2021-05-08 - Dungeons and Dreamers #3

What do seven people, six doors, and a dragon have in common? They are all part of a twisted experience where no one is a winner.

Content Warning: Combat

IC Date: 2021-05-08

OOC Date: 2020-07-24

Location: The Veil/The Dreamscape

Related Scenes:   2021-02-08 - Dungeons and Dreamers II   2021-05-09 -   2021-05-09 -   2021-05-09 - The Page Between   2021-05-09 - To tilt at autumn

Plot: None

Scene Number: 5859


You find yourselves standing on an ornamental platform. The worn stone inlaid with interlocking gold oblong shapes. Circles connect them between each beginning and end. The stonework extends forward, splitting violently off into jagged edges on what was one a bridge. The Arch behind you mimics one so far in the distance it is difficult to see, the mirror of where you stand. The pillars supporting the structure are cracked into points and float midair in a sky just short of twilight. Gentle reds threaten the puffed blue and white scene with piecing light. For those daring enough to gaze over the side, they find only the heavens below them, seemingly endless. The pale masonry supported in a curious and inexplicable fashion.

Islands dot the expanse with the same enchanted buoyant quality as the bridge. Theyappear just large enough for a single person to stand on. They could be described as suspended stalactites or inverted pyramids. Lording over the kingdom of islands is a castle made of the same pale slate and clouds. This beacons you forth with an eerie hymn.

The dust and dirt
Blind us slowly
But give a hint of a view to make it feel alright
And though it hurts
We keep on climbing
'Cause our addictions take us from inside

The music caresses the vertebra of your spine like a chilled feather.

Blinking in surpise Mercy finds herself suddenly in this strange setting. The short blonde is clad in black leather pants and a blood red top that resembles an armored corset. There is a long curved dagger in her belt. Looking down at herself she frowns. "What in hell's name is going on here? And...why am I wearing leather pants?" She glances around trying to figure out just what is going on here.

For Diana's part, she wakes up in a slightly curled position on her side, and winces at the feel of the hard stone beneath her. Her head lifts to look about blearily, and she blinks a few times before starting to make her way to her feet. She's dressed in a blue short-sleeved cotton nightshirt that trails down to her knees, and is printed with cartoonish trains calling out, 'CHOO CHOO!' along with a pair of Pikachu slippers. She pads along in her slippers toward the edge, and she DOES look down... though the gasp and immediate pull away afterwards make it clear she regrets that choice. She doesn't have a weapon, unless you count the slippers, and she turns at the sound of Mercy's voice. Diana squints at her a moment and then nods, starting to pad over in her direction. "Hey. Weirdness abounds. You've never woken up like this before? In a strange place, feeling strange feelings? It's a thing to get used to, for sure." She stifles a yawn. "That said, I have no idea where we are, precisely."

Standing on the top of a mountain in his gym shorts, his Nikes and a bandanna on his head covered in tattoos and old bullet scars and echoes of shrapnel past on chiseled torso. His hands are still wrapped making him as having been at his gym and putting some time into his routine or battling his inner demons on a palpable level. He turns and there is just sky on all sides now; not those ghosts of the past creeping up on him.

He notes the short blonde and starts to get a quick assessment of where others might be. "There are 18 ways to answer that and you probably won't like half. Who're you?" Sharp green eyes like a Heineken bottle fix on her again briefly assessing and then scanning again. Woman in Pokejammies. Yeah. This is fucked up, but what isn't fucked up?

August stirs awake, wincing at the cold, hard floor and what it does to his old bones. His eyes fall on it, causing him to still. He stares, eventually heaves a sigh. "Figures," he mutters, rolling to his feet.

He's dressed is a simple set of leathers; black and brown, with hard, wooden spines on them. He frowns at that, touches one with a finger. Oh yeah, that's sharp. "What the Christ," he mutters, begins looking around. S

Spying Diana and Joey, he tips his chin up at them. "Hey." His tone lands somewhere between sympathy and comiseration. Mercy he doesn't recognize, so she gets a cautious once over. He awaits her answer, since like Joey he's learned to be careful in these Dreams.

Standing on the ornamental platform for a moment longer, Everett takes a glance around, his usual death glare unmoved until the knuckles of his right hand whiten around the hilt of a symbol of his overcompensation and he glances down to the sword's hilt. Passing the sheen of his slick, mostly bare torso. Down to the armored girdle and the furry, what's this, a diaper? Next, he examines the armor clinging to left arm while the wind plays with his long hair.
His quick assessmnt of his attire it then trained on the other people around, his green eyes scanning for familiar faces. And then he adds his own observation with his usual deep voice.

"Great. Fuckin' great."
There's a subtle clearing of his throat, and a less subtle attempt to cover his nipples and disguise the gesture as playing with the arm band around his right bicep.

The day was great for a walk and that is just what Kailey had been doing. Walking down the streets of Gray Harbor when between one step and the next cement turns to gold-inlaid stonework. Things blend and bleed and whirl and the young woman stumbles suddenly. The jeans and tee twist and pull to wrap around her differently. Colors changing into purples and burgundy with hints of gold. A hood on her head that seems to oddly prick at her ears. But why do her ears feel so much bigger?

As she comes up from her stumble she looks around slowly. Each person is eyed with eyes that have become a most vibrant green that isn't natural. Almost like they are glowing. As she spies Everett's form she takes the couple of steps to come up beside him, turning to look up at him with a lopsided smile. "Nice duds, babe."

Mercy looks at the woman in pajamas approching her warily. "This is something that happens often then? I think I would prefer my regular nightmares. I'm Mercy by the way, nice to meet you though the circumstance could certainly be improved." She offers a faint yet guarded smile. Her grey eyes flick to the others present tilting her head. "What is the purpose of this...dream?" She looks around suspiciously trying to observe her surroundings and see if it holds any clues. She is tense, this has never happened to her before that much is obvious.

<FS3> Mercy rolls Alertness: Success (8 7 5 3 2 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

When she catches the wary look, Diana stops walking forward-- she's close enough to be easily heard, but doesn't want to frighten the other woman. Her hands lift in a gesture of peace, her expression softening. "There are-- well, it's complicated, but my name is Diana Wilkerson. If you can remember that when you wake up, and look me up... I'm pretty easy to find, online or in the phone book. I'll give you the longer version then. For now, just know that these Dreams tend to turn dark and scary, and don't trust everything you see. If you see, like, someone you love dead, they may be fine. That could just be the Dream, messing with you. There's tricks and turns, but I'll try and help out where I can." She turns to look at the others approaching then, nodding to Joey, August, and Kailey, but Everett? He gets a snort. "Nice outfit. Really shows off the pecs." Despite herself, and the potential danger of the situation, she can't help but smile.

Mercy nods to Diana. "Thank you for the warnings, I will likely seek you out once I wake for certain. This is beyond wierd." She glances around again then takes note of the archway behind her. Stepping over towards it she studies the writing on it carefully trying to make out what it says. "There is something written here..."

Joey stands there with a grim expression like he's 30 years of bad news that's arrived at now. He looks to August and gives him an upnod. "Roen." Looking back to Everett he asks, "Laundry day?" Looking back to Mercy he questions, "Dream?
Purpose?" He squints at her as if trying to suss that out and then Diana offhandedly, "Sure." He'll take the compliment like the salty dude he is. As for the bigger question he shakes his head and looks to Roen. "Dunno they serve a fucking purpose but we're not going to get much done if we're going to stand around jerking one another off with questions all damn day."

Eyeing the small, behooded Kailey that approaches him with an unhumorous look, Everett murmurs, "If you're here, who's watching Mew?" His hand lowers from the armband to give a tug to his black furry loincloth while the blush begins on his pale white chest. See how quickly he changes the subject? He'll do it again in a second.
Diana gets given a long glare. If looks could kill. But the comment does nothing to abate his blush, and to prove he's a man who can take a joke, he flexes his pecs, one after the other, bouncing them a couple of times, "Pervert. How's your boyfriend?" When he gets Joey's attention, Everett looks down at himself again, all the way down to the brown leather sandals and back up. Straight-faced, he replies, "No." A pause, and then there's that conversation change. "If I know anything about dreams, that," he lifts his sword to point the hilt to the castle in the yon distance, "is probably where we're going."

<FS3> Kailey rolls Physical: Success (7 5 4 4 3 2 1 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

The arch behind the lot of you is decorated with a phrase. Some of the letters are missing, worn by time or malice of the image’s creator.
To li_ht _ _ __ndle is to __st _ sha_ow.
The slowly lowering sun gleams, streaming through a hole in the arch and pointing to the clouds just a step passed the far left of the broken bridge. The crumbling structure is a little over seven humans wide.

August snorts at Joey, morbidly amused. "Excuse you, only one person gets to jerk me off, and she's not here." He eyes Everett's outfit, then Kailey's, then Mercy's. "Well. The fashion in this one's a real trip." He nods at Mercy. "August." This is the entirety of his introduction.

He moves to the edge of the platform, peering down over the edge, up to the castle in the distance. "I'm guessing that's where we need to go." He moves to the archway to inspect the lettering. "I'd make a joke about hangman, but They might take me up on it."

<FS3> August rolls Alertness: Good Success (7 7 6 5 4 4 2) (Rolled by: Maggi)

"Flerken?" Is Kailey's worried response to Everett's query. "I was on a walk while she was napping. Bean was home," She assures the man as she leans in. One robed hand goes around Everett in a brief squeeze and squeeze. There is amusement written across her face as she turns to watch Everett's display. Maybe even a giggle too. But it fades as his sword lifts and she steps a little back. Following after the point and saying, "Oh. I didn't see that," She says as she turns around to look at the environment now. The pointed out words drawing her attention. "To light a candle is to cast a shadow. Huh. Neat." Who was an ace when watching Wheel of Fortune? This girl!

As her freaky eyes come back to the others there is a disgruntled meowing from inside her hood that startles Kailey. "WHA-?!" And she leaps forward, reaching up to scrabble at hood and whatever just made a nose from within it. There's a hiss and wail of a cat and the woman yelps, dropping a cat so black as to be hard to look at. The Uncat of course lands on her feet and looks up at Kailey with annoyance. And hisses before sitting and beginning to groom her tiny paws with their sharp sharp claws.

"You didn't need to wake me so rudely!" The Uncat chides Kailey who is staring at her minute form. Changed in this place to have a tiny pair of black feathery wings as well.

"Uncat, you're adorable!" Kailey squeals as she bends and scoops up her familiar. The Uncat grumble-purrs at the attention before crawling back up and into the hood, draping herself around Kailey's neck.

"Hmph, I'd rather be asleep," Is her reply. So helpful. Kailey turns to Mercy as the outside world once again penetrates Kailey's very spacey mind. It is one of those days apparently. She smiles at Mercy and waves, "Kailey," She supplies helpfully before pointing at Everett. "And this is my hunk of meat, Everett."

<FS3> Joey rolls Physical: Good Success (8 8 6 5 5 4 3) (Rolled by: Maggi)

"Of course. The first time these things happen, it's... off-putting, to say the least. The least I can do is try to make it less, you know, awful. You'll likely have more of these. Eventually, it'll be like, 'aw, this again? Crap. Now what?' instead of, 'what the hecking heck oh em gee.' Diana follows Mercy's gaze to the writing, starting to tilt her head. Very slowly, she starts to work out, "To light a--" But Kailey has her very beaten in this regard, and she grins at the other woman. "Yep." To Everett, she says, "Don't kinkshame. And he's fine, thank you for asking." She gives him a smile, despite the killing look. She then comments idly to August, "Hey now, my attire is perfectly cromulent. I was taking a nap, after all." She jumps back a little at Kailey's surprise, but naturally calms down as she sees it's a cat. And a cute one, at that! To Kailey, she mutters, "I was sleeping!" She looks to the group at large, and then shrugs. "What next?"

The casam elicits a jeering harmony:
A sturdy back
But brittle bones
Too weak to show

<FS3> Joey rolls Physical: Success (7 4 4 3 2 2 1) (Rolled by: Joey)

"Oh. Yeah, it could be that too. I thought it was something about lighting," he pauses to chew on his bottom lip while thinking about that word. "Fondle?" offers Everett with a moment longer to think about it. Then he shrugs dismissively, his mouth opening to add something else to Kailey before watching her robe vomit forth a talking cat. "Eh," is the sound he makes.
At his introduction, Everett offers to Mercy, "Mo*O*." Then turns and leans down to offer Kailey a smooch on the temple. Or he would, but that's where the Thing has been draped. It causes Everett to rethink the gesture, which turns into a nudge with his elbow. Picking up the phallic weapon Everett starts walking, "You know, one of these days, all I want is a Dream where there are cars. Or teleporters." A pause, and then he remembers, "Maybe not teleporters."

He turns to look down at Joey, "So. What? Are we jumping on the little islands, hopping from one to the other to get to the castle and save the princess from the lizard king?"

Joey makes the dry joke back to August, "Well then I won't charge you." There's no smiling. he watches Kailey get settles in and squints at the uncat getting thematic. The shorter Irishman looks around and gives a sharp whistle most use their first and last finger for. He doesn't bother with all that. He calls up the basilisk that looks like an inky, serpentine brush stroke, with wings, and swooped back horned, and maybe 2' in length right now. All Joey says to the chrome eyed serpent pointing at the group gathered with an index and forefinger out is, "Not them. Yeah? Good." He does blanekt warn, "Do not look directly at Danger Noodle. Don't need you getting paralysis and falling off to your doom." Still Everett's question is a good one and he squints one eye reasoning, "Unless you can call a cab? Worth a shot as any."

In an equally dry tone, August replies, "Oh please, Kelly. I'm the sugar baby, not the sugar daddy." He bobs his eyebrows, shifts his attention to something beyond the edge of the platform. "Hm. Check this out." He points at an...arrow, floating in midair, gleaming gold in the failing daylight. It's pointing off to the right, out into nothing. "Some kind of...signpost, maybe. Or," he eyes the hole in the bridge, "a detour."

He grunts at Everett. "Seem to recall Itzhak was in a Mad Max Dream. Plenty of cars in that." Of course, Itzhak's head was also shaved--but them's the risks. "No teleporters."

Moving to the bridge's ragged edge, he considers everyone present. "Well, I can try repairing it." He narrows his eyes, looking over the damage. "A lot missing, but I should be able to make it work."

Were one looking back to the archway sing-song shivers intensify:
We search alone
For golden crowns
'Cause if we find it, we'll have it all to ourselves
So one by one
We lay our bricks down
To pave a road on the shoulders of somebody else

As quickly as the beam had rested on the cloud, the position of the solar ray shifts. Clouds are usually not reflective. There may be something more there…

Kailey has deleted their pose: With the Uncat settled back in her spot under Kailey's hair and around her neck mostly hidden by the purple hood. Though in the flurry of her movements it had been knocked back. Revealing a pair of pointed and elfin ears on the young mother. Now she is fingering them with a perplexed expression, before shrugging and pulling her hood up. It isn't the weirdest body transformation she has gone through. The affection from Everett is welcomed and she leans again him briefly.

"Anyone wondering about the music?" Kailey asks as she moves to the edge of the bridge at last to look down. Good thing she is not afraid of heights. Turning her attention back to the castle she says, "Well...looks like we either play hopscotch or fly. I'm gonna opt for the later myself..." Turning to Everett she adds, "I can't lift you yet, babe. But I think you can probably jump those easy?" Looking back at the arch she finds herself shivering slightly. Then her eyes go up to the clouds and she frowns. "Do those clouds look...off to you?"

<FS3> Kailey rolls Alertness: Good Success (8 8 8 5 5 5 3) (Rolled by: Maggi)

Though not visible, the section is sturdy. A tiny arrow directly forward a step and to the right of the foot directs right, etched into the sky itself.

<FS3> Kailey rolls Physical: Success (7 6 4 3 3 2 2 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

The shrill whistle from Joel gets Everett's attention, and another animal friend, with a slight roll of Everett's eyes. He murmurs after Joey, "Iffn a cab didn't show up for that whistle, there aren't any in this universe."

Not one to miss a 'hey, look at this' or 'check this out', Everett comes over to look at the arrow, then back at Gray Harbor's resident Druid. "Huh, and I've been in a couple of fun-time candyland ones with edible cars." He glances up and smiles faintly, "Man, what I wouldn't give for my licorice muscle car right about now." With a soft headshake, Everett whips his long hair, then spends a few seconds brushing his hair back with one hand.

Casting a sideways glance towards the archway, Everett's eyes narrow. "If we have to form a human ladder," he assumes the last two lines mean, "I call dibs on tops." Then he recalls something and nudges Kailey with his elbow, "Hey, babe. Chuck the cat up there." It's not his familiar, what does he care?

"I'm not so sure about hopscotch where I'm concerned," Diana says, frowning. "I can't imagine myself making it across safely, even if the distances were a little shorter." She pauses, going over to look at the arrow. Her frown deepens, and then she looks to August. "I barely have any telekinetic abilities at all, but I could try to help put the pebbles in place?" She smiles apologetically, and then looks to Everett, seeming amused. "Of course it was a muscle car," she snorts, and adds, "...I had a giant raven."

<FS3> Kailey rolls Physical-4: Failure (4 3 2 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Diana rolls Research: Great Success (8 8 6 6 6 5 4 4 4 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

Kailey spends a luck point. Reason: Sorcerer Powers Activate

<FS3> Kailey rolls Physical-3: Good Success (8 6 6 4 3) (Rolled by: Maggi)

Joey cracks a rare half grin to August, "Yeah? Fair enough." He pauses and frowns looking at the arrow, "Yeah I was in that tryin not to run over Alexander when he blew out the tires on Cris' wheels. Fun night. No licorice though, Ev." He looks back to Mercy and Diana and asks, "Ideas?" Theirs are as good as any.

"Yeah if we have to drop folks down Ev and I'll go last." He wanders over and looks at the arrow and lets the inky serpent crawl up on his shoulders for now to chill out.

Kailey is squinting and peering at the bridge and suddenly says, "AHA! Something is hiding the rest of the bits. Let's see..." And she steps back from the edge and waves her hand, palm out and fingers spread, in front of her. As she does that more of the walkway is revealed, in a glitter-sparkling effect of purple and gold, on the right and directly in the front. Then she lowers her arm in vague surprise. "Wow...that was...difficult," She admits with a scrunching up of nose.

The scrunched nose continues into a scowl that she levels on Everett. And from her hair two pairs of too-yellow, slitted eyes of the Uncat look at him too. "Excuse me?" They say in unison as her hands go on hips. "She can sharpen her claws on tires. Be nice," She chides him before turning back to the tiles. "There are more of them, anyone want to try and give me a hand removing this illusion?"

Joey has spoken to Mercy, but she is no longer there. Gone, in the blink of an eye...odd indeed.

August spends a luck point. Reason: Be a bridge again you obstinate fucker

<FS3> August rolls Spirit+2 (8 8 6 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1) vs I Made This (a NPC)'s 10 (8 8 8 8 7 6 6 5 5 5 5 1)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for I Made This. (Rolled by: Maggi)

The first row of one foot by one foot tiles are lit by Kailey. The last on the far right points forward with a similar arrow now engraved in purple and gold.

Well at least Joey's familiar can fly. August...doesn't appear to have one. Yet. Who knows what governs such things. He flashes his teeth at Joey in a brief, almost feral smile. Those years are long behind him, but not so easily forgotten.

He shakes his head at Diana. "It's not telekinesis. It's shaping. Kind of, convincing the bridge to remake itself." He thinks over that description. "Or reminding it what it was like to be a whole bridge." Having thus explained what he's going to attempt, he gives it a try, setting a hand on the support and focusing on the ragged stones on either end, trying to fill the gap.

There's a half second where some of the stonework trembles. That's it, though; despite how hard August pushes at the bridge, it won't give. He sags after a second, panting like he's been holding his breath for hours. "Fucking...fuck." He kneels down, wipes tears from his eyes. "That sure didn't work."

At Diana's concern, Everett's eyes brighten. "I'll throw ya? You'll make it no problem." He even adds enticing pec twitching, no more than the last time before he picks up his sword in both hands and sways it to and fro. Presumably like he would fling her. Then he suddenly stops and puts the sword tip down on the bridgework with an audible metallic ting. A faint amused and confused frown originates from his brows while he asks Diana, "What do you mean, 'Of course?'"

Spoken to by Joey, Everett's attention turns that way, "Spoilsport." As it seems, though, that he and his barbaric nipples have stopped being the center of attention, and he doesn't fancy himself the cerebral type, Everett's watching the horizon, more then likely for signs of trouble. Childed by Kailey and familiar returns his attention to them both, "What if we just," and he doesn't say it, but pantomimes the action with both hands again. Twice, before he starts grinning.

For Kailey's attempt, and August's less than successful attempt, Everett watches on, nonplussed. Muttering under his breath something about finger wigglers.

<FS3> August rolls Research: Success (7 6 5 3 3 3 2 1 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

"Ooh, good catch, Kailey!" Diana says, then looks to Everett and snorts. "You're not tough enough for that, sport." She grins, and then starts pacing in between the arrows seen, at least on the spots where it's near the platform, or the bridge shows it's safe to walk. She frowns, looking up at the 'hangman' style puzzle, and then tilts her head. "Okay, so this is just a theory, but... G is the first missing letter in that whole thing, right? And it's the seventh letter of the alphabet. Well, if we go forward and onto the bridge, and then go... well, the next arrow's pointing right, so we go right 7 paces? It's just a theory, but we could test it via poking Everett's phallic symbol at the void?"

<FS3> Kailey rolls Physical: Good Success (8 6 6 5 4 4 3 2) (Rolled by: Maggi)

"I can sort of see a shimmering where things should be...but that does seem to be a good start," Kailey says to Diana with a nod. Glancing at Everett she looks uncertain about having him go poking at the void. "I...mmm..." She begins to pat her robes down, hand coming down on a pouch at her side. Letting instinct guide her that hand dips inside. More than a hand should be able to dip into a pouch that big. Then her arm goes in. And in to the elbow and she frowns, clearly feeling around.

From the pouch she pulls an actual quarterstaff with a triumphant, "Aha!" Like some weird modern Mary Poppins. "I have a big stick if it helps?" She turns to show it off to the others. She moves out carefully onto the tiles, using the staff to tap at each one just to be safe.

Joey turns to August and while Joey is NOT the caregiver sort his hand goes to Roen's shoulder to make sure the old dude doesn't fall over. "Well if this doesn't abate we can run and jump and if we go splat then it is not our problem anymore I guess." He pauses and points to Kailey. "Cept you. You're a mom." He pauses and looks at the others. "I shouldn't assume. That shit's on me." Close to an apology as the crime boss is apt to give. "Two can fly but they can't talk and I'm willing to jump. What the shit why not?"

The first tile Kailey pokes in front of the one on the far right seems to hold the weight of her summoned staff. A left arrow is carved into to air on the 'tile' it taps. The voice rings out again:
Any cost
Oh, we kill our way to heaven

August glances up at Joey, pulls a face. It's less a thank you than a reassurance he's not going to pass out. Not just yet.

He slowly rises to his feet, looking from Diana to the letters to the arrow. "Right. Okay, so, G, A, C, A, C, A,...A, D. Seven, one, three, one, three, one, one, four?" He frowns, turning the numbers over in his head. "Four and three is seven, and three ones is three. Or four and three ones." He shrugs, unable to put anything else together. Instead, he watches Kailey's experiment, ready to grab her clothes with Glimmer if needed. She should be fine tapping with her quarterstaff, right?

...right. He braces himself, waiting. Nothing drastic, just a confirmation there's...invisible? stairs. "Anyone got anything we can toss on them, make them easier to see? Some dust or, something?"

<FS3> Everett rolls Research: Failure (5 3 2 1 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Joey rolls Research: Success (8 6 4) (Rolled by: Maggi)

Everett's brows lift with surprise with Diana's assertion as to his toughness. His momentary surprise, replaced by a smirk while he listens to the remainder of what she has to add, chuckling at the end. "While it's true that my phallic symbol is long enough to reach, are you going to reach into this," he looks down, gesturing with his empty hand that the black furry loincloth, "to get it?" And he's not finished, "Because I think some of this isn't fur."

Yup. Gross. I'm so gross. And I'm sorry I wrote that, but no take-backs.

When Kailey looks at him thoughtfully, he shrugs a shoulder and offers, "You know how much I like to poke things. Bears. Uh. Stuff. Say, nice stick." Joey points Kailey out as a Mom, and Everett smirks proudly. "Yeah, me too. Just so long as it gets us closer to me putting my phallic symbol through something. I'm starting to get bored." For the moment, Kailey gets the blunt of that boredom. Cat around her shoulders or not, the barbarian leans against the sorcerer and murmurs something sweet and yet revolting into her hood with the wrapping of a large arm around her waist. Doesn't matter to him that she's preoccupied with something else.

"You wish," Diana snorts at Everett, and then just about dies laughing at the assertion about the fur. "Okay, okay, you win this one," she laughs, and then looks on in surprise as Kailey pulls the quarterstaff out of nowhere. "Ooh, try that on his loincloth next!" she teases, and gives Kailey a wink. She watches as Kailey taps the first tile and-- success! She pumps a fist. "Awesome! She queues up behind Everett, though she admits, "I wish I had something to write down the sequence of letters-slash-numbers. I'd hate to plummet to my doom just because I misplaced a number." She smirks, and then says to August, "I have nothing to spread. I wish this platform were dirt, instead of rock. ...though maybe someone can slightly unmake it, enough to get some pebbles? I'm not very good at that sort of thing, or certain if it's even an option."

Follow the tile laid road. Kailey is careful of her steps and continuing along the suggested path. Focusing until Everett is whispering dirty things in her ear. There is an eyeroll as she stands up and looks at the sky. Uncat makes a disgusted sound and says, "Ugh. Humans..."

"Ev, I love you, but this is the worst time for that," Kailey tells the big brute kindly, even reaching up to pat him on the cheek absently, eyes forward. Then that patting hand reaches into the endless pouch and fishes around. Does she have some sand or something in here? She comes up with a bottle of...glitter. Shrugging she pops it open to begin dispensing on invisible areas. And everything else in purple sparkles. Including loincloth fur.

The glitter reveals another few stones and sticks to the arrow pointing forward.

<FS3> Diana rolls Research: Success (8 6 5 5 3 3 3 3 2 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

Joey watches this all with a total lack of fascination. he's the one that got his GED in Prison and barely. That said he did finish and is able to point out, "What if the numbers are the letters. A is one. G is 7. And R and N are 18 and 14 and the like. Janet Jackson's Rhythm Nation 1814 album said so. I'm not gonna say she's wrong but...it seems to hold."

August watches the glitter land, nods and moves to join Kailey on the glittery 'steps'. He pauses, looks back at Joey. "Is that what the 1814 meant?" He sounds honestly surprised. "Huh." And then he trying to pay attention to where he walks. No clue what his weird getup is about, though perhaps that'll come in time.

"There are worst times. Church, for one," replies Everett to Kailey, but behave he does. There could be a comment about who wears the pants, but she's wearing robes, and he's got a loincloth. His attention drifts down to the lit tilts and, as one might expect, he uses his unoccupied hand to count. "If it is seven, one, three, one, three, whatever, it doesn't seem to be following that pattern." He points to the last arrow to be light, since it's in the fourth position.

Then he points to the first tile lit, "Seven plus one," he moves to the second row, "plus three," and moves to the newly lit tile. But it sounds more like a question then an answer. "So, plus one would be," he points to the title next to the one that was just lit, "There? Is that maybe right?" he asks Kailey's hood.

"It's... not? But the first part was seven, right? Or... well, crap." Diana frowns, then closes her eyes tightly. "Let me think about this," she mutters, biting at her lower lip.

"I dunno about the numbers. But I do know the glitter and staff are helping..." Kailey says with a glance back at Everett. A smirk twisting her lips as she reaches back and up to boop him on the nose. "Okay...let's see..." And she taps at the ground before her carefully again, sprinkling more glitter as she goes. Sorry everyone, you'll be finding it still 10 years later.

The next two steps before Kailey take the glitter, a right arrow on the third.

<FS3> August rolls Spirit]: Good Success (8 7 6 6 1) (Rolled by: August)

<FS3> August rolls Spirit: Good Success (8 7 6 6 5 5 5 4 3 3 3 3) (Rolled by: August)

<FS3> Joey rolls Leadership+3: Amazing Success (8 8 8 8 8 7 7 6 4 2 2) (Rolled by: Joey)

Joey looks to August and nods. "Yeah man. It's in the liner notes." Sure THAT he remembers! He watches the glitter scatter and waits to be told where to go. He's not cerebral. He and Everett are effectively meat on a mission. That's what they do and it works out great. For now he's keeping an eye on August to make sure he doesn't pass out off a goddamn bridge. "Hey you're um....you guys are doing great at this and manages to make the words, "Don't think about falling off this bridge. You gonna make this bridge owe you money by the time we are through. Ya doin good. Also maybe don't look down." How he can say that like he's encouraging his dog to get out there and take a piddle in a rainstorm like everyone's gonna get a cookie after this? Who the fuck knows but he musters it from somewhere.

The path is now fully revealed thanks to the pissing power of Joey's pet. All are safe who cross as the danger noodle directs.
Reaching the other side of the obfuscated path, you are met with more of the spectral tune:
We would say anything just to hear what we want
Right or wrong
Then we lie to be forgiven
We would sell anything just to buy who we're not
Any cost
Oh, we kill our way to heaven, mmm
Oh, we kill our way to heaven

From your vantage, the route may be clearer to you than before. The levitating islands you had seen as specks are connected here by a series of richity rope and plank links. A choir lets loose unearthly scale, mimicked by a bass guitar. Though everyone around you can hear this, the air sustains a gentle breeze to sway to connections that lead to the castle. The tune comes from within each of your minds:
Stop, now let's begin
You're in too deep to go back again

Stings of golden tarnished golden bells on a threadbare rope are mounted from a mental support that has been securced into the ground of the next island. From where you stand they appear functional. Glints of gold ahead at roughly the same spacing suggest that a similar display resides on future linked islands.

Crooning within your skull causes your blood to run cold:
No, you don't own me
You don't even know me
Who, this vagabond
With a toop hop back to the great beyond
How, say genuine
A ground floor up, I can help you find
Oh, you're a dreamer

"G, A, C, A, C, A, A, D," August repeats. "Those were the missing letters in order." He half turns to double check. "I think," he adds. 'I hope,' he means. "Just, ah...be ready, with the moving Art, if anyone falls." He can hold up himself, of course, but what about the rest of them?

He looks among the group, reminding himself of what everyone can (or can't) do. A grimace for Diana and Everett, though maybe Joey and Kailey could keep them up between the two of them... "So--" He starts as a book tucked in a vest pocket starts to flow. Slowly, like it might be bite him or explode, he tugs it out and flips it open. "...huh." He flips through the pages, frowning. "This is some kind of book of spells. I think." He glances up at the rest of them, eyes moving from one to the next, blinks. "Wait. We're all--we're," he gestures, "we have jobs." Sorry everyone, August is not a tabletop RPGer.

He points, finding it better to just describe what he's seeing. "Everett's a barbarian." Kailey next. "Sorcerer." Then Diana, "Druid," and Joey. "Monk." He sighs, looks down at himself, his book. "And I guess I'm a druid." He tucks the book back into his vest, sighs. "Whatever that means."

And so he proceeds behind the others, walking with care (Joey's not wrong, he's still a bit wobbly after that bridge smacked him around), pausing now and then to make sure no one behind him is having a problem.

Entering a discussion with Diana about the pattern, Everett uses one thick sausage finger to point to the tiles while counting, "Seven, then one more, then three more, and so on. It seems to work out, just like he said," the same finger gestured to August as he repeats the order. Having been subject to Joey's brand of leadership and speeches before, these one gets a double-take and eyebrow raise from the big man. Not a threat or an expletive in the whole speech, how's he supposed to operate effectively.
And yet, still, somehow it works. It's almost enough to make him miss the piss. Yes, I made that rhyme on purpose.

"Not for nothing, but maybe the unseen choir knows a little Mastodon?" Even though he makes a request, his head bobs a little, pausing after the foot maze and letting August let his fingers do the walking. "Jo-- hey!" Everett vocally protests, putting his fist on his hip just over his loincloth, "There's no need for name-calling here." His indignation though, isn't genuine as he hoists the large sword over his armored shoulder, and points with his bare hand, "Bridges?"

"Bridges," Diana agrees with a nod, and then ponders what August had to say. "Druid, hm?" She checks her pockets for a similar spell book, and ends up pulling one out. "Oooooh, neat. Druid means you have nature-y spells, and can turn into like, bears and stuff. We might even be able to turn into something flying, to scout ahead. Depends how powerful we currently are, in this... you know, Dreamscape. Barbarian means-- well, Everett," she smirks at him, "...monk tends to mean you fight with your fists and are hard to hit. Sorcerer is also a spellcasting class-- not as powerful as some, but far easier to cast magic quickly. That's... kinda how it tends to be in games like D&D, anyway. Can't say how much this Dreamscape will hew to that." Belatedly, she looks to Joey with a smile. "Thanks for the encouragement, by the way! I'm almost surprised you're not a bard! ...not a singing kind of guy?"

Kailey turns to look at August curiously as he begins speaking. Surprise at the book, but she just watches and listens. But surprise and some amount of delight cross her face. "OH! It's like Wayfinders," She offers up helpfully. Of course those who don't know tabletop will be clueless. To be fair she has only dabbled and doesn't know a lot. What she does know, though, is this, "So a barbarian gets mad and are super tough. I cast spells. You two cast spells and love plants. Like, duh?" She grins at August and even chuckles slightly. "And Monk is like, martial arts fisticuffs fighter." To be honest Kailey doesn't really know Joey. But she grins at Diana. "We should play sometimes!"

So helpful. "So...uhh...I think I can see further connections and ropes to get across from here," Kailey says as she gets out of the way of the path for those that were following her. Pointing out towards the slim bridges. But really she turns back to August and asks, "Can I see the book?"

Joey is following Danger Noodle and the group. There are... riddles... The boxer looks around and sets his jaw, "Whoever is singing? Can it. We're trying to figure this shit out..." He looks to Everett to see if he's got a clue and looks back to August muttering, "These singing people aren't getting to the point. What tower we need to fight to get home, man? They got a kid. My dogs gotta go out."

The song is broken by screeching. A feathered inky body the size of a two passenger car swoops downward. The grotesque thing has a skull with glowing violet blaze where the eyes may be. A beak attaches to the top and bottom of its face, stringy hair ripples from the apex of the cranium. Two arms with talon like fingers swipe at the group. Massive wings gusting air as the thing propels itself higher. The high pitched squawks shift musical, the choral scales…

>And when they play it, you can't help but sing along
That's nothin' odd, that's nothin' wrong

"Hey," August holds up a hand in his own defense, "I'm just saying what the Art told me about you. Take it up with Glimmer, not me." He narrows his eyes at Diana, even frowns a little. "Bears," he repeats, and peers down at his clothing. Finding nothing illustrative in his getup, he glances at Kailey, nods, offers it over.

He studies the bridges, looks askance at Joey. Jerking his chin towards the distant tower, he says, "Suspect it's that one." He pulls a face about the singing. "Honestly," his expression turns apologetic, "I bet the person who made these puzzles is also in charge of the music."

Whatever he'd been planning to say next is lost in the screeching of the winged thing swooping at them. "Fuck. Get down!" He shouts the last bit, though doesn't heed his own warning, wastes no time in calling up a ball of lavender-tinged fire to lob at the thing.

<FS3> August rolls Spirit (8 8 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2) vs A Harpy (a NPC)'s 4 (7 7 5 5 4 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for August. (Rolled by: Maggi)

The shriek of the mockery of a bird brings forth two more dark shapes grow in size with their approach. While it does look pissed and a bit injured, it is still in the air. Three rickety bridges, three harpies, one way out.

>'Cause a good song never dies
It just reminds you of where you were
The first time it made you cry, the first time you felt alive*

This thing doesn’t look sound.

Everett gasps when Diana calls him a barbarian too. "Calling people names, THAT'S barbaric. Maybe YOU'RE the barbarian now, huh?" And then it's Kailey's turn, that's three out of four. A loud huff follows as he glowers down at Kailey and follows with a biting retort.
"I-i'll. B-barbarian. You!" So there.

Let the filthy book readers read. Everett heads on, undeterred by the wish to explain nerd things that nerds do in their nerd basement while nerding with other nerds. Getting their nerd germs on their nerd things nerding it all up nerdingly. The bully broods on forward a few steps before he turns around to add another cutting jib, pointedly at Diana, "Literacy, THAT'S barbaric!" He turns around again with a soft smirk, happy that he's showed them a thing or three. And then he conjugates, to himself, the verb nerd. Just to make sure he got nerdingly right.
Yeah, that's right.
I nerd, the worst Will Smith movie.

When Joey looks at him, Everett pulls himself from reverie before he shrugs his massive shoulders and looks defensive, "What, I'm not singing, but," he points up with his free hand, "Is that the first time they asked us to sing along?"

Reflexively ducking while taking a step towards Kaily, Everett's arms spread out to protect the woman at August's vocal warning, looking to the skies to follow the fire. "Ah, bugger," he murmurs, and hefts his sword. Against the flying things. Ergo the buggery.

<FS3> August rolls Wits: Success (7 6 4 3 3) (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Diana (Maggi) rolls 3: Good Success (8 7 7 4 4) (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Diana rolls Spirit+3: Success (7 5 4 3 2 1 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

Diana only elbows Everett in response, especially since that bird comes in to ruin their oh so lovely day. Though she does answer him about the singing: "I'm not sure whether it's said that before or not, honestly. It seems semi-random?" She frowns up at the bird, then looks in her book briefly, fumbling with it. A few moments after August hits one, she looks up and points at it menacingly. It's ... kind of anticlimactic, until the lightning comes streaming down toward it.

The previously injured harpy is struck from the lightening Diana calls forth from the sky with a flourish of her spell book. The wretched thing is flying crooked, still in the air, and coming straight for the summoner of lightening.

<FS3> Kailey rolls Research: Good Success (8 8 6 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Kailey rolls Physical+3: Great Success (8 8 7 7 6 4 4 4 3 2 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

Kailey picks up the book and frowns at it. Tilting her head and flipping through a few pages. "Huh...well I can't read it," She says as she passes the book back to August. Turning to look up at Everett with a smirk. "What? You mean like you do most nights? In front of everybody?" She teases him as she does her best to ignore the music. But as it is talked about she does find her attention drawn to it.

Then to the screeching harpy in the sky. Her eyes widen and she takes a small step back. Her hands move almost of their own in small little gestures. Something akin to ASL if anyone was paying attention. Except the ASL is in cursive and glowing. She finds herself mumbling under her breath in something that sounds like a combination of Danish and Spanish. A purple shimmer falls down in a dome around everyone, becoming invisible as the shields settle into place. Only sparkling when struck.

The Harpies move in a triangulated formation, dive bombing those on the safer precipice. The gold of the bell glints beside you. The sun is lowering steadily.

<FS3> Joey rolls Athletics+2: Good Success (7 6 6 6 5 4 3 3 3 2 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Joey rolls Athletics+4 (8 6 5 5 5 5 4 3 2 2 2 1 1) vs A Harpy (a NPC)'s 4 (6 5 4 3 1 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Joey. (Rolled by: Maggi)

Joey responds to Everett honestly. "I live with a six year old. You think I listen to the lyrics to songs? If I did I'd go insane eaten by a baby shark a long time ago, man." There's a pause and he asks, "Why what's it asking?" And then... bird women. with like... well he's not going to get into their manicure situation. Nicole's pulled off soem crazy things with a lady's nails before in a pinch. There's a murmur of "oh screw this." He watches and tracks the woman like a weapon and mumbles, "Roen... just tell Nicole it was my idea. She'll understand." What wa- and there he is running faster than he rightly ought to and leaping like he's gone super sayan reaching out and grabbing the harpy by waist, leg, and using the momentum to pull himself onto her back trying to get her to ground. Have 207# of angry dead weight, lady.

<FS3> August rolls Athletics+3 (7 7 5 4 4 2 2 1 1) vs A Harpy (a NPC)'s 6 (8 8 5 5 4 3 2 1)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Diana rolls Athletics+2 (8 7 7 6 6 4) vs A Harpy (a NPC)'s 5 (8 7 6 4 3 3 1)
<FS3> Victory for Diana. (Rolled by: Maggi)

As it descends, the demonic creature at the nose of the group is forced from the sky by the monk, channeling the powers of the sun and justice, or perhaps just pure manliness. Regardless of the source, Joey leaps into the air and the birdlike creature falls to the ground, still conscious, glaring at the group and shrieking. The other two sweep to their attackers, the injured one scratching August, but bouncing of Kailey's ample shield. The second misses Diana by a fair margin between the defense provided and her druidic reflexes. Joining with the sky once more, the two prepare to attack, the third trying desperately to wriggle free.

<FS3> August rolls Research: Great Success (8 8 8 7 6 4 4 3 2) (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> August rolls Spirit+5: Amazing Success (8 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

August is satisfied to see that at least injured the thing; less so when two more of the things arrive on the scene. "Great." Joey, Diana, and Kailey have it in hand, though he's forced to drop when the one he tried to fry bounces off the shield Kailey's put on him. He winces in relief. "Thanks," he says to Kailey, rolling to his feet.

He eyes the bridge, begins looking around them--stills when his eyes land on the bell. "Sound," he says. "We need to ring the bell. It'll--hold their attention. Or maybe drive them off." He shakes his head. "Whatever."

He's about to simply shove it using his movement Glimmer, but having seen Kailey and Diana both use their books, he hesitates, glances down at his own. "Okay, let's just see what's in here..." He stops, bites his lip, nods. "Okay. Sure."

It's not unlike what he can already do with shaping, except there are no thorns around here to animate. He's...making one, essentially. Well, he hopes he is.

The heavy length of blackberry vine coalesces in his hand, coiling and writhing like a snake preparing to strike. He mutters, "Here goes nothing," and sends it flying at the bell, coiling around it, and yanks hard.

What feels like a thousand bells ring out in the opposite direction of the group. The three visible and somehow more? The bells emit a frequency almost at the end of a soprano’s range. The skulls swivel, large birdlike bodies following. They are quite aerodynamic despite their colossal size. The harpies are now flying at breakneck speed toward the noise. You can’t unring a bell…

>There was a moment, a hole opened in the sky
A chance to join that pantheon
For all the times they never heard your battlecry
Now be an angel, sing along

The aeriform creatures let forth their set of haunting scales, other than the one Joey brings to the ground... The other two are not even visible for the time being.

As Joey responds and provides a glimpse of Everett's life in, well, precious few time, the man that got the tattoo on Everett's back develops a facial tick and whispers doubts about the gorilla's impending freedoms. Where Joey is, soon too shall go Everett. And when Joey flings himself into the arms of another woman-ish, Everett turns his gaze down, to Kailey. "Uhhh."

The combat wasn't long latest, long enough for Everett to have some internal doubts and then point upwards as he turns his gaze from Kailey to the remainder of the group, "Uh. Yeah, there it is again, isn't it? Asking us to join in? 'Sing along.' Wear a thong." He shrugs then notices Joey's got a date.

And in so noticing, perks. Something to stab! Without a further delay, Everett hefts the large sword with two hands and leaves Kailey for another woman. A bird woman, bringing the blade down on her just as soon as there's an opening.
Dark meat or white?

<FS3> Diana rolls Athletics: Success (7 7 4 4) (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Kailey rolls Athletics: Success (7 4 3 1 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> August rolls Athletics: Good Success (8 8 6 5 4 2) (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Everett rolls Athletics: Great Success (8 8 8 7 7 5 5 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

Way to go, August! Diana claps softly for his success, not wanting to bring the harpies back this way. And while she's at it, she aims a soft clap for Joey as well. Everett, though, gets a soft frown, thoughtful rather than disapproving. "Except we don't even know the lyrics," she frowns, "... unless that's in our books. Awww, screw it!" She starts to hum along in general with the tune while rapidly starting to flip through her book just in case there's a page for harpy lyrics. And, dangerously enough, she follows the others across while still looking down occasionally at her book, if any should try it.

<FS3> Diana rolls Research: Good Success (8 7 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Joey rolls Athletics+2: Great Success (8 7 7 6 6 5 4 3 2 1 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

"You guys got that thing?" Kailey asks as she pauses to watch the harpy wrestling. Only when she is sure the two toughs have the thing in hand does she turn to address the bridges. It is almost comical the way Kailey carefully picks her way across the bridges. Stumbling once while the others have less trouble with the bridges. It is quite clear that Kailey is not a very athletic young woman. She tries though and gets across the first bridge. "Wait for me!" She calls after the others as she holds her robes up to help avoid tripping on them.

<FS3> August rolls Research: Great Success (7 7 7 7 6 5 4 2 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> August rolls Spirit+5: Great Success (8 7 6 6 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 1 1 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

Joey spirals into the ground with the Harpy flapping around like a turkey on a rampage. "Lady, I'm also the wrestling coach. You're gonna have to think up a new game. Now you gonna tell me what the shit you're doing or you gonna make me pull your feathers out and send you home with em?"

<FS3> August rolls Composure-4: Success (7 6 5 4) (Rolled by: August)

August startles; he'd expected one bell to ring, not every bell in creation. But it's worked, so he can't complain (even though his left ear is now ringing like a bastard). He turns to head across the bridge, waiting for the others to be off it before going. Oh, except Joey's still got this friend of his.

There's a half a second where he hesitates, because this is a harpy, and--

No. They have to go.

He's quick, snapping its neck in an afterthought, tells himself he's not going to need to throw up about that later (he is). "I'll hold it together," he calls to Kailey. Moving to the bridge, he says, "Come on, Kelly, let's go. We have to get out of here."

Presumably whatever he is--a druid?--can do that, fix things. Fix plant living things, or things made of living things, that seems right. Rope would be animal hair or plant fiber in this kind of setting, wouldn't it? (He needs to read some of those books Itzhak and Joe are always on him to read...)

Hey, there it is. He snaps his spell book shut, glides a hand along the rope as he goes. "Hang in there, yeah? I don't want to find out if I can turn into a bird big enough to carry everyone, not sure my back can take it."

Diana, August, and August are playing catch-up at the moment. The other two having reached the tippy-top decide how best to move forward. The visible harpy is very dead. Surely, an experience Joey could cope with in therapy one day. Just another dead kinda woman beneath him, no big.

<FS3> Joey rolls Composure-3: Success (6 5 4 2 1) (Rolled by: Joey)

<FS3> Kailey rolls Alertness: Success (7 5 4 4 3 3 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

Kailey spends a luck point. Reason: I has eyes, really. Looking harder.

<FS3> Kailey rolls Alterness: Success (7 7 3) (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Kailey rolls Alertness: Success (8 6 5 5 4 1 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Everett rolls Dream Lore+2: Good Success (8 7 6 4 4 3 2 2 2) (Rolled by: Maggi)

Without stopping to clean the blood or ichor or motor oil, whatever a Harpy bleeds, from his sword, Everett waits at the apex for the others, for a small moment before the monkey's curiosity gets ahold of him. Of all the colours offered, he suspects he knows which one Kailey will pick when she gets up here. Hopefully he knows her that well, and to the purple door he walks, giving a glance around.

The weeping stone dragon is given an especially long look as the large man gets to the door. Then, when he's within arms reach, he tries to peer into the keyhole without sticking his face against the door. Without touching the door actually, if he can help it.

"Oh shit."
And if anyone asks what he sees, he follows it up with a dismissive, "Nothing." He points at Kailey then the purple door, "That's your door, kitten."

Diana doesn't need therapy; she's already across the first bridge by the time the harpy's neck gets snapped. She has to pause for a moment on the second bridge to catch her breath, and then she's near to going on the third, but-- yegods, this is not a woman who regularly works out, it's clear. Nerds FTW!

<FS3> Kailey rolls Physical (7 6 5 2 2 2 1 1) vs Dragon (a NPC)'s 9 (8 8 7 7 7 7 7 6 4 2 1)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Dragon. (Rolled by: Maggi)

Kailey spends a luck point. Reason: OH CRAP IT'S A DRAGON!

<FS3> Kailey rolls Physical (8 7 6 5 4 1 1 1) vs Dragon (a NPC)'s 9 (8 7 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 2)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Kailey. (Rolled by: Maggi)

Green eyes widen as Kailey catches up and comes upon a scene. Staring at it with a frown and tilting her head to the side. Staring upon a visage of many-colored doors. Each with a keyhole. And then there her attention is drawn to the stone dragon and it's hoard of skeleton keys. "Uhhh...we're gonna probably need those keys...and I don't think the dragon is going to let us take them easily," But hey, from up here she can try and yoink a few with the summoning of a magical hand. To Everett she says, "Be ready babe..."

Once more Kailey begins to mumble and weave her fingers. She's letting the dream move through her right now. And as she mumbles a purple and pink hand shimmers into existence. It moves swiftly to the pot the dragon guards. "Ready?" She shouts to the others before the hand grabs a handful of keys fast. Zooming back to Kailey with it's handful. Dropping all but one along the way back.

Fuck NO Joey Kelly's never seeing a goddamn therapist. He's fucking Irish, he'll deal with something being wrong for the rest of his life.. This though? It's weirdly not that easy to get past this one. He should be moving on but right now he's hugging that harpie til her bloody body goes limp and he's just clutching her to him. Oh...right... dragon. Finally he relents her body to the ground. He's not quick to join the others but looks at his hands, flicks the blood from them and lowers his hands.

Joey looks around working on pulling his shit together and says to the basilisk hovering like ink. "C'mon Danger Noodle. let's... just... go find our peeps."

August pauses in his jog along the bridge, resumes when he sees Joey finally let go of the harpy. (Try not to think about it. Try not to think about what you just did. It's just a Dream. It's not real.)

The apex of this heaven of hell, multi-colored doors displaying a myriad of dimensions hang about the platform you approach, one that is both metal and stone. The colors are a vivid rainbow within the doorframes. Roy himself would be proud. A ticket stub engraved upon each states clearly “admit one”. A keyhole is visible on the right of each, the images currently appearing stagnant, as though they are being held by glass. Yet another terrifying tune reaches your ears. This one is more electronic than the last.

A stone dragon carved out of the side of the nearby structures weeps into a pond below. The thing seems to be made from the very stone that built this place. Guarding a jar of mismatched skeleton keys near a single talon, the difference in size is almost comical.

Reaching for the metal within the container causes the stones to rustle, then crash down, the dragon breaking from the castle itself. It would appear you woke it up...

Rocks fall, everyone dies. That's how these adventures go, right? Well, everyone might still die, but it's not going to be because of those falling stones. Instead, the shaking and shuddering reveals a small indentation in the stone which contains: One (1) James Hecker, blinking owlishly and stumbling out into the chaos. "... the actual fuck?", he mutters, and looks around himself, bewildered. "... I was trying to make a goddamn sandwich. What." He is not dressed in adventure gear, but rather, just his usual jeans and hoodie, though the hoodie does have a 20-sided die with a 1 showing, so, really, he's got no one to blame but himself.

<FS3> Joey rolls Physical: Good Success (8 8 6 6 4 4 2) (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Diana rolls Research: Good Success (8 7 6 5 5 5 2 2 1 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Diana rolls Spirit+4: Great Success (8 8 8 7 6 4 4 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

August attacks Dragon with Spirit and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Head.
James tries to use a Mental illusion on Dragon but FAILS.
Diana passes.
Joey attacks Dragon with Unarmed+Brass Knuckles and HITS! Impaired wound to Head. (Reduced by ARMOR)
Dragon uses Grenade. EXPLOSION!
Dragon attacks Everett with Grenade(Concussion) and HITS! Graze wound to Chest.
Dragon attacks Everett with Shrapnel and HITS! Graze wound to Left Leg.
Dragon attacks Kailey with Grenade(Concussion) and HITS! Graze wound to Chest.
Dragon attacks Kailey with Shrapnel and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Chest.
Dragon attacks Joey with Grenade(Concussion) and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Right Arm.
Dragon attacks Joey with Shrapnel and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Left Arm.
Dragon attacks Joey with Shrapnel and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Head.
Kailey attacks Dragon with Electrokinesis. RESIST!
Everett attacks Dragon with Sword and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Neck.

Dragon has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: August, Joey, Everett)

Joey has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: Dragon)

The dragon falls almost as soon as it has begun moving. The implosion of damage reduces it to rubble. Poor Joey is out, but everyone else is present and more importantly, there are keys!

Having told Kailey which one was hers, Everett steps towards her and looks at her collection of keys. His empty hand touches her shoulder before squeezing, and then he turns his head to the key that landed on the ground.
There it is.

Taking a slow step from Kailey, he gestures to her, "The red one, that's what's his names. Auggie," isn't that what Kailey calls the druid at home? Everett, meanwhile, he wants that green key that fell from the mage's hand.

And then the stone dragon moves. Ambush.
Everett's Barbitchian Senses sense danger and his muscles move him mostly out of the way, twirling to bring his sword up from his shoulder. Bare pectoral muscles tense, and bring the blade down on the dragon's story neck.

When it stops moving, when its rubble, Everett looks around, spying Joey taking a quick power nap. August is given the next look. Everett knows what he's capable of. Then Everett, confident in the druid's abilities, goes back to look for that green key.

Diana makes it across the third bridge at last, and then there's-- a James?! She blinks, and hisses out, "James! James!" Seems like she's worried about waking that dragon. But no worries, that gets taken care of without her, and she quickly starts thumbing through her spellbook, calling out to James, "Check for a spellbook!" Finding what she's looking for, she then looks it over and closes her eyes, willing herself into another shape. This shape: https://www.peregrineadventures.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Polar_bear_Arctic.jpg Turns out that unlike August, she's a polar bear. The she-bear starts to move toward the dragon, but-- that's also handled! The bear stands on its hind legs and claps, then lumbers over to stand next to Everett, nosing at the keys.

Kailey grabs the key with one hand, from her magical purple hand, and points with the quarterstaff at the dragon. The staff glows purple-white-bright before arcs of vibrant magenta lightning arc out. Only to splash colorfully and harmlessly against the stone dragon. In turn the dragon's fire hits her and it isn't quite so nice. Kailey gives a small scream as her arms come up to protect her face and turns away from it. So that the brunt of it hits her back and sets the robe ablaze.

Quick thinking has her dropping and rolling to put out the fire, but she does so with a cry of pain. Rolling while trying to untie and get out of a garment is hard, but she manages to slip the top part off. Showing that the fire ate a big hole through robe and tunic beneath. Her skin an angry red and blistering in places. Bits of dirt and stone cling to it as she rolls onto her hands and knees with a grown. "What is -with- things trying to roast me lately?" Kailey growls as she climbs painfully to her feet, gritting her teeth as she uses the quarterstaff for help.

"Ow," Says the purple-haired sorceress directly to Ev. Before her eyes move to the pile of rocks that was the dragon. "That was fast...Everyone, grab a key and choose a door. This is our way out near as I can tell," This said to the group at large as she pulls out her skeleton key and holds it up.

There's a giant stone dragon, there are people, some of those people are now bears, and the last thing James remembers is putting a touch of mustard on his sandwich, but, here we all are, and that's what we have to deal with, because things start happening real fast. James, ever the hero, lets out a heroic squeak and runs bravely away from the dragon, instinctively throwing a shower of illusory sparks and smoke behind himself as he flees. The illusion is shoddy at best given the hasty nature of its construction, but lucky for him, the dragon doesn't even notice: it's busy breathing fire or something at other people and getting punched into oblivion. He looks around- was that Diana's voice he heard? But when he looks in that direction, a GODDAMN POLAR BEAR is, I shit you not, clapping. "... what."

<FS3> Joey rolls Alertness: Success (7 5 4 4 3 2 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

There's a fucking dragon, and a dead lady and a lot of rubble and ... he doesn't even know. Joey knows go forward or more ladies and his other favourite old dude are- oh fuck Roen got eaten by a bear?? You do not ride a bear from the inside, ROen! Ugh. "Fuck it." He gets a running start and Fist of the Northstars that shit coming in for a megaton punch.


yeah. That fist is fucking magic , can, and will crack granite. Sadly he was already chewed into pretty hard before this and is spending a moment seeing stars. With help he eventually grunts and shoves the block of concrete that was a dragon jaw OFF his chest and grabs his fucking key- the blue one cause why not.

Fist to earth he works (slowly) to push himself to a very uneasy stand working on his bearings.

Doors. Engravings. Locks. Keys...dragon.

Moving dragon.

August already saw the spell he wants to cast; flipped past it when looking for the one to make some thorns. He recalls it now, think of something very large, with enough bulk to block the dragon should it prove necessary. Something with big teeth and claws--

The second he thinks of it, it just happens, And where he'd been standing is now an enormous bear-thing. It's not, strictly speaking, a bear; there are glowing red spines bristling along its ruff, and huge saber teeth in its mouth. Also, it's much too large.

He doesn't stand on ceremony, just rears up and swings a huge, clawed paw across the dragon's midsection, raking the stones with shaping, shattering them in his wake.

It's over as quick as it's begun, but he doesn't shift back immediately. He has the sense, in the back of his mind, that he can't do this a lot, so shouldn't waste it. Sensing Joey's injuries, he turns towards him, but up Joey is getting. Well, that's just like him. August grunts, starts poking around for those keys. They need six. Are there six?

The bear was correct. Six keys, six people. He should teach math.

Oh look, it's Everett's turn again.
Picking up the green key, he gives it a look over and then notices the snout over his shoulder. The polar bear gets a bap with his key before Everett looks around. He grins. Ah, his third favorite red-head. "Hey, James," Everett calls out, far louder than necessary, "Wanna play with my sh-ward?" To which he means the two-handed weapon slung on his shoulder.

Wiggling his brow, Everett takes his key to the green door, looks over to Kailey and waits. He nods towards her door, waiting for her to insert and turn first before he will.

<FS3> August rolls Mental: Good Success (8 8 7 7 5 4 4 1) (Rolled by: August)

<FS3> Diana rolls Alertness: Good Success (8 8 7 5 5 2 2 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

Diana snaps her teeth in Everett's direction at the bap, but she's careful not to get TOO close; those teeth are SHARP. She lumbers over to James after a moment, forgoing the keys. Without bothering to shift back into human form, or maybe not really thinking about it too hard, she leans on him. She's HEAVY, James, but at least she doesn't put her full weight on him. ...yet.

Kailey pulls out her key again and glances at the doors. "Everyone grab a key and go to a door," She says before turning to walk over to the purple door. Holding herself in the way people do when simple movements have the potential for serious pain. Glancing back at the others one last time she inserts her key and turns it in the lock.

"... ok who's big idea was it to give Everett a sword?", James mutters, sticking his tongue out at the barbarian. "Go put a shirt oooaaaAAAA BEAR OOOOFF-", he adds, the last bit of it somewhat muffled when a POLAR BEAR comes and leans on him. Now, friends, James is a slight little thing, a mere slip of a man, easily blown away by a stiff breeze, or bruised by a particularly thick patch of air. He is not, you need to understand, built in a way that could provide any kind of support, much less proper support, to a BEAR. Polar, or otherwise. His knees immediately start to buckle. "-halp. Pls. Ack."

Kailey dispersal is an immediate thing. She wisps away in a touch of purple smoke. How did she know the purple was hers?

<FS3> August rolls Alertness: Good Success (8 6 6 4 3 2 1) (Rolled by: August)

I am soooooo glad! Ty for participating!

<FS3> Diana rolls Alertness: Good Success (8 8 7 4 4 3 1 1) (Rolled by: Diana)

<FS3> James rolls Alertness: Good Success (8 7 7 5 5 4 4 4 3 2) (Rolled by: James)

August snorts at Diana, a bearish warning that she might be forgetting her current size. He tilts his head to examine the keys with one gleaming red eye. He snorts, then speaks, using mindspeach rather than trying to force a bear's mouth to make English words. <<Do we go with instinct? Or is it something more obvious?>>

He watches Kailey announce her intention, watches her march up to the door and simply vanish. The spines on his ruff stand up for half a second, slowly flatten out. Instinct, then.

He looks among the remaining keys, finally hooks a claw into the red one's head. He is red right now, after all. <<Seems likely.>> He moves to the door, dropping the huge bear shape as he goes. "I sure hope this is right," he murmurs, and puts the key in the lock.

<FS3> Everett rolls Stealth (7 3 2 2 2 1) vs Not Today D&J (a NPC)'s 5 (8 6 5 5 3 2 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Not Today D&J. (Rolled by: Maggi)

August bearly makes a sound as he puffs away in a cloud of red dust.

Everett grins toothily at James' objections, adding another series of brow wiggling. "You get 'em, Winnie," he says to Diana while looking back at Kailey and when she wisps away, Everett looks back. Spying only Diana and James remaining since Joey TOTALLY left too. The two last keys.


Two keys.
"Yoink!" Leaving his key in the door, Everett makes the attempt. The attempt mind you, to steal the last two keys with him, but in so doing, turns the key when he turns. His dispersal is immediate just like Kailey, so immediate that he doesn't even get to cry nooooo.

He does not. The green poofs, they puff him.

Dragging himself to the damn lock Joey stuffs the key into the lock with 63% more resentment than other leading B&E attempts. Goddamn his night...

Poor Joey, at least his dogs get walked. The blue portal whisks him away. Damn his manliness.

Diana waves a claw lazily in Everett's direction, but then he is gone. The end! Using her mind to communicate rather than growling at poor scared James, she thinks in his direction, <<That's Everett for ya. And lookit! I'mma BEAR.>> She stands up on her hind legs again, releasing weight off James' poor knees. She grabs at her key-- yellow, apparently, before communicating to James, <<Glad you're okay and didn't get hurt. I think we're supposed to use these keys in the matching doors.>>

James would tell Ev to suck it, but, covered as he is in BEAR when the criminal tries to crime at them, he doesn't even notice. Then- Diana-voice in his head. Coming from the bear. "... what.", he says, stumbling back a bit. "Wait. Wait. Start over again. What? You're... why? Why are you a bear? Why are there key-", he starts, but then stops, and shakes his head. "Y'know, you'd think by now I'd know better than to ask that kind of question. Give me my key. I left my sandwich back at the bunker.", he grouses, but then, as he scoops up the orange key and takes a step towards the door, he looks over at his girlfriend, the BEAR, and calls out in a more fond tone, "Call me when you get out? I think I'm almost finished with the first draft!" And then, the door and the key do what doors and keys do, if you catch my drift, and this Dream is, once again, mostly James-free.

Diana doesn't even shift out of bear form for poor James' benefit. Nope, she just replies, <<REALLY?>> He can definitely feel the excitement. <<Love you!>> And then he's whisked away, and she lumbers over to scoop up the yellow key in her paw. Is she EVER planning to go human again? James, maybe you're just ... dating a bear now?? But no, when she lumbers up to the door, she shifts into human form at the last moment, turning the yellow key in the lock.


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