2020-03-17 - Shattered fucking souls.

A trip into the Veil at the old sawmill sheds some LIGHT on a few dark secrets.

IC Date: 2020-03-17

OOC Date: 2019-10-26

Location: Abandoned Sawmill

Related Scenes:   2020-03-16 - WHO ELSE   2020-03-17 - V Stands For (Don't Visit The) Vivisectionist   2020-03-18 - Bar Talk, Interrupted   2020-03-18 - I'll Follow You Down

Plot: None

Scene Number: 4300


If anyone here didn't figure out that those construction paper shamrocks were a suggestion that they try this errand on Saint Patrick's Day, then... well. They're very stupid, and hopefully someone else will explain it to them. Because that's what it meant. Despite persistent rumors of Bad Things [tm] lurking at the old sawmill, this particular winter evening is at least free of bad weather. It's not quite dark yet, but there's no point coming around in broad daylight: #1 - it wouldn't be creepy enough, and #2 - the place is technically private property, so you can get arrested for fucking around.

So now is the agreed upon date-and-time that brings everyone who's going to come. There's a chill in the air, and they can juuuuuust make out whatever the weird noise is that people insist is the old saw, buzzing to life. No one's ever been able to solve that mystery. There are a couple of gaps in the fallen-down chain-link fence that are invitingly door-shaped.

Anne didn't get a paper shamrock so she has no idea what the meta is bitching about. Either way, she's here, having arrived with Enzo. She is bundled up from the cold and has a satchel thrown over one shoulder, some minor supplies in there. "I was told I should bring a hatchet," she says to him as she comes up onto the chainlink fence, frowning at the gap in it. "I didn't bring one though. I don't know if hatchets work on saws."

KarmaBum has changed the pose order type to 3-per.

Alexander is here, at least twenty minutes early, with a battered backpack filled with basic survival/exploration gear built on the template that Isabella, Anne, August, Yule, and others have been developing. He looks mostly like a hobo, to be honest, traveling with his pack to look for a place to sleep. His oversized army jacket covers old, ragged sweater and jeans about to fall apart, with heavy, stompy boots. That and his underslept, twitchy expression are not the things that inspire confidence in anyone. But he's here, damn it, and when he sees Anne and Enzo, he steps out from under the shadows of a tree and heads in their direction. "I brought a small one. Hatchets are always useful."

It's private property maybe, but it's ADDINGTON property. At least that's the assumption Holly's operating under, showing no signs of stealthiness. "Drat, I didn't get a memo about hatchets," she proclaims, fetching up next to Enzo. "Ooh, I can definitely fit through that one." A gloved hand is waved at one of the gaps in the fence.

In all of this, Enzo absolutely sent Alexander a quick text that said 'yes all of my family members who were planning on coming got the card too" lest Alexander think he forgot about this. He did not! He doesn't really bring anything useful except a flashlight. When they get there, he parks his car and walks up with Anne and everyone else to the fence. He looks at the door shapes in the chain link fence, glances around and goes, "Lets see what happens." And without messing around because he really doesn't want to mess around here longer than necessary, he reaches for an invisible doorknob.

Katy arrives alone, because she isn’t in the inner circle of Addingtons in town, and because Katy does whatever Katy wants. She’s dressed warmly, in a heavy jacket, and jeans, all in black. It’s not like anyone tells her anything, despite having expressed wanting to do this. No one mentions preparations to her or anything so she only has herself and what she is able to do. She joins everyone else and remains quiet.

Kyle had mentioned doing this a while ago, his survival kit was packed and in the truck, rifle at the ready, pistol and a hunting knife. He pulled up to join the others with a thermo of coffee and a look on his face that said he did not have enough so far today. He looked at those present and decided to skip saying much, for now.

<FS3> Enzo rolls Physical (7 6 5 5 4 3 2 2 2 1) vs The Veil (a NPC)'s 2 (5 4 3 2)
<FS3> Victory for Enzo. (Rolled by: KarmaBum)

<FS3> Anne rolls Physical (8 7 6 6 4 4 4 3 2 1 1) vs The Veil (a NPC)'s 2 (6 5 4 4)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Anne. (Rolled by: AlmightyMe)

Atli would have brought a hatchet and a bag of survival equipment if it would not have been an entire waste of sensible money. She had conveniently skipped any badges in Girl Scouts that would have required either. She had her own opinions about 'The Baxter' that was present, but at least he was a shiny person. She looks more ready for a winter bonfire than investigating the saw mill. She waves cheerfully to each person, a to go coffee mug in hand. "Hello!"

Enzo finds that... surprisingly easy. Anne finds that even fucking easier, show-off.

Whatever imaginary doors they're opening with their minds, they spring wide. It doesn't really look like anything. There's not even a subtle shift in the air. They know it worked. Everyone else is just going to have to trust that there are now two gaps in reality through which people can walk, just like they could through gaps in the fencing.

"Well, hopefully I didn't make a mistake not bringing mine," Anne says of hatchets with a waning smile flashed to Alexander. She doesn't look exactly her chipper self - it's a safe bet to assume coming out here was an argument. She might be here, but that didn't necessarily mean she won. But she has a welcoming wave to the others that come. "Sorry about dinner the other night, Katy. But Patrick's nose is healing right along, at least," she offers, the smile faint and brief, before she turns to the fence and sucks in a breath, steadying the blow back out. "Here goes nothing," she reaches for the gap in the fence, blinking at just how easy it is. "Well. That's something. Let's do this," she squares her shoulders and waltzes on in.

Enzo feels the door swing open and makes a 'hm' face. Then he looks over to the various Addingtons and Alexander. He's unable to really respond to anyone's discontent when it's not verbalized to him, so he largely doesn't notice if anyone is unhappy tonight. With a wave of his arm, he steps through the chainlink fence into whatever they're about to find on the other side. He glances back in particular at Holly, making certain his younger sister really can squeeze through here.

She hears Anne’s apology and says, “Good for him.” She is still unhappy with that dinner but is not up for discussing it. Katy steps in without even thinking about it. She is no longer open to listening to warnings or playing nice with the family or strangers or whatever.

Alexander ducks his head guiltily when Katy approaches, and the expression only deepens when Anne mentions Patrick's healing nose. He clears his throat, and blurts, "I don't usually." A pause. "Punch people. At dinner, I mean. I don't." And then he just shuts up, clears his throat, and steps through the portal. Deep breath. "This will be fine," he mutters to himself. "This will be fine."

"Oh, it's that kind of party," Holly notes as the doors are opened, and yes, Enzo, she can squeeze through a door-sized opening. And she does.

Kyle shifts the pack on his shoulder and safely stows the rifle for now. Coffee, much more important in that moment. He opens his thermos and takes a long swig. "Way to chipper of a bunch here." He shrugs as the proceed forward. Listening to the conversation he just shakes his head. "Damn, and I missed it."

When reality rips open in holes and people lead you through them, it is only polite to follow. She takes note of several factors including that her greeting is entirely ignored, The other being that this was a violent individual with a habit of face punching. MARVELOUS. "Thank you!" She calls loudly ahead of her, a little louder than usual considering the possibility everyone present was suddenly deaf.

Stepping through does that thing to their minds. It smashes two fragments of reality together, but they don't really fit together properly. They have to really mash their minds to get things to fit, like forcing the wrong puzzle-piece into place. It hurts, it doesn't look quite right, and it's going to ruin the rest of the puzzle. But on through they go, leaving behind the cold, dark twilight to enter the...

...cold, nothinglight of the Veil. Here, one can almost see the real world, shimmering dimly into and out of focus, bits and blobs of it materializing and then disappearing at random just at the edge of vision.

Empty and silent, the sawmill has the look of simply being closed for the night. The chain link fence that surrounds it in the real world is nowhere in sight, and they can see a low, dusty mist creeping in from the shadows of the surrounding forest. White and powdery-fine, it's definitely coming their way.

"Communication isn't this family's strong suit unless it's decided you should hear something or if they happen to want to tell you, and no one thought to give me a memo on preparation, despite being one of the first to want to be a part of this trip," Katy comments to Kyle in response to missing something.

When everything settles and comes into focus for Katy, she is immediately met with the dusty mist and the generally creepy feeling of the Veil. This being her first trip, she isn't sure what to expect but she is obviously on high alert.

Enzo steps through the other side and steps immediately out of everyone's way, holding onto his kneecaps to get through the wave of not-great that hits him from the trip over. He watches as everyone gets through, counting them until the last person arrives and then he straightens up. He looks around the area, having to squint several times at the overall weirdness as stuff starts to fit together and then finally the emptiness of the sawmill. "I mean, there was no memo about preparation?" He counters to Katy's complaints and then shrugs his shoulders. "Anyway, I'm going to go inside and see if I can trigger some more of Thomas' memories, if anyone wants to come with me?" And off he goes.

<FS3> Alexander rolls Alertness (7 6 4 3 2 2 1) vs Mist Or...? (a NPC)'s 4 (8 8 7 7 6 1)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Mist Or...?. (Rolled by: KarmaBum)

<FS3> Enzo rolls Alertness (8 5 5 4 2 2 2) vs Mist Or...? (a NPC)'s 4 (7 6 4 4 2 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Mist Or...?. (Rolled by: KarmaBum)

Alexander places one hand over his mouth as he staggers on the other side, his eyes closing for a moment until some deep breaths help regain his composure. "Could be worse," he says, looking around. He stares at the mill, then at the Addingtons, focusing in on Atli. "You're welcome," he says, like he's reading a cue card. His eyes shift to Katy. "Does someone have to tell you to put on clothes in the morning, too? Do you have a maid? I didn't see a maid, but maybe maids go into a storage room when not being used?"

Then Enzo's walking off, and he curses under his breath. "Staying together is likely to lead to less horrible mutilation and murder," he says, and moves to catch up.

<FS3> Holly rolls Alertness (8 7 5 3 2) vs Mist Or...? (a NPC)'s 4 (8 5 5 3 2 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Holly. (Rolled by: KarmaBum)

<FS3> Katy rolls Alertness (7 7 6 3 3 1) vs Mist Or...? (a NPC)'s 4 (7 5 3 1 1 1)
<FS3> Victory for Katy. (Rolled by: KarmaBum)

<FS3> Kyle rolls Alertness (8 7 7 4 2) vs Mist Or...? (a NPC)'s 4 (7 4 4 4 2 1)
<FS3> Victory for Kyle. (Rolled by: KarmaBum)

<FS3> Atli rolls Alertness (7 7 6 3) vs Mist Or...? (a NPC)'s 4 (7 5 5 3 3 2)
<FS3> Victory for Atli. (Rolled by: KarmaBum)

One little, two little, three little Veil-adventures. Four little, five little, six little Veil-adventures. But wait, weren't there seven little Veil-adventures? Through the gate comes Katy, Enzo, Alexander, Holly, Atli and Kyle .. but not Anne. It seems one little Veil Adventurer girl is no where to be found.

<FS3> Kyle rolls Leadership: Good Success (8 7 7 6 5 4 4 3) (Rolled by: Kyle)

"Enzo do you like breathing? Yes people want to go with you. This is not a waterpark though so lets stick together and organized... maybe? You had it together enough to wait for everyone to get in. Discuss your thoughts going forward before you move." Oh good the coffee was kicking in, Kyle suddenly recalled he has led squads before.

"No, Alexander, but after being told my entire life that the Veil is dangerous and all that, it would have been nice to be briefed on what to expect instead of just being constantly told no, it's bad, don't go, just don't do it, don't use your gifts," Katy snaps when Alexander addresses her, and it feels like perhaps, she is mostly annoyed that everyone around her seems more in the loop than she is.

Sometimes faces, sometimes hands, sometimes full silhouettes of people take shape in that mist as it draws closer. The radius around them is irregular, but they've got maybe fifteen feet in any direction before they'll be in contact with that so-called mist.

Enzo is charging off toward the sawmill and Alexander is following him, cursing under his breath, and Anne is nowhere to be found, so none of those three realize that this isn't mist at all. It's no kind of water vapor. This is more like dust. Fine, white dust. Floating toward them. Annnnnd making ghosty noises, like whispery words they can't quite make out.

As they're part-way to the mill itself, Enzo will slow down and stop. He gives Alexander and elbow. "Where is Anne?"

<FS3> Alexander rolls Composure: Success (8 4 4 2 2) (Rolled by: Alexander)

Holly stops to rub her eyes and let things sort themselves out, and then follows Enzo and Alexander. Someone has to keep an eye on one or maybe even both of them, though she's doing such a good job of it that she nearly plows into her brother when he stops. Unphased, "Where is Anne?"

Well despite the smashing of reality giving her the twinge of a headache, everything was exactly as it should be. The creepy abandoned mill was creepy and abandoned. That checks out. The mist was straight out of 'Sleepy Hallow', also very on brand. The reassurance that this made sense did in fact help Atli in her head sort things right. She agrees with Vincenzo that they should waste no time...but. "Firstly, yes where is Anne? Secondly, the mist is ominous." Alexander's acknowledgement garners a smile.

Alexander stops just short of walking into that elbow, skidding to a halt with a grumpy glare at Enzo. "No touching. Elbows count." He looks around at the question, though, going a couple of shades paler. "Goddamnit. She better be back on the other side. Maybe that's why she didn't get a card." His please don't be alone in a Dream can be read all over his face as he looks around, and Katy's words get only a slight increase of his already massive frown. "Look. None of know what the hell we're doing over here. We're making it up as we go along and hoping we don't get torn to tiny pieces. So use your brains, observe, and act on your own initiative."

Says the guy who has completely missed that the fog is not fog at all.

"Ah we are oraginzed and stick together great. come on Katy lets catch up. One person missing, no idea if the other two get through the mist okay." Kyle follows after them.

Enzo frowns and he sweeps a look over the group, then he turns an eyeball onto Alexander and says, "Oh, sorry. Anyway, she's the only one in the group who wasn't a Baxter or an Addington. Maybe she popped out somewhere else, I hope she can make a door and just go back home." He doesn't sound exactly thrilled or happy about it, but there also aren't clues to where Anne went, so. He keeps close proximity to Holly, doesn't notice anything at all about the mist because he's oblivious and starts to walk on again to the most immediate entrance.

Katy keeps a visual on Kyle and Enzo, observing the man who seems to control the entry and exit, and the man who seems to give a shit that she's there. She notices the absence of Anne, but doesn't comment, because she has nothing to contribute and doesn't really feel like saying anything. When she hears Kyle speak, she just follows him.

"Who the fuck is Anne?" The woman who shoves out of the old sawmill is old, wearing a polyester skirt-suit with shoulder-pads and everything, a string of pearls around her slashed throat, and she smokes like a chimney - a plume comes out ahead of her, and she smells of tobacco something fierce. If y'all saw Beetlejuice and remember Juno, she's a dead-ringer for that. "Oh, the other one, the spare one, the - " She impatiently waves her cigarette at all the people milling around in the 'fog.' " - not like you fuckers." Her chuckle rasps out like a cough, and smoke seeps out of the wound on her throat.

"So here you all are. You're not actually going to - " She pokes the cigarette toward Alexander, then the saw behind her. "Because I really hoped you assholes had moved passed all that."

"Some of us did, then we got such pretty invitations and decided what the hell lets come in for a visit." Kyle replied back once more doing a head count and trying to keep track of the fog. His eyes go to Katy who followed when he asked, worth giving it another shot. "Think you can keep an eye on that stuff Katy?"

"The Exorcist." Alexander supplies the...name? Title? With surprise. "Hello." When she points at him and the mill, he grimaces. "I'm really hoping that's not on the agenda tonight." His frown returns, though, as he says, "Anne's not a spare." A glance at the collected Addingtons. "The Exorcist works at the City Hall on this side." A look back at her. "We were hoping to find some answers that don't involve chucking me in a saw."

"No, we're not going to feed Alexander into the sawmill," Enzo says to the woman in the skirt-suit when she pokes her cigarette out toward him. He glances at the pearls around the slashed throat and unconsciously runs his hand across his own throat. "Yeah, we're looking for some clarifications. There was a shift in the Veil around the time my grandfather wandered off...? Also we've been dreaming about the mill. And someone gave me a card saying we might get lucky here." A glance to the others, any other questions?

"That's not mist." Holly says this WELL after it's obvious that it's not mist.

Through the mist, a pair of disembodied feet in a pair of child's shoes skips through. The laces are untied, dangling. The shoes stop dead somewhere on the borders of the mist near the group, a small, girlish voice ringing through: "Can you help me? I've lost my teddy. Could you bring me to find it?"

Focusing on what Kyle has to say, Katy is mostly observing. She is no longer speaking (probably because everyone has excuses anything helpful to tell her except for Kyle). She is listening to the conversation and everyone else who seems to know more, and her attention is drawn towards the female child like voice. She looks around to figure out which direction that voice is coming from.

"I'm calling it fog, because the other things I could try to determine it to be sound ludicrous. We should maybe stay ahead of it regardless." This is offered before the appearance of the older women. The epidemic of rudeness that had infected Gray Harbor lately seemed to have spread to the veil. "We will not be harming Mr. Clayton this evening Misses...?" Atli waits for a response on the name considered the woman had so passively suggested murder. Then she hears the child. "Yes well forward it is!" She does her best to ignore the probable Ghost child.

At the sound of the child's voice, Alexander reaches to the small of his back, under his jacket and sweater, and draws a long, antler-handled knife. At least he doesn't immediately try to seek out the kid to stab her, but his expression sets. "I wouldn't go into the mist. Or...whatever it is. No matter what calls to you."

"Not mist, not a fog, lets focus on conversing with. What did you call her Alexander, the Exorcist?" Kyle looked back to make sure Katy who clearly seemed annoyed was not about to go be helpful to the stuff. His eyes then go to the Exorcist. "You seem to know us but I will introduce myself anyway. Kyle Addington."

With another laugh that forces smoke through the slit in her throat, the Exorcist tells Alexander, "I bet you are. You must have a trusting soul." She blows smoke at him, leaning forward and inhaling through it, with a big, happy whiff. "No, it's not mist," she agrees with Holly, laughing again.

After a glance goes beyond Enzo to the others, after she takes another long drag, she mumbles, "Just ignore it, you dumb bastards." And shakes her head. "Grandfathers aren't my department. Introductions aren't my department. You assholes killing each other? Also really not my department, but I always find that entertaining, at least. These though - souls, spirits, these are mine. Well, not these ones in particular." She pokes her cigarette at the not-mist again. Crabbily, "But that's why you guys are here, you wanna know what fucking Marge and her shitty little brother did. So I'll tell you." After she smokes this cigarette, apparently.

Alexander pulls out a knife, and another thickly accented voice calls out from the mist: "That's not a knife. This is a knife," and in the mist a shadowy figure manifests. He has a butcher knife in one hand, and the screams start to go up. "GET BACK HERE, YOU BITCH!" the shadowy figure goes running, stabbing at an invisible figure in the mist before plunging the knife into his own stomach. There's cackling, almost insane laughter as he keels over, laughter that doesn't die as the shadowy figure does - it just gets more manic, and then turns into sobs: "I want to get out of here!"

Enzo's face pales considerably when the disembodied feet come skipping through. He clears his throat and pointedly looks away and back over to the Exorcist from City Hall, nodding acknowledgment of Alexander's explanation, a beat too late. Rude. He's squinting at the fog that Holly has helpfully explained is Not Fog. He still isn't getting it. WHAT IS IT. Anyway, he slowly turns that look back along to the Exorcist partially through her explanation and puts on a pleasant, polite and totally fake smile. "Yes, that would be really helpfu-" he blanches again when the murdering-suiciding ghost in the mist goes down. "Really helpful, thanks."

There's a nod to Kyle. "She helped us with the Gohl situation." A faint smile at him - and then that figure manifests in the mist, and he instantly goes into a defensive posture. "Son of a bitch," he mutters to himself, practically vibrating with tension. He lets other people focus on conversing, while he watches the mist with a paranoid, twitchy anxiety.

When Katy hears this, it catches her attention. This is the information she is standing there, listening. She's not trying not to do anything stupid, because she really has no clue what's going on. Then she watches Alexander stab something in the mist, mildly confused. Holly mentions the mist not being mist and it only validates Katy's decision to stay put near the largest amount of people.

Holly jabs a puffy-coat-shielded elbow into her brother's side when the smoke comes out of the nice lady's throat-slit, keeping her countenance otherwise until the shadow-play takes place. At that point she puts one hand to her mouth, eyes wide.

"Teddy! TEDDY! I just want my teddy," that disembodied girlish voice cries.

Behind Alexander, another voice lifts: sultry and seductive, this one is decidedly female, with a shadowy figure to prove it: "He's a Baxter. He can help," she whispers to someone else, and a bodiless hand points.

Now the mist is alive with whispers: "Let us out, let us out!" while the little girl wails: "TEDDY! I WANT MY TEDDY!!"

The mist... okay, guys. Gonna be honest here. That mist is made up of ground up bones. It's bone-dust. They're talking to bone-dust, breathing in bone-dust, getting touched by bone-dust. In fact, just so everyone can be appropriately horrified, the Exorcist says dully, "It's just fucking bone-dust. Ignore it. They do this all the goddamn time." She trails into a mumble about Margaret fucking Addington.

"Yes, we know about your goddamn teddy, spare us." She rolls her eyes, then lights up another cigarette with the end of the first one, offering the half-smoked one to anyone who wants to take her up on it. Lipstick on the filter and everything. "There it is. That's what they did, Marge and Tommy. Bone-dust."

Hearing Alexander talk and then Alexander... talk was a little unnerving. "Okay Alexander the Living wave your hand before you talk, this way I know which voice to ignore." Kyle at least tried to grin and looks to Atli. "Sorry sunshine you will just have to rely on us for proper manners. If something jumps out from anything you've read however please share with the class." Kyle looks toward Katy with a "how you doing?" look.

And it dawns on Katy what the Exorcist says, and she recalls the dream she had near Valentine's Day. There's an obvious look of realisation on her face. "Hey, Kyle, you had that dream too right? Sawmill, dead body being ground up, smell of death, and all of that?"

Alexander gives Kyle a look. But he does wave his non-knife hand before saying, "They're all descended from Baxters. The ghosts. The bones. Sacrificed by Margaret so that they don't 'take the light with them'?" He doesn't seem bothered by the bone dust, or breathing it in...but the 'he can help' causes a guilty twitch, and his shoulders hunch under the cries for freedom. "How do we let them go?"

This is sounding more like some refreshments needed to be served for a bizarre children's story time rather than an ax being necessary. Kyle had also tried for a name, no dice. Atli was doing her best to ignore what was happening about her, but it was difficult. "If you are in charge and have some important information, could you clarify perhaps. What do you mean by 'They did bone dust'?" Kyle's remark gets a wink, she was happy he had manners, but she also did not want to delay the strangely nightmarish women's thoughts more than need be. A bit slower Atli adds "Is that what sought revenge on Thomas then?"

"Bone-dust," Enzo repeats dully, shoulders hunching together as the ghosts get more ridiculous with their demands and talking and complaining. He puts his hand to his mouth, like he'd really like to stop BREATHING in bone-dust. Then he sees the cigarette offered (clearly doesn't matter to him if it's half-smoked) out and he holds out his hand. "Thanks." He frowns at that explanation, cutting a glance to Alexander to see if he has a better perspective, listening to it and then HMMing.

"Yes, go! We want to go," these are all the voices in unison, the mist seeming to vibrate with energy at Alexander's words.

Though, there's one voice that doesn't shout about leaving in unison. It's the little girl again: "Shut up, mean old lady! I WANT MY TEDDY!"

"Yes I had the dream, I knew the place." Kyle nods to Katy's question. Bone dust, well Kyle was knee deep in dead, blood, smoke... you can now add Bone dust to his list of shit he does not want to breath again. "Thank you Alex, I know it sucks but the only way to keep up is to listen to what you are actually saying."

"Beats me," says the Exorcist to Alexander, shrugging her padded shoulders and blowing smoke at him. "I like you, kid," she tells Enzo when he takes the cigarette. "You have a careless soul. Careless is my favorite." A yellow-toothed grin, and then she's foot-nudging some of those irritating curls of bone-dust away from her pumps, like shooing away an irritating puppy - don't wanna hurt it, but go away!

"I'm not in charge. And revenge isn't my department," she informs Atli. "Why the fuck does no one seem to be grasping this?" She smokes to make herself feel better, then coughs on the exhale. In a raspy voice, "Souls are my department, hauntings, the dearly mother-fucking departed. Or, in this case, the mother-fuckers that Margaret has prevented from departing. Like the opposite of what you fuckers did to what's-his-name." She means Billy.

"Alexander," Alexander says to Kyle, with a frown. "My name is Alexander. Not Alex." His attention turns back to the Exorcist. "You may have noticed we're behind on much of this," he tells her, very seriously. "If we find a way to send them on, what happens to the Veil? To people's abilities? Will they go away?"

Katy's eyes seem to take the information in as Alexander speaks up. Then she takes in what the lady is saying about the souls of the departed. It takes a while for her to piece everything together but she finally speaks up to ask to the group in general, "So we need to do what was done before to help these souls depart? I don't know the details of what happened before, but I would be willing to help." She smirks at Kyle, knowing that's exactly how Alexander would have reacted due to the dinner party, but she says nothing else.

"There's no other choice," the gravely voice of a wise old man whispers past Alexander's ear. "Gotta snuff 'em all out. What's the one way to truly stop a shadow, brother? You can't put more light in. Come on, you know this."

"Thanks. You're not too bad yourself," Enzo tells the Exorcist and then takes a drag from her half-used cigarette. Some of the lipstick gets on his lips, but he doesn't seem to notice. Alexander asks the questions that he was going to ask, so there's a nod of appreciation there while he continues to smoke. "I think they took someone's bones out last time. These bones are all uh- I don't think anyone brought a vacuum cleaner and Patrick sounded pretty serious about leaving dead bodies behind in the Veil. No one die." Enzo isn't taking you with him.

"Right, sorry Alexander. It sounds like we need to find what Margaret used to bind them here." Kyle started to try and recall the dream. Something buried...

Part of the power of someone being almost entirely wrapped up in themselves, is that it gave them the uncanny power to make their own reality. This was despite given facts or evidence. Atli is particularly gifted with being self absorbed, so if she concentrates this becomes a lesson on family history with a difficult informant. One in terrible need of a makeover. She did not have intimate details on what happened to Billy. Atli appreciate Alexanders candor in earnest. "Maybe we should just go home and discuss this with Margret unless there is something you can tell us that she cannot?" Was this passive-aggressive? Yes. This women was already wasting their time though with insults and blaming the person Atli looked up to most in the world though. Surely, she had a good reason, Margret always did.

Another padded shrug from the Exorcist before she answers Alexander. "That's what Marge seems to think. She fucked with all these perfectly good souls on that assumption." She's quiet for a moment then, letting the spirits talk about stopping shadows, putting in more light, etc. Then there's a nod. "And that's what the other side seems to think. It's not my fucking," she blows smoke right in Alexander's eyes, wait for it, "department."

She grins a lipsticky grin at Enzo, even blows a kiss at him (So it begins.), and then bursts out in a sudden guffaw after Atli, coughing herself hoarse while tears stream down her face. Hold on, she needs a minute on that one. Play with the bone-dust, guys, she'll be back with you shortly.

<FS3> Enzo rolls Physical (7 7 6 5 3 3 2 1 1 1) vs Not Coming Home With Exorcist Lipstick On (a NPC)'s 4 (8 7 7 4 2 1)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: KarmaBum)

Alexander coughs, hacks, and reaches up to swipe at his eyes as smoke is blown into them. "An object?" he asks Kyle, after glaring at the Exorcist for a moment. "Is she right about it?" Another cough, before he waves a hand towards Atli. "Margaret Addington doesn't discuss things. You're welcome to try, but no one's managed to break through that wall yet."

<FS3> Enzo rolls Physical (8 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 1 1) vs Not Coming Home With Exorcist Lipstick On (a NPC)'s 4 (8 8 4 3 2 2)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Not Coming Home With Exorcist Lipstick On. (Rolled by: KarmaBum)

"Alexander, please explain something. Is this place a twisted mirror of the other side? We are at a Mill, is there a saw inside?" Kyle was trying to recall what it was that he heard, what he saw.

Enzo manages to laugh a little when the kiss is blown at him, though it's probably not as well practiced as when he's in the real world and ghosts aren't wailing around him. But he tries, Exorcist lady, he tries. He watches placidly as the woman goes into hysterics and he says to Alexander, "It's not her department." Then, "We tried talking to her a few weeks ago. I don't know, she talked a bit but-" Did Enzo understand any of it? Apparently not very well.

"You know what's right," whispers the old man in the dust, the words seeming directed to Alexander only. Another voice, an older woman, joins in - "You know it in your soul, you know what we all know. We can go with you. We can --"

And then Kyle mentions a saw and there is a collective gasp of fear.

"Enzo, that's not what I meant when I told you to settle down with a nice girl," Holly mutters, eyes trained on the rest of the scenario.

"She's perfectly nice-" Enzo mutters back to Holly.

"There's probably a saw inside," Alexander tells Kyle. "I haven't...been there. Inside. But there's probably one there. And it's a different place, but often a dark mirror, yes. Or a strange mirror. Things on our side affect here. Things here, maybe affect us." He twitches and his shoulders hunch at the old man and his words, his head turning to one side to catch the ghostly please better. "What do you people want from me?" he mutters.

She's coughing and laughing, so it's hard to tell what the Exorcist is also nodding about, but she agrees with at least something Alexander is saying. When she gets ahold of herself enough to speak, it's clear that her nod wasn't about whether or not Margaret was right about it. Instead, "Here's something Margaret'd never tell you." She beckons them in closer, like she's sharing a big secret - only to have all the bone-dusts gasp at once, which makes her sigh a smoky sigh.

"They really ruin the mood. As I was saying. She ruined all these souls, so you know what I did? I cut her off from the Chamber of Guf, so to speak. No souls for her. And that, ladies and gentlemen," with a proud beam, "is how you get revenge on a woman obsessed with her legacy. No babies for you, Miss Addington, that'll teach you to mess with my things."

Katy gives Kyle a look, as if she's following him, not only physically but also his train of thought. "We should try destroying the saw," she suggests, "It's not like we can undo what Margaret did, right? Maybe destroying the saw will do something to counteract what she did."

"We should go inside. I feel that is where the answer is. That or there is a hole this mess bubbled up from or tree roots have grown too deep. We need to go look inside." Kyle thinks he has something... if not he might just get them all killed.

<FS3> Alexander rolls Alertness (8 7 7 6 5 3 1) vs That Guy In The Mist (a NPC)'s 2 (8 5 5 1)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Alexander. (Rolled by: AlmightyMe)

What do you people want from me? Alexander mutters, and a fully fleshed out figure is revealed in the mist.

The bone dust swirls around and through this man's body. He's older, whip lean and hair mussed, looking quite like a crazed preacher. He levels a bony finger at Alexander. "What do we want from you? Turn out all the little lights in the darkness," he hisses. "End this, end it all. We can go with you," he frowns.

"It's time. It's time for this to end."

Alexander stiffens as the old man is revealed. His eyes narrow, the knife coming up in a defensive movement. "Reverend," he says, with a frown. "Guess burning a lot of women at stakes didn't end well for you. I'm not killing anyone. It is time for this to end, whatever the fuck it is, but not by...not like that."

When she explains that she's the reason why Margaret couldn't have any babies, there's a conflicted expression that crosses Enzo's face. He keeps smoking though, doesn't stop until he's finally burned this thing down to the bottom. Then he flicks the butt onto the ground and crushes it out with his heel. "I thought revenge wasn't your department? Speaking of which, do know whose department missing grandfathers would be?" When the guy starts babbling at Alexander about turning off the lights, he clears his throat LOUDLY. "That guy seems unhinged. We can decide what to do later, outside of here." He is happy that Alexander does not want to go for option: killing them??!!11

"I won't kill anyone if you don't," Holly asides affably to Alexander.

"My vote is still for destroying an inanimate object." And when Kyle suggests that they go into the 'mist' that isn't really mist, but bone dust, she's just going to follow whoever decides to go first. Because it's an action that doesn't involve killing people and kind of make sense from what Kyle is suggesting about the saw.

Atli had waited patiently for 'Not My Department' to divulge something helpful. Instead, it was very personal information. Poor Margret. The corners of Atli's mouth wilt in disappointment. She looks from Katherine, to Kyle, to Vincenzo. As far as she could surmise, the poorly groomed lady was suggested Margret and Thomas had found a way to bind souls here to retain power, and these souls now wanted out. There were always two sides to a story however. "Given that this seems personal and you were incorrect in saying revenge was not your department, considering that is exactly what you did, please inform us enough so that we may be helpful. Do you know what became of Thomas? In return we could look into setting things 'right' as you believe them to be. We currently do not have the details on how Billy was moved on so that is unlikely to be a part of today's agenda"

Lindon's gaze turns knife-sharp as he glares at Alexander, his laughter deep and lingering. "You don't know, you don't know. It's not a game of bodies. We're already dead," he sneers, stepping to the very edges of the mist. "And so will you be, if it continues. On and on, until this city implodes like all the others. We can snuff out the lights, all of us together," he seems to be ignoring the Addingtons, his focus wholly on Alexander. If there's a 'we' in this scenario, it's Alexander and the rest of the dead guys.

"You need us. We need you. Bring us back and we'll snuff out all the lights, together. No one else has to die."

"As long as no one tries to throw me into anything sharp, I think I can refrain," Alexander tells Holly, with a sidelong sort of smile. Then a glance at Kyle. "I wouldn't go into the mist. Bones. Whatever. Your family trapped all those souls; they're probably pretty angry." A pause. "Baxters often seem to be very angry, in general. Sorry." A gesture at the preacher as he steps forward, as if to say, see?

Bad news, though? Alexander is listening. He's watching the old man with a flat, but intensely thoughtful expression. "What does that mean? Exactly."

A hoarse laugh from the Exorcist answers Enzo's touche-moment there, and she lifts her cigarette like one might lift a glass to toast. "Sometimes, even us professionals gotta fuck a bitch up, you know? Look at what she did!" She sweeps her hand through the air, at the conversation Alexander is having with his pulverized ancestor.

"I dunno about the Grandfather Department. Archivist, maybe? Who fucking cares, though, Tommy's soul is over." She includes Atli in that response, since her question was adjacent enough. "There they go again, with the goddamn lights," she adds, sighing again. "Look, either put out the lights or don't, I don't give a rat's ass one way or the other, but please don't shatter any more souls like this. It's so fucking obnoxious."

"I never said lets go through it. Can the doors we came in through be opened anywhere?" Kyle looked to Alexander and shook his head to Katy. "Not yet."

Enzo is pretty wrapped up in chatting with this woman who has smoke and stuff coming out of her throat. He shoves his hands into the front of his jacket and offers her up a lopsided grin, rueful and not particularly warm. "You sure got her back. And this is a fucking mess alright." A more human emotion manages to peek out when she mentions that his grandfather's soul is over. "He wasn't Margaret." That's as much as he'll say on that, then it's back to a tamed expression, one that has hints of worry as Alexander keeps talking to the obviously crazy ghost. "We won't shatter anymore souls like this." Hopefully.

"I was wrong," Lindon tells Alexander, looking quite mournful. "I thought if I had the bodies, that's what it would take. I burned them all and it just made things worse," and he sounds quite sad about that. "But I know now."

There's a look from the preacher ghost over the crowd, before he turns his eyes back to Alexander. "This place is destined for destruction, it always has been. But you and I can make it right. ANY OF YOU!" His voice booms across the clearing, sending a shower of bone dust outward. "Any of you can make it right. Make the choice. Your soul and mine, we'll take the light out with us!"

Atli looks about the crowd again this time questioning its occupants. "Anyone purposefully turn a soul into bone dust in the veil recently? Or perhaps know how?" She assumes this question was going to be met with either silence or 'No' because that would be actually ridiculous. Giving a pause to pause evoke a scene from 'Ferris Bullar's Day Off', she looks to 'Not my Department' again. "Yes well without knowing how that would happen, or why one would do that we can't avoid it. For all I know it's accidental, so once more if you could provide more information on 'why' or 'how' perhaps we could do more than take up what is your obviously valuable time. If you can't, maybe direct us to someone who can?" Did the very blonde Atli just ask to speak to a manager? Mayhap.

"Ohhhh," Alexander says, eyes widening. "No. Fuck off. You can't have anyone's name. You can't have anyone's soul. Whatever the fuck is wrong with this town, it probably started with assholes thinking that you could just kill your way to getting things the way you want it, and I don't think that's a good idea." He turns away from Lindon, towards the Exorcist. "You said you don't know how to free these souls to go on to where they need to. Would Margaret? Do you think it's even possible to do?"

The human emotion fails to impress itself on the Exorcist. She just shrugs one more time. "Might as well have been, right up till the end. I'm still not sure what the dumb bastard thought he was doing, but he fucked it all up on the way out. Which is why you're all here." She puffs and watches them dealing with the shattered spirits that annoy her so terrifically.

"Any takers? Anyone wanting to go shot off some lights with crazy old Lindon?" The idea makes her laugh smokily, waving her hand through the new plumes, a laugh that deepens after Atli speaks. "Sure, sugar-butt. I'll let the Director know you're wanting a meeting."

Lastly, she shrugs at Alexander. "Dunno. Ask the old bitch, if you've got the nerve. But taking a guess? These souls're fucked. I been working on them for, oh, however long." Time is not her department. "No progress. They're still just whining about the lights. Like they do. Constantly."

"It wasn't accidental. Margaret and Thomas took a bunch of bodies here to the saw mill and ground them up into dust and fucked the souls all up. Has anyone here ever ground up a bunch of bodies with the intention of wrecking their souls while in the Veil?" Enzo exhales with mild exasperation and starts digging around in his pocket and pulls out his own packet of cigarettes now. "Got a light?" he asks the Exorcist. "What did he fuck up on the way out? Thomas? You said he fucked something up on the way out? Was it something specific or just-?"

The response from Alexander makes the preacher look so sad. Like, seriously, he's about to cry. "You're making a mistake," he pleads. "This is the way we end this. The greatest rewards come with the biggest of sacrifices, Alexander, you know this to be TRUE! We can't shut off the lights alone, but we're willing to do what it takes. Even Billy was willing to do what it takes, in the end. If we don't take it all, if we don't end this, the lights will overtake the town and the shadows will win!"

Looks like Kyle's question fell on deaf ears. Kyle set down his pack and pull out the all weather parka within opening it up. He reaches for his knife and begins cutting scraps out of the bottom section of the cloth.

"You were wrong before, Reverend. What makes this difference? I doubt having your soul...bound and shattered improved your reasoning abilities." Alexander rubs at his face and suddenly realizes that Kyle's question was directed at him. "What? I don't know. I guess. I don't do any of that. You'd have to ask someone who has that ability. I only come here with other people."

"These guys turn off lights, close doors, whatever fucking metaphor they're using this century." The Exorcist points her cigarette at the Lindon fragment while answering Enzo. "You guys," she waves vaguely at the Addingtons, "like to leave the lights on. Billy turned the switch off on the way out, Tommy tried to turn it back on. But he was a drunk old moron at his best, and apparently fucking addled at the end, so he probably fucked that all up." Does she need to explain how drunk old men aren't her department?

"They're having quite a go at your friend there." She chin-tosses to Alexander-and-Lindon, entertained.

"Billy made the difference," Lindon says to Alexander quite seriously. "What do you think you people gave up, when you put him in the ground? You gave up a little bit of your light." He chuckles dryly, shaking his head. "But it wasn't enough, it wasn't enough to make it all go out. It's all or nothing."

With his scraps now made, Kyle ties one around the lower part of his face to cover his noise and mouth. "Anyone have a guess how far we are from the entrance into the Mill proper?" He began closing up his pack.

"I don't think he's going to agree to start killing everyone's souls and I think he enjoys a good argument," Enzo says as he turns to watch Alexander and Lindon continue to argue. If someone tries to actually hurt Alexander, he'll probably step in. Then he softly exhales and turns back to her, mulling over the idea of Thomas drunkly trying to turn the light back on and fucking it up. "If I was a drunk old bastard that wanted to turn a light back on? How would I do it?" He stops and quickly amends, "That doesn't sound like your department. Maybe it's the Archivist's department?" Enzo is quickly realizing this is probably going to involve a return trip to try and figure out. A return trip to a Veil city hall. It's fine.

The Director! Now that sounded like someone with a less automated set of responses. The rest of the comments intent was lost on her. Atli begins making a mental checklist of things to be done, firstly turning to Alexander. "Alexander, if the bones will in fact listen to you, could you ask them the move so that we may investigate the mill and help them further? Without access to it we can't do much here." She didn't know to whom he was speaking, but she assumed it was someone. Blonde curls flip to Kyle "I think they only wish to talk to Mr. Clayton." Whipping back about to Enzo "Outside of investigating where we last knew Thomas to be, was there anything else you found pertinent?"

"Probably not that far," Alexander tells Kyle. "But it might not be a great...idea. Without research. Preparation." Most of his attention remains on the preacher. "Why not just leave the lights on? What so bad about abilities?" A pause. "Other than the fact that it attracts things that want to horribly torture us and feed off of our worst emotions and impulses until they finally devour us wholly." He clears his throat. "But other than that."

To Atli, he adds, dubiously, "I can ask." So he does, turning to the mist and saying, "Would you move out of the way so that we can get to the mill? Nobody's going to get thrown into anything sharp." He's not exactly inspiring or commanding.

"Sounds like an experiment to me. That's the Vivisectionist's department. She does that 'e-mail' thing." The Exorcist lifts her fingers to make air-quotes, and - since her hand is already up here - grabs a quick drag, mmmmm. On the exhale, she tells Kyle, "Might as well be an infinite fucking distance, pretty-boy. You'll never get to that mill. The things - what do you guys call them? Them?"

That was the chill of Them noticing everyone here that just crept down their spines, feel free to shudder.

"They're all over this place right now, waiting for you bitches to show up. Which you obviously did. So unless you kids plan on putting out some lights...?" She waits, in case anyone's like 'OOH PICK ME!'

<FS3> Alexander rolls Composure (8 7 7 4 2) vs Them (a NPC)'s 6 (8 7 3 2 2 2 2 2)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Alexander. (Rolled by: KarmaBum)

<FS3> Enzo rolls Composure (7 6 6 5 5 3 2 1) vs Them (a NPC)'s 6 (7 6 6 4 1 1 1 1)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: KarmaBum)

<FS3> Enzo rolls Composure (8 8 7 6 5 4 1 1) vs Them (a NPC)'s 6 (8 7 6 5 5 2 1 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Enzo. (Rolled by: KarmaBum)

<FS3> Holly rolls Composure (7 4 4 4 2 2 1) vs Them (a NPC)'s 6 (8 7 6 6 2 1 1 1)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Them. (Rolled by: KarmaBum)

<FS3> Katy rolls Composure (8 5 5 3 3 2) vs Them (a NPC)'s 6 (7 5 5 4 4 3 2 1)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: KarmaBum)

<FS3> Katy rolls Composure (8 7 7 6 4 4) vs Them (a NPC)'s 6 (7 7 6 5 5 4 2 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Katy. (Rolled by: KarmaBum)

"It's not about killing," Lindon says this to Enzo. "It's about sacrifice. It doesn't work if you aren't willing. If you don't want to give it, willingly and without question." Then he sighs, shaking his head to Alexander. "There's nothing in the mill. We can go with you, if you want us to. We can turn out all the lights, we can make this end. No one will ever be harmed here again. The shadows will find their way here no longer."

<FS3> Kyle rolls Composure (8 7 4 3 2 1) vs Them (a NPC)'s 6 (7 7 6 5 5 5 3 2)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Them. (Rolled by: KarmaBum)

<FS3> Atli rolls Composure (8 7 7 6 2) vs Them (a NPC)'s 6 (8 7 7 5 5 3 3 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Atli. (Rolled by: KarmaBum)

Everyone feels that dark tingle down their spine, but for Kyle and Holly, it's particularly uncomfortable. They want to go home, to get away from this place, to stop breathing in bone-dust, to stop talking to this shitty old woman.


"E-mail." Enzo sounds like he can't believe that's really a thing someone in th Veil has. "Do you have her e-mail address? Because that'd be super help-" Aw, man. The chill does go down his spine and his shoulders hunch up instinctively. "Maybe I'll just find it on my own. Well, friend and family. Lets file back out the way we came, in an orderly fashion. So that we aren't all killed, thanks." Please everyone don't panic, that'd be awesome. Enzo doesn't seem to expect it though. He looks over to Lindon and grimaces about that whole sacrifice thing, "I'm going to have to pass on sacrificing anything today. I'm inherently selfish person, sorry." Not sorry. But okay, he's going to wait a second. Maybe she DOES have this person's e-mail??

"We have invitations after all. Hardly seems right not to visit." Kyle looks to the Exorcist with a shrug. "Sorry I did not open the door in, did not get a response when I asked about how it works. What I do know is I have a life that I am looking forward to, these shitty visit are cutting into my timing on things. So either we are going." Kyle looks to Enzo. "Or we are going to try and get inside." Kyle's balck straightened, yeah this was likely going to end horribly if option two gets picked.

The conversation between Alexander and whoever he's talking to catches Katy's attention, all the talk of sacrifice makes her wonder just how big of a sacrifice is expected. It's a thought that floats around in her mind as she walks over to Alexander and asks, "Couldn't help but overhear the talk about sacrifice. How much of a sacrifice are we talking about here?" She fidgets with a newly acquired gold ring, that appears to be two strands twisted together.

"This is gross. I can't breathe. Come on, Enzo, let's go." And Holly grips the inside of Enzo's elbow and tugs.

"They're there?" Alexander asks the Exorcist, his eyes widening. "No. We can't go if they're there." That's not panicked, but it's firm. "We can't fight Them. They will eat us alive." A glance back at the Exorcist, and a nod of his head. "Thanks. For intercepting us. As to sacrifice - pretty sure they mean the sacrifice of life and soul," he adds to Katy. "Not something to be done lightly."

The spirits are getting fidgetty. The little girl that was crying for her teddy earlier seems to just be crying in general now. Pieces of Baxters long since dead go running about in the mist. But Lindon stays for just a little longer, looking gravely at Katy:

"If you're not willing to give up everything to make sure the next generations no longer live in fear, then you shouldn't give up anything," is his advice. Then, he looks over his shoulder to the mist, and frowns. "Go now, before They come. We'll be here. We'll always be here."

The Exorcist takes a deep, deep drag. She really gets some puffing going on this one. Enough that it fills her chest cavity and leaks out the gash in her throat, spilling curls of smoke down the frilly neck of her blouse. The most amazingly lengthy exhale comes out of her, right into Enzo's face. It was a huge setup for her replying, "Addresses aren't my department."

She looks dully at Kyle when he talks more about going in, then turns to the stupid spirits loitering in the vicinity. "Enough excitement for you bitches for one day. Get back where you belong, leave these twits alone. Go on, now! Christ, it's like herding pieces of cats!"

Enzo grabs his sister's hand and holds onto it, in case she's going to run. "Okay, but I'm going to be back and I'm going to e-mail fucking everyone." Because you know what? Enzo is one of those people who asks for the manager. Who knows how he's going to e-mail addresses he doesn't know, but he's obnoxious. He'll figure it out. Anyway, he holds on tightly to Holly and starts moving back to the fence, through the bone-dust where he'll go and yank that door open and god damn it Anne better be somewhere on the other side.

<FS3> Enzo rolls Physical (8 8 6 6 4 4 3 3 2 1) vs Get Outttttt (a NPC)'s 2 (8 5 4 2)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Enzo. (Rolled by: AlmightyMe)

Glancing at Enzo, it looks like it's time to leave. Giving Kyle a sideways glance, she intends to make sure he comes out with her. "Come on, old man! Let's get out of here."

Atli sips her coffee in irritation at the chill, because ya, that will warm her up from the creepy ghost bones. The suggestion of leaving tilts her wilting expression further. Leave? They had yet to figure out what Thomas has done! And who was in the Mill that disdained company so grossly. Speaking of e-mails, perhaps this was a meeting that could have been one. Could Wi-fi be added via glimmer? Now that was not her department. "Yes well! Thank you for hosting us!" Atli offers to the belligerent employee. "Thank you for trying Alexander! I think the Addington's may need to chat with Margret soon? Vincenzo, I believe Holly is right for the moment."

"You first Kid, beauty before age and all that." Kyle does not seem to mind going last, he accomplished enough as is.

Also, no matter what that dice roll earlier said, Enzo is absolutely going home with Exorcist lipstick on. It's pearly pink. He looks super.

The Exorcist is still here, griping at thes broken souls and snickering hugely when people talk about a chat with Margaret. "Tell the old bitch I said hi."

"Come back for us," Lindon shouts at all the others. "Come back when you're willing to do the right thing!" And then Enzo is able to pull open the door and they all go tumbling back out, exactly where they came in at.

Well, all of them except Anne. Someone's gonna have to explain to Patrick how they lost his not-girlfriend 😕

Holly is definitely planning on running, but she's not going anywhere without her brother. So luckily he seems to be heading the same direction she is and no one gets stuck or anything! As far as passing that message to Margaret? Not it.

Alexander is going through, but also lingering to make sure they don't lose anyone ELSE going through, so he and Kyle are the real guard. He puts the knife away, and watches the preacher as he steps through. "I'll try to find a way to help you all," he tells him, although not without some sort of heavy resignation in his tone. This is definitely going to end with him having to stab himself in the heart or something.

Katy also steps through the door herself and waits on the other side for Kyle and Alexander to arrive.

Atli allows the strong men folks to do the strong man folk thing, attempting to exit the veil as gracefully as one can. She gives a parting "Sure!" to the mangy lady, strongly resisting the urge to say it wasn't her department.

Enzo gets to the other side, starts looking like he's going to throw up, drops his unlit cigarette on the ground and starts frantically texting on his phone.

No one else gets lost on the way back. They do have to break their brains again, forcing them to cope with reality and the other reality at the same time when the walk through Enzo's super-fucking-awesome doorway to get back. This time, the weird mist on the other side? Is just normal mist. It's a few hours later, colder, damper, darker.

No shattered souls on this side. But there are a couple of high school kids poking around that get the SHIT scared out of them when all these so-called grown-ups fall out of the fence-line. But they're really stoned, so they're just gonna run off, terrified, and tell their friends how they saw ghosts at the mill.

Alexander staggers through, and reaches for his head again. "Hate that feeling." Then he straightens, and says, "That went better than expected." No, he's not being sarcastic, but as his phone starts going off, he reaches for it, glances at Enzo, adds a text of his own. "Need to look for Anne before Patrick murders me with a whiskey bottle."

Oh, and Anne isn't here. Maybe she called an Uber. You guys can always hope.

"I'm texting her now." Enzo tells Alexander and then adds on, "I'm also texting you." Which he knows, man, because the phone is literally going off in Alexander's hand, geez. Enzo. No replies are immediately evident, so he frowns and chews on his lip and looks around for his sister. "Holly? Are you in one piece?"

"Good luck. I will see you around Alexander." Kyle had exited and looked to the rest of the family gathered. "Oh good all here. Try to keep among the living, Especially you Katy since it looks like you are getting married, and you Atli because a too chipper ghost sounds like a pain in the ass." He heads towards his truck.

"I noticed," Alexander says blandly, as his phone vibrates in his hand. He does a quick headcount, then stares at the retreating children. A snort. "Nice to meet some of you, and be killed with none of you. Don't die." A look back to Enzo. "I'm going to look for Anne." Which will involve head scans, which is SUCH A GOOD IDEA when there are a whole bunch of Them right on the other side, but hey.

Tags: the_exorcist

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