2019-12-22 - Visiting hours are now over.

Alexander, August, Easton, Isabella, and Ruiz learn what Asylum Syndrome means...

IC Date: 2019-12-22

OOC Date: 2019-08-29

Location: The Asylum

Related Scenes:   2020-01-07 - The Asylum Book Club   2020-01-08 - The Murder of Memory   2020-01-09 - A Knight in Shining Paperback   2020-01-10 - I Told You So

Plot: None

Scene Number: 3352


Of course the Receptionist expects people to meet it in the morgue of the hospital on a day when Gray Harbor has been ground to a halt by snow. It's not like denizens of the Veil have to worry about shit like plows and tire-chains. Instead, with the hospital almost as dead (GET IT, CUZ THE MORGUE?!) as the rest of the city, it's easy enough for the group to catch the elevator to the basement. Assuming they're on time, they'll find one of those nice little post-it notes that have never done anyone any harm EVER stuck to the door to the morgue proper. It says:

> &

With an arrow pointing down to the door handle.

Alexander is dressed for the weather in mismatched gear: a knit cap in pink, with yellow and white Easter eggs, a scarf in deep purple, a green army jacket over an ugly sweater with an embroidered ship, thermal pants, and boots. He arrived with Isabella, of course, and slouches his way down towards the morgue with the air someone who has been here before. Despite that, though, he can't keep the anxiety out of his posture - all hunched shoulders and darting eyes, as if expecting an ambush at any moment. If someone sneaks up behind him and says 'boo', he might have to be pried off the ceiling tiles.

Getting to the hospital in the snow isn't all that hard for someone born and raised in the northeast. It's just a little snow! Easton arrives in plenty of time with his motorcycle jacket over his clothes. It conveniently hides the dual shoulder holsters that he's wearing. He waits for everyone outside the elevator but doesn't have a rousing speech to give. He just nods as people show up.

The morgue! That's great. Actually, it's bad. Really bad. Really bad, because the morgue is in the hospital. Fortunately he has a Xanax prescription, and extra-fortunately he got a refill not long ago. It helps; he's able to walk into the hospital and make his way to the morgue without having to stop and give himself a pep-talk. He's in a black, down-filled snow jacket, knit cap, heavy hiking boots, jeans, and a black cable knit sweater. There's no missing the way he glances around them furtively as he waits for everyone else to arrive.

She's still dressed in the gear she had worn in her earlier adventure with Alexander, Byron and Lilith in the woods over the afternoon. But now, evening has fallen, and the night is dark and full of terrors.

Isabella's in black thermal leggings tucked within sturdy snowboots, a runner's jacket made for the winter, zipped up as far as it would go. There's a scarf around her neck, and a knit cap over her head, pulled over the loose knot her hair has been fashioned in, leaving wisps to frame her face. She's desperately hydrating her mouth, her chapstick out and dragging it over the curve of her lower lip, because the cold outside is dry and it's starting to crack. But she's there in the morgue and the sign is familiar enough to have her flash a tight smile towards the rest of the group, but otherwise remain by Alexander's shadow. Her teeth absently clip into her chapstick tube.

Someone probably better open the door and go in, or else you're never getting to the Asylum. The hallway outside the morgue could be a fun scene? But probably not the scene you're looking for.

Easton doesn't give much warning to the group just a look over his shoulder and a nod and then he's opening the door and heading in. They'll probably follow.

Captain crankypants arrives, of course, in his truck; the Charger's entirely unsuited to this weather, even with snow tires on. He tugs something out of the glove compartment, swings out, and slants a dubious look toward the door of the morgue with that sticky note stuck to it. Really? Are they doing this shit again? "The fuck is with that note?" he feels the need to ask Alexander as he approaches. Baseball cap, of course. Leather jacket over top of a black knit sweater, dark jeans and boots.

Alexander follows. It takes him a deep, ragged sort of breath, but he reaches out to touch Isabella's shoulder, and gives Ruiz a brief, shaky sort of smile. "It's how we get appointments from them. I don't even question it, anymore. Love to see their little black book, though." The question and gruff way it's asked actually seem to shake him out of his anxiety for a moment, and it makes it easier to take those steps through the door after Easton.

Inside, it looks like your standard issue morgue. Tables where doctors do things to cadavers, those drawer-cabinet thingies where they put the bodies in refrigerators, medical stuff. No surprises.

Except for that one cabinet-thingie that suddenly bursts open from inside, making a helluva racket. The person that climbs out of it was, at some point, white guy in his seventies. Now, he's the corpse of a white guy in his seventies, butt-naked, skin slightly grayish, hair all white and flyaway. He climbs halfway out of the place where he's stowed, beckoning everyone over, his eyes lifeless and lusterless. "Ah, yes. Just this way, please."

And then the corpse slithers back into his drawer, disappearing into an impenetrable blackness. A moment later, an age-spotted hand reaches out, crooks a beckoning finger, then disappears inside again.

August nods at everyone else as they arrive. "Just don't touch it," he says, eyeing the Post-It warily as they go through the door. Does he lean away from it a little? Maybe.

Their...guide...gives him pause. He stares at the drawer. "Really?"

"All I know is that you need to wait at least three thousand years before you get to sit with the Collector face-to-face," Isabella murmurs, tucking her chapstick back into her pocket. The touch on her shoulder earns Alexander a smile and the briefest press of her mouth against his cheek. She moves forward after that - normally she would be the first through the doors, but this is the Marshall Party so Easton goes first.

The naked man shuffling out nearly has her drawing back, nearly screaming - but manages to hold it, staring after him until he vanishes into the drawer, the gesture clear - they mean to follow him in there. "...oh, god damn it," she mutters. "I should have stretched for this." ...she does anyway, lifting her arm and bending her elbow, her other hand pulling it over her head to stretch out her tricep. She repeats the gesture on her other side, because if they're crawling into corpse drawers to get into the Asylum, she's going to try and limber up, before moving forward and doing just that.

Easton has a gun drawn and pointed at the naked corpse of a man without a word or even a sound. He doesn't shoot yet though but waits with silent intensity. When it speaks to them and beckons them to follow he groans, "Well good, might as well start off fucked up. Wouldn't want to set the wrong expectation." The former marine glances back and says "No worries if anyone decides to back out here. That's probably the smart play." But he tucks his fun back in and climbs right in after the dead guy, because smart isn't exactly his forte.

It is cold in the drawer. And dark. And cramped.

Until it isn't.

A moment of dizzying freefall through unfathomable blackness, and the group falls out in a heap in a small waiting room with shitty old carpet and some magazines (from the 90s) on a table. Inspirational posters are framed on the walls - A difficult task takes a long time. An impossible one takes a little longer. - and a nurse looks up from behind a reception desk. "Oh, lovely. Thank you." She's middle-aged, thickly built, wears a no-nonsense but not unpleasant expression when she rises and pushes a button that makes a metallic hum and then opens a locked door next to her.

"Come on through, please, and we'll start the tour. Which one of you is Easton Marshall, please?"

She pays no attention to the dead body on the ground at the bottom of the pile of alive bodies, and it is now officially cold and lifeless. A couple of burly orderlies file out of the newly opened door, waiting around to collect said corpse.

<FS3> Alexander rolls Composure: Failure (4 3 1 1) (Rolled by: Alexander)

<FS3> August rolls Composure: Good Success (6 6 6 4 4 4 4 3) (Rolled by: Portal)

<FS3> Ruiz rolls Composure: Good Success (7 6 6 5 5 4 4) (Rolled by: Portal)

With Easton taking point, Ruiz slots in behind the last person, shifting naturally to bringing up the rear. Not a military operation? Guess he missed the memo. His fingertips brush the grip of his holstered gun, but don't draw it as the old guy in the drawer makes an appearance. The look on his face though is pure what the actual fuck. Right up until they're tugged inside, and the freefall ends with him in a heap on a shitty waiting room floor. Next to a dead body. "Fuck."

<FS3> Easton rolls Composure: Good Success (8 7 7 6 5 4 3 2) (Rolled by: Easton)

Alexander lets out a wavering sound of disgust and surprise as the naked man climbs out of the morgue locker. His hand slides under his jacket at the small of his back, but whatever he's got under there, he doesn't quite reveal it when the corpse turns around and beckons them onward. "Fuck. They were not kidding when they said 'brace yourselves'," he mutters. A shudder visibly works its way down his spine, and then he just...goes forward, folding himself into the drawer behind Easton. There's another - let's call it 'a scream' because that's what it is, as he goes through free fall, then lands with a painful THUMP on the ground. Touching people in that heap. There's another scream from the investigator, and he flails and kicks and punches instinctively until he can get up and away, and stand, shaking, eyes wide and panting like a horse that's about to bolt from terror.

<FS3> Isabella rolls Composure (8 7 3 2 2 1) vs Oh God It's Dead and Squishy All That Gas Nooooooooo (a NPC)'s 4 (7 5 3 2 1 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Isabella. (Rolled by: Portal)

<FS3> August rolls Athletics: Success (7 4 4 3 2 1 1) (Rolled by: Portal)

That Xanax scrip is earning its keep, that's for sure. Well, and...this isn't the first body, or body part, August has come across. Not even the first decomposed one, come to it. Still, he's on his feet with a little flailing in a manner of seconds, backing away from the no-longer-mobile corpse and licking his lips. And hey, Alexander is freaking out too, which gives August something else which is not the gross body to focus on! "Hey," he says, moving towards him, one hand up in placation. "Alexander. Look at me. Not that. Look right here." His own voice is a little shaky, which undermines his attempt to calm Alexander somewhat.

There's a freefall and the sudden pitch into nothing has the archaeologist letting loose a yelp, darkness giving way to light as she suddenly piles on with the rest of them on top of the corpse. Decomposition is what it is - gasses accumulate in the body as it decays, so all that pressure landing on what is basically a liquefied flesh pillow underneath them? The stench is absolutely unbearable. Clearly nauseated, Isabella staggers away, trying her best not to think about just where her face landed. She presses her hand against the wall and leans - intimidating lady, or no intimidating lady, she looks like she's about to lose the contents of her stomach. Luckily, that doesn't happen. It's only when she's sure she's not going to vomit all over everyone that she slinks towards where August is, though she doesn't try and touch Alexander. She is keeping close to him, though - not mostly because she's apprehensive about her safety. She's more concerned about his. People keep saying he should stay in here, and now that she's here, her hackles are up.

The dark and cramped little box gives way into falling and falling gives way into crash landing. The pile of bodies begins to sort itself out and Easton feels the cold unmistakably doughy feeling of a corpse and grimaces. Oh good. He says tersely, "Alexander." Just a warning. And this is likely the voice he used in the military, a booming commanding tone with none of the humor and rambunctiousness. Thankfully August is much better at being actually useful in calming him down, or at least puts forth a better effort. Easton himself is awkward in getting up on his feet and finally approaches the desk. "I'm Easton. You must be Ben?" Yes, he's asking if this is 'Ben Searching' despite the obvious cutesy alias. Making his way through the door, only turning back to Ruiz silently asking him with only his eyes to do what he's already doing in watching their flank.

"I'm the Nurse," says the Nurse in a very matter-of-fact way to Easton. She looks passively on as they pick themselves up off the floor. She is not impressed by any of you, especially you, Alexander Clayton. Indeed, she seems to look down her nose at Alexander in particular when he screams and pants. "Should we have you taken to the Hysteria Unit?" she asks him in the tone of voice like a teacher chiding a naughty child, making brief eye contact with the orderlies who look all too eager to haul Alexander off. But then she just shakes her head, turns on her heel, and heads through the metallic door that she's opened. "Come along please, don't delay. Much to see and very little time to see it!"

The door leads into a long and narrow hall. Right inside, there's another inspirational poster - Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. The Nurse is not stopping, so they better keep up. There are a lot of hallways here and a lot of doors. It's so easy to get lost if there wasn't someone leading the way.

<FS3> Alexander rolls Alertness (7 7 5 5 3 2 2) vs Do You See The Signs?! (a NPC)'s 10 (8 7 6 6 5 4 4 3 2 2 2 2)
<FS3> Victory for Do You See The Signs?!. (Rolled by: AlmightyMe)

<FS3> August rolls Alertness (6 6 5 3 3 3 1) vs Do You See The Signs?! (a NPC)'s 10 (8 7 5 5 4 4 4 2 2 1 1 1)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: AlmightyMe)

<FS3> Isabella rolls Alertness (7 7 5 4 3 3 1 1) vs Do You See The Signs?! (a NPC)'s 10 (8 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 3 3 2 1)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Do You See The Signs?!. (Rolled by: AlmightyMe)

<FS3> Easton rolls Alertness (7 6 6 3 1 1 1) vs Do You See The Signs?! (a NPC)'s 10 (8 8 8 8 7 7 6 6 3 3 3 1)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Do You See The Signs?!. (Rolled by: AlmightyMe)

<FS3> Ruiz rolls Alertness (7 7 7 4 3 2 2) vs Do You See The Signs?! (a NPC)'s 10 (7 7 7 5 5 4 2 2 2 1 1 1)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: AlmightyMe)

<FS3> Ruiz rolls Alertness (8 7 7 4 2 1 1) vs Do You See The Signs?! (a NPC)'s 10 (7 6 6 6 4 4 4 2 2 2 1 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Do You See The Signs?!. (Rolled by: AlmightyMe)

<FS3> August rolls Alertness (8 7 6 4 3 3 2) vs Do You See The Signs?! (a NPC)'s 10 (8 8 5 5 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for August. (Rolled by: AlmightyMe)

Does Easton even need to ask? Ruiz meets his gaze briefly as he climbs to his feet, adjusts his cap, and does a quick check of his gun's clip while his fellow ex-Marine goes to check in at the front desk. That fucking inspirational poster catches his eye, and he makes a noise in his throat that's 10% distaste and 90%.. no, actually, it's entirely distaste. He draws his gun, and waits for Easton to lead on.

Alexander's eyes focus in on August and his upraised hand with difficult. But they do focus. His rapid breathing slows, bit by bit, and when Isabella approaches, he says, "I'm okay. It's okay. Sorry. Sorry about that. Just didn't--expect it." Easton's terse warning doesn't offend him. He just gives a quick, abashed nod, and then visibly tries to Pull It Together. The 'offer' from the Nurse helps, if only because it's a terrifying one and it has the same clearing quality as a slap to the face. "I'm okay," he snaps back at the Nurse, then falls in with the rest of the group, lips pressed together. He sort of looks like a naughty schoolboy who just got caught.

August relaxes some as Alexander collects himself. He flicks an annoyed look at the Nurse for the Hysteria Unit comment, but moves after the group promptly.

Lips peel back to bare a hint of her teeth at the threat to take Alexander to whatever the hysteria unit is, tension rolling over her shoulders. Isabella's hand starts to slip towards the small of her back, the heavy weight of the glock at the waistband. His reassurances gets a nod, but otherwise she doesn't budge until everyone else moves. And when they do, she follows. Green-gold eyes fall on the inspirational poster, wondering where the Hang In There Kitty is.

The tour sees them traipsing down all these hallways that look identical, one to the next, a dizzying deja vu of sameness. The Nurse knows the way, thankfully, because it'd be so easy to get lost in here. There's nothing particularly of note as they go, just hallways that branch off here and there, most adequately lit but some are almost as dark as the drawer into which they had to crawl to get here. She's not much of a tour guide - certainly, she's no synthetic Byron! - and has nothing to say as they walk, just lets them look around at all this completely benign mental hospital stuff.

She stops the whole crew abruptly when they turn down another of those identical corridors. Just coming out of a connecting doorway is what used to be Monty Marshall, making a frustrated grunt while he uses his left hand to detach his right hand from the doorknob, his right hand having ripped off when he closed the door and stayed stuck to the handle. Loitering a few feet away, dressed in a greenish-blue hospital gown, there's a patient waiting... uh... patiently.

"Just a moment, Steve. Can you give me a hand here?" Ahahaha, zombie Marshall cracks himself up.

"Okay." Easton answers at her being 'The Nurse', like The Receptionist and The Vivisectionist. He doesn't find it any more comforting. He follows after her down the hall trying to count the doors. Why? Because his mind is trying to bring order to the feeling of chaos around him, enforce some sort of system on it.

Turning the corner Easton catches sight of his uncle, or what remains of him. He isn't surprised of course, "Uncle Monty! It's your favorite nephew." He is not grossed out by the tearing flesh and disconnected hands at this point. "We're apparently on a tour. Should we be worried?"

Oh, hey, look. It's that rotting corpse he riddled with bullets the last time they were here. Ruiz looks a little irritated to see Monty up and about again, but keeps his gun pointed at the ground and lets Easton do the talking. It's probably for the best.

Alexander blinks when Easton identifies the corpse shuffling down the hall. "Dr. Marshall." He studies the rotting doctor with interest; sure, a pile of people reduces him to the screaming meemies, but a rotting zombie? That's just interesting. "Nice to meet you. In the flesh, so to speak." A quick, fleeting smile that doesn't meet his wary eyes.

As they walk August notes the various passages they take, frowns after the first half-dozen or so. He licks his lips, drifts closer to Ruiz and murmurs something to him under his breath. He's only just said it when the corpse which attacked them during the exorcism comes out of a door. He swallows, shifts to maybe block Ruiz from its line of sight.

Oh, god.

She's not a military man like more than half the crew that had come along, and she's certainly not a murder enthusiast like Alexander, who has spent half his life looking at crime scene photographs. Isabella's eyes fall on Monty, and really, the bodies she handles? Are usually more dried out than this, perhaps mummified and encased in coffins and occasionally jars, if one went to Papua New Guinea. Plus the smell from the earlier corpse is still on her nose, clinging within. Her suntanned complexion shifts from healthy to gray. "Doctor Marshall," she croaks in greeting.

Initially, Marshall doesn't seem to react to his name when Easton calls it. But maybe it's the question tagged to the end of it that has him swinging his head around - like, all the way around, mind you - and blinking at them from over his back. "Oh, hello there my boy!" He would wave, so he does - he uses his left hand to wave his detached right hand over his shoulder at the group. "Should you be afraid? HA! Steve, should they be afraid?!"

The patient in the greenish-blue hospital gown darts a glance from each of them. "You should be afraid of goin' back, that's what you should be afraid of! Out there, it's not safe out there, you're safer here. Here! If you know what's good for you, you'll NEVER LEAVE AGAIN!" He wrings his hands and then yanks the office door open, practically diving into it, as though the Other-Side crew might try to grab him.

The nurse seems unamused by all of this. She taps her foot. "Move along," she waves her hands impatiently at the group. "The Psychiatrist is very busy, very very busy, it's right through this door." And that's when she reaches into her pocket to take out a key that looks extremely familiar. In fact, it could be an exact copy of the key that Easton was 'gifted'. She inserts it into the nearest door, turns the key, and waves a hand to the group. "In you go." She doesn't say please.

"Well that's super reassuring, crazy Steve says we should stay!" Easton grouses and then with all the faux-chipper he can manage, "Great seeing you again Monty. Thanks for all the help." He barely bothers dropping his volume to mutter, "You useless sack of dicks." It should be noted that Easton is only his favorite nephew because he's Monty's only nephew. He sighs and heads in through the door, reaching into his jacket to hold the handle of one of his pistols just in case it's as bad as he expects.

Alexander mutters, to himself, as they continue to move on and he heads after Easton, "Is it actually Marshall whose body and soul have been transmogrified by exposure to the Veil, or is it simply a construct pulled together from people's experiences of him, which looks, talks, and thinks sort of like him, but isn't truly him?" A pause. "And does that really matter?"

<FS3> Easton rolls Athletics Vs Watch Your Mouth Son/5: Success (8 6 5) (Rolled by: AlmightyMe)

<FS3> Easton rolls Athletics (8 8 8 7 5 2 1) vs Watch Your Mouth Son (a NPC)'s 5 (8 7 6 5 3 3 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Easton. (Rolled by: AlmightyMe)

<FS3> Alexander rolls Stealth (6 5 4 2 1) vs What Listens In The Veil, One Wonders (a NPC)'s 4 (6 4 3 3 3 1)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: KarmaBum)

<FS3> Alexander rolls Stealth (5 5 5 2 2) vs What Listens In The Veil, One Wonders (a NPC)'s 4 (8 7 5 5 2 1)
<FS3> Victory for What Listens In The Veil, One Wonders. (Rolled by: KarmaBum)

<FS3> August rolls Alertness: Good Success (8 7 6 5 4 2 1) (Rolled by: Portal)

August watches the interplay between Monty, or, Monty's body? and Easton, wincing. He stares at Steve, blinks a handful of times. What a trip this is turning into.

His tension level drops when the Nurse gestures them into the room, because that should get them away from, uh, Monty? and Steve. Of course, the Nurse did just call the Psychiatrist 'it', so maybe that really isn't Monty.

And what, exactly, is awaiting them on the other side of this door? He follows everyone in, wary when he sees the key.

She does, also. Isabella doesn't move until the rest do, her body tense - she does recognize Steve, now that he's been asked to talk to the rest. But with the Psychiatrist busy and the nurse moving on, she complies. Brisk steps take her towards the door with the group.

"Don't forget to get my key back! Can you believe the nerve of some people, Steve? Thieves and - " The Psychiatrist's voice fades out as they move along the tour without him and Steve.

Ruiz does a quick check over his shoulder, then slots in once again at the rear of the group. Weapon drawn, movement prowlish.

Alexander jerks in place, missing one of his steps and lifting a hand to steady himself on the wall for a moment. "It's not?" he says to...no one, apparently. "Interesting. That could be very interesting, in what it may say about the construct of what we call a 'soul' or, for that matter, a 'person'." He reaches into the inner pocket of his jacket and pulls out a small notebook, and a pen. He scribbles a note. It helps him relax, and makes it easier to follow the Nurse.

"Language," says the Nurse to Easton, and if he wasn't so quick, she totally would've smacked him on the back of his head.

But the group goes through the door. Hooray! It swings shut behind them all with a BANG! The nurse didn't seem to follow, but they are not alone. Not anymore.

The bright lighting is momentarily blinding considering the prior darkness of the hallways, but once their vision settles, they find themselves in a spacious recreations room. Clean without looking overtly sterile looking, the area looks ... exceptionally pleasant. There are numerous couches and chairs and none of them have faces or eyes or anything, there's books and board games and even a great big television (though, it's just the frame of an old TV, no screen).

Before them all is a tall, lanky fellow in a white doctor's coat. He looks young and pleasant, and even wears a thin smile when he spots the tour group. He holds a clipboard in his hand, and claps his hand against the back of it excitedly. "Ah, there you all are. Well!" He turns, flourishes a hand. "Welcome."

Language Oh no mother fuckers not this time! Easton dodges the blow and glares at the Nurse.

Turning back to Alexander as he muses on the soul and the possibility of rotting corpse Monty being some sort of construct Easton shakes his head, "No, pretty sure that's actually him. Somehow."

At the new change in scenery Easton blinks as his eyes adjust. He looks around at the surprisingly pleasant, surprisingly normal space with a doctor or presumed doctor that isn't a rotting pile of human garbage (in his eyes). He says, "Thank you, Doctor...?" He lets that hang hoping for an introduction. Well hoping for a lot more information but he'll settle for a name.

A handful of patients are scattered around the room, doing - okay, let's just call a spade a spade here: they're doing crazy shit. Not batshit crazy, but crazy. They all have that shine to them, some more than others.

There's a guy doing a puppet show in the frame of the TV, his puppets made out of paper bags that he's colored, and some made out of pictures he's drawn stuck to popsicle sticks; the story he's telling is of trolls and princesses. There's an older woman watching the show and talking to no one, having quite a good time.

A woman in her twenties who would probably be quite pretty if she weren't wearing a hospital gown and owned a comb wanders over toward the group, pulling on Ruiz's sleeve and looking into his face to say earnestly, "Down fall all we. Ashes! Ashes! Posies of full pocket a. Rosie the round-a-ring?" She seems to think this will mean something to him, or perhaps to Isabella, since she smiles at her, too.

August flinches when the Nurse tries to swat Easton. Okay then, keep it clean. Right. He watches over his shoulder as the door slams shut with a bang, takes to examining their surroundings. As the young woman approaches Ruiz, he starts to say something, stops. Maybe they shouldn't talk to anyone here. "Don't, ah...don't use it," he says, voice low. He gives Ruiz a Significant Look, trying to telegraph what he means without saying it outright. The Xanax can only help so much.

Ruiz tenses as someone touches him. The pretty girl with the rat's nest hair finds herself with the muzzle of a mean-looking sig sauer shoved about four inches from her face. He frowns slightly when she starts talking. Reciting the words to a playground song, except muddled up and transposed. Isabella's shot a confused look. Then Roen, a blanker one. He keeps his weapon up, backs off from the girl slowly.

Alexander puts his hand up in front of his eyes, briefly, when they step through into the brightly lit room, and jumps as the door slams shut behind them. His voice wavers, but he focuses on potentially new things. It's steadying. "But what does that even mean, Easton - 'actually him'. What is 'him'? Can a construct be him if it's complete enough to be indistinguishable from the original? It's not mutually exclusive, according to the helpful voice in my head," Alexander rambles, with a flicker of excitement. "It's a very interesting question." He sort of seems to fit in among the people doing the various crazy things, although as the woman wanders closer to Ruiz and Isabella, the interest snuffs out of his face, replaced with wary defensiveness.

There's a curious glance at the Doctor, taking in his age and the clipboard in his hand. Isabella lets Easton field that until the woman comes up to them and tugs on Ruiz's sleeve. A glance to the rest, and then she smiles back. It takes her a bit, and her mind is working slowly through the words and her own recitation is halting when she offers: "Down fall all we, tissue a, tissue a. Water of pail a fetch to...daughter his sent has king...the...?"

Doctor...? "Yes," says the Doctor to Easton without a blink. "I took over the Facility after Doctor Marshall. It's a pleasure to meet with all of you, I understand you've been trying to get in here for quite some time." And that makes him laugh, just a little. When the rhyming woman comes up to tug on Ruiz's shoulder, he casts a look her way, putting his hand gently onto her shoulder. "Now, now, Claire. Why don't you go play with the dolls?" He bends to murmur something into her ear, something quiet, and pulls away with a sweet smile before he ushers her along.

"Poor thing," he says with a sigh once Claire's moved away. "Killed her mother and father, and her baby brother, too." Apparently HIPAA doesn't mean SHIT here. "Pulled the cinder blocks right from the house and beat their heads in. A shame," he clicks his tongue, puts his clipboard to his chest, and looks momentarily at Alexander. It's a studious sort of look. "That's a very interesting question, indeed." His brows go up, but he takes a step back, encouraging them to follow.

"What would you like to see first? The living quarters? Hmm, yes, we'll go there.."

"Do you mind a couple of questions while you show us around?" August asks, once again trying to memorize their route.

Easton glances back at Alexander as he suddenly decides to pontificate on the meaning of life and what it is to be someone with a stern frown. "Later. Alexander." He turns his focus back to the doctor and the story of Claire. He really wishes he could get a last name to try and verify that story but maybe someone better than him can do it based only on the name and an estimated age? He follows after the doctor, releasing the grip on his gun for now. He also tries to shake a terrible feeling in his gut from the phrase go play with the dolls They're probably just dolls, not anything horrific or terrible. Right? Sure.

The puppet show pauses when the guy says, "And now - a word from our sponsors." He turns to the woman with the nursery rhymes, who sings, "Lady fair my," at Isabella. "Down falling is Bridge London, down falling, down falling~ Down falling is Bridge London," and twirls dizzily, nodding at the Doctor and blowing kisses off the ends of her fingers at the assembled.

She starts to sink into a chair in the corner of the room, one next to a small stack of paperback books on a little side table, and the old woman watching the puppet show bolts out of her own chair. "NO! ALICE'S CHAIR! ALICE'S BOOKS! ALICE'S THINGS! NOT YOUR THINGS!"

Annnnnnd that's when shit starts flying around the room. A book sails and whacks the old woman in the face, landing on the floor near the little group of visitors. The chair in which the nursery rhyme girl sat breaks both legs, and she plops heavily to the floor, screaming, "MICE BLIND THREE!" at the old woman. All the puppets in the show start smashing into the wall violently, becoming ripped, making the puppeteer burst into huge, ugly sobs, blanketing the minds in the room with a heartbreak so powerful they can practically taste it.

Alexander wilts at the stern frown, his head ducking apologetically. "Sorry," he says, only just audible. Although that's less because he's whispering, and more because Hell just decided to break loose. His head jerks up as the old woman starts shrieking about Alice. He moves in that direction, instinctively, only to duck when things start flying. "Fuck!" He's probably going to get slapped, but that might be as much because he's trying to pick out one of 'Alice's books' in the psychokinetic storm, and grab it and stow it in his pocket while everything is all exploding. Even so, when that heartache hits, he begins to cry, freely and silently.

<FS3> Ruiz rolls Composure: Success (6 5 5 5 3 2 1) (Rolled by: Portal)

Claire magnetizes those curious eyes like iron filings to a lodestone, the archaeologist watching as the patient is led away, attempting to catch the quiet words murmured in her ear. With the others finally speaking, and with Alexander directly addressed, concern flits over her expression at him. "What helpful voice in your head?" she asks quietly, warily, but there's plenty to catch her attention when the rhyming woman sings about the falling London Bridge. Isabella watches her curiously as she sits...and chaos suddenly erupts.

There's a book that lands on the floor near the group. "Alexander-- " He's moving towards the chaos, and she attempts to snatch the book off the floor that had fallen when it was thrown, and hide it in her jacket, just in case the investigator can't manage to grab one. She's there to try and help, after all.

Ruiz just backs the hell up when objects and tempers start flying. He is not getting caught in the middle of this one. The emotion-storm he has a harder time dodging, however; before he can clamp down on his mental defenses, some of it manages to sliver through, and his breath hitches with the effort not to succumb to it. Finger on the trigger of his gun, then it withdraws slowly, rests along the barrel as he tries to compose himself.

<FS3> Alexander rolls Athletics (5 5 5 3 3 2 1) vs Grab Dis! (a NPC)'s 1 (7 7 5)
<FS3> Victory for Grab Dis!. (Rolled by: AlmightyMe)

"Questions? But of course. That's what this is all about! Visit, ask questions, put your fears to r ---" The Doctor's reassuring speech is cut short by the screams and the sudden burst of chaos.

There's no rush from the Doctor. If anything, he's seen this a thousand times before, and the result is that he seems very assured of what to do next. He reaches into the pocket of his coat and pulls out a small buzzer, which he compresses readily. "I apologize, deeply, but I'm afraid for your safety and theirs --" he says to the group, already starting to herd them to the nearest door. "We'll have to cut this short. Please, right through this door," he's trying to push them through. And as they are herded to the nearest exit, a dozen or so orderlies pour out from various dark corners.

<FS3> Easton rolls Composure (8 8 6 6 4 4 3 1) vs Already Broken Heart (a NPC)'s 4 (8 6 5 5 2 2)
<FS3> Victory for Easton. (Rolled by: Easton)

<FS3> August rolls Athletics (7 6 5 4 4 4 1) vs Grab Dis! (a NPC)'s 1 (7 4 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for August. (Rolled by: AlmightyMe)

Alexander flails around a bit, but the books are determined to avoid his attempts. They are malicious, naughty books, and he gives up with a sigh, sniffling and wiping away the tears before he slinks back to the group, and falls back in to follow.

Easton watches as hell breaks loose in the rec room. He takes stock of the objects flying and who seems to be doing what. He looks to the doctor and silently gauges his reaction, wondering how he will handle all this when the heartbreak hits. He sucks in his breath and goes very still for a moment as it washes over him. Boy, that feels familiar. He sets his teeth and tries to focus on what the doctor is telling them. He slowly moves towards the exits, watching as the orderlies pour into the room. He wonders if this little performance was for their benefit, did they hand pick these three? He glances over at the doctor, again trying to get a read on him. But at least he complies eventually and exits.

<FS3> Isabella rolls Physical (6 6 6 5 2 2 2 1 1) vs Hidden Useful Stuff (a NPC)'s 2 (8 7 6 6 )
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Hidden Useful Stuff. (Rolled by: KarmaBum)

Isabella spends a luck point. Reason: Reroll

A book just about clocks August in the head; he grabs it in the process of trying to swat it away, almost tears out a page in the process. Realizing what he's holding (a book, from The Asylum), he promptly shoves it into one of his coat pockets. Well, at least it's some sort of paperback so it fits easily enough. His heart twinges in his chest, a gut wrenching feeling he hasn't felt in years; thank God for Xanax. Thank God for Eleanor. He moves towards the door, teeth set against that emotion.

<FS3> Ruiz rolls Athletics (8 5 4 3 3 2 1) vs Grab Dis! (a NPC)'s 1 (4 2 2)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Ruiz. (Rolled by: AlmightyMe)

<FS3> Isabella rolls Physical (8 8 7 7 5 4 2 2 2) vs Hidden Useful Stuff (a NPC)'s 2 (8 4 2 1)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Isabella. (Rolled by: AlmightyMe)

The Doctor seems to be shoving them into what appears to be a broom closet. There are definitely brooms in here, and a mop, and a bucket on the floor. They manage to catch one glimpse of what's going on before the Doctor slams the door in their faces - the orderlies are... gently calming down the situation? There's not even one single needle that comes out! What the fuck?!

The book is in her pocket - she'll take a look at it later, but Isabella is trying to be helpful. As the alarms are called and everything else remains flying, she digs in her heels, as stubborn as a mule, as the Doctor attempts to strong arm her into the broom closet, gritting her teeth. "Wait," she breathes, clutching at the man's lab coat. "You haven't even...Alexander's friend is-- " In an act of pure desperation, refusing to leave without retrieving everything she can, she does it.

She opens it up, all of it.

The impressions of the room slam into her brain with the force of a mack truck and it sends her senses in a tizzy. Her knees tilt and that's when the Doctor easily hauls her off to the broom closet. The objects in the room whirl in her mind, flooding the spaces of the labyrinthine library within it. Fast, and then slow. Tick, tick tick...


That single hand echoes into the chambers of her brain and she looks upwards suddenly, pupils dilated and finding it across the room. She opens her mouth to speak.

...and then she's shoved into the broom closet and the headache starts in full.

Alexander is shoved into the broom closet. He immediately presses himself into the corner, trying to give everyone else room to...exist without touching him. He also sniffles and scrubs at his face and eyes to try and clear the tears away. "This place is hard," he says, quietly.

Ruiz tries to snag something that goes sailing past him, and just about misses before managing to hook his finger in the cover. It's tugged into the crook of his arm, though he doesn't have a chance to see what it is.. because they're being shoved into a broom closet. How fucking rude. "Get your elbow out of my face," to whoever has their elbow in his face.

"Sorry," August says, not sure if it's him, but he's definitely shoved against someone in his attempts to not crowd Alexander. "Grow taller."

And now in the safety and tight confined space of the closet Easton is at least a little more sympathetic. "Clayton, you doing okay?" He grins and cracks at Ruiz, "That's not my elbow" Something about the tour ending obviously releasing him from the pressure of needing to be entirely focused on the mission. So focused that he might have missed the point of said mission.

The supply closet is all shitty and claustrophobic. Thankfully, after a few seconds, the door opens and they find themselves right back in the morgue where they started this whole adventure. Just on the other side of it, stepping out of a supply closet full of whatever weird shit dead-body-doctors use on the regular. Across the room from them, the drawer where they climbed in at the beginning is just now swinging closed. They catch a glimpse of themselves dwindling into the blackness as they climb through the hole toward...

Wait, where did that drawer take them? Was it - did they - hold up, they went to the Asylum just now, right?

A quick check of watches reveals that they have arrived back at the morgue at exactly the same time they left. They still have the books they managed to snag, so that means they went somewhere, right? It has to, right? So howcome...

...shit is about to get confusing...

Tags: the_receptionist the_psychiatrist

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