2020-11-15 - Fighting slimes in the sewers.

These people ate some bad tacos.

Content Warning: References to fecal matter and other sewer stuff.

IC Date: 2020-11-15

OOC Date: 2020-04-05

Location: The Dreamscape

Related Scenes:   2020-11-20 - Sauerkraut Repercussions

Plot: None

Scene Number: 5467


<FS3> Abitha rolls Athletics (8 4 1) vs Flushed (a NPC)'s 4 (7 7 3 2 1 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Flushed. (Rolled by: KarmaBum)

<FS3> Alexander rolls Athletics (8 8 6 5 4 4 3) vs Flushed (a NPC)'s 4 (6 6 4 2 2 2)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Alexander. (Rolled by: KarmaBum)

<FS3> August rolls Athletics (7 5 4 3 3 1) vs Flushed (a NPC)'s 4 (8 8 8 6 3 3)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Flushed. (Rolled by: KarmaBum)

<FS3> Dahlia rolls Athletics (7 5 4 3 2 1 1 1) vs Flushed (a NPC)'s 4 (6 3 2 1 1 1)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: KarmaBum)

<FS3> Dahlia rolls Athletics (7 5 3 3 2 1 1 1) vs Flushed (a NPC)'s 4 (8 6 5 4 3 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Flushed. (Rolled by: KarmaBum)

Every one of you had the same idea tonight: tacos. Of course, the only place to get tacos in Gray Harbor is the "Mexican" joint in Foggy Bluffs that is run by Germans. They insist on giving you das sonderangebot, tacos filled with questionable-looking pork and saurkraut. But this is Gray Harbor, the SKY is making you high, so you slam ten das sonderangebot and none of you should be surprised when you have to rush home to your bathroom.

Just like none of you should be surprised either when your toilet suddenly grows ten feet tall and eats you, butt-first. When it swallows you whole, you hear the distinct flush.

And this is how the terrifying journey into the sewers begins: by traversing your toilet's inner plumbing. It's almost like a water slide, if you went down without a tube and were taken by such extreme rushes that you swear you're going to be drowned at least three times and there's some uh - interesting floaters coming down with you. Oh, and it ends at a waterfall, where all of you are dropped simultaenously off an 8 story cliff down into the actual sewers. Hold on to your britches, bitches!

<FS3> Joey rolls Athletics (6 5 5 5 4 3 2 2 1) vs Flushed (a NPC)'s 4 (8 7 7 4 3 2)
<FS3> Victory for Flushed. (Rolled by: KarmaBum)

Alexander tucks and rolls or something. He can figure out how he athletically avoids a bad landing.

Abitha comes careening down and lands SPLAT into the low, dark, tiled space that is the sewers beneath Elm Street. Not that we can expect her to know it's beneath Elm Street, but someone can fill her in later. It's not just that she lands splat down here, but she lands directly atop a big, gooey slime; it must be at least twelve feet tall. The thing is greenish and brownish and there are some chunks of corn in it. It also smells. Like poop. A second later, Dahlia lands atop the same squishy disaster. It wobbles dangerously, reaching up with stumpy arms to try to shoo her off its gross head. Then comes Joey, and the thing is starting to get a little squashed, bulging at its base.

The piece de resistance is August. He crashes down atop the others, and the squishy thing POPS - or, actually, it kinda PLOPS, gooshing into three smaller slimes. One is mostly brownish. One is mostly greenish. And one seems to have gotten all the corn niblets in it. They all turn in the shallow, also brownish-greenish-cornish water that rushes about ankle-deep underfoot, and they make that sort of RAWWWR pose that mobs always make when they aggro, short, gelatinous arms aflail and gaping mouths with tongues lolling.

They are arranged in a triangle with everyone in the center. There's the rungs of a ladder up to the surface over there -->, but the slimes pretty much immediately lob balls of literal crap at people. Random encounter style.

Cornslime uses Foul Blob. EXPLOSION!

Cornslime attacks Alexander with Foul Blob(Concussion) and HITS! Impaired wound to Abdomen.

Cornslime attacks Alexander with Shrapnel and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Abdomen.

Greenslime uses Foul Blob. EXPLOSION!

Greenslime attacks Joey with Foul Blob(Concussion) and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Right Arm.

Brownslime uses Foul Blob. EXPLOSION!

Brownslime attacks Alexander with Foul Blob(Concussion) and HITS! Impaired wound to Abdomen.

Brownslime attacks Alexander with Shrapnel and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Chest.

Brownslime attacks Alexander with Shrapnel and HITS! Graze wound to Right Arm.

Brownslime attacks Alexander with Shrapnel and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Left Arm.

August has a reason he doesn't eat food he didn't grow, raise, catch, and cook, and this is exactly it. The gut reaction, not the part where his toilet eats him, though he's going to add that to the list from here on out. 'The last time I ate food someone else made my toilet ate me and I wound up in the Veil's idea of a sewer.' That ought to shut everyone up on this topic for the rest of time.

The best thing he can say is, he has his pants back on. ...it's the only good thing he can say. He's smelled truly foul things before, so he just turns that sense off like he used to. The no-doubt broken ribs he now has? That's another story.

Slimes. Fuck. He remembers Finch, that first time he healed her--

They attack without much warning, and August, on instinct, tries to get Alexander shielded. Sure, he seems to have landed fine, but that won't mean anything if these slimes pile onto him and bury him.

Tacos are great. Delicious even. Especially when you're flying high. Until they come back to bite you.

Which apparently also means the toilet is out for revenge too! All that dancing and stuff doesn't prepare you for getting flushed down a Dream drain. So Dahlia tumbles down and it's just a very unpleasant trek all around. Falling down the waterfall into real sewers? G.R.O.S.S But...at least she's not alone. Of course she's not alone. She's falling on people and people are falling on her.

And DISGUSTING. Did she mention that yet? She gives a weird sort of shout that is all at once a shout and trying not to open her mouth either. She's definitely not trying to get hit by anything right now. So first instinct? Burn it with fire- obviously!

All that time obsessing over waffletacos has claimed its due. It's not really a surprise that Alexander's become obsessed with craving tacos, and is desperate and munchie-needing enough to just eat what's given to him. And now he regrets it.

The toilet eats him, and as he's sucked down into horrible places, he cries, "This isn't fair!"

But as the smell hits his nose, he twists around and hits the tile feet first, grabbing at his sweatpants and pulling them up. He still moons a couple of people. SORRY.

He pulls his pants up and looks around. "Wait, not the slimes aga--" and then he's staggering under balls of foul slimy matter from every side. "What? No! Stop! Why!" He flails his hands, which immediately start to spark.

There was no mistaking Abitha's entrance. It was loud, ear-piercing, interrupted only by needing to take in further gulped breaths between probably drownings as she shrieks in terror. It didn't matter how high she had been, this was probably one of the worst possible circumstances she could imagine. It also didn't matter what she landed on, the absolute first thing she was scrambling to do was drag her jeans back up into place, probably while also trying to scramble her way into the corner or against the wall, eyes wide open and darting around. It took a long time for her to understand the other half of her powers, and even then she used it without thinking, the same instintcual shield is dragged up into place protectively.

This is what Joey gets for living on Elm Street. This is also what he gets for telling his snoopy-buddy-neighbor Alexander 'hey maybe regular tacoes?'. Never. Again. he gives his fingers a flick pushing himself up "What the literal shit?" He turns to the globs of- let's not think too hard on this shall we? "This is why waffle tacos are infinitely better. yeah, asshole," speaking of which he makes sure his shorts are pulled up, "You heard me"

Oooooooh, sparky things! The green slime seems to like that, and it makes jiggly-threatening-goggle eyes at Alexander, wobbling grossly on its way over there. It already has chunks of itself in its fists so it can throw (promise it's the last time) LITERAL shit at him.

The slime with all the corn in it does not care for electric stuff, and it shies away, heading toward Dahlia and her unfinished little shout. It doesn't loll its tongue at her, but it does push a wave of murky water ahead of its blobby base. It is coming for yoooooouh, Dahlia~!

When Abitha reaches for a shield, the brown slime whirls in place. It blobs perilously askew, almost overflows itself, but then sucks back into place at the last possible second - and throws a missile at Abitha!

Don't worry, August and Joey. There may not be actual missiles of poop coming toward ya, but there's all the splash and splatter!

Brownslime uses Foul Blob. EXPLOSION!

Brownslime attacks Abitha with Foul Blob(Concussion) and HITS! Graze wound to Abdomen.

Brownslime attacks Abitha with Shrapnel and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Chest.

Cornslime uses Foul Blob. EXPLOSION!

Cornslime attacks Dahlia with Foul Blob(Concussion) and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Chest.

Greenslime uses Foul Blob. EXPLOSION!

Greenslime attacks Alexander with Foul Blob(Concussion) and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Chest.

Greenslime attacks Alexander with Shrapnel and HITS! Graze wound to Right Leg.

Alexander attacks Cornslime with Electrokinesis. RESIST!

Dahlia attacks Greenslime with Pyrokinesis. RESIST!

Abitha uses Physical to create a self-shield.

Joey attacks Greenslime with Telekinesis. RESIST!

August attempts to use Spirit alter Alexander's Defense and fails.

Abitha coughs as she takes one to the chest, one hand going there, clutching, then scraping at whatever hit her, looking horrified. "What the fuck!" she spits hoarsely, both from the hit and all the screaming. Eyes still wide with terror, one hand snaps up, green-nailed fingers curling into a claw and launching a lightning bolt at the thing that attacked her.

"EWWWW!" Dahlia all but screams. More than grossed out. Especially now that she's been HIT. What assholes. Getting hit may or may not have distracted her from noticing that the Greenslime didn't even get phased by her fire. So instead, she just tries again. But this time - towards the Cornslime that had hit her and is now coming closer.

Alexander instinctively fires his first bolt at the Cornslime, who pegged him HARD in the chest, but when his lightning is just absorbed with no visible effect, he frowns. "Not good!" Unfortunately, looking in THAT direction means that Greenslime's attack takes him by surprise. He staggers again as more foul blobby horror slams into his chest. It's eating right through his sweatshirt, and into the flesh underneath. "I hate this!" He's looking the worst for wear, swaying in place as he reorients to the Greenslime. "Stay back!" Lightning sparks again.

August tries to shove past Alexander's defenses so he can shore him up, and just can't seem to. He sighs, shakes his head. "Alright, suit yourself," he mutters. The green slime has its...whatevers on him, and he focuses on shielding himself instead. "Pretty sure reason's not in their vocabulary, Alexander." He shifts closer to Abitha, intending to help her next--she's not as strong in shaping, is she?

Joey tries to get over to get to Mac and Alexander. "Roen, Dahlia you okay?" He's about to ask Max but she just hadoken'd that damn thing. "Remember if you are gonna scream do it with your mouth shut!" The sweatshirt loss is noted. "Right those that are good a blocking try to hide those that ain't." That said he tries to get between Clayton and that mad mass. "Man why's taking shit so gross?"

There's no 'staying back' for the slimes. Maybe they don't speak English, have you tried it en Espaņol?

Anyway, these wiggling bastards keep tearing out chunks of themselves to throw - it's a huge pile for Abitha that barely splashes into her abdomen, hits the ground with a moist PLOP and then the splatter burns into her chest. The green stuff gets Alexander right in the man-boob, and boy does that shit STING.

The corny one's really excited by Dahlia. It lobs her with a particularly cobby pile right in the chest, one of the kernels sticks into her skin. That's ... probably gonna become septic, definitely.

Alas, for the moment, nothing seems to stop these slimes from coming. And although we promised it was the last reference about throwing LITERAL POO at all of you, they are readying up another load.

Cornslime uses Foul Blob. EXPLOSION!

Cornslime attacks Joey with Foul Blob(Concussion) and HITS! Impaired wound to Chest.

Cornslime attacks Joey with Shrapnel and HITS! Graze wound to Left Arm.

Cornslime attacks Joey with Shrapnel and HITS! Graze wound to Left Leg.

Cornslime attacks Joey with Shrapnel and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Head.

Dahlia attacks Cornslime with Pyrokinesis. RESIST!

Brownslime uses Foul Blob. EXPLOSION!

Brownslime attacks Dahlia with Foul Blob(Concussion) and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Abdomen.

Brownslime attacks Dahlia with Shrapnel and HITS! Impaired wound to Chest.

Joey uses Physical to create a self-shield.

August uses Physical to create a self-shield.

Greenslime uses Foul Blob. EXPLOSION!

Greenslime attacks August with Foul Blob and NARROWLY MISSES!

Abitha attacks Brownslime with Electrokinesis. RESIST!

Alexander attacks Greenslime with Electrokinesis. RESIST!

Dahlia might have answered Joey, if all the slimes weren't deciding she was the most delicious looking human! She gets the brunt of a particularly vicious hit and stumbles back. But she's still up! If just barely. On the bright side, at least she looks angry! That fireball flares out against the cornslime again. Maybe it'll do something this time.

"I HATE LIVING ON ELM," Alexander proclaims to the world in general as foul goo drips down his chest. There's already scars there, thanks, he doesn't need more. But at least it focuses him thoroughly on Greenslime, but his attempt to dance around only means that the lightning sparks and disperses through the water without doing anything but tickling the slime. Tickle, tickle! So, he stops dancing around and tries to get right up in the slimes...wobbly...face...bits, electricity hissing and spitting like a sack of angry snakes.

Joey is supre really going to regret this later. Fishing around in the sewage he looks for something solid he cna wrench free. "Man there are few things that make me miss prison, holy shit. Clayton DO. Not. Die. on me. I'm not explaining this to your woman why you're in kibbly bi-" and the impact hits like a small truck winding the boxer a minute. "Batter up!" That's warning to stay out of the splatter zone.

"I DON'T EVEN LIVE ON ELM!" August shouts at Alexander. "THIS ISN'T ABOUT ELM IT'S ABOUT THIS WHOLE FUCKING PLACE." It's hard for him to think, in this moment, that dodging excrement is any less critical than dodging a bullet, but here they are. Abitha's not immediately under threat, that he can tell, so he opts to make her stronger instead. "Make the next shot count," he says, and gives her Glimmer a nice solid shove.

Seemingly out of the firing line for now, Abitha reorients, scrambling to her feet, arguably making herself a better target, but the solid footing giving her the focus to launch another lightning bolt at the foul goop. Was she taking tactical advice from Joey? Probably not. Sometimes she was a bit of a tunnel vision DPS. But the boost definitely got her attention, a savage grin on her face as her emerald hair frizzes up in the backflow from the charged release. "TEE WHYYYYY." CRRRRRACK

That's how Joey got pink-eye, everyone. A chunk of shitty corn hit him in the face. Soon to be followed by a chunk of brown-stuff, just based on the way the brown slime is now advancing on him. The corn slime got distracted back toward Dahlia, and some creamy spew is coming out of it as it advances on her with its stumpy arms extended - GIVE CORNSLIME A HUG!

Alexander is shouting in ALL CAPS. Green slime does not care for his crackly fingers or his TONE, young man, and it comes over to vomit forth a spew all over him. Definitely use the shower at the gym, bro.

Abitha attacks Brownslime with Electrokinesis and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Body.

Joey attacks Brownslime with Club and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Body.

Greenslime uses Foul Blob. EXPLOSION!

Greenslime attacks Alexander with Foul Blob(Concussion) and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Abdomen.

Greenslime attacks Alexander with Shrapnel and HITS! Graze wound to Left Arm.

Greenslime attacks Alexander with Shrapnel and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Abdomen.

Greenslime attacks Alexander with Shrapnel and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Chest.

Cornslime uses Foul Blob. EXPLOSION!

Cornslime attacks Dahlia with Foul Blob(Concussion) and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Chest.

Cornslime attacks Dahlia with Shrapnel and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Chest.

Cornslime attacks Dahlia with Shrapnel and HITS! Graze wound to Left Leg.

Cornslime attacks Dahlia with Shrapnel and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Chest.

Brownslime uses Foul Blob. EXPLOSION!

Brownslime attacks Joey with Foul Blob but MISSES!

Brownslime attacks Joey with Shrapnel and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Right Leg.

August uses Spirit to alter Abitha's Attack by 2.

Dahlia attacks Cornslime with Pyrokinesis and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Body.

Alexander attacks Greenslime with Electrokinesis and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Body.

Brownslime has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: Abitha, Joey)

Cornslime has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: Dahlia)

Dahlia has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: Cornslime)

Greenslime has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: Alexander)

There's a look of...savage satisfaction almost as the cornslime is engulfed by Dahlia's flame. But it's abruptly over as Dahlia herself gets absolutely stomped by the group of slimes.

Alexander thrusts his fists forward as the Greenslime comes on. They collide as it basically covers him from the waste up in horrific, burning goo, and at the same time, a torrent of electricity explodes the thing into horrible bits. "Yes! Take that!" And then an appalled, "ohgodishinmymoufptooptoohfuck!"

he staggers around as slimes go up in stinky, burning, battered deaths. "Fine, it's the whole damned town! And I'm not gonna die. None of us are gonna--" oh, Dahlia's down. That's not great. "Is she okay?"

August's satisfaction at the slimes getting smashed is heady and brief. He makes a strangled sort of sound when Dahlia collapses, tries to navigate the muck to get to her without falling over. "Not here, Evergreen. Not here." He snags the weak thread of her life and her shoulders at the same time. "Come on. Get up."

Dahlia is no longer KOed !

August successfully revives Dahlia.

Breathing hard, Abitha is a bit wild eyed as she absolutely melts her target. She aims that grin at August for a moment until she realizes the breathing was just making the smell worse. She half-gags, grimaces, clamps her mouth shut, also moving her hands to try to dab and wipe at the liquid that had burned her midsection, trying to relieve the stinging a bit, a look of frustration and disgust at the sweater that had now become a crop top. One hand was now dedicated to pulling the fabric down, hiding the slightly reddened skin beneath.

"Okay, fucks all around, tell me there's a way outta this shit?" Literally.

Joey splats the thing to the four winds in a spray that would make a hippo proud. "Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaak it stings." Desperately he triesto clear his face with his bicep cause his hands are messy and busy. "Yeah. Maybe. Wake up or.... find the other end of the drain. Everything goes... somewhere." Looking to August he frowns, "Hey... Dahl gonna be alright? You got it?" Because medic trumps coach. he doesn't know what the fuck he did in the military, he only knows August is too old for this shit.

Poop is flying everywhere. You are all going to have pink eye by the time this is over. But Cornslime gets particularly NAAASSSTTYYYYY when it slams a goopy, corny blob onto Dahlia and positively covers her in shit.

Still, Dahlia gets hers in the end. The fire spreads rapidly over the slime, leaving it screeching and hollering, jiggling in the mucky water to try and extinguish itself. Lightning from Alexander sparks all over the green slime while Joey and Abitha double-team the brown. It looks for just a moment that the fight is over - the slimes slink back towards the middle of the sewers, maybe they are going to run! But no, oh God, they start climbing on one another.


This is too X-rated for words, but let's just say - you guys are scarred for life. You are always going to remember this moment, when 3 become one. And once they are done coming into each other? THIS GIANT MASS of green and brown and corn turns to ATTAAACKKKK!!!! And this giant blob is out for blood. AUGUST'S BLOOD.

Megaslime uses Foul Blob. EXPLOSION!

Megaslime attacks August with Foul Blob(Concussion) and HITS! Flesh Wound wound to Left Arm.

"There's usually a way out. Last time, there was a ladder, and the sewers," Alexander mutters, while trying to find some part of his clothing that isn't befouled so that he can wipe his damned face while the slimes retreat...or so he thinks. He gingerly cleans his lips and mouth...oh, but he should have covered his eyes. "What. The. Fuck." He's seen a lot of horror in his life, but this?

He'll have nightmares about that. "Fuck, fuck, get ready--" and then it's lobbing at August, and he shouts, "Hey! Not the healer!" Lightning starts to spark again, although it's fitful and...well, everything smells, okay.

"August!" Abitha shouts, the name could have been a warning or a cry of despair, given the timing. Her hand leaves her sweater, putting both wrists together as she centers her mind. The crackle of lightning runs down her arms as another crackling bolt discharges toward the creature, a wordless growl of anger flying from her lips.

What August was doing in the Army was jumping out of planes, dodging mortars, and this: handling injured people. Not as a medic, that's Devlin's thing; he was protecting hospitals. So this isn't too far off the mark.

And too bad for the Megaslime, August is fast when he needs to be. Like right now, when he's trying to help a severely wounded Dahlia to her feet. "Fuck," he growls, slipping and stumbling clear of...well, he's not going to think about whatever that was. "Get this thing off me," he says to the rest of them, though it's Joey he looks at. Come on, Coach: swing for the stands.

"Blaarblrlhllafffffrrrbbbbt!" The big, swirly, sloshy slime yells back at Alexander as it squirts chunks-and-sewage all over the healer, just all at August. It chases after the stumbling healy-buffy guy (Red Mage; let's just call it what it is, August is a Red Mage), lobbing little turds at him as it goes.

Behind it, there's the ladder that will lead up to the surface streets, to answer the earlier question about there being a way out. And these guys could definitely make a run for it! But something will prevent them from leaving the area till they defeat the boss or Game Over, just in case that isn't obvious.

Abitha attacks Megaslime with Electrokinesis and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Body.

Joey attacks Megaslime with Club and HITS! Incapacitated wound to Body.

August uses Spirit to alter Joey's Attack by 2.

Megaslime uses Foul Blob. EXPLOSION!

Megaslime attacks August with Foul Blob but MISSES!

Megaslime attacks August with Shrapnel and HITS! Graze wound to Chest.

Alexander attacks Megaslime with Electrokinesis and HITS! Impaired wound to Body.

Dahlia attacks Megaslime with Pyrokinesis. RESIST!

Megaslime has been *KO'd* ! (Damaged This Turn By: Abitha, Joey, Alexander)

There is a lot said for proper form. A lead pipe in Joey's hands in a dark place under the city is jsut a bad time for everyone. Usually. Today it is making a hole so people can get back to the ladder aforementioned, right over there. Will Joey relish beating the shit out of this turd? Absolutely. The splatters start coming apart into the faraday cage of lightening Abitha's setting up and it's ...cathartic really. Gina's missing this. Of all the people he'd love to drag around for 'adventure' she's missing on something super legit to grouse about. Irony, Gray Harbor by thy name,

Alexander's lightning hisses and sparkles around the edges of the Megaslime, but when Joey hauls off and just tears into it with a led pipe, Alexander lets out a whoop of encouragement. "Tear it up, Kelly!" And Abitha's torrent of electricity takes him aback and he stumbles back a couple of steps, throwing up an arm to shield his arms. "Wow!"

The last crackles of burning energy dying away, Abitha's hands lower again, a brief, appreciative look aimed Joey's way, and a proud grin sent Alexander's before she's back at the previous problem. Breath hard through nose? Nope, that's even worse, the gamer discovers, her face a mask of discomfort and absolute suffering at the smell. She is glancing around now, though, hands still hanging loose, ready to bring energy back to bear at anything besides the other Harborites moved down here. As an afterthought, one palm unfurls upwards, her mind focusing to pop a glowing mote into existence as she'd try to slosh over closer to August and check on him. "You ok?" Her look goes from him to Dahlia, her free hand palm out, like she were willing to help, not really thinking about it.

August's bit of healing bring Dahlia 'round some. "Damn right...n...ot here..." She mumbles and, with a little assistance, will stumble back up to her feet. A thousand showers with 30 different antiseptics won't make this better later but...it will be a start. For now? Dahlia tries to hurl fire! It misses. So? She tries again! Or starts to...but then she realizes that it's over and she looks to Abitha when she asks if the dancer is okay. "Not even a little bit." Dahlia deadpans.

It's a bad day for Megaslimes everywhere. It shoots shit, the shit explodes, but the shit don't hit. The slime goes: "WUH?!" and then before it sees what's coming, it gets hit in the side with a PIPE. It wobbles towards Joey and gets shocked in the back! It wobbles towards Abitha and gets shocked in the front! And that's the last shot.

The lightning seems to shoot right through the blob's core. It ROOAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRSSSSS and trembles, the brown bits hold on to the green bits and the green bits hold onto the corn bits and then it dissolves into a big goopy, poopy mess. It's meeeelttinnng...meeeellittinnngg!!! Dead. Blergh.

RIP Megaslime 2020!

August ducks everyone not himself and Dahlia pours power into the slime, shielding Dahlia as best he can. Then it...explodes. Ugh, he's never eating tacos again. He smiles at Dahlia as she comes round, nods at Abitha. "Yeah. A little banged up but nothing a soak in a gallo n of bleach can't handle." He swallows, feeling everyone else's injuries, sways a little. It's a hell of a trip down memory lane to healing Finch.

Dahlia stares at the mass that was Megaslime. It looks like she might pass out again. She definitely does wander a little off to the side and vomit up whatever tacos she'd eaten but then stumbles back to the group. "Somebody kill me now please." Though she manages to focus on August long enough to add, "Thanks for the save."

Alexander peers at Dahlia, nods with satisfaction as she starts moving. His face is streaked with...let's not think about it. "Death or this shit? It's a close call," he admits with a rusty laugh. "Definitely no tac--wait, did we all have fucking tacos?" He's moving towards the ladder. No freaking out and fleeing into the Dream sewers this time, it seems.

Joey plods through there and gives a slow appreciating nod back to Mac. "Damn fine form, woman. Let's get our asses up that damn ladder." Eyes go to August, then Dahlia. "Dahl, you hanging in there? No, I'm not killing you or i'd have to kill my own ass." Joey backs toward the ladder. He has no intention of staying down here than he has to, but right now is about making sure Red Mage August can get out, and the others with him. That lead pipe is gripped in hand **waiting* for a motherfucker to roll up on him because he is in a Mood(tm) right now. "Ask when we're out."

"Bet." is Abitha's confirmation to both responses to her question and Joey's admiration. Alexander's gets a look, realization and horror playing across her face. Then thoughtfulness. She was still high afterall, "I mean... Not good ones." Her green eyes now have time to eye her surroundings, spotting the ladder her light revealed... Well... Made more obvious, "Now can we get the fuck out of here?" she asks, jerking her thumb toward the exit, already taking one step back and starting to turn toward it. She was muttering to herself, "So... many... fucking... baths..."

At the bottom of the ladder, right at the base of the way back to reality (or wherever these people live), a golden chest appears out of nowhere, shining as if lit by its very own special spotlight instead of Abitha's handy-dandy glow. It ticks open on its own, and more awesome light spills out of it. Inside, there are five vials - the vials turn out to be pure quartz-crystal, if anyone ever wants to check. Each vial contains exactly thirty milliliters of a deep, pinkish liquid, contained by a 100% natural cork. There are no labels or markers, but there is some triumphant music playing from inside the chest. The liquid is a little thicker than water, and it has a not-unpleasant aroma, vaguely minty. It is a shade of pink that's at once very familiar and also a little bit off-putting - doesn't seem like it would exist in nature but definitely familiar, for some reason.

Now, your storytellers are well aware that you people have some PTSD when it comes to random things being given to you all after a Dream, but we would like you to rest assured that this is perfectly safe. If anyone is brave enough to try it later, it turns out to be Pepto Bismol.

The heavy cover on top of the manhole at the top of the ladder also opens right then. They won't get arrested when they emerge, conveniently RIGHT in front of Alexander's house, but - even on Elm Street - the neighbors are gonna side-eye these shitty people.


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