promise only to bite first if asked."

Sitting with the group, a miracle, though he hunches up, Thew quiets and blushes some as he's teased, looking down into his drink. It seems like he's actually enjoying people being nice to one another, eyes flicking from face to face, though he does answer Devlin, "Ah-ha-knee time you nuh-need help. Juh-huh-hust call ok?"

Hera puts her coffee down and leans in to kiss Jessica again. The newcomer is properly greeted with a friendly handshake and she says, "Pleasure to meet you Julia. I always liked that name, Julia." Though she doesn't quite realize it's spelled differently. "Yes, the coffee is much much better here than I can offer, of course, that's not what I do. And a cop? Well, that's sort of what you do Devlin, sort of."

A slight roll of his eyes, "Paramedic.." Devlin takes a sip of his coffee, "I do not arrest people or ticket them.. granted it would be nice to hand out tickets for stupidity and actual Darwin awards.." His tone a little teasing there. "Still, it does have its interesting days.. and up here no one shoots at me when in uniform."

"Jessica. Jess. All Great and Powerful One. I don't mind what you call me" Jessica deadpans to Jewellia. "Trust me, I've heard all the bad ones. Your brother is a cop?" Uh-oh, reporter sense activated. Thankfully, there is a kiss from Hera to remind her this is not a business meeting. "Glad to hear no one is shooting at you, Devlin. Though if anyone ever does...let me know?" A hopeful look for a possible scoop before asking Thewlis, "Do you have much experience with houseboat maintenance?"

She returned Hera's handshake, her hand was small, and warm from being wrapped around her cup. "What is it that you do, Hera? if you don't mind me asking?" Jessica gets a smile and a bit of a laugh from the young woman "Jess then."She nodded her head to confirm that her brother was a cop. I am just a photographer myself."

"I've wo-wuh-worked on a fuh-few in this tt-t-town... I c-c-an puh-pretty much fu-fu-fix everythin." Thewlis admits what might be a boast for others, but just gets his head ducking, embarrassed to be confidant about something.

Hera winks over at Jessica and says, "You forgot beautiful." Yup, no bias there, "And Devlin, he's the best first responder I know, but he's family so I'm biased." When Jewellia asks though, she almost beams, "I run a little art gallery nearby. Do pottery classes, sculpting, anything artistic well that's pretty much me. Are you into the arts?" She asks, "And yes, Thewlis has fixed many things in my place. I am quite thankful for that. My cat would make sure I wouldn't have any shelves if it wouldn't be for Thewlis."

Devlin chuckles, "Queso would be more dangerous in a china shop than a dozen bulls.." He sips his coffee, "Jewlia.. if I seem a bit odd, may be related to my prior career. I used to jump out of perfectly good aircraft in the middle of the night with the expectation of having to patch up grunts in combat.." He grins a bit shamelessly there over his coffee.

"And beautiful" Jessica adds before wiggling her eyebrows at Hera. "Thanks for reminding me...though I know someone even more beautiful." A longer kiss for her girlfriend now as any diabetics nearby start to feel ill. When the kiss, finally, breaks, Jessica whispers to Hera. "I meant you." In case there is some confusion there. A nod to Thewlis. "Maybe when you're done with Devlin's work, you can help me out? If you're not running a cinema as well." Her phone buzzes and she glaces at it with a look of annoyance. "Typical. You think this place could stay peaceful for one day? The answer is 'no'." An apologetic look to Hera. "Sorry, work calls but I promise, absolutely promise, that I will come by your place later and...maybe stay the night?" She flutters her eyelashes at her girlfriend.

She smiled at Hera." Oh My! That sounds wonderful I will have to sign up for one of the pottery classes that sounds like it would be a lot of fun."She nodded "I am a photographer, an amateur one, but I just did a photo session for a guy name Stefan and his adorable hairless cat. I will have to stop by the Gallery at some point and see what you have displayed. I love art." She looked at Devlin with a new look of respect. "My father is former military, so i understand. Plus Adam and I are from Seattle. he is also part-time SWAT."

Thewlis blink blink blinks at all that woo being pitched around, leaning towards Devlin and quietly murmuring "Diabeetus" in a Brimley voice.

Devlin nods to Thewlis, "Better them than you or I.. mind you.. I have my weakness there.. but at least I don't think Morrigan and I do that.." then he hmms.. "Might be guilty...."

She smiled and waved at Jessica. "it was nice to meet you, Jess!" as excitable as the young woman was she probably didn't need the caffeine she was drinking. She didn't seem at all bothered by the amount of kissing going on.

Hera blushes a little as she hears the compliments from Jessica. But then her eyes light up when Jewellia begins to discuss her work. "Oh!" she says with excitement, "You will need to come by and show me your work. I'd love to see it! Many of the local talents are featured in my gallery including Leon's work, you need to check out his photo of a lighthouse, really amazing. Photography is quite the art, it really is. I don't have much skill for that but, finding so much talent in the local area is important." She looks toward Thewlis and says, "Speaking of which, when is Jade going to come by and show off her musicial skills?"

"I'm nuh-n-not suh-sure. But sh-sh-he needs t-t-t-to." Thew nods, "I'll t-try to g-get her ow-how-howt of th-th-the house soon." lifting his mug to take a sip from the now steamless coffee, sighing at the flavor of too much sugar in his bean water.

Devlin sips his coffee, "I get pretty busy myself.. and so does Morrigan. Getting time together can be a challenge."

"I am not sure who Leon is but if he is another photographer I would love to meet him and see his work. !" she smiled happily only to sigh and frown a bit as her phone beeped. "That is my phone telling me I need to get going or I am going to be later, but it was really awesome meeting all of you." She picked up her bags slinging them over her shoulders before picking up her cup. " you three have a good day."

Hera extends a business card to Jewellia and says, "Please, come by, I'd love to see your work, I really would." Then, just to ask casually, she presents the question to Devlin, "How is Morrigan?"

Devlin says, "She's doing pretty well. Things are moving along rather well too.." He flushes just a little. "Very well.."

Thewlis mmrmms and nods at Devlin when Hera questions him, "Duh-di-didn't know you were dating..." he pauses an gets an idea... looks between them again and sighs as he notices something... "Ne-neh-neither of you c-c--ca-haan mind t-t-talk..." he knows they glimmer, at least one of them knows he does... May as well put it out there.

Hera yawns as she begins to stand up, "I hope she will come by. I would really love to feature some new artists. All of that should come in time I imagine. Coffee or not though, I might need to head home."

Devlin nods, "Yeah.. I need to grill something to surprise Morrigan with at her place myself.. "


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