2020-04-08 - Supermarket Sweep: Comestibles Clash

People are snared into the grocery store side of the Veil and get pressganged by some produce.

IC Date: 2020-04-08

OOC Date: 2019-11-09

Location: Supermarket (The Veil)

Related Scenes:   2020-02-22 - Trashformers: More Than Meets the Eye

Plot: None

Scene Number: 4443


Graham's here because the Safeway advertised ridiculously low prices on cartons of cigarettes. Actually, he's not completely in the store yet; he's standing just outside the automatic doors, trying to finish a cigarette before he goes inside to buy more cigarettes. It's an addiction. He's struck up a nice conversation with one of the fruit-stockers, at least until the guy's break is over. Left alone, Graham crunches out his own cigarette and leans into the steps that take him through the door.

For cigarettes.

August's shopping list seldom includes meat or veggies, so his cart is always full of an amusing collection. Today: shampoo and conditioner, sherry, a bottle of cheap merlot, floss, tooth paste, cocoa powder, paper towels. Plus whatever Eleanor needs; like many people who still have that college mindset he just wanders around grabbing what he remembers he had to come get.

Groceries. Errands. Adulting.

It’s not all that difficult when you’re living for yourself. Stephanie usually just ships for herself unless she’s expecting to entertain, which isn’t that often.

She has her phone in hand with the shopping list pulled up and she moves efficiently, just as she would when working to save a life.

In aisle 3, Everett contemplates heavy matters. Life. His place in it. How many carbs are in the can of Campbell's heart healthy Chicken Noodle soup. The serious matters. His hand basket has a few other items: tortilla bread, baby carrots, hummus. Someone's shopping for the carb avoider in their life. Himself. He puts two cans in his basket and then combs fingers through his hair to settle the long strands back into place when he lifts his head.

Eleanor does NOT wander about grabbing things. She has a detailed list which should be in the proper order for Safeway's aisles but the damn store seems to change every other day which negates that bit of her incessant planning. She's added a few things to August's cart including a new toothbrush, some Tylenol, bubble bath, and orange juice. She's in jeans and a tank under a light canvas jacket, her hair in a loose messy bun at the nape of her neck.

Erin had taken to cooking now that Jack was teaching her how and he had all but moved in over Christmas. Squash, he had said, any kind available. So there she was, wheeling a cart through the aisles, yellow squash, zucchini and acorn squash in the basket along with brussel sprouts and fresh asparagus. Stopping by a display, she adds a container of cherry tomatoes that were glistening with the spray of water, then moves for the grapes and strawberries.

"One day they're going to leave these aisles in the same order for more than a week," August says as he grabs rice from the bulk bins. "And then maybe, just maybe, we'll get out of here in under an hour. Did you say you wanted oats? We can make steel cut in the pressure cooker thing." He means the Instantpot, which he steadfastly refuses to call by its real name. He's in a purple UW hoodie, jeans, urban hikers, and a Hoh Rain Forest tee in brick red.

"It's an InstantPot, August," Eleanor retorts with an amused look in her eyes. "Do you really think it sounds less silly to call it a pressure-cooker-thing?" She grins and kisses his cheek before she reaches to grab a container of oats. "If the blueberries look good we can use some of those in the oatmeal too. I can't keep just eating muffins at the shop for breakfast. It can't be healthy."

The local GH supermarket is annoying. It's always shuffling layout, the employees don't even know where everything is. Once you get used to finding where the salsa is, it's going to turn into the cereal aisle and that's just a fact of life. Most people just accept they're going to have to spend fifteen minutes looking for where some asshole moved the beans.

The Supermarket on the other side of the Veil still looks like a supermarket, but... here's the thing. The food talks. Each aisle and department is more like a neighborhood and the chatter of life is audible without any shoppers around. The chatter and clatter of animated inhabitants is audible when things get strange.

When it's time to go check out, a few choice shoppers find themselves not checking out, but checking into a new reality entirely. One by one, they're drawn in with snaring and soon the lot of them seem to be the only human inhabitants around.

Over in produce, the sprinklers come on to mist the vegetables and there's a lot of 'wheee!' noise and commotion initially.

Then it turns into screams and yelling for help. The water coming out of the misters is blue and smells like strong household cleaner chemicals. A lot of the produce starts to suicide jump out of the bins and arrangements onto the floor yelling about how much it burns.

Graham must look like a standup guy because once out of the bin, a bell pepper rolls into his foot and yells, "HELP US, ASSHOLE!"

The denim clad brunette (bringing back the 90s with demim from head to toe) is startled when she hears the chatter of the animated supermarket dwellers. The shift feels sudden, like one minute, Steph’s grocery shopping, and the next minute, otherwise inanimate objects are alive and talking? She’s clearly confused as she heads to check out.

<FS3> Graham rolls Athletics (6 5 5 4 4 3 2 2) vs Bend It Like Beckham (a NPC)'s 6 (6 6 6 6 5 4 3 3)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Bend It Like Beckham. (Rolled by: Graham)

"Aw, goddamit it," says Graham when he rolls around the corner from Aisle Two into Aisle Insane, having failed to find an employee that could open the cigarette case and sell him his goddamn cigarettes. He actually jumps back at first, recoiling when all that blue misty starts squirting all over, picking something up off an end-cap (it's a box of cereal) and holding it in front of him like a shield. "Help you? Fuck off, you help me!" He tries to kick the talking bell pepper away, but winds up clobbering his foot on the base of the bin instead, which triggers a whole new slew of profanity.

Coming to the end of his aisle, the gorilla takes a look around, his attention called by the voices. This time not coming from his head, but coming from the products at the aisle end. Everett stretches his chin then covers his face with his palm, softly sighing with the weight of the world on his shoulders. When he lifts his head, he casts his gaze to his hand basket and prods the items already in there curiously. Just. To be sure.

Already in the produce and looking over the fresh ears of corn to possibly grill out, the misters come on and Erin automatically steps back, still holding one of the ears of corn, unknowingly rescuing it from the blue mist. As all of the vegetables come to life she drops the ear of corn and it lands in the top portion of her basket, on top of the cloth bags she had brought to avoid using plastic or paper bags. Her cart is suddenly alive with shouts and complaints of helping their brother out of the chemicals and after the immediate stunned surprise, she steps away from the cart and reaches for one of the display racks that holds a household broom. Arming herself with that, she glances to Graham with a what the hell look.

"InstantPot doesn't mean anything, it's just a branding thing. It's a pressure--" August pulls up short when they find themselves not where they were, and maybe most importantly (to him), without the groceries they just bought.

He peers at the vegetables, trying to decide if he's high on dryad sap again. The plants hadn't talked, per se, though maybe he'd just needed to get a little more. But then there's Graham, cursing up a storm, and Erin and Stephanie. He even recognizes Everett. So...yeah.

"Great," he says, tone dry. "Some jackass better not take our stuff."

Vegetables are screaming? What fresh (produce) hell is this?! It takes Eleanor a few moments of blinking to assure herself this is a Dream, not a dream. She grips August's arm and grimaces. "Well, I guess we should be grateful we're wearing pants this time," she mutters to him in the longsuffering tone of a lifelong resident of Gray Harbor. "Are They trying to turn us off being vegetarians or something? Don't They realize we'd never give up our carnivorous habits?" Still, despite her wisecracking, she looks around warily. It's never simple over Here. So much for eating healthy ever again. She might go all meat all the time after this.

When Graham winds up to kick and misses, the scream that the poisoned pepper lets out turns into a HAH! Then he gets called an asshole again before the thing hobble rolls away to avoid ACTUALLY getting kicked. Eventually the misters turn off and there's a bunch of coughing, groaning, and screaming about burning eyes and terrorists while the produce section chaotically starts to contain itself and hops to recover.

Yes. Terrorists.

A large cantaloupe with a sticker worn like a badge rolls to the collective of humans, flanked by a banana mafia, three on each side. The brown ripening patterns make them look like they have scowling thug faces and some of them are adorned with little stickers from one of the front vending machines for kids like they're all tatted up. These must be the thugs of the produce world with their thick peels serving as armor.

"How's about we play a little game of you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. How 'bout it, meatbags?"

The big melon fruit hits a display like a ramp and charges up it to try and get on better eye level with the people in the market. It blinks two dents like eyes. It's weird. Also he sounds like a Brooklyn boxer, it's pretty impressive and it's clear that this hard-rind fellow is the boss of the produce section.

Stephanie eyes the cantaloupe and his banana minions with a critical look. She has but only one question. “What do you know about...?” She twirls her finger around in a gesture, pointing up at the source of the poisonous blue mist. “And what would you want from me?”

Graham hops around in place a couple times, dropping his cereal shield so he can hold onto his foot and rub it uselessly. All this while the produce mob is assembling. He tests his weight on his hurt foot, gives the bell pepper the finger, and then stops making obscene gestures and hopping around so he can brow-lift at the bossy cantaloupe. "How's about I put you in my fucking salad shredder, buy my Marlboros, and go on home? How's about that," he grumps toothlessly.

Setting his hand basket down, Everett picks up a can of the chicken noodle, heart healthy, from it. Leaving the shelter of his aisle, he tosses the can a few inches in the air to catch it again. Nothing impressive. Just getting ready since thus far, there havn't been any hostilities. There's another glance around, scoping out that everyone at least seems capable before he makes a sound. "Ppst." Trying to someone's attention. Stephanie or Erin, they look like they don't have someone to use as a human shield, and jerks his head over his way.

Erin holds the broom by the handle and watches the vegetable and fruit mafia. Hearing the sound over the mob, she nods to Everett at the gesture and sort of abandons her cart and gets closer, but not behind anyone. No one had elected her spokesperson of the group and she gladly doesn't take the helm of it, looking expectantly towards August or Graham for that. "I wonder what they want," she muses quietly to Everett.

Don't let Graham be your spokesperson, guys. He mostly just curses, shoots stuff, and steals things. It won't end well.

August narrows his eyes at the cantaloupe and its banana entourage. Nodding at Stephanie, he adds, "You want us to deal with that chemical problem? Or something else." He cuts a look at Erin, amused at the idea of Graham speaking for anyone but himself, especially considering he went right for the juicer threats. "I'm not with him," he adds, pointing at Graham.

Eleanor stares. She stares at the Noo Yawker drawling cantaloupe and his posse of bruised-fruit bruisers. "I think I liked the Dreams better where we had no pants," she notes to August. "Is this like those old fairytale warnings about never eating anything on the other side? I'm thinking this might be like that. Though I'm definitely off the banana nut muffins at the shop for a while regardless." She quiets when August speaks to the fruit, just standing beside him.

There's some murmuring among the romaine and glares sent Graham's way, but the cantaloupe is clearly a fruit with a rind and therefore don't afraid of salad shredders. Instead, he answers Stephanie's question, "Industrial cleaner. Third time this week! It's the damned carcasses over in the meat department. They're working with non-consumables, it's a bunch of bullshit-- we can't cross the store to get over there. But you big bastards can. Right boys?"

The banana mafia is not paying attention because... two of the bananas are ogling Erin. In fact, one of them pipes up to his bud nearby, "... I'd let the pretty lady peel me and show her the best five inches of her life." Then they all crack up and suddenly, the cantaloupe turns to ram through three one one side like a bowling ball hitting pins. They go flying and the bananas left 'standing' shut up real fast.

"We'll meet you at the freezers when those assholes are barbeque."

It turns to roll swagger down the display and the bananas follow, apparently expecting the group to make some results and earn their door out.

Of note, they're on one side of the store, butcher and deli and seafood carcasses are on the other end. There's a bunch of aisles and freezer rows between and at least three of those aisles they have to pass are non-consumables. Good times.

There is only a raised eyebrow as a reaction to the cantaloupe’s report. It’s clear that they’re dealing with some sort of turf war here. Stephanie turns to Everett and Erin, looking unafraid and unconcerned (a look Erin may not remember seeing on her before), there’s a hint of cockiness in her confidence.

“Now, I don’t speak for anyone but myself but I am going to see what I can do about the industrial cleaner situation. I am going to help, because it’s what I do,” Stephanie announces, “I would appreciate anyone who joins me, but that’s entirely on you.”

She then heads towards the freezers.

Graham makes some gestures with his hands between himself and August that reiterate the other guy's statement: they're totally not together. Said gestures fizzle out when he's busy giggling about the banana joke and, while they get bowled over by their boss, tossing Erin's way, "Too bad they weren't plantains, yanno? Girthier. You coulda had a helluva night."

Then he's making more hand-gestures, these ones involving his thumbs hooking in the direction of what he assumes is the direction they need to be going. His feet already start thataway, though he stops to pick up the box of Kix that he was using as a shield earlier. "It's kid tested, mother approved," is the mumble that he uses to justify it to the universe, one that trails into him humming that song from Beetlejuice. You guys know the one, where it's all "come mister tallyman, tally me bananas."

Everett leans over to murmur at Erin, while keeping his eyes on the action. "I don't know. But those tomatoes look stewed," he says with all seriousness. A glance is given to August, then to Graham, half of them he knows of. The big guy looks curious; should they be declaring their allegiances? He looks at the banana mob, and his brows lift, then shifts his focus to Erin, pursing his lips to suppress a grin. With a couple of people peeling themselves to head to Deli, Everett shrugs his shoulders, makes an inquisitive sound in his throat, and follows. Why not.

Yeah that wasn't expected at all and while Erin's face turns red at the insinuation, she lifts the broom like it's about to be a javelin at the offending fruit. They get bowled over though before she can. "Jerks." She doesn't go out of her way to curse or anything, but she does look terribly offended. Eyeing Everett and his attempt not to grin earns him a nudge from her elbow. "Jerk," she repeats, but there's no heat in it this time. Graham just gets a glare as she starts following him, her broom in hand, eyeing the target that's his back as she does. To Stephanie, she motions to Graham, "Maybe we better all stick together?"

August sighs, long-suffering, at the bananas and their comments to Erin. But then their boss deals with them, which has him scratching his head. "Well that sure did just happen," he says to no one in particular.

He eyes Stephanie, watches her and Graham head off. A helpless shrug of one shoulder at Erin. "Yeah." And he doesn't even have his knife or his handgun. Well, maybe he can find something useful to wield on their way.

But not a box of cereal. That's not happening. "Here goes nothing," he murmurs to Eleanor.

Eleanor blurts out a laugh at the banana's off-color comment and then covers her mouth with her hand to silence herself. Her shoulders are still shaking though. She gets herself under control and murmurs to August, "I've heard of Supermarket Wars but not like this. What side should we even be on?" Stephanie gets a look at her little speech and the redhead calls out, "You protect fruits and veggies for a living? From angry meat products? Really?" Because really? She follows August though.

Graham has a gun! He just hasn't taken it out yet because he's convinced this box of Kix is the way to go. "How do you know she doesn't work the salad bar at the Sizzler?" he counters to Eleanor, using his own 'really' tone. "Where're we going, anyway?" he asks... uh... anyone before he swings around the corner to the head of the next aisle over, totally throwing a thumbs-up at Erin's suggestion; they should stick together, he agrees!

Fruits and veggies are apparently jerks, yes. So if they're calling meat the jerks, does that make carnivore fare even bigger assholes?

It doesn't really matter. There's a problem getting there and it's a damn good thing the group sticks together. The first few aisles they pass are fine. The cans and bags of dog and cat food are arguing across the aisle they share like snippy husbands and wives. The canned goods and jars are playing percussion in a mass band and tinking against each other with 'ding' and 'tink' noises between the thumps. It's a rendition of Under Pressure. They hear baked goods having a party and when they walk by, it looks like a really good time. But there's cream filling and frosting everywhere and the... actually. You know what? That's a swinger party. Baked goods GET DOWN. Maybe they should keep walking.

Then there's emerging from the aisles that starts blocking their way. The toilet paper and paper towel rolls come out first and they're bigger than they should be. Menacingly, they start flipping unravel of some very tough paper that's probably at least fifteen ply to try and tangle wrap anyone walking into range to halt progress while calling warning.


(Literally none of the things in this store even have an asshole, it's unclear why they like that word so much. It must be some word they have for humans as a grocery collective.)

Suddenly, there's fire from the aisles as bottles of cleaner shoot BURNING chemical ooze into the party. Then it's all downhill from there as the aisle starts to unload on them in variety, flaming wads of explosive charcoal flying into the mix.

No wonder the produce won't do this shit themselves.

<FS3> Graham rolls Alertness (8 8 5 5 4 4 3 2) vs Thinks The Song Is We Are The Champions Because He's Only Twenty-Six (a NPC)'s 6 (8 7 7 6 5 3 3 1)
<FS3> Victory for Thinks The Song Is We Are The Champions Because He's Only Twenty-Six. (Rolled by: Graham)

"Holy shit, I love, ahm, this band. Queen, I love Queen!" Graham bobs his head to the song he's totally wrong about, so at least he's not humming the bananaman song anymore, that's an improvement. But maybe they should keep walking, so he keeps walking - right into a huge fucking disaster. "What the shit - what the - why is all this shit on fire?!" He tries to stomp some stuff out, turns so it's more his back to the fray than his face (What? He's beautiful. He wants to stay that way.), and then grabs his gun, sighing hugely about how he needs to quit smoking, for reals.

August peers at the aisles as they go along. Squints at the baked goods in particular. He snags a nice, big, 1 liter glass bottle of Mexican Coke for a weapon. If nothing else, he can clock someone--or thing--over the...whatever, with it. He can bludgeon with it.

And then, they're faced with this. "Fuck!" August calls up his shield, tries to get himself between Eleanor and anything on fire.

Eleanor boggles at the pastry orgy occurring in the baked goods section. "I can never unsee that," she whisper-hisses to August. When the paper products confront them, the coffee maven moves to shield herself with her Glimmer, letting the kinetic energy coalesce around her like invisible armor. She moves into a defensive stance and somewhere, Joey Kelly is giving her an 'attagirl!' for remembering her training at the gym.

Stephanie uses Physical to create a self-shield.

Kitchencleaner attacks Stephanie with Nasty Ooze and NARROWLY MISSES!

Everett uses Physical to create a self-shield.

Charcoalbomb1 uses Grenade. EXPLOSION!

Charcoalbomb1 attacks Stephanie with Grenade(Concussion) and HITS! Graze wound to Right Leg.

Charcoalbomb1 attacks Stephanie with Shrapnel and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Chest.

Toiletpaper attacks August with Unarmed and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Head.

Eleanor uses Physical to create a self-shield.

Graham attacks Papertowels with Pistol and HITS! Impaired wound to Head.

Charcoalbomb2 uses Grenade. EXPLOSION!

Charcoalbomb2 attacks August with Grenade and NARROWLY MISSES!

Charcoalbomb2 attacks August with Shrapnel and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Head.

Bathroomcleaner attacks Graham with Nasty Ooze and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Chest.

Plasticforks attacks Erin with Unarmed and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Head.

Papertowels attacks Everett with Unarmed but Everett EVADES!

Erin attacks Plasticforks with Unarmed but Plasticforks EVADES!

Giantflyswatter attacks Eleanor with Unarmed and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Chest.

August uses Physical to create a self-shield.

Papertowels has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: Graham)

Stephanie does herself a favour and shields herself before she attacks, sticking out her finger guns, but then is thrown back by a charcoal bomb, and it explodes on her. She lets out a grunt and then sticks her finger guns out again, letting the charcoal bomb have it, tiny bullet sized fireballs coming out of her fingers.

The prod to his ribs has the thug spurt a soft sound, of an escaped laugh. But since she's going to be like that, he has more, and even though the mesa used it already, he feels justified in adding, "They sure found you... ap*PEEL*ing." He can't help himself, and takes a happy sigh while they're on their way, "I'll have to thank them a BUNCH for that," he adds to Erin. He could go on.

And on, and on. And, hold on -- what is that chocolate frosting doing to those sprinkles? Everett lingers. Just a little.
But then there's incoming fire and Everett crouches and takes up a defensive position. To the person he was just mocking, he advices, "Get behind me," and tightens his grip on his can. Heart healthy this is not. He evades an attack by the 15 ply roll, and readies to use a fork to eat his soup.

It's funny how war can still feel like war, even when everything is ridiculous. Those flaming bombs of charcoal explode in a way that charcoal should not explode, launched and self-igniting when it slings from the bag. The cleaner that shoots out of the bottles is terribly itchy and burny with skin contact. And the GIANT FLYSWATTER that comes out of the spring promo picnic aisle is behind the troops, launching in to try to whack people into displays. Those little forks ping around with sharp prongs, sharper than plastic should be, and the damned paper goods are able to put bruising pressure on that super-ply when it lashes out trying to whack and squeeze.

"OW!" Eleanor shouts as a flyswatter WHACKS her right in the left boob. "That is NOT POLITE AT ALL!" she hollers at it, as her poor assaulted personal cantaloupe throbs. She grabs a baking tray off the baking aisle and swings it viciously at the flyswatter, trying to knock it out of the air.

The toilet paper clocks August solidly, making him stagger. It's the charcoal that's the real problem, though; he doesn't take a direct hit, but when that thing explodes a good handful of it hits him in the side of the head. Burned hair, what a smell. Fuck you, Kingston, August is never using briquettes again, it's gas grills from here on out.

He kneels down, hand on the seared side of his face, coughing. "Kick their asses, hon," he murmurs, directing a bit of energy to Eleanor.

"Mwah!" That's Graham to his gun, which he actually kisses. Fuck all y'all, he has no shame about this, 'cause he just one-shot that whole roll of paper-towels by himself. This is immediately followed by him jittering away from the stuff squirting at him, going, "Ow ew quit it!" He shoots vaguely in the direction of the nasty shit attacking him, but it's not his best effort.

Charcoalbomb2 uses Grenade. EXPLOSION!

Charcoalbomb2 attacks August with Grenade(Concussion) and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Chest.

Charcoalbomb2 attacks August with Shrapnel and HITS! Impaired wound to Chest.

Charcoalbomb2 attacks August with Shrapnel and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Abdomen.

Toiletpaper attacks Everett with Unarmed but Everett EVADES EASILY!

Everett attacks Plasticforks with Club and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Head.

Charcoalbomb1 uses Grenade. EXPLOSION!

Charcoalbomb1 attacks Graham with Grenade(Concussion) and HITS! Graze wound to Right Arm.

Charcoalbomb1 attacks Graham with Shrapnel and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Right Leg.

Giantflyswatter attacks Erin with Unarmed and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Chest.

Bathroomcleaner attacks Stephanie with Nasty Ooze and HITS! Impaired wound to Abdomen.

Kitchencleaner attacks Graham with Nasty Ooze and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Left Arm.

Graham attacks Toiletpaper with Pistol and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Abdomen.

Erin attacks Plasticforks with Spirit and HITS! Graze wound to Chest.

Plasticforks attacks Stephanie with Unarmed but MISSES!

Eleanor attacks Giantflyswatter with Telekinesis. RESIST!

Stephanie attacks Charcoalbomb1 with Pyrokinesis. RESIST!

August uses Spirit to alter Eleanor's Attack by 2.

Plasticforks has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: Everett)

Erin gets hit in the head with a damned fork! A plastic fork! She rubs it to make sure there's no plastic tines broke off in there, wincing a little at the graze there. "It just got real." She doesn't even hear if someone is talking to her, she's too weirded out by the paper goods trying to make them a picnic.

Eleanor attempts to use her Telekinesis to swing the cookie sheet at the flyswatter, but it resists the Glimmer. "Is that how this is going to be? You just want me to straight up beat you? Don't you have better things to do than wage war in the aisles!?" She swings the tray again, this time just using her own arms instead of her powers.

Bang! Toilet paper shreds go flying, Graham's worryingly surprised that he actually hit something. "No shit," he breathes, then shrugs and takes aim at the Charmin once more. Mind, his focus breaks when more stuff gets squirted at him - and then when briquettes are exploding on his Chuck Taylors! "Ow! Fuck! Stop!" He shoots a look around at the others, realizing at that exact moment that they're also getting shit shot at them and exploded on them and stuff. "You realize you're talking shit to a flyswatter, right?" That's for Eleanor, then he's back to aiming at things. Pew pew!

Eleanor grunts back at Graham, "I've talked shit to WAY weirder things thanks to this goddamed town!"

Graham, while 409 is zipping him in the arm, "Ever consider investing in a firearm? I know a guy..."

That charcoal has its sights set on August. This time it's his chest, and he reels backwards into a display of ice cream, but manages to stay up. His UW hoodie and Hoh Rain Forest shirt are a loss, though. "Shut up and shoot," he tells Graham, which is sure to help him aim better.

So many things attacking all at once! There's so many things to target! When Everett takes out the forks, Erin gives him a grateful look but there's little time for more as the charcoal and the toilet paper come at her. "Ohgod.." she tries to light it up.

With his fit clutched around the can, Everett pummels the plastic fork. Maybe just deserts for it attacking Erin and pinging off her forehead. Leaving it a broken shell of its former-self, Everett grunts, kicking a tong away, lifts his gaze to see a new opponent and blows a long strand from his face while he stares with cold, dead eyes and charges at it the Kitchen Cleaner with bared teeth.

So. Maybe the fruit are jerks, maybe the bananas are perverts, but they sent reinforcements. And they sent the best! There's very large pineapples, about the size of a toddler at swagger behind where all the skirmish has broken out. Then, with the top greenery sprouts growing and lashing out to spin around like fan blades, they charge in on the team's behalf, right at all the non-edibles that are giving them so much trouble getting to the butcher block and deli.

It's impressive. The giant flyswatter actually stops for a moment before starting a spinning attack of its own!

Charcoalbomb1 uses Grenade. EXPLOSION!

Charcoalbomb1 attacks August with Grenade(Concussion) and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Abdomen.

Graham attacks Toiletpaper with Pistol and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Chest.

Erin attacks Charcoalbomb1 with Pyrokinesis. RESIST!

Bathroomcleaner attacks Stephanie with Nasty Ooze and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Head.

Charcoalbomb2 uses Grenade. EXPLOSION!

Charcoalbomb2 attacks Everett with Grenade(Concussion) and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Right Leg.

Charcoalbomb2 attacks Everett with Shrapnel and HITS! Graze wound to Left Leg.

Giantflyswatter attacks Everett with Unarmed and HITS! Impaired wound to Head.

Eleanor attacks Giantflyswatter with Club but Giantflyswatter EVADES EASILY!

Stephanie attacks Charcoalbomb1 with Spirit. RESIST!

Everett attacks Kitchencleaner with Club but MISSES!

Pineapplethug2 attacks Toiletpaper with Knife and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Chest.

Toiletpaper attacks Pineapplethug3 with Unarmed but Pineapplethug3 EVADES!

Pineapplethug3 attacks Kitchencleaner with Knife and HITS! Impaired wound to Chest.

August attempts to use Spirit alter Graham's Attack and fails.

Kitchencleaner attacks Pineapplethug3 with Nasty Ooze and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Head.

Pineapplethug attacks Bathroomcleaner with Knife and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Chest.

August has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: Charcoalbomb1)

Bathroomcleaner has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: Pineapplethug)

Pineapplethug3 has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: Kitchencleaner)

Toiletpaper has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: Graham, Pineapplethug2)

August spends a luck point and is back in the fight!

Stephanie looks bad. She’s clutching her chest, and has taken quite a shot to the head so she opts to set something else on fire, aiming at the kitchen cleaner while taking cover behind the seafood counter.

There's a second when Graham blinks at August and the barrel of the gun twitches away from the problematic toilet paper and the kid with the gun is like, "First off," and then along come all these pineapples and he remembers who the enemy is (and isn't). Another shot, another spray of papery products, and another darling smile from Graham, so pleased with himself. "I thought you were dealing with this fly swatter situation," he complains - probably at Eleanor, but he could mean anyone at this point - and that's what he aims for next.

Eleanor hollers at Graham, "How about YOU shoot the damned giant flyswatter and I can hit something less DODGEY!" She turns to swing her baking tray at one of the Charcoal Bombs.

August's imperative doesn't help Graham shoot better, but he hits the thing anyways. That's good because the next round of flaming charcoal nails him in the belly and down he goes. He's not down long, though; he levers himself up against the freezer case. Seeing that charcoal coming after Eleanor has him changing his tune. That's not happening. Oh no it is not. He's going to break it to pieces first.

The pineapples were helping them? Suddenly the fruit were the good guys again. Erin is doing her best to throw her fire at the non-consumables, but she's terribly distracted. Everyone seemed to be on their feet at least, but there's concern towards August while remaining somewhat close to Everett since he was a larger target at least. "I never imagined that pineapples would wield their own knife." It was Gray Harbor though, nothing much should have been a surprise!

A staggering blow taken by the giant. First concussed and left stunned, then perfect prey for the whirling dervish attack and clubs him in the head. Everett lifts an arm, trying to defend, but he's slow because of the one-two combination attack of the charcoal and the fly swatter. But giving his head a shake, Everett clears his vision and goes after the biggest target on the boss. It's all necked.

"Here." Graham holds the box of Kix down to August, specifically angling it so it sort of shields the nasty bit on the other guy's guts. "May it bring you as much luck as it has broughten me." He nods very gravely, then turns back to the fight. "'Kay," is his answer for Eleanor; he's on it.

Graham attacks Giantflyswatter with Pistol and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Chest.

Giantflyswatter attacks Everett with Unarmed but Everett EVADES!

Charcoalbomb2 uses Grenade. EXPLOSION!

Charcoalbomb2 attacks Pineapplethug2 with Grenade(Concussion) and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Chest.

Charcoalbomb2 attacks Pineapplethug2 with Shrapnel and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Right Leg.

Charcoalbomb2 attacks Pineapplethug2 with Shrapnel and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Chest.

Pineapplethug attacks Kitchencleaner with Knife and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Head.

Erin attacks Charcoalbomb1 with Pyrokinesis and HITS! Impaired wound to Chest.

Eleanor attacks Charcoalbomb1 with Club and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Chest.

Kitchencleaner attacks Stephanie with Nasty Ooze and HITS! Impaired wound to Abdomen.

Pineapplethug2 attacks Giantflyswatter with Knife but MISSES!

Everett attacks Giantflyswatter with Club and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Chest.

Charcoalbomb1 uses Grenade. EXPLOSION!

Charcoalbomb1 attacks Eleanor with Grenade and NARROWLY MISSES!

Charcoalbomb1 attacks Eleanor with Shrapnel and HITS! Graze wound to Right Leg.

August attacks Charcoalbomb1 with Spirit and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Chest.

Stephanie attacks Kitchencleaner with Pyrokinesis and HITS! Graze wound to Chest.

Charcoalbomb1 has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: Erin, Eleanor, August)

Giantflyswatter has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: Graham, Everett)

Kitchencleaner has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: Pineapplethug)

Pineapplethug2 has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: Charcoalbomb2)

Stephanie has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: Kitchencleaner)

Eleanor THWACKS the charcoal briquet with the baking pan, setting it up for August and Erin to finish off, even as it sends exploded shrapnel raking across her shin. "OW! August! Honey are you ok!?" she glances down to check on him and sees he's wounded. He. Is. Wounded. "Oh I don't THINK so!" She growls, and then charges at the last Charcoal Bomb with rage in her swing.

Graham attempts to discover if anyone will notice if he shoots this pineapple...

<FS3> August rolls Alertness (8 6 6 4 4 3 2) vs Graham's Stealth (8 8 8 7 6 4 3 2 2 2)
<FS3> Victory for Graham. (Rolled by: August)

Cracking the flyswatter in the handle, Everett takes a sideways glance when its the pineapple's wound that's by far more grievous. With a death glare at having his kill taken, he looks around, wipes the blood oozing from his head wound from his eyebrows, and stalks towards the last remaining prey.

All of this is hitting a little too close to home. A lot too close, really. So August breaks the charcoal apart, nods at Eleanor to assure her that yes, he's okay, don't mind the blackened and bleeding everything. He'll be fine.

He doesn't have time to savor smashing up the charcoal going after Eleanor, because Stephnie gets clobbered by 409. he coughs, doubling over, makes his way to her. "Come on, girl, get on up."

One charcoal down, another to go. So far, she's just got a couple of light headwounds, nothing she can't deal with herself once she gets out of here. But Erin notices others in their team going down and when Stephanie gets hit, she frowns. "Are you alright?" Calling over to her, relieved when August goes towards her. She's concerned though!

<FS3> Everett rolls alertness-2 (6 5 4 1) vs Graham's stealth (8 7 7 6 5 5 4 4 2 1)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Graham. (Rolled by: Everett)

This is very uncomfortable, who knew household cleaners and other accoutrements could pack such a punch? But the arrival of those pineapples is fortuitous enough to help turn the tide with some wicked gunfire and hits and flash flame from the gathering. At the ends of the aisles, some of the food is coming out to look with awe at the tough guy non-consumables getting whacked and a lot of them begin to cheer the group out. There's loaves of bread dancing and doing the worm move, there's bottles of wine popping their corks and shooting drunk liquid with celebration, there's even a little choir of marshmallow Peeps put out for the spring holidays that break into glorious song!

And by glorious song, that mostly means a WHOLE lot of peep noises to the tune of Don't Stop Me Now. Apparently, groceries like Queen a lot. All except that flaming bag of charcoal briquettes that rolls itself into the others with a last attempt for suicide bombing spray. All the while, the non-food-items haven't said much, but when it charges in to blow up, it has parting words.

"Piss fire, assholes!"

Wow. Rude. And probably a sign of an STD. The baked goods probably know all about that.

Graham attacks Pineapplethug with Pistol and HITS! Impaired wound to Chest.

Erin attacks Charcoalbomb2 with Pyrokinesis. RESIST!

Eleanor attacks Charcoalbomb2 with Club and HITS! Impaired wound to Abdomen.

Charcoalbomb2 uses Grenade. EXPLOSION!

Charcoalbomb2 attacks Pineapplethug with Grenade(Concussion) and HITS! Impaired wound to Chest.

Charcoalbomb2 attacks Pineapplethug with Shrapnel and HITS! Graze wound to Left Arm.

Pineapplethug attacks Charcoalbomb2 with Knife and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Chest.

Stephanie is no longer KOed !

August successfully revives Stephanie.

Stephanie passes.

Everett attacks Charcoalbomb2 with Club and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Chest.

Charcoalbomb2 has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: Eleanor, Pineapplethug, Everett)

Eleanor slams her baking sheet down on top of the charcoal menace, hearing it crunch with a satisfying sound of metal on pre-burned wood. She pants, eyes still wide with rage, then turns to go see to August's wounds. "Let me take a look," she tells him. That is not a request.

August isn't in any shape to deny Eleanor's help with his injuries. Hell he can barely get Stephanie on her feet. He nods wordlessly, peers as he notices some...bulletholes? in one of the pineapples that showed up to help. He gives Graham a bloodshot stinkeye.

It all happens quickly. Stephanie gets knocked out, revived then goes and hides behind the seafood counter, waiting for the aftermath of the fight.

With most of the fighting over, Erin looks over the rest of the group for battle wounds. August had Stephanie, Graham seemed none the worse for wear, but she does look over at each of them to see if they were all on their feet at least. "We need to help the fruit now, since they helped us. We should get to the meat are." That's concerning though! "I'd hate to fight a side of beef or anything."

Graham, with a shifty look at all these people, quietly puts the gun away and takes stock of his own relatively minor injuries. Cleaning products ate a hole in his shirt, and his leg's a little crispy, but hey; he's in good shape, AND no one can prove he shot that pineapple for absolutely no reason. He meets August's stinkeye with a super-bright smile - LOOK HOW PRETTY HE IS! - and asks, "Weren't we supposed to be going somewhere? Cold cuts or something?" He also smiles at Eleanor - LOOK HOW PRETTY HE IS! - and tacks on, "Hi."

Standing over the charcoal bag, Everett continues to smash his can into the flaming bag. Again. And Again. Over and over. Well after it stops moving. Only then does Everett stop and stares down at it, his face lit with the fire that's cast, dancing in his irises.

Thunk. The well and truely dented can of Campbell's heart healthy Chicken Noodle soup falls from his grasp while Everett stares, breathing heavily, and driping blood.

Eleanor lays her hands on the worst of the wounds to August's chest. One glance at the headwound tells her it's beyond her skill to help with. "We're going to need to find Lilith when we get back. I can't fix that one, love." Her power flows into the chestwound and closes it up. She gives Graham a LOOK then mutters back, "Hi. Thanks for taking care of the Flyswatter."

August sucks in his breath through his teeth, nodding as Eleanor heals up his chest. He inspects his belly, frowning at the loss of the shirt. But hey, spider tattoo remains intact. "It's fine, I've always wanted to get my hair cut different." He gets up, moving carefully, grimaces at Graham. He asides to Eleanor, "No, it's okay, we don't need Lil getting herself...Their attention. I can sleep it off." He pauses now and then to steady himself on a display.

"Yeah. Meat." He adjust his grip on his glass bottle of Coke. "Time to tenderize." And heads that way. Carefully.

Stephanie is barely able to pick herself up after the fight. She looks in rough shape. When Erin speaks up about helping the fruit, her expression looks like she agrees and she nods.

All that drama and pain and skirmish to get to the meat counters of the deli and butcher in the back of the store. Behind the group, the food party rages on with a triumphant rendition of We Are the Champions. The freezers hum quietly as they pass by, all the doors fogged with cold to obscure the contents. Nothing pops out at them, though, and eventually when they've moved on, they arrive.

All of the meat is laid out in an open case without glass, blinking eyes like bloody blobs. They don't move a lot, they don't say anything at first, they don't even look like a threat. Are these seriously the bad guys that are masterminding produce assaults and forming alliances with the biggest bullies in the whole store? That's what the cantaloupe said!

One blob of bloody giant beef roast suddenly makes a very derpy noise. The other meats around it start to echo that derpy noise.

That's it. That's literally all that happens. When one of the party gets close enough, chicken legs start to rattle and knock together with fear.

Graham takes Eleanor's LOOK as long as it includes HOW PRETTY HE IS. "Don't mention it," he answers back cheerfully, like he's a real public servant. He side-eyes all this psychic-healing she's doing, clearly twigged despite having just had a shoot-out with a flyswatter, and settles for a thumbs-up when everyone agrees that they're heading for meat. What happened to his box of Kix? If August left it behind, then he's gonna swing back, snag it, and then he's all set to lead the charge.

NB: Graham doesn't know his way around supermarkets very well, so someone else should probably be at the front of the column. Witness his, "Uhhhhm, I think this is the Mexican food aisle?"

Well, that's all Erin needed to hear, she looks over at August and Eleanor and quietly offers. "I can try and help if he would allow me to." She does meander over, concerned though for Stephanie and Everett. "As soon as we're clear of the danger here, I can help," she reiterates. For now though, the meat blobs need their attention.

Eleanor slings one of August's arms over her shoulders to help him walk, her eyes warily moving over the fogged frozen food cabinets as they go. When they reach the meat case and the 'derping' begins, she hollers, "OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE!" She narrows her eyes at Graham. "I think we've been played by a cantaloupe. If we get out of here, no one ever speaks of this again, agreed?"

<FS3> Graham rolls Wits (7 6 5 4) vs Wait Wtf Just Happened Here (a NPC)'s 8 (8 8 7 5 4 3 3 3 2 2)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Wait Wtf Just Happened Here. (Rolled by: Graham)

August leans in close to Eleanor, eyes Erin warily. "Only if you feel like...taking that on." He grimaces, unable to blame anyone for preferring not to. Even if it means he has to convalesce with an excuse of 'the barbecue blew up on me'.

He stops when Eleanor does, stares at the meat. This isn't what he expected. Eleanor's shout has him wincing. "What the hell would they even want from them?" he wonders.

Everett stares at the meat. In their quivering, gelatinous ways. Then he gives Stephanie a look, since she's the one that started them marching this way, like it's her fault. He approaches the display and pulls from it a t-bone. Brining it close to his face, the gorilla gives it a once over. Then slaps it on the wound on his right leg, sighing contentedly as he turns around and leans against the display, feeling the coolness of the meat blob against the warmth of his injury, then watches everybody else speaking together.

Graham stops in his tracks, looking at what's in front of them... then looking at where they came from... then asks bluntly, "Wait, what the fuck just happened here? I thought we were..." He trails off, scratching the back of his head dimly. "Dude, I'm pretty sure that's how you get Trichinosis," he tells Everett from the midst of his own confusion.

One piece of meat talks.

It says...


Then all the other meat starts to derpily say hello.



The loudspeakers come on. It's the canteloupe and his Brooklyn boxer accent.

"I don't smell any barbeque, assholes! Stop beatin' your meat and flame those carcasses!"

Eleanor eyes the speaker with a scowl. "Oh come on, I'm not murdering poor, useless, derpmeat. That's just wrong."

<FS3> Graham rolls Firearms (8 8 7 6 5 3 2 1) vs Stupid Loudspeaker (a NPC)'s 4 (4 3 2 2 1 1)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Graham. (Rolled by: Graham)

"They need the meat to stuff the bell peppers." Erin says in an aside before looking more fully at August, "Of course, August. It's what I do," she offers more seriously. Then it's back to the meat and she doesn't quite know what to think about it all. "Kill the meat?" So she asks the meat. "Why does the fruit want you dead?" Like... it wasn't dead already.

Stephanie says nothing. Being the lone wolf personality type, she doesn’t expect people to understand her motivations, nor does she care to explain. To Everett, she simply says, “You didnt have to come with me.”

Graham shoots the loudspeaker, everyone. Like, it goes 'flame those carcasses!' and he goes 'pewpew' and that's the end of that particular loudspeaker. "I mean, I will." Murder the poor, useless derpmeat, he means. "I'm just not sure - " Yeah, he points at Erin with the barrel of the gun he was just using to shoot defenseless loudspeakers. "What she said. Why." Still, he puts away his gun (again) and starts rolling up what's left of his sleeves to make with the murdering.

<FS3> Erin rolls Presence: Success (7 5 3 1 1) (Rolled by: Lilith)

<FS3> Graham rolls Presence: Success (7 6 3 2 1) (Rolled by: Lilith)

"Oh for--fuck that," August says to the loudspeaker. He nods approvingly at Graham, muttering, "Damn straight."

Get Trichinosis? Everett can't even spell it. He glances again at Stephanie, this time less hostile,
To Graham, Everett grunts once, then peels the steak back from his wound and looks down at it, his own head slightly slanted, as if judging, for a second time if this was a good idea or not. When it says hello to him, in response to the other meats saying it, Everett puts the T-bone back against him. Because the muffled sounds of it repeating words won't be any less creepy.
With the gunshot, Everett looks at the target, then Graham. Then Erin.

The one piece of meat that seems to chain reaction the other meat slabs into noises and greetings seems to actually kind of understand and respond to the questions asked of it in a very derpy way. Mostly, it seems to want to help. Maybe. If they can figure out what the hell the thing is talking about.






The freezers continue to hum with the obscured fogged and cold glass doors behind the meat counters.

<FS3> August rolls Alertness (8 8 4 3 3 2 1) vs Surroundings (a NPC)'s 4 (8 6 6 6 6 3)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Surroundings. (Rolled by: Lilith)

August spent a Luck Point on a re-roll.

<FS3> August rolls Alertness (7 7 7 6 4 2 2) vs Surroundings (a NPC)'s 4 (8 5 4 2 1 1)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for August. (Rolled by: Lilith)

<FS3> Graham rolls Alertness (8 6 5 5 5 5 3 2) vs Sneaky Bulletriddled Pineapple (a NPC)'s 4 (8 7 7 5 5 2)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Sneaky Bulletriddled Pineapple. (Rolled by: Lilith)

<FS3> Graham rolls Athletics (7 6 6 5 5 4 2 1) vs Pineapple Revenge (a NPC)'s 4 (8 7 5 5 2 2)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Graham. (Rolled by: Lilith)

August stares at the meat, which is attempting to communicate. At least, he thinks so, his head is kind of fuzzy. Almost none of it makes sense, but he does understand one part. (Maybe) He looks around, trying to find something with a four on it. Eventually, his gaze shifts back to the freezer cases. "Four," he says, and points at one.

Eleanor nods to August and she moves over to it alongside him. "Here goes nothing." And then she opens the door.

Graham has his sleeves up, and he's looking back the way they came again, scratching the back of his head more and commenting, "We should go get some of that charcoal from - " And then a vengeful pineapple comes tearing-ass in his direction, buzzes right by him, and he winds up scrabbling backward just in time to avoid taking a knife to the leg. "Oh, fuck this little asshole. Where's the rum aisle? We're definitely having pina coladas after this." This is the point at which Graham throws all his very limited caution to the wind and chases that fucking pineapple wherever it goes.

That's the last you guys are gonna see of him on this adventure, though he still has like five rounds left in his gun, so count 'em off. Bang... bang... bang bang... The last one comes amid sounds of a skirmish over yonder. Bang. "OW FUCK!"

Everett's own green eyes track four aisles down with the clue, 'go four'. But the freezers look closer and that means less walking. He sighs again, and checks his wound to see if its stopped bleeding, or it he's only managed to smother the steak. Then flings it back over his shoulder, to land haplessly among the other cuts not even in the same breed of meat. With effort, he stands and paces to a place where he can look in, over people's heads. Then he watches the sudden but inevitable betrayal... of Graham's betrayal.

The Goon sucks in air through gritted teeth and murmurs, "Could have used that gun," then turns his attention back To The Freezerrrrr.

That pineapple tears ass away from Graham after missing to lead the chase, the meat continues to derp noise a little here and there and occasionally say the word 'four' some more, and when August cracks open that freezer door it's just fog and cold...

Which pops each person that passes through that door right out into the frozen food section where Mabel is doing her afternoon groceries.

Since August is the first out and looks like hell, the old blind bat tells him to get the frozen peas, they make the best ice packs. Then she compliments Eleanor's lovely red hair and peddles her senile ass onward.

Then the rest come through. Behind them, though, as they go, they hear the torn up and speaker-whacked screeching of Cantaloupe Alpha Thug raging about his foiled plans.


So, the freezer case. Erin follows Eleanor over there not exactly sure what she's going to find there when it's opened. There's a wary look as she waits. "Hopefully not french fry or french toast stick daggers." She stays back enough to try and pull together some sort of shield, but she's not really good at that yet.


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