2019-08-01 - Let's Be Buddies!

The group is lingering around Gray Pond after deciding to check out rumors about the alligator monster. They find a not-alligator monster with some personality issues. Everything's fineeeee.

IC Date: 2019-08-01

OOC Date: 2019-05-26

Location: Gray Pond - Veil Side

Related Scenes:   2019-08-04 - Replacement Meal for Info

Plot: None

Scene Number: 955


Itzhak spends 1 luck. Reason: Lets Be Buddies event!

Not entirely convinced the pond monster and the beach monster aren't the same thing, August has come out to Gray Pond to have a look around. He's dragged Itzhak with him because if they are the same thing August doesn't want to go toe to toe with it alone (and if they're not he doesn't want to encounter something that's been described as a whale alligator by himself). "This is one of the places the reports were mentioning. Other's out in the coast. Makes me wonder if they're not the same thing, or...related, somehow. Maybe there's a door into there, that got jammed open."

Itzhak's yawning, a little hungover. He's found a pretty rad stick which, as he walks with August, he's swinging idly at his side. "Figgy 'n Inch would yell at us for bein' out here poking around. Hey, that guy last night was cute, huh?"

This is where she had come when she'd inadvertently opened the veil.. and fell in. Lyric had returned to the scene of the crime, as it were, and was parked beside the pond, much like she had been before. Seated on the thick grass, she has her legs extended, ankles crossed and leans back on her arms a little, soaking up the rays with her pale skin. A half smile is worn as she listens, waiting for the music from before. The happy cheerful tunes that had announced the other side. Her eyes are closed as she listens, not really afraid of any alligator or pond monster. Of course she's not completely convinced of the existence of such a thing. However, never one to discount anything in this town, she's left a space between her and the pond.

"Which one?" August asks, looking askance at Itzhak and giving him a sly smile. Far be it for him to deny someone's looks just because they're a bit prickly. He pauses when he sees Lyric, nods at her. "From the beach," he says, voice low.

Joey is out on one of many errands maybe for himself or Felix or it's not anyone's goddamn fucking business. He' had some crazy errands and now? Now it's 'What the fuck is that thing?' because hey, everyone's got their reasons. He's got his. Boots, jeans, black T-shirt that's says DEATH STAR on the front, and STAFF across the back sloshing around on the mud in the embankment. He comes up short seeing Lyric arching an eyebrow, "What'chu doin out here, snackfood? Geoff's gonna have kittens if he hears about it."

Gray Pond is a pretty area in Gray Harbor. The pond itself, though on the smaller side, is still great for taking a swim, or just dipping your feet in the water. The water is kept crystal clear and the surrounding evergreens and pines make you feel like you’re in a fairytale. Usually with this kind of weather you’ll find the people here that don’t want to deal with the beach. Though all that bad luck going around. Plus the murdery stuff. It was really putting a damper on the ‘fun loving summer’ mood. However! This Gray Pond isn’t where are heroic reluctant protagonists find themselves now.

They can feel a shift in the air, electricity like a storm is brewing, though the sky seems clear. If not a little off in its color blue. The water has more of a purplish tinge to it than a blue one - but you can still see into it. If they peer in the water, instead of the usual fish that had been set to live in the pond, they looked strange. Like they belonged in some kind of weird sci-fi or future movie maybe. The trees loomed, still evergreens and pines, but when the wind whispered through them it was as if a lonely sort of tune was playing. Aside the fish darting around, the pond was quiet.

It had happened so subtly. If not for the sudden shift in the air, they might not think that anything was wrong at all.

<FS3> Joey rolls Alertness-2: Success (7 2 1 1)

<FS3> August rolls Alertness-2: Success (7 6 3 2 1)

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Alertness -2: Good Success (6 6 6 4)

Itzhak smirks. He's wearing his mirrored sunglasses, on account of hangover, he's unshaven, and he looks rather disreputable. Admittedly, not nearly so much as Joey. "Why not both? Hey, yeah, I know her. That's Lyric. .....And Joey Lee Kelly." His mood dampens.

He shivers, something electric and primal tickling up his spine. "Nnnnng," he says, and shakes himself. "I felt that." Itzhak tips his head a little, listening to the wind. "The border's open."

<FS3> Lyric rolls Alertness: Failure (5 5 5 4 3 1 1 1)

<FS3> Lyric rolls Alertness-2: Good Success (7 7 6 6 4 3)

It was the natural progression of things, at least to Lyric and she turns a triumphant gaze to those approaching. "Look, see those fish?" Peering into the water. Not too close, but interested in the fish. And there was the tune in the trees. Nothing so much like the lively band from before, but she looks pleased about it. "And listen.. hear the sounds?" She gets to her feet since everyone else was and she dusts off the seat of her jeans. Her shoes are still there beside where she stands. "Geoff? He's busy. What are you up to Joey?" A look to August and just a flicker of acknowledgement to Itzhak. "The cooking class too," she tells August with a grin.

<FS3> Good Boy (a NPC) rolls 2 (8 6 2 2) vs Bad Boy (a NPC)'s 2 (6 4 4 2)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Good Boy.

August grimaces to see Joey. He's in a dark gray Henley, jeans, and work boots; his usual sort of outfit. But any concerns about Joey take a back seat when Itzhak says that, and August starts to notice the various changes.

Absently, he says, "Yeah..." to Lyric, probably as a catch all for 'I was totally listening to that'. He shifts a little closer to the pond (a similar respectful distance like Lyric's done), peers into the water. "They do look kind of weird now."

Joey is not unlike a walking felony in tight jeans. He looks over to find Itzhak and Roen with a quiet "Hmm" in greeting. Lyric earns more words though as both eyebrows go up and he waves with a calloused hand, "I guess making sure you're not eaten by a goddamn alligator...thing. Sup?" More of a greeting than most get. Looking around even he notices, "Kay this feels weird even by our standards."

There's a rippling coming from the center of the pond that they would all notice. The little fish scatter. The forest goes even quieter if possible aside that lonely little tune. Slowly a creature begins to rise. It's...rather large. Long, it doesn't seem like it should fit in the pond. And yet - it does. It's not very wide persay, but definitely big enough to be seen easily and to see. AND to be able to crane it's head forward to start inspecting the new arrivals. In contrast to it's rather terrifying, tentacled, three-eyed appearance (which is most definitely not an alligator type monster), it's expression that can be read looks...happy? They can hear a voice in their heads. It's strangely...upbeat? Three large, purple, eyes staring at them.

"Are you here to play?"

Itzhak side eyes Joey, and may also be totally checking him out. The sunglasses hide all.

He can't lie, he was kind of hoping for a giant alligator thing. But the purple three-eyed beastie that rises from the pond...is JUST AS GOOD. Delighted, Itzhak says, "Hi there," while also mom-arming August, with the stick. "What's your name?"

"This is where I was when I went in the veil before. It's really easy to get in but getting out is harder." Lyric rolls her eyes at the Yeah from Joey. Definitely she knows when she has someone's attention. It's so rarely given, so she certainly knows when she has it. Hooking her thumbs in her back pockets, she looks to the fish. "You know, crazy as it sounds, sometimes the animals.. creatures," she corrects, "in the veil talk to you. They're really intelligent." And Lo and behold, the creature appears. And it talks! Absolutely delighted, Lyric bobs her head. "I did. I came to play. What's your name?"

August backs up when the thing starts coming out of the water, a couple of steps so he has enough of a head start to bolt if he needs it. "Holy, shit," he whispers under his breath, eyes wide. He's instantly thinking of all the fishing he does in this area. Has he been eating something's--relatives? Fry? God he might have to become a vegetarian at this rate.

He doesn't seem to mind the application of the stick one bit. He even gives Itzhak and then Lyric a Look. "Careful, playing might not mean...what we think it means," he says, eyeing those tentacles.

<FS3> Good Boy (a NPC) rolls 2 (5 4 3 2) vs Bad Boy (a NPC)'s 2 (7 6 4 2)
<FS3> Victory for Bad Boy.

Joey is by far not the most personable person in this group, which, given Itzhak's gravely demeanor is saying something. Then there's this huge fuckin creature and Joey without a fishing pole or a hammer. It's... talking. "Yeah, alright." He doesn't stray far from Lyric for whatever reasons he may have. He looks up at the sea creature and asks, "What'd you have in mind?"

"My name is Alavair." There is what can only be described as an ecstatic wiggle from the creature that sends water everywhere. They all get varying amounts of splashed on. "Yay!" The voice resounds in their minds. "I don't know! What will we play?!" Poor thing is SO EXCITED. It starts to move closer, but then stops. It shakes and thrashes like it's having an internal conflict. They can hear the words, even though he's not talking directly too them

But they want to play!

Playing is for fools. This second voice has a much more sinister tone to it. I'll deal with them.


Too late! The creature's features shift. Those purple eyes go red and teeth get bared. A rather loud ROAR! resounds through the patch of forest. Sending whatever creatures that were lurking in curiosity scattering in the wind. Well. This should be fun! You are trespassing.

"Alavair, what a pretty name." Itzhak is actually, literally schmoozing the sharky three-eyed thing. ...Then Alavair flips personalities on them and roars and wow did Itzhak not expect THAT. Monsters, okay. Friendly monsters, okay. Mean monsters, okay. Monsters first friendly then mean? OUT OF BOUNDS. He's glad for the stick between August and the creature, even as he flinches away, hand going to his ear. "Aw, cripes!"

<FS3> August rolls Composure-2: Success (7 5 4 1 1)

"If that was Alavair, then who are you?" Lyric counters to the jerkface one. "We aren't trespassing, we're just passing through. You're in the water and we're not, so how can we be in your territory?" Leave it to her to argue, hands on hips all indignant because the friendly one left.

August watches the degrading personality situation with growing concern. "Think I liked Alavair better," he mutters, taking a step back. He winces at the yelling, rests a hand on Itzhak's arm to reach out and help tamp down on it some. "Sorry," he says. "Totally not our intention. I guess the pond's your territory?" He cuts an exasperated look at Lyric of, 'why are you arguing with the tentacle beast???'

<FS3> August rolls Mental-2: Good Success (7 7 6 6 5 2)

Joey gives Lyric that look. Looking back to the beast like a fellow feral being challenging it by just being present. Fingers flex into a fist and relax again waiting for 'go time' if there is one to be had. He arches an eyebrow informing, "You were interrupting." Yeah, even he's partial to the original one. It doesn't stop him from walking over and up to the damn thing.

<FS3> Lyric rolls Alertness-2: Good Success (8 6 6 5 3 2)

<FS3> Lyric rolls Reflexes+Athletics-2 (8 4 4 4 2) vs Tentacle Whip! (a NPC)'s 6 (6 5 4 4 4 3 2 1)

<FS3> Joey rolls Reflexes+Athletics-2 (7 6 5 4 4 4) vs Tentacle Whip! (a NPC)'s 6 (6 3 3 2 2 2 2 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Joey.

So Lyric catches the look and yeahhh, she gives him a wry look. Argumentative when she shouldn't be, she gets it. Clamping her mouth shut, she grinds her teeth together and says nothing for the moment, letting the guys talk. Her arms cross over her chest though. Or just below it.

<FS3> Good Boy Gets A Bonus (a NPC) rolls 3 (8 7 5 2 1) vs Bad Boy (a NPC)'s 2 (8 7 7 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Bad Boy.

Joey walks up to the edge of the pond - because the creature is still more or less in the center. Those glowing red eyes simmer with rage. One tentacle darts out - large enough to include Joey in it's strike towards Lyric for her insolence! But by some miracle they're both able to dodge it. This, of course, only makes the monster more annoyed. My name is Roth. It might be a shortened version of his full name. Difficult to tell! The words are directed towards August though. And this forest is MY domain. The WHOLE forest...well that's just unlikely. This little area though. Might be!

Leave- There's a pause. That flickering conflict running over his face. STAND DOWN! Is shouted. Not to them, but clearly to his other self as Roth asserts dominance! Leave this place. That one - that one was to them.

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Composure -2: Failure (5 4 1)

Itzhak drops the stick, both hands going over his ears as Roth continues to bellow. He cringes away, his face contorting in a grimace, and he stumbles several steps away before he stops, shaking.

<FS3> August rolls Composure-2: Success (7 5 5 3 2)

August startles at the bellowing and the tentacle lashing. He tightens his grip on Itzhak's arm. <<Hey, listen to me, okay, ignore the thing and listen to me.>>

It's a tough balance, wanting to deal with the creature while trying to get through to Itzhak. But since Joey's volunteered himself for the former, August focuses on the latter. <<Stay with me.>>

It wasn't exactly expected, the sudden attack, and Lyric squeaks before stumbling backwards out of the tentacles reach. "What the hell!?" About as curse wordy as the girl gets. But at least she isn't being stupid and passing out this time. "Be nice! Alavair! I know you can hear me, you have to fight your way, don't let him bully you! Fight to come and play!"

Joey assesses the situation as thus: concern-able parties are now more disconcerting. Itzhak is buckling from a sharp reality bust and Lyric is going from Snacc to snackfood. Not a great day. He bellows" MOOOOOVE." And dodges out of the way. Is he fancy? Oh shit, in a world of precision instruments he's a sledgehammer. He punches it. "Club rules, buddy, No touchin the ladies. You wanna talk turf you talk t'fuckin me. Cool?" He didn't give ground in his cellblock, he's not starting now. "Lyr, you alright?" He doesn't look so much a wait for a confirmation eyes locked on those red beady ones.

<FS3> Joey Shouldn't Have Done That (a NPC) rolls 4 (6 5 5 4 4 2) vs No Really, He Shouldn't Have (a NPC)'s 4 (7 6 6 4 3 2)
<FS3> Victory for No Really, He Shouldn't Have.

<FS3> Joey rolls Reflexes+Athletics-2 (8 7 6 6 5 4) vs Roth Smash (a NPC)'s 6 (8 8 5 4 4 4 2 1)
<FS3> Victory for Joey.

<FS3> Good Boy Gets A Double Bonus! (a NPC) rolls 4 (8 8 6 5 5 2) vs Roth Is Angry (a NPC)'s 2 (8 6 5 4)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Good Boy Gets A Double Bonus!.

Roth was...not expecting someone to try and hit him. This clearly doesn't happen often. Ever. And only serves to make him ANGRIER. That tentacle comes down, aiming for Joey. But Joey is divebombing out of the way and checking on Lyric. He does feel a light sting - like a kid maybe trying to hit him as the tail end of the tentacle brushes him. But it's no where near the worst that Joey's felt in all his years. Roth looks like he's ready to lunge right out of the water and EAT THEM ALL!!!

But even as he's lunging, there another struggle and this time Alavair manages to retake control. One thing about angry monsters - their concentration wasn't so great. Alavair stops all movement - causing another wave of water to splash on to the group. "OH MY GOD. I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! He's so mean! Did he hurt you?! He ruins EVERYTHING"

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Composure -2: Failure (2 2 1)

Itzhak's mental presence is whited out with static. He flinches as more cold water slaps over him, and emits a throttled scream from behind clenched teeth. Talk about bad luck, his sensitivities are going haywire; he's grappling to get self-control back and it's just not happening. He grabs August's arm. <<...hug me...hard!>>

August blinks at Lyric calling for Alavair. He takes a steadying breath as it works. Okay. Disaster situation on pause. Good thing, too, since Itzhak is having a full on meltdown. <<Sure thing.>> August grabs him in a nice, tight hug, almost like he expects them to get pelted and is hoping to absorb the impact. He thinks of Hoh Rainforest, where he did his doctoral thesis work. A cool, heavy, dark green expanse, shining and damp like rain has always just fallen.

And the whole time he keeps his eyes on Rothavair, just in case he does need to absorb something. Or break something.

Lyric is back far enough and soaking wet, but while Joey goes for the creature she looks over at Itzhak who is acting much like she had with the manbearpig. There's a sympathetic look but it's brief and she shrugs and goes back to the fish. Thing. "How can we beat Roth so you can be you all the time, Alavair? We don't want people to keep getting hurt. Is there a way?"

Joey was tazed already yesterday! The feeling continues. Maaaaan, Miranda is going to need to restock her bar tuit suite. Is it on? Is this happening?! There's more talking. He keeps peripheral tabs on - yeah August has situation B under control. Lyric's doing the talking and he asks, "If he wants to go around we can do this, bud. We didn't come for a fight and... you seem coo, but like... Qualudes man. Should consider this."

Alavair looks around for a moment with those big eyes. And then his voice lowers. As if he doesn't want Roth to overhear or something. "We weren't always like this." He explained. "We are siblings. Roth made the Sorceress angry and she bound us." Sounds like Avalair just kinda got the short end of the stick here. One eye looks at Joey, curious. "What's a Qwaylude?" The word sounding foreign. Then again to Lyric, "She can undo it. But I haven't seen her in a long while."

Itzhak groans, shoving his forehead against August's burly shoulder. He's able to breathe slower and deeper, calming down. Alavair coming back out helps; no more roaring. The second emotion behind relief is displeasure; melting down like that in front of God and everybody. Joey and Lyric are never going to look at him the same way again (so he thinks). He straightens up carefully, looking exhausted, hanging on August, and letting Joey and Lyric talk to Alavair.

August reassures Itzhak on reflex. Who cares if they don't, that reassurance says. You're okay, that's what matters. Things like the opinions of others are purely secondary.

"So you're not supposed to be this way," August says, eyeing Alavair. He's actually relieved to hear that, because what the hell were they going to do if this was just...the way this thing was? Not that the notion of a Sorceress is a large improvement, but they can worry about that if they can even find her. "Where'd you last see her?"

"It we just kill Roth while he's Roth does it hurt you too? Or will you get to take over if he's gone? I don't know any sorceress. Most everyone who is like that was killed in Salem Oregon in the late 1600s. And even then, it's not really real sorceresses like in the Merlin times. What was her name? Maybe we've heard of her." Lyric is all full of questions.

Joey suddenly gets really fucking conversational, "Is about this big. Mellows everyone right out." He holds up his fingers a half inch apart. He looks up to Lyric and back leveling with the thing, "Look, I got a twin brother and I dig em and all but if I was stuck in Jaime's body I'd be pretty fuckin pissed too, Roth. I hear ya." Shaking his head he adds, "We tried that once. Didn't last long." Twin humor.

"You can't kill him! He's my brother." Avalair almost seemed to frown. After all, even if Roth was a jerk - he was still family! "We are one body. We would both get hurt I am sure." He seems disappointed that this talk is all so serious. He just wanted to play a game! A little wiggle of tentacles. "I dunno her name. She's somewhere in the forest. I haven't seen her since she did this. And that was...a long time ago." There's...a little bit of a shift. It's not as violent or sudden, and Avalair is still there, but Joey can swear he hears a grumble of agreement from Roth. Hmphf.

"You should leave though. It's getting dark. Dark is a bad time to be around. Maybe you will come back to play soon?"

"Yeah. We'll leave." Itzhak's voice is hoarse and tired. He's so disappointed in himself. "We'll try to come back, but I dunno, Roth's pretty mad at us."

"Yeah," August agrees. "I bet night' s a real party around here." He rubs Itzhak's back in response to the disappointment in wordless encouragement. "Listen though, we need you to...try...not to cross the Veil. The border. People on our side, they'll panic. They haven't seen," he makes a face, "someone like you before, and they might do or say something which will make Roth angry." Like, say, point and scream.

"We'll see if we can find your Sorceress, ask her if she's willing to turn this around." He sighs. How does August plan to find a sorceress? He'll cross that bridge when he comes to it.

"Well I don't wanna kill him, or you, but you gotta know that he's trying to hurt us too. All I wanted to do was play too." Lyric shrugs. "Just try and not be dangerous to anyone and no one will bother you, I'll bet." Don't listen to her! Lyric knows nothing! Looking over at August she squints a little. "Are you both dating?" Inquiring minds and all that.

Joey considers somethin. "Yo, Roth..." Yeah the one he was slugging it out with. "You want outta there we can prolly help. We're willin to work on an agreement." He's a thug, but no one said he was unreasonable. "We can get someone to fuckin comply." Of this he seems certain. The how... that's vague. Lyric's altruism jsut gets a shake of his head. "Yes or NO. Them's the options."

"Roth's mad at everyone." Alavair winces a little as he says it. "I hope you can..." He lifts a tentacle and points it behind them. "I think you can leave that way." Perhaps the thin point to leave is in that direction! Or Itzhak could make their own exit if he's feeling up to it. Poor guy's had it pretty rough tonight! Alavair considers August's warning and Lyric's suggestion. "We will try not to? Be safe." Alavair starts to sink back below the water of the pond. Poor Alavair just wanted to play with some new friends and Roth had to go and ruin it all.

Just before he disappeared completely though, they would here another rumble from Roth. It was only a rumble, but it said a lot! Like 'Hey, if you guys fix this. I probably won't eat you all'. Which is about as good as they're gonna get!

Itzhak kind of waves vaguely at Alavair-Roth as he, or they, sink away into the water. "See ya, pal." He raises his eyebrows at Lyric then, bemused at first, then, realizing. "Oh. Nah. ...Though I guess I can see why you'd think so. Nah he's got a girl." He thumps August's back. "'kay, let's get outta here."

And he gets them out of there. He doesn't...seem to do anything. Just suddenly the twilight is more normal again, more tame. The fish in the pond have the correct number of eyes and fins. The wind no longer sings.

"Oh but.." Lyric looks to interject but thinks better of it when the fish leaves. Another thing to add to her rather impressive knowledge of creatures on the other side. Nothing more is added, even when Itzhak responds. Just a nod to him and as the world turns to rights, she sits back down and starts putting her shoes on in silence. So there was a sorceress to think of, tucking her thumbs in her back pockets, she walks off towards anywhere but there without another word to anyone else.

Joey turns Lyric and points "Gooooo. They're not cuddly friends. We can make a plan and help them out. Now is the time to go home and make them cookies or some shit. We're leaving." He will turn and steer her if he has to. There's a reluctant grunt from Roth. It's met with a mutual grunt from Joey. "Scoot scoot scoot."

August sighs with relief as Alavair sinks into the water. He arches as eyebrow at Lyric in a sort of 'excuse you' way, but Itzhak had it handled. He grunts and nods at the notion of getting out of there. "Maybe we don't tell Ignacio and Finch." 'Maybe'.


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