2021-02-08 - Dungeons and Dreamers II

Several Gray Harbor Residents stumble through an underwater hellscape, led by mysterious song. This isn't the first time something has drawn residents, and it won't be the last.

Content Warning: Depression, Possible Violence, PTSD

IC Date: 2021-02-08

OOC Date: 2020-06-01

Location: The Veil/The Dreamscape

Related Scenes:   2021-05-08 - Dungeons and Dreamers #3

Plot: None

Scene Number: 5721


Stone squared off arches with wide pillar bases make up a hallway like enclosed space. Peaks of the structures are carved out in swooping points and spiraled designs. The temperature is chilled, a pool in late autumn. There is a smell in the air of moisture-laden sulfur, mineral and earthy in nature. Blue ambient light surrounds the stone, providing a phosphorescence between the eroding formations. A pressure pushes at your eardrums, dampening sound about you, an irritating transition of elevation. A metallic taste originally threatens to overtake the back of your pallet before diminishing as seconds pass.

There is a slowness to this place, a paused moment in time. Somehow you find your breath easily in this space. Further inspection shows an iridescence betwixt archways, fragile. This is indeed what is trapping air, creating a tolerable environment. A tablet sits atop age worn broken sarsen.

’The sweet surrender of silence forces me to live alone’
’I wait on you inside the bottom of the deep blue sea’

The tiling beneath you is extended past the enclosure by a single stepping stone onto sand.
You could have sworn you were falling into sleep just moments before.

For pokker da... Nothing stops Ravn Abildgaard from swearing mildly in his native as he opens his baby blues (steel greys, whatevs) and realises that he's not where he's supposed to be -- or if he is, then his humble trailer in Kickle... Huckle... Baffle.. Badgerbury has received one hell of a make-over while he slept. Maybe it's the opiates; he's been eating them like cereal for a week after signing himself out of hospital so prematurely that the doctor responsible wrote an angry letter to his lawyer.

He upgrades the swearing considerably when he realises that he feels a little -- drafty. Where's the Dane's usual black turtleneck, jeans, blazer? Replaced with a cream coloured livery jacket, Regency style, with silver embroidery. Black leather pants so tight that they seem to have been spray painted on. Tall black leather boots that go above the knee and show off his calves at their best. There's several things missing in this ensemble as far as Ravn is concerned. Gloves -- they're missing. This is bad. So is the fact that there is no shirt under that jacket, and the reason he feels drafty is that he's showing a hell of a lot more chest than the's comfortable with. All of it, actually.

He startles as his naked fingers touch his belt. Is that a sword?

It is. And on closer inspection, the strange sensation of weight at his calves turn out to be a concealed knife sheath in one boot and a concealed set of lockpicks in the other.

They're good lockpicks at least. He's experienced enough to tell.

"What the actual fuck..?" The Dane runs out of native swear words and gets started on the English instead, possibly for the benefit of anyone else nearby. This has to be one of Gray Harbor's severely fucked up dream experiences after all. Anyone else drafted into it are likely English speakers.

Please tell me I'm not alone. Please tell me somebody has a spare pair of gloves.

Rolling from his stomach to his side, a lightly armored figure near Ravn slowly pushes to his... her... their(?) knees, spending several seconds kneeling as they try to gather their bearings. Dark brown hair mostly obscures the face, though the bared shoulders are heavily freckled and slightly sunburnt. The figure pushes to their feet, looking around in obvious confusion.

"W-what?" Straightened hair is pushed back in confusion, and once the face is revealed, the figure is recognizably Turner, though... definitely in better shape than the little librarian seems to be.

Dressed in a decidedly regal blue and gold sun-and-snake motiff armor, he turns to look at Ravn as though hoping the man might have some idea of what's going on. "I... am not having midnight pizza anymore." he says softly, looking down at himself in blatant disbelief. "What the hell am I wearing. This has got to be some sort of cultural appropriation, and I am not okay with it." Bending down, he picks up a golden whip that definitely goes with the armor. "What..." (https://ibb.co/QnksrXb)

Xavier awakens to a room that looks nothing like his Aunt's guest room in the least bit, and he is wearing a lot more clothing than he went to bed in. It takes him a second to get to his feet because he's found himself clad in a long robe? "What the devil is this?" He murmurers to himself as he finally stands. He's wearing a high collared long sleeve white shirt with gold accents, over his shoulders is a deep blue robe trimmed with black. It cinches at his right hip where a heavy belt holding a large tome rests, and his fingers are capped with small rings to give the illusion of claws. His hair is long and wavy and still dark brown but a pair of pointed ears peek out from underneath. On his legs is a long skirt, or another robe, he isn't sure, but what he can tell is that he is lacking pants. He feels boots, perhaps some socks, but no pants. He's carrying a large smooth staff with a blue crystal embedded on top of it.

Not even his nightmares start out this weird.

He looks at the other two in the room? He vaguely remember Ravn from their first meeting in the Library, but it takes him a second to recognize Turner. His eyes get wide as his confusion only grows. "Okay so this is just some weird dream because we were talking about Tolkien when we had coffee right? There is no other reason why I'm dreaming of people dressed up to fetch a cursed ring." He's looking like he really wants this to be the answer, and it may be obvious to the experienced that this is his first time in the Dreamscape.

"Does anyone happen to have an extra pair of pants?" It's only a dream so he can say weird things, it's not like he's actually talking to people. Right? Right.

"Semi Senpai," Kyle mutters in his sleep, then opens his eyes in confusion. This was NOT the dream he was expecting. He started to stretch then his eyes look down to his scantly covered chest with very slightly flushed cheeks. His chest was almost entirely exposed other than two leather straps and some ridiculous shoulder pads. HE was still as scrawny as ever. His hand moved over a little bit and he felt it touch something hard and cold. His eyes went over to the sword that was so large that he should never be able to pick it up. As he sat up he looked down and his flush deepened instead of pants he was wearing skintight black booty shorts with some sort of fur loincloth things around his hips covering the back. HE was NOT apparently wearing much, in fact his boots which covered him up to the knee, were his primary garment. He stood up in a hurry picking up the sword without realizing it and not realizing as he did so that a cape billowed behind him, a cape that was basically a gay pride flag. Long green hair got in Kyle's eyes and he brushed it away and then stared at it... Why did he have his boss's.... " This is a/DREAM/ Isn't it?" He says with a sigh not knowing if anyone else would get the emphasis. He looks over at the others. Ravn, turner, and that hot guy from the library well at least he knew someone there.
( This but with green hair and a rainbow cape instead of red https://i.redd.it/x5tbipge56121.jpg )

<FS3> Leon rolls Composure: Good Success (7 6 6 5 5 5 2) (Rolled by: Leon)

Ravn stares blankly. At Turner, dressed like an escapee from World of Warcraft. At Xavier, in -- a dress? A robe, it's called a robe when it's a bloke wearing it. At Kyle, clearly run away from a Nickelodeon children's cartoon. He takes one more look down at himself. Suddenly, missing a shirt doesn't seem so bad. Compared to Kyle at least, he's positively overdressed. Conservative, even. Du godeste.

"I think the proper term is 'nightmare'," the Dane murmurs. "The Dark Men are clearly trying to murder us with fashion. Christ on a bicycle, we look like idiots."

He looks around. "Just the four of us? We should check the perimeter -- there may be other familiar faces curled up somewhere. And probably also looking like they just clawed their way out of Fox News' idea of what Copenhagen Pride looks like."

It had been a late night for Leon. He had stripped out of his work clothes and headed to bed to find his wife already fast asleep. This had meant she had already closed the bar for the night. So, early morning then. As he settle in to bed, carefully draping an arm over Maggi, he could see through the standing mirror nearby, the dull shape on his bare shoulder. It was dim light, sure, but it was far too blurry. His 75th Ranger Regiment badge, some of the oldest ink he had. He should get it touched up. At least that was the image in his mind as he fell asleep.

But when he opened his eyes again, it wasn't to a soft bed. He was kneeling somewhere near the others, a pose that might have made him mistaken for a statue. He was clad in full plate, surcoated, burnished with use. His head was dipped forward, both his hands wrapped around the hilt of a sword, it's point driven at least an inch into the ground. A shield hung from one arm, the crest of a screaming bearded vulture emblazoned on it. A helmet hung at his hip.

He raised his head and looks around, blinking, hearing the others, but trying to make sense, pushing back the feeling of panic into the dark corners. A weapon for later. He uses the sword as a crutch and lifts himself to his feet with the faint rattle of well-insulated metal. He takes stock of his own armaments slowly, brows furrowed, testing his mobility in the heavy armor, then glances to the others.

"No." he answers Ravn's question, with the confidence of a veteran, then starting to take stock of their surroundings.

"I... No... I... What." Seeing Xavier in wizarding gear and Kyle looking like he just escaped from a BDSM club's Fantasy theme night is apparently too much for Turner to process for several seconds. Finally, frustrated and flustered he looks to Leon and just throws his hands up in the air, the golden whip dangling to touch the ground beside him. "Whose idea was it to give me a whip?" he half whispers, before peering around. He begins to sidle toward Kyle, at least he knows Kyle better than the others. He pushes his hair back from his face, blinking in surprise. "Who pierced my ears?"

"Can someone please, please tell me what's happening? I... went to bed, and... okay. I went to bed, and fell asleep. And I'm going to wake up safe and sound and be in my bed with Juniper snoring on my face or something. Right?"

Kyle groaned a little to himself, apparently at least one person here if not more had never been in one of these before. He opens his mouth to explain them stops. He was the Barbarian, he thinks. So his just is to hit things. He'll try to let the responsibility of explaining what's going on to pass to someone else. Maybe raven. Or the shiny knight person. At least So far they had a decent party. a cleric, a magic type, a knightly type and Ravn... Ravn wasn't a Class as far as he knew... and he knew about 50 table top systems...

Xavier thinks to himself for a moment, wondering why his brain is making this sort of dream and shakes his head. "I don't know who gave you the whip, but they have to be weird if they think I'm Gandalf the not so Grey. I don't have grey hair." He clears his throat letting that moment of vanity pass before he spots the knight, and the shy kid from the library in bondage gear. "I'm just as lost as you." Xavier says. "Honestly, who wears a book?" Though part of him thinks that this is a great idea, who doesn't want to wear a book! "Maybe we should look around. If we let the dream play out we'll wake up and no one will ever remember this happened right?"

"No guarantees of safe and sound anything," Ravn murmurs and tries to close his jacket; it doesn't work. For a tall and slender guy, at least he's got decent abs. "Dreams don't work like that. You get hurt in one, you wake up injured. Be careful with those swords, eh?"

He looks around himself once again; there's something in his posture that hints of an awareness that there might be others -- and that others aren't necessarily friendlies. "You'll probably remember," he adds, almost as an afterthought. "But yeah -- we have to play through it, that's how it works. There's a story that wants to be told. We just got recruited to main cast -- just hope and pray it's one of those fun stories, and not one of those everybody wakes up enroute to the ICU stories."

His chest is still miscoloured on the right side where, just a week previous, a bullet went right through. Amazing healing speed, though.

"I'm suddenly missing the nightmares of drowning." Turner mutters to himself. His kohled eyes linger on Ravn's abs for several seconds, though, before he begins casting about once more, trying to see where they might be inclined to go next. As he moves, he speaks, sounding a little more confident than he does in the real world. "So, we're in some sort of fantasy setting. We should probably keep an eye out for traps in the stone, we wouldn't... want the floor to collapse into a spike pit or something." He slips the whip onto a small hook on his hip, shaking his head.

"Any way to... see our character sheets, figure out what we are, or we can do... anything like that?" he turns to Ravn once more, since he seems the most familiar with things, and not just because the man's borderline shirtless and Turner's a thirsty little nerd.

<FS3> Leon rolls Mental: Good Success (8 7 7 6 5 5 2 2 2 2 2) (Rolled by: Maggi)

Kyle is taking a few basic swings with his sword and shrugs this should be pretty easy. Barbarian isn't what he thinks he would have chosen. Or IF he had he'd had made sure he got abs atleast. But it was a pretty simple straight forward class. He was supposed to hit things. "Turner when we wake up. I think we're over due for a talk... You've lived here as long as I have.... You really should know some ... Things." His eyes were avoiding looking at the shirtless Ravn he seemed deep in thought about... something

Pulling his sword from the ground, Leon tests the weight of it, the balance, making a flat-lipped face that says it wasn’t his favorite, but at least it was a workable weapon. As he takes a quick look around the wavering and possibly rallying, her offers more.

“This is as real to yourselves as anything. You may be hurt. You will remember this.” That was the reality: rather dour, but still delivered in that same confidence, “I’ve been in a few of these. They’re made to test or torture. Focus on the first. They’ll try to make you use your powers, because they want to feed on it, make you hurt, bite off pieces of you. But we’re strong enough to live through it, and sometimes they give us things they don’t know we can use. Gary Harborites survive.” He looks at each person in turn, as he says this, letting them know he counted them in this title, “The only way is through. So through we go. Look sharp, watch out for your friends. No one is left behind.”

Aura of Courage activated (not really, but he’s a pretty affable guy), Leon’s eyes go to the middle distance for a moment as his mind unlocks, reaching its senses outward and seeking. His eyes immediately look left, toward the barrier, his brows lowered in stoic assessment, determination, “Minds. A lot of them.”

Somewhat abstract smudges in the distance shape into a gate of similar height with a doorway in the center. Several statues of human sizing dot the way between you and the gate.

The statues are impossibly realistic and untouched by deterioration. The creases on jeans and a hoodie on one male figure look accurate to the materials being pushed through the water, as though it had been moving toward the entrances form. Another is a librarian looking woman with a book clasped between her hands. A hipster dude to her right casually drifts in his harem pants toward enlightenment. All figures have a form of momentum to them, a most curious thing for crafted, still installations. Trapped in a single step, casual and resisted.

Ravn glances at Turner. "Now is not the best time to find out what you can do -- but anything you can do when you're awake, probably. Maybe more. Depends on the whims of whoever came up with this crazy setup. I bloody well hope they have decided that I know how to use a sword because if they haven't, I'm ditching this thing first chance I get. It's heavy as hell and I'll probably end up stabbing myself."

The folklorist gives up on trying to turn his jacket decent and takes another look at the assembly instead. "We're... roles, aren't we. Wizard. Knight. Other guys. I have lockpicks, what am I -- the thief? How bloody appropriate. I guess that means I have to check for traps and spot hidden? Oh lord, we're screwed."

Xavier needed a moment to process what everyone was saying. This is really happening, and what happens here could happen in reality. He stares between Leon and Ravn as his little mind wraps around that concept. "Got it. Don't use powers, don't die, or get maimed, it's fine. I got it." He doesn't got it.

When Ravn starts listen off classes he frowns. "Well they chose poorly for me, I'm terrible with spells." Though Leon's announcement makes him pause and he looks where he is looking. "Why wouldn't happen to be friendly minds would they?" He knows better, that's not at all how it happens in fantasy novels. For now he sticks close to Turner since it's the only person he knows well.

"I meant... here. I already know what I can do in the real world... sort of. In a vague way..." Another glance over to Kyle, and Turner nods emphatically to Kyle, before looking away. "Okay... Wizard," he points to Xavier, "Fighter... maybe Paladin..." to Leon. "Barbarian," for Kyle, "You're either a drunken noble or a Rogue..." to Ravn, "And I'm..." he looks down at himself, "Problematic. But... based on the motif... cleric of a sun diety... who's kinky. And likes snakes." He moves closer to Xavier, as well, pausing, before speaking softer.

"You left your Kindle at Espresso Yourself... I grabbed it for you... I haven't... looked in it." though the way he colors suggests he MAY have snuck a peek at the book Xavier was reading before turning it back off. "Should... we head that way?" he indicates the way forward, worriedly, but makes no move to head that direction.

Ruiz is a little late to the party, and not particularly fashionably so, either. Unless one considers the garb of a woodsman or ranger, to be fashionable. Which, hey, perhaps some people do. He's decked out in leather, leather and more leather; a cuirass and snug-fitting breeches, boots laced to his calves, and a dark undershirt laced with a leather thong that reveals a flash of ink at his collarbones. Doeskin gloves as well; three-fingered on the right hand, curiously enough. Or perhaps not so curiously, considering he's toting an ornate recurve bow and a quiver bristling with arrows. A short sword rests in a scabbard at his side as well, though it appears to be a weapon of last resort, given the range on those missiles.

"What the fuck kind of Tolkien shit is this?" are the first words out of his mouth as he gets an eyeful of the others. And himself.

"I'm sober, and I carry lock picks. I'm clearly some ignorant D&D player's idea of what a thief is like. Which is ironic, considering that I actually used to be one, and I assure you, I never dressed like this in the waking world." Ravn makes a face and glances down at himself again; he's actually kind of appropriately dressed -- for a mid-80s hair metal band lead singer prancing around in thigh high boots, tight leather pants and an open livery jacket without a shirt under. Get some mascara and a wig on him, and he's practically Jon Bon Jovi.

For some inexplicable reason the expression on his face when he spots the police captain borders on existential terror. He manages to swallow and compose himself -- after a few more unsuccessful attempts to close that bloody jacket. "Evening, de la Vega. Looks like we're -- yeah, Tolkien shit just about covers it."

He's actually blushing as he heads towards the nearest of the statues, proceeding to inspect it very, very carefully -- looking for hidden compartments, poison darts, secret messages, inscriptions, Indiana Jones. Anything that might offer a hint as to what the hell is going on here, and keeps him from having to meet Ruiz' eyes. The occasional muttered swear in Danish probably has more to do with the fact that the man isn't wearing his usual gloves, though.

<FS3> Ravn rolls Alertness: Good Success (8 7 6 4 4 4 2 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

There was a non-committal shrug given to Turner’s assessment of his class, then a brow raised at the second guess. To Xavier he clarifies, “Try not to, but ultimately, your life is on the line. You do what you have to to survive, and none of us are going to look badly on you using it to save someone else. I know I would in that case.” The commentary about kinky just has Leon’s eyes rolling away. He didn’t have time to let that fill his brain space.

Leon wheels on the new voice, shield arm lifting to bear. He spots Ruiz, recognition drawing on his face, the sudden start melting back away, “Fuck, de la Vega, nearly pissed myself.” Though there was a lift to the man’s shoulders, like the locksmith was at least relieved to find another friendly, trained combatant. Maybe he wouldn’t have to drag the rest of these boys through this after all. “Just glad this isn’t the desert. Kit was bad enough.” He makes a wave at the full plate.

Xavier raises his brows at Turner and when he mentions his kindle his face reddens. "Oh uhm, thank you for grabbing it, I completely missed that I didn't grab it. All the books are boring on there you don't have to read them. They're dull, so very dull. All of the dull. I can fetch it later." He clears his throat, and when Ruiz arrives he tilts his head at him. There is so much to take in right now and his little brain is going into overdrive.

When the others talk about their weapons he looks down at his book and then to his staff and quirks a brow. "I suppose I could bash people over the head with it? I'm terrible at baseball though. Do we have better skills in here?" He hopes so. Looking to Leon he nods, this guy is talking like he knows what he's doing so he's going to follow him.

"Completely dull, I'm sure. Not that I looked. Because... I didn't look." Turner is scarlet, and it's not just because he's got a slightly sunburnt look to him. "It would be rude to look." Ruiz gets a long, long look of what is clearly appreciation for snug breeches, before he remembers to look away. "Technically it isn't Tolkien, it's just inspired by him, though I have to admit the gender imbalance might lead one to think it's Tolkien..." flustered. Turner rambles when he's flustered. He shuts his mouth firmly, pausing to gather his thoughts for a moment, before speaking once more. "You're probably a ranger. Long ranged weapons, wilderness skills like tracking..."

A barrier of some kind -- a force field? magic? sheer bloodyminded stubbornness? -- separates the air bubble from the water outside. The statues are out there and Ravn is in here. Much as he wants to occupy himself doing something constructive, he can't tell much from this distance. "I guess somebody needs to find out if we can survive out there," he murmurs. "And since I'm the bloke here who's best dressed for the occasion and I did a stint as a merman once, I guess that that somebody is me."

He pulls off the jacket and drops it on the floor. It'll only get in the way. The bullet exit wound on his back is neatly closed up, but the flesh around it still gleams with all the colours of the rainbow.

Attempting to move through the barrier, the Dane holds his breath, ready to retrace his steps if the water outside turns out to be too cold or too hot, the current too strong, or something else prevents him from getting where he wants to go. He braces. Controls his breathing. And very carefully opens his mouth to let the water in, trying to remember what it felt like when he was half man, half tuna and could breathe underwater. Preferably before inhaling more salt water than he can safely spit back out.

Whatever the outcome might be, the Dane attempts to return to the side of the barrier that the others are on right away. If he can breathe out there, the others need to know. If he can't -- well, then staying out there seems tactically unsound.

Tracking? Wilderness skills? De la Vega grimaces slightly, and he's probably inwardly wishing he was back at his fucking desk doing his fucking paperwork right now. Because signing a stack of bail bonds is infinitely better than this. Whatever this is. Scruffing his fingers through his beard agitatedly, he fixes Turner with a steady look in return, and ambles in closer to the group while muttering something about Robin fucking hood. Because he's shrouded in a cloak, too, whose cowl sits over his head and casts stark shadows across his weathered features.

"What are you supposed to be?" he enquires of Leon, as he looks the man over. Xavier he doesn't recognise, and Ravn? Well, he might just be a tad amused once the shirtless Dane starts blushing like that. Brows furrowed, he keeps half an eye on whatever stunt he's trying to pull with the water breathing. Tense, like he's preparing to lunge for him and haul him back out.

<FS3> Ravn rolls Stealth: Success (6 5 5 5 5 4 3 3 2 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

The Iridescent barrier seems to strain as Ravn pushes at it. The feeling akin to pushing through rubber. It seems as though someone with less finesse may have punctured what was allowing everyone else not to inhale water. The Dane would find the water to be exactly as one expected at the bottom of the ocean as he passes through. The water is frigid and weighty. Movements are delayed. As he draws closer...

The dark army marches forward into what you can now see as a gate of life, of salvation. Trees or perhaps coral chiseled configuration in thick strands are sculpted into the gate.Their feet seem stuck in a form of cratered surface beneath them, bubbled up from the earth’s core beneath. Crumbled steps up the entrance look to be crafted of sandstone or perhaps fragile as silt. As he steps one leg before the other, something is amiss. It becomes harder to move, harder to breath. There is restriction with the rapidly escaping air.

From somewhere within your brain, a morbid singsong voice whispers to each of you, giving insight into what has befallen the others around you:

“The berth surrounding my body crushing every bit of bone
The salt, it seeps in through the pores of my open skin”

"The tin man? Fuck if I know, Dorothy." Leon fires back at Ruiz, the ghost of a smile softening the bite of the clapback. Leon had given the police chief a once-over, but honestly it didn't look anywhere near as weird as the stuff the boys were in. "I just wanna get back to bed with my wife." He mutters under his breath. He briefly looks about himself, shield arm lifting to pull down on his gorget, trying to assess his own scabbard situation and eventually slipping the sword away. He moves to inspect the columns around them now, though catching sight of Ravn. His face falls as he sees the rogue wander out of the protection.

"Wait, fuck!"

"Paladin. Um... very charismatic, and you can smite evil once a day... and you're basically a walking tank of lawful good." Turner sums things up for the man as best he can.

"Should... should he be doing that? It looks dangerous out there..." Turner brings a hand up to the back of his neck, rubbing at it absently, before he makes his way over to the barrier, gently touching it, but not trying to push through it. "Some sort of... wall of force. Did you cast a spell before we got here?" he turns to Xavier, tilting his head to one side slightly.

<FS3> Ravn rolls Composure: Good Success (8 7 7 5 3 3 1 1) (Rolled by: Ravn)

Salt water tastes -- salt. It definitely does not taste like air. Ravn remembers what being able to breathe water felt like. This isn't it.

Turns out I can in fact not breathe underwater. What a surprise. We needed to know, though. Fancy that, we're just a little bit, you know, trapped. Underwater. At the bottom of sea. Where we can't breathe.

The folklorist puts himself in a mental stranglehold. There are good times and bad times when it comes to having anxiety attacks. This moment definitely qualifies as one of the latter. He stares at his naked hands a moment, glaring them into submission. Then he backtraces the few steps he took and, like a careful hot knife through butter, eases himself back in through the mystical barrier.

He drips as he reaches down for the cream-coloured jacket and pulls it on, trying to ignore the clammy squelching of tight leather pants and boots full of sea water. "The bad news is, the water is real. And from the pressure, we're far down -- trying to swim out is probably not on the table. There is a gate of some kind out there that the statues look like they're headed for. No idea where it leads -- didn't have time to get a good look. The really bad news is that the barrier felt thinner when I came back in than it did when I went out. It's like a soap bubble -- wouldn't be hard to pop at all. Probably best if we don't screw with it again until we've exhausted other options. There's got to be something in here that tells us how to proceed before we run out of air."

A slender hand goes through wet, bedraggled hair, pulling it out of Ravn's eyes. "Somebody who's a native speaker tell me how a berth can surround a body? To me, a berth is where I, uh, park my boat. It's a space, not a thing."

<FS3> Leon rolls Wits: Success (6 3 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

There is something to be said in the phrase 'Fortune favors the Bold', or at the very least gives them a way onward. With Ravn's return to them and what he has discovered, Leon comes to a grim realization. The first step of the stone path, the statues, and the area he had sensed other sentient beings are all in the same direction. The direction without air.

<FS3> Xavier rolls Research: Good Success (7 6 6 4 4 3 3 2 2 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Xavier rolls Physical+3: Success (7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

Xavier spends a luck point. Reason: Re-roll for a better result

<FS3> Xavier rolls Physical+3: Success (7 6 5 5 3 2 2 2 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

Xavier shakes his head. "No I didn't cast anything.. but maybe I can cast something?" He pulls the book from it's weird side holster and opens it up, flipping through it quickly. "Well the good news is, whatever this is written in, I understand it." He flips though the pages skimming each one while Ravn is out poking past the barrier. By the time he's back he looks up at the group.

"Okay so there is a water-breathing spell in here, but it only works on three people and there are.." He trails off as he counts. "Six of us here. So half of us could go past the barrier and the rest will have to figure out another plan.

Leon spends a luck point. Reason: I can read this?

Leon spends a luck point. Reason: I can totally read this.

Leon squints through the barrier as best he can, but listens to the assessment from Ravn of the entrance. “If it’s going to be an attempt to swim across, I’m not going to be the fast mover. We could use some recon.” He looks to Xavier and glances down at the book, craning his head as he sees it open, eyes following the pages as if he can read the words, then it all starts to click in his head. “I think... I think I can read this. If it only covers three apiece, maybe I can try it as well?”

<FS3> Leon rolls Mental+2: Great Success (7 7 7 7 6 5 4 4 3 3 1 1 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

"You don't know if there's anything out there to swim to," Ravn points out, still dripping, and shivering a little because who'dathunk, oceans are cold. "There's a lot of pressure -- we're down deep. Floating up -- not an option, we won't have air enough. If you blokes can make us able to breathe under water, somehow, though --"

He trails off. Breathe under water. Come on. But then, he was once a fish.

"I realize the hypocrisy of me saying it but, uh, let's not poke the barrier again until we agree we're going out. It's really fragile." He glances at it. Soap bubble.

Don't think about how far down we are. Don't think about it. Don't think about it. Don't think about it.

Itzhak must have just dozed off, in the overworld. Surely everybody would have noticed him before now, if he'd been here, because he's dressed rather extravagantly. Tight, soft leather breeches that ride real, real low on his narrow hips; thigh length heeled boots that make him way too tall; a form-fitting sleeveless doublet; a cream silk shirt open at the throat, its sleeves billowing. And a hat. A really bloody magnificent hat with a vast broad brim, ostrich and peacock feathers nodding from the band. No lace at his wrists, despite all the rest of the foppery. He needs his hands unimpeded to play his intricately-carved fiddle. A real-world instrument could not be so carved and still be playable. This one is, though, an impossible masterwork.

He's looking around at the other men, blinking, trying to get his bearings. "...Why are we letting Abildgaard try to drown himself?" When his gaze finds Ruiz, he actually staggers a little, theatrically, one hand going to his own chest as if to hold his leaping heart in. "God damn, well at least I get to look at you in that."

The dark-eyed ranger is standing right there when Itzhak pops in, ostrich feathers and foppery and all. A gloved hand drops to his hip out of reflex, but finds the hilt of a sword instead of the grip of a firearm. "Mm," he muses, gaze narrowed slightly as he looks the man and his instrument over. Then his hand drops away from his weapon, and he switches his attention back to Ravn when the folklorist reappears. "Going out? Why the fuck would we go out?" He strides forward a few paces for a closer look at the barrier, brows furrowed, cloak clouding his bulky frame.

"Maybe I can... do something. I mean, in D&D Clerics can't do water breathing spells usually but... this is not D&D. I think. It might be, but I'm not sure which edition..." Turner trails off, looking at the wet, shirtless Ravn. "... this is not the time for getting in touch with my latent sexuality, dammit." he mutters, very softly, though he's blushing scarlet. It goes from the face down his neck to both bare shoulders. Who knew Turner was a full body blusher?

Kneeling, one hand around the sun medallion at his throat, Turner closes his eyes and sort of thinks at whatever he might be getting his Dream powers from, rather than trying to use his psionic abilities. Maybe he can sort out what he can do through thoughtful prayer and meditation. He's never been much for the power of prayer, despite Grams' urging... maybe this is her revenge for all those years he blew off church.

Xavier presents the book to Leon so he can give it a proper glance at it and when he says he thinks he can cast from it, he smiles. "Great, so if I do three and you do three we'll be just.." That's when Itzhak joins them and he sighs. "Still not enough. Fuck they do not make this easy." Still he isn't thrilled of the idea of swimming in a freezing dark ocean but surely they can't sit in a bubble all night. Or they could but.. he's not sure what happens if you don't follow the dream.

He looks to Turner as he trails off and turns red, and follows his line of sight then quickly looks back at his spell book. It's safer if his eyes remain on neutral things. "Okay so what are the clues? Let's lay out what we know, something about berth, and we know there are minds out there some where."

Reading the passage from Xavier’s book one last time, Leon steps back and looks at the group. “We haven’t really found anything here, so the idea is sound we probably have to go out, or at least try to figure out why I feel minds out there.” He trades looks with Ravn, then his lids lower.

Focusing, Leon thinks about the things he read and the feeling it conveyed. This was much like the way he’d learned to really use his powers. It wasn’t so much about ritual or knowledge, it was a question of focus and mental actualizing. He convinces himself that seawater was just another form of breathable substance. Technically, water had all the elements once needed to breath in it, humans were just less efficient at taking that oxygen off the water molecules. He imagines the world where they could. His mind unlocks, it reaches, and it asserts its own reality. All can feel his powers reaching, much like they would in the real world, and all can feel his will settle comfortably over himself plus four of the other members of the party.

He opens his eyes and glances to Xavier, “The rest are on you.” He steps to the barrier, but waits for the others to be covered before he dares risk touching it.

<FS3> Leon rolls Composure: Good Success (8 8 8 6 5 3 1) (Rolled by: Leon)

"We know that there is a gate out there, and that these statues all seem to be headed toward it." Ravn glances at Leon. "And that there are minds out there, in that direction as well? It seems pretty obvious where we need to go. The question is how we're going to get there. I'm pretty damned certain that whoever or whatever I'm supposed to be -- besides Bret Michaels -- I don't do magic. Do we have enough? Or should we be sniffing around here for any hidden caches of scuba diving gear?"

The folklorist is not good at just standing still and waiting. But the idea of touching base with the more experienced people does seem to be occurring to him at last. Maybe it should have, before he decided to go try to drown himself. Better late than never?

Itzhak flashes a smirk at Ruiz, before eyeing the all-too-lifelike statues. "Uhhh... okay, we all know that that means there's a basilisk or something, right?" He winces as the plan to breach their fragile chamber of air continues apace, but he doesn't say anything against it. How often does a guy get to go free diving in underwater ruins, after all? However, he does look down at himself, as if to gauge how badly it's going to ruin his clothes....then mutters, "I look fucking amazing," in a tone part impressed and part dismayed.

One eye cracks open, and Turner sighs. "Really hard to pray when you don't KNOW who you're praying to." The kneeling pose is shifted to sitting, and Turner leans back slightly, staring up. "I almost don't want to leave. It's... sort of beautiful." he does push to his feet, nodding to Itzhak. "Probably not a basilisk. I don't think any of the figures have bite marks. Maybe a Medusa. Why they didn't call them Gorgons I'll never know... but..." he sighs, shifting from one foot to the other, and back.

Xavier watches Leon as he does... something. He isn't sure he understands what just happened, but he takes his word that four of their party are taken care of. "Oh yes of course. Good on you, I'll just.." Cast a spell? Like a wizard. He shakes his head and decides to stop over thinking it and just go with it. He focuses as the crystal at the edge of his staff glows and that light expands out to cover himself and the remaining party members. He mumbles something in French as the spells ends and looks down at himself.

"I think that worked. I suppose we're about to find out if we head out there and start drowning." He says dryly, gripping his staff a bit as he tries not to think of drowning in his own bed back home, or the impending doom that waits them outside of this safe bubble. For now he folds his book back onto it's holster and hopes it's not going to get ruined in the water.

<FS3> Turn To Stone (a NPC) rolls 2 (6 4 3 1) vs Leon's Athletics-2 (8 7 5 4 4 3 3)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Leon. (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Turn To Stone (a NPC) rolls 2 (8 8 7 3) vs Ravn's Athletics+1 (8 4 4 2)
<FS3> Victory for Turn To Stone. (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Turn To Stone (a NPC) rolls 2 (8 4 4 3) vs Xavier's Athletics (8 8 3 2 2)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Xavier. (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Turn To Stone (a NPC) rolls 2 (3 1 1 1) vs Ruiz's Athletics (8 8 5 3 3 3 2)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Ruiz. (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Turn To Stone (a NPC) rolls 2 (6 3 3 1) vs Itzhak's Athletics (7 7 6 5 5 2 1)
<FS3> Victory for Itzhak. (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Turn To Stone (a NPC) rolls 2 (8 8 7 4) vs Turner's Athletics+1 (7 6 5 3)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Turn To Stone. (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Turn To Stone (a NPC) rolls 2 (7 6 5 1) vs Kyle's Athletics+2 (8 4 3 1 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Turn To Stone. (Rolled by: Maggi)

Making your way through the barrier, a pop can be heard. Water begins to rapidly rush into the only air you knew of. Luckily for you, this is not a problem for the time being. All of you are able to maintain consciousness, thanks to some small gill like slits in your neck. You are all able to see what Ravn had earlier on. An army of statutes in step, heavily detailed. In fact They look a lot like the rest of you, struggling to take water logged steps on the ocean floor…

From about halfway you can see a coral chiseled configuration in thick strands are sculpted into the gate.Their feet seem stuck in a form of cratered surface beneath them, bubbled up from the earth’s core beneath. Crumbled steps up the entrance look to be crafted of sandstone or perhaps fragile as silt.

Now you are all able to hear the truth, the eerie voice in singsong fashion at the back of your minds:

“The berth surrounding my body crushing every bit of bone
The salt, it seeps in through the pores of my open skin”

Ravn, Turner, and Kyle fall behind the others, limbs growing heavier, lead like even. Exposed skin up to their calf muscles is graying.

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Musicianship: Success (8 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Turner rolls Research: Great Success (7 7 6 6 6 5 4 4) (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Turner rolls Physical+5: Good Success (8 6 6 6 3 3 2 2 2) (Rolled by: Maggi)

As Turner begins to feel himself slowing, greying, his mind reaches up and OUT and, however briefly, finds a connection to the divine. Slowed but still struggling through the water as best he can, Turner fumbles in his pouch. A piece of cork floats into his hand. Crumbled and cast above him, the cork seems to sparkle as it floats off. Turner, looking more like a magical girl mid transformation than a cleric, radiates golden energies in the shape of benevolent serpents that snake forth from him, surrounding Ravn, Leon, Xavier and Kyle in their radiant glow before dissipating.

Not what Itzhak expected when he dozed off 'just for a minute' on the loveseat at his garage. That's life in the big Harbor, baby. He gasps ocean and somehow doesn't die. That is pretty amazing, but he's also distracted because-- "I know this song," he mutters. His voice is weirdly resonant underwater. "I know this song. Welcome to my cage, little lover - Attempt to rearrange with you, baby..."

He swishes around in place, lanky body graceful, and sings to Ravn and Turner and Kyle. Power swells from him, given life by the music.

The light snakes around their legs and tickles their heels, urging them forward. The strain felt before in every step holding them back no longer. It is as though Turner, Leon, Ravn, Xavier and Kyle could easily reach the gate should those effected by the water be able to regain use of their feet. There is a possibility they can do so before the curse tries to take hold of them once more. A curse that has encased so many once living, their minds still locked within their immobile forms.

Itzhak's melody cracks the stone like coating from both Kyle and Turner. The vibrations reflected in the fluid surrounding him, somehow staving off whatever is within the still water. The eerie humming ceases for the time, at least giving you a moment to think.

Ruiz's mobility on his own rivals that of Turner's enhanced. The dark haired man is swiftly able to not only move himself, but double back for the Danish band reject. Both make it midway across the graveyard easily. Sadly, Ravn's legs remain without their own faculties.

He doesn't like the plan, but to be perfectly fair, he doesn't have a better one. So when the others go plunging into the water, de la Vega grabs a handful of Ravn's belt (he's careful not to touch any skin), takes a big ol' gulp of air and follows suit. Whoosh as his big frame slams into it with a low thrum, dragging the half-naked Dane along with him. His cloak fans out like ink in the water, shrouding them both as he swims with powerful strokes. Don't pay attention to the fucking gills, or the fact that your throat exchanges oxygen with the water like it's done this all your life. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he wonders if Itzhak is keeping up, but doesn't have time to check.

"Well, I seem to be doing fantastic," Ravn murmurs, more or less into the back of Ruiz' hood. He's obviously not comfortable with the situation -- but to be fair, no one sane would be. He's under the sea, hoping to hell and back that the magic that lets them breathe holds, and now he can't walk. Great news for a bloke who spends half his life worrying about whether he's inconveniencing anyone.

He tries to sneak a look at the gate up ahead. "I still don't know what the voice means, talking about a berth as if it is an object. A berth is a space -- unless my English is failing me. But the decorations on the gate make me think 'tree of life'. Whether that's good news, though? Trees need fertiliser."

Leon was a bit surprised at the pulling, leeching feeling, the sensation that could have slowed him. He looks like he might turn, grab for those that slowed, unwilling to leave men behind, then Turner's efforts give them the freeing burst, and he waves as fast as the deep water would allow, bubbles trailing as he beckons, 'MOVE!' He spots Ruiz grabbing the last laggard and continues to push on, Leon knowing any pause in the weight of the armor he was pushing with, and he might not be able to start again. He grits his teeth and shoves forwards, sure to turn his shield sideways so it didn't create drag in the deep, pressure-laden water.

Moving freely once more, Turner sends up a silent prayer of thanks and brushes his hand over his holy symbol. He can't decide if Grams would be pleased or upset, but he doesn't have time to worry right now. Looking to make sure the others are able to keep up, Turner hurries toward the stairs, the flowing fabric and long hair trailing behind him as he moves almost as if he weren't under water, once more. Slowing beside Leon, Turner unwinds his whip and leaves that trailing too, golden though far less magical than the divine energies.

Should he or Leon be slowed or stopped once more, here's hoping the other can keep soldiering on toward the doorway.

Itzhak slips through the water, tall form eeling through abyssal pressure. Most of his clothes are form-fitting, but the billowy sleeves of his shirt ripple with his swimming like the long fins of a betta. The hat, however, immediately got swept off. He didn't leave it, he's got it in hand. Would a man like him leave a hat like that behind?

The ocean should taste intolerably salt, but instead it's mildly, pleasantly saline. Like kissing someone. The water should be filling his lungs and agonizing him to death, but instead it gushes out his gills. Joy in these unlikely things, in the sight of Ruiz showing the water who's boss and dragging Ravn for the ride, in having worked his will on malevolent magic and rewoven it with the best power he has--music--makes him laugh, makes him yell for the sheer hell of it and twirl in the water like a sea lion.

The bastard is having a fantastic time.

Ruiz hardly needs help, but Itzhak checks on him and Ravn. "How youse boys doin'," he says, and swimming backwards a moment, checks on Kyle and Turner and Xavier. "Keep goin', big man, we're right behind ya!" he shouts at Leon.

His voice really is curious underwater, and of course he can't shut up in this situation any more than he can in any other. It's layered with undertone and meaningful timbre, like a virtuoso performance on an extremely expensive instrument.

"Fantastic," Ravn repeats, though when he does, his glance travels south to where the police captain is literally dragging him by the belt. There's a lot to unpack in that look.

Gratitude -- who wants to be left behind to drown when the water breathing spell wears off, or left alone on the bottom of the ocean? And gratitude, too, that de la Vega has the mental presence to remember Ravn's issues with being touched and work out a solution on the spot. Humiliation at being literally yoinked along by the belt -- yes, but, see above entry.

Fear -- the folklorist is biting back on his anxieties but anyone who knows him well won't have a hard time to tell that he is; the set jaw, the frown, the inwards-focused body language, those are all qualities of a man who wishes he was anywhere but here.

<FS3> Turn To Stone (a NPC) rolls 4 (8 8 5 4 4 1) vs Ruiz's Athletics-1 (8 7 7 6 5 1)
<FS3> Victory for Ruiz. (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Turn To Stone (a NPC) rolls 4 (8 5 4 4 3 2) vs Ravn's Athletics (7 6 2)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Ravn. (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Turn To Stone (a NPC) rolls 4 (7 6 5 5 2 2) vs Itzhak's Athletics (7 7 7 4 3 2 2)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Itzhak. (Rolled by: Maggi)

Turner's abilities allow several of the group to move at great speed toward the gate. The goal is simply to keep moving forward and that is met. Don't think to hard about the fact you could have been paralyzed and trapped here for all of time. The wily fiddler showboats his way across, laughing in the face of danger. Ravn may have lost the use of his legs, but not his personality, one that draws allies to his aid. Ruiz in an incredible feat is somehow able to make it to the others while continuing to tug the copper haired lad about. Someone really should give him a raise. You all have just a moment to catch your breath.

Clearly playing the part of armored vanguard, and making a quick check that those with him were taken care of and keeping up, Leon muscles on, footfalls on the ocean floor carrying him forward, as swimming certainly wasn’t an option in his current state. He doesn’t wait, the area was dangerous, and the gate was open. If there was anyone better suited for breaching the next area, it was going to be him. He finally brings his shield arm around as his steps carry him toward and through the gate, ready to meet the other side with a wall of metal and momentum. His other hand went to his sword hilt, ready to draw.

Ruiz is simply doing what Ruiz does best: being a stubborn motherfucker. As if he's going to fucking die a statue at the bottom of this goddamned Dream ocean. Or let Ravn do the same, apparently. His grip tightens on that belt, and teeth gritted together, he pushes forward to the gate. No chit chat, no showboating from him; the sharpshooter's already got his eye on the distance for any threats they might encounter at range.

<FS3> Ruiz rolls Mental: Success (8 7 5 4 4 3 2 2 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

As you move through the gates, finally safe from a beautifully sculpted existence. A majestic temple stands before you. It is almost Aztec in nature, many prisms stacked upon one another. A mouth leers hungrily as a vertical entrance with carefully etched fangs into the top and bottom, prepared to swallow your very existence, Windows on the outside create gaping holes in the illusion as well as eyes above the mouth. Both are dark and empty, beckoning for life to fill them, perhaps the only way forward. The sea seems thicker here, both difficult in movement and with visibility, life itself sucked through those abyssal black holes. Schools of minos noticeably avoid the structure, giving a wide breadth to its lifeless aura.

At the precipice of the gloom, the despondent melody returns to you:

”The sweet surrender of silence forces me to live alone
Locked and loaded, where the hell is peace of mind?”

<FS3> Something Bleak (a NPC) rolls 2 (8 5 3 1) vs Leon's Composure (7 7 7 6 5 2 1)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Leon. (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Something Bleak (a NPC) rolls 8 (8 6 6 5 5 5 3 2 1 1) vs Ravn's Composure (8 7 7 5 5 3 3 3)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Something Bleak (a NPC) rolls 8 (7 7 7 6 5 5 5 2 2 1) vs Turner's Composure (7 6 6 4 2 2)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Something Bleak. (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Something Bleak (a NPC) rolls 8 (8 7 7 7 4 3 2 2 1 1) vs Xavier's Composure (7 7 5 4 3)
<FS3> Victory for Something Bleak. (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Something Bleak (a NPC) rolls 8 (8 5 5 5 4 3 3 3 1 1) vs Itzhak's Composure (8 7 6 6 5)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Itzhak. (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Something Bleak (a NPC) rolls 8 (8 7 7 6 6 4 4 3 2 2) vs Kyle's Composure (8 8 6 4 2)
<FS3> Victory for Something Bleak. (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Something Bleak (a NPC) rolls 8 (7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 3) vs Ravn's Composure (8 6 6 5 5 4 3 1)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Something Bleak (a NPC) rolls 10 (8 7 7 6 6 6 6 4 3 2 2 2) vs Ruiz's Mental+2 (7 6 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 1)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Something Bleak. (Rolled by: Maggi)

Resisting the mental anguish that is somehow simultaneously whitenoise and silence, the inky blackness parts before your eyes. First there are only lines, stacked one upon the other. Your head puts the pieces in relation to one another, these are in fact stairs of a foyer, endless ahead of you. Roman style pavilions teeter every which way atop them. The result is akin to a labyrinth made of coliseums. Indented arches are carved in an even array between where windows might have been were this not the architecture of a madman. The entirety of design is in stark cultural contrast to the outer Aztec feel. More than that, the spacial quality verges on impossible.

The crumbling stonework has an eerie quality about it, Teal light cascades from a central torrent somewhere around the middle. Putrid mold threatens to infect your lungs and remove the contents of your stomach. A stench lingers in the air that only a few of you may know by heart. Death.
Some of your comrades are curled up on the ground, clawing at their heads or chests. Many seem to be struggling for air. The tips of their fingers going gray.

From the corner of your vision you are able to tell that things are darting about just at the edges. Something about their movements are sharp. They whisper in rhythm:

”Somebody once told me that there's two side to life
What's yours?
I might have accidentally let the darkness eat the light”

Those who succumb to the darkness: Where you thought there was air, there is only suffocating pressure. Less like the desperate inability to breathe whilst confined, no, there is no heat from enclosure. It is as someone pulls the breath from your body, your vital force. You are a child cowering in the closet as your parents scream a few feet away. You rock back and forth, the noise beating your brain. You are a corpse growing cold to the touch, reaching out to the gravedigger, begging not to be lost to the worms of time. You have been stranded in a soundless room, unable to see your own hands or feel your own face. You are unsure if you exist.

You find yourself thinking: ”My head is in my own hell”

"I... don't feel good about this." It may not travel far in the water. Turner glances to the rest of his party, making sure everyone has made it across the gates and into the... courtyard, for lack of a better term. And then he's falling to his knees, to his side, gasping for breath, struggling to see, to even exist. Numb fingers clench around the hilt of his holy weapon, both arms coming up to hide his face. Hot tears are streaming from his eyes, though in this crushing abyss, who can tell? He sobs, soundlessly. This is a nightmare he's familiar with, deep in the water, no one to help him, drowning, drowning and this time there's no Kenzie to save him, no Grams...

When Ruiz attempts to look out and connect with the presence beyond the gate, he quickly finds it unfriendly. It strikes back, forcing it's way into the head of the police chief instead. Music blares too loudly to think, quite possibly doing some damage. The sound is painful and laced with a ravenous hunger. Luckily he manages to stay on his feet as he comes to see what Leon and Itzhak do. A majority of the men are on their knees and they do not seem to be doing well and Kyle? Well Kyle is missing.

Ravn's belt is released as they reach the pavilion, Javier's grip immediately shifting to the closest thing he has for a weapon here: the bow slung across his back. Simultaneously, his mind unfurls long, snaking fingers of gossamer-fine charge. Seeking, dagger-sharp and quick. And what they find causes them to recoil, and him to grunt heavily in pain as he clutches his head and struggles to keep his footing.

"There's something out there," he informs the others. "Twelve o'clock. I don't know what the fuck it is, but it's powerful. I'm betting we deal with that thing, we get the hell out of here though."

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Musicianship: Failure (5 5 5 4 4 4 4 1 1 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

Itzhak spends a luck point. Reason: are you even serious

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Musicianship: Great Success (8 7 7 7 6 4 2 2 1 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

Past the gate is another pocket of air. Itzhak shoves through the barrier, like water tension but a thousand times tougher and more elastic, popping out and landing more or less on his feet. He can hear the music, but it doesn't grab hold of his mind and shake him. He takes it in and he isn't harmed, and he does it with panache, like sampling bitter wine. It doesn't even seem to touch him, past a flattening of his mouth. Turner is choking on nothing, Ruiz is staggered; Itzhak hums along with the music a moment, sinking into it despite being cold and sodden, clothes clinging to him, and how is that violin not ruined? Because it's not. It's in fine shape, and so is the bow. Itzhak tucks the instrument under his chin, tapping off the beat (somewhat sloshily), and brings the bow down to the strings.

He plays along with the music that he can hear, that everybody can hear, and he drowns it out with his own.

The bloody chief of police is going for his weapon? What more hint does Ravn need that manure is about to hit the fan? At least this dream provided him one too; he reaches for the short sword at his hip and draws it -- only to look at it like what the fuck am I doing. It's a good question. He wouldn't know how to fight with a knife, never mind a -- what is this even supposed to be, it's too long for a gladius and too short for anything else.

He stands and braces himself to try anyway. People just cast spells. Maybe the dream has provided him with the ability to fight with -- whatever that sword is supposed to be, besides poorly balanced. He finds himself humming along with the song and far more so, with Itzhak's counter-performance; one musician catching on to what the other is trying to do -- but sadly without an instrument of his own. "'I may have let the darkness eat the light' sounds like the kind of madman taunt I'd expect from a deranged fish god," he murmurs. "I am trying very hard to see patterns here, but the only one I got is 'Cthulhu has a bad day'. If this scene was lifted from history or myth somewhere, I don't recognise it."

Leon falls back in with the group from his advanced position, shield arm coming up, sword at the ready. He’d used a riot shield before, this can’t be much different, right? He has a thought and he mentally reaches inside the locked box of his powers, grabbing for the energy, attempting to excite his neurons and send a wave of electricity down his sword arm. And into his sword. If he was going to have to hit something with this, he was going to smite it back to whatever fresh drowned hell it came from.

“Ok, good and great, but gonna need you to put your head together and figure out what we’re supposed to do. I’ll try to cover you.” That was maybe toward Ravn? But would also encompass the group. Leon wasn’t always the best problem solver, but he certainly was one of the group with a monopoly on violence. He keeps his eyes out, back to his allies, ready to defend and strike back should any come under attack.

<FS3> Ravn rolls Alertness: Good Success (7 7 6 5 5 3 2 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Ruiz rolls Melee (7 7 6 5 4 2 1 1) vs A Scaly Thing (a NPC)'s 4 (6 4 4 3 2 2)
<FS3> Victory for Ruiz. (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Leon rolls Melee (8 7 7 6 3 2 1 1 1) vs A Scaly Thing (a NPC)'s 4 (6 6 5 4 3 3)
<FS3> Victory for Leon. (Rolled by: Maggi)

Shrieks of agony can be heard as the bard strings his own notes together. The many surfaces of this unhallowed hall bounce the sound about to the two creatures you can now see. Monstrous scaled things in the blue and violet hues of bruises. Every fin, claw and tooth curved a sharpened knife. Their music has turned to unintelligible screams. They move about in the air as those it was still filled with water, tails propelling them onward.

Turner seems to come to, no longer struggling for the air about you, roused by Itzhak's melody. Ravn's muscles in his lower legs are still not functioning, but his brain is. There is that light in this darkness... Much like a lighthouse to the Harbor. Did Itzhak say he knew the last song? Maybe he knew this one.

Ruiz has drawn his bow, connecting an arrow as the fiend reels from the sound of the violin. Leon's Lightning charged sword hits the other ass he calls the element down from the heavens. Both seem to be be floating, though worse wear.

Has anyone seen Xavier?

The gasping subsides from Turner, the music pulling him free of what felt like the worst panic attack of his life. With a shudder, he opens his eyes, pushing himself to his feet as fast as he can move. Long hair is pushed back from his face as he stumbles slightly upon rising. Looking about, it takes a second for him to come fully to his senses... "Xavier? Where's Xavier!?" There's a sudden note of panic in his voice, and only the admonition not to use his psionic abilities is keeping him from reaching out for the man.

<FS3> Ruiz rolls Firearms (7 7 6 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 1) vs A Scaly Thing (a NPC)'s 4 (7 6 5 4 3 2)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Ruiz. (Rolled by: Maggi)

"We can't leave anyone behind," Ravn murmurs. And no wonder he's passionate about that -- in most combat scenarios, he's the obvious first choice for some scrawny, useless nerd to throw to the zombies in order to let everybody else make their escape. He knows this. He's been told as much before. Not everyone in Gray Harbor is community minded.

He leans against whatever surface is nearest, rather than encumber the Police Ranger with the bow and the aptitude to use it. Legs like wet, leaden noodles? Use your mind, nerdboy. It's what you're supposed to be good at.

"My best guess," he says at length. "With what little we've got -- it's horror of the deep, Innsmouth, Cthulhu, cultists turning into fish people, madness. Which is all well and good, but it doesn't tell us anything useful whatsoever. There may be some kind of chalk pentagram or circle further in -- and if there is, we should probably disrupt it and then expect the whole structure to collapse. There's very likely human sacrifice involved -- which is another reason we need to locate Xavier. I'll keep looking but -- I genuinely don't think this was lifted from any authentic mythos, and if it's from a fictional universe I'm not familiar with it."

Despite the fact that he's no archer in the waking world, Javier seems to know that bow like an extension of his own body. His fingers find an arrow and knock it to the shaft with barely a thought beyond sighting his target. With his eye, with his mind; he needn't see in order to shoot. And then then missile's released with a shriek as it hurtles in at high speed, and he's already reaching for the next.

Leon was not messing around, his sword crackling with charged lightning as he swiped at passing creatures, all the while trying to keep his shield between danger and the others, trying to keep Ruiz unharried so the man could lay down covering fire. He glances over at Ravn briefly as a bunch of that goes over his head besides the destruction of the circle, “Sounds like a plan,” he shouts, “Move as a gro-“ he cuts off as he glances down, “Someone help Ravn, what the fuck’s wrong with his legs?”

<FS3> Turner rolls Research: Good Success (8 7 7 6 4 4 2 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Turner rolls Spirit+4: Great Success (8 8 7 6 6 3 2 1) (Rolled by: Maggi)

Ruiz's Firearms (8 8 8 8 5 4 3 3 2 1 1) vs <FS3> A Scaly Thing (a NPC) rolls 4 (8 5 4 3 3 1)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Ruiz. (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> A Scaly Thing (a NPC) rolls 4 (7 6 5 3 3 1) vs Leon's Melee+1 (4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 1 1)
<FS3> Victory for A Scaly Thing. (Rolled by: Maggi)

Leon spends a luck point. Reason: I said SMITE

<FS3> A Scaly Thing (a NPC) rolls 4 (5 2 2 2 1 1) vs Leon's Melee+1 (8 7 7 5 5 4 4 4 3 2)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Leon. (Rolled by: Maggi)

"We're not leaving anyone behind. Keep them back, I'm going to help Ravn." Turner's voice is hoarse. The fingers of his right hand seem to move through instinctive mystic gestures while his left touches his medallion once more, his lips moving in almost silent prayer. He kneels in front of the man, before bringing both hands to Ravn's legs, hovering above them, before whispering, "Restitutio maior... please..."

"Win the fight first, drag me along later," the Dane suggests with a vengeful look at the fish -- people? pescatarian aberations? definitely not card carrying mermen. He should know, he's been one. He shoots Turner a grateful look all the same for doing whatever it is he's doing -- Ravn understands the Latin but his confidence in, well, roleplaying games style magic may not be overwhelming. He gives the younger man credit enough to make the attempt to stand unaided, though -- it certainly would be a lot easier for everyone if he could do his own walking instead of relying on someone else to drag or carry him.

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Presence+Musicianship: Good Success (8 8 7 5 5 5 4 4 3) (Rolled by: Maggi)

Slithery and violent fish-serpent-people appear, screaming chaos. Itzhak quivers, but instead of joining Ruiz and Leon in fighting he decides on a different tactic. One that, for him, might work pretty well. Deliberately he curls his mouth into a dirty smirk. Pausing in playing, he pulls the shirt lacing at his throat open. Slow. Showy. The entire way he's carrying himself changes, shifts to a lazy hipshot stance, all invitation.

"Well hello boys," he purrs, "if you wanted a bite all you had to do was ask." And he pulls aside his clinging wet shirt, baring his long throat and quite a lot of lean muscled shoulder. Then he resettles his fiddle and keeps playing, gracefully turning that song alluring and rough-sweet.

Is he seducing the angry fish people things? ...sure seems that way. Bards, man.

The disturbing part of it all was that what Itzhak was doing was working, and Leon had noticed. One disgusting scaly thing immediately turned in its passes and made a darting beeline directly at the party bard, but the paladin was simply not letting that happen. In one step, Leon’s foot slams down, the electricity that was coursing through his body briefly seen discharging small tendrils into the ground. He had taken what almost looked like a baseball player’s stance, his sword pulled back in both hands, then slashed forward as the massive armored man lets out a shout of effort and anger.

It catches the weird fish thing dead center on it’s way toward Itzhak, Leon’s swing cutting clean through the creature as his sword flashes and roars with thunder and lightning. He bisects it in a vile billow of gore. The two halves of the dead thing separate, one meaty chunk drifting on until it bounces into the ground, the other simply floating away above Itzhak’s head. Leon roars his own wordless sound of victory, already looking around for another, ready for more violence.

As those monstrous scaled creatures swoop in, treading air like water, harmonising on those terrible, gut-twisting screams, the party's ranger drops back. Gaining distance, even as Leon closes in for the kill and Itzhak uses his own body as a lure to entice the mer-things in closer. Back and back as he knocks another arrow to his bow, draws with his thumb in the 'mongolian' style, eyes slivered as he lines up his target, and fires. Another arrow and another, the whistle of feathering and shudder of bowstring with each release becoming a music of its own.

Zen, like he's behind the scope of his M82 picking off insurgents in the Korengal basin. Breathe in, draw, release, exhale, reload. Determined, determined not to fucking die here. He recites in a low murmur as he works, as each missile slams home, "Como un naufragio, morimos hasta el núcleo, como si se ahogara en el corazón, o colapsar hacia adentro de la piel al alma."

Ravn finds his legs on the sore side, but free of visible stone. Both creature drop like dead weight, falling from the air and hitting the damp stone floor with a thud indicative of mold. The groups tactics had worked, well what was left of the group anyhow. They are all now all left in the eerie over constructed space to decide if they were willing to continue onward.

<FS3> Ravn rolls Composure: Success (7 5 5 5 3 3 2 1) (Rolled by: Ravn)

You'd think that Ravn's focus would be on how frightening the whole situation is (man has crippling anxieties) or on the fight (pick up a rock, throw it, do something). What he does, though, is take one long look at Itzhak the fighting violinist eel betta -- and then for some reason he cracks up laughing.

There's got to be some private joke there. Give him a moment.

When he does straighten up again, just a moment later, it's with that odd, short sword in one hand. "I guess that we have no choice but to press on," he murmurs. "And I guess that as the team designated rogue, I get to go first and find all the traps, probably by walking into them and triggering them because no matter what this dream thinks, I'm not actually some kind of -- " he looks down at him and his attire and frowns " -- Regency fop? Somebody call Jane Austen, tell her Mr Darcy is pursuing a life of crime now."

"Oh, my apparently very real deity, it worked." Turner whispers, still kneeling in front of Ravn as he looks down at his hands in surprise. He pushes to his feet swiftly, blushing slightly, raising one hand to his medallion. "This... has to be one of the weirder LARPs I've been to." Of course he's gone LARPing. Look at him.

"I think Ms. Austen would be quite pleased to know Mr. Darcy had found such an interesting calling... though were you a Regency fop, you'd have a shirt on under the jacket. Unless you just ran off after getting caught in the act of seducing someone important's young bride." Turner raises an eyebrow at Ravn, asking a silent question.

The self-assigned vanguard of the group, Leon first confirms there was no more aggressive forces threatening before he starts to move toward that light he had seen, that lighthouse-like beacon. He was examining the group as he went, but didn’t quite know the whole Dungeons and Dragons trope of rogue’s trapfinding. He just kept his shield up and creeped, trying a single step at a time.

He comments backwards to Ruiz as he creeps, though his eyes remain forward. “That’s some dark shit, de la Vega.” Banter in stressful situations, the usual go-to.

Itzhak's bow jumps and shudders on the strings, bouncing, scraping, as Leon fucking bisects one of the creatures he's seducing, as Ruiz feathers the other one with cool accuracy. It worked. It worked a little too well, as if he'd made his body into a bright lure that the salmon can't resist striking. A spotlight at night for the squid to rise to, thinking it's the moon. But only death is doled out to those who expected food and love.

He gets stippled with blood from the fish-thing's bisecting, and he bites his lip hard enough to draw a bead of his own blood. The music stops as he dashes at his cheek with the back of his hand in an unconscious futile attempt to clean up. "Good job, boys," he says, voice tight. It's to Ruiz he looks first, always, always to Ruiz he looks first. Then looking isn't enough and he turns to him, and violin and bow both held in one overlarge hand, he hugs him tight and needy. Something's murmured to the dark-cloaked ranger, Itzhak nosing in under the hood.

When he pulls back he grins at de la Vega crookedly, part real and part trying to be brave. He lets him go, tosses his head as if to shake his curls out of his eyes (not that he has curls right now, he's rocking some close-cropped action) and points his bow at Ravn comic-serious. "Somethin' funny, Abildgaard?" He looks at the light, magnificent schnozz pointed thataways, and exhales through his clenched teeth. "Aight. We're not awake yet. Guess that was just some trash. Let's hit the boss, whaddaya say."

"You," Ravn confirms. "You are funny. Ask me sometime we're not about to go fight Cthulhu."

He shoots a grateful look to Turner as he realises that he can in fact walk. Walking is good. Walking is by far preferable to being dragged by the belt or even considering the idea that he might get just left behind. Walking means that maybe he can make himself useful, rather than play the role of damsel-nerd in distress; one that the folklorist profoundly loathes but often finds himself assigned to. Leon and de la Vega cutting through fish people like red-hot knives through butter. He's not surprised in the slightest, knowing both men to be battlefield veterans. Glad that they are, and that they're there to put those talents to use? Very much so. There are no pacifists in foxholes.

Everyone is there for a reason. Everyone has a job to do. Ravn's job is not fighting.

Where's the library guy -- Xavier?

He tries to get a clear overview of the situation. One man is missing. The fighters are holding off whatever small fry needs holding off.

It's not hard to figure this trope out. Cthulhu's got the mage.

The designated rogue starts looking around for the route into the temple proper. Somewhere in there, a boss fight is waiting. And if the floor on the way there is lined with pitfalls, traps, and mystical sigils, he wants to find them before anyone triggers them with a foot.

Silence in the wake of slaughter, and Javier's bow remains taut a moment. Thumb hooked to the string, elbow cocked back with a quiver of muscle all along his arm as he fights to hold it steady. Once it's clear there's nothing else diving at either Itzhak or Ravn though, determined to tear either of them to ribbons, he relaxes his grip on the weapon and slides the arrow out. It's tucked back into his quiver, and a few brisk paces take him in closer, to see if he can collect the other missiles he'd fired, for reuse. And then? He lets Ravn lead them on to whatever final horror awaits.

The stairs feel endless indeed as you climb them. At one point you could swear you were walking into MC Esher's version of gravity in a place such as this. The source of the ghostly light is reached in time. You pass many of the embedded arches and come to the understanding that this is in fact a crypt. Each has a body walled up behind it, the source of the stench of death. A tomb sits in the middle of the pavilion. The figure carved into it is a reaper, hands crossed over it's chest, no scythe in sight. The skull turns to you as you enter, singing it's haunting tune, eye's spilling piercing light forth, the light that guided you here.

"Welcome to my cage, little lover
Attempt to rearrange with you, baby
Still don't know your name, Miss Honey
Let's go up in flames, pretty lady"

Several books are strewn about here and there. Pages are missing, some chewed, ink bleeds. Blue flame ignites around the circular perimeter, floor to ceiling. There is no warmth to the hellish fire. The skull laughs and returns to it's position staring blankly at the ceiling. The lid of the tomb looks heavy, but movable with combined effort. More shrieking creatures can be heard nearby.

Letting Ravn lead the way is definitely the smart thing to do, and Turner is content to do just that. He follows after the taller man, taking up a position toward the middle of the group, instinctively, since everyone else is decidedly more with the smashing and stabbing than he... and the healer and wizard should be protected. Of course, the wizard's gone missing... The stench causes Turner to gag, fighting to keep the contents of his stomach down.

As they finally enter the room, Turner's instinct is to run to the books and rescue them all, but he manages, barely, to restrain himself. Some of that is likely due to the fact that he's slightly winded after what feels like miles of stairs... the rest of it firmly rests on the creepy ass carved figure with the moving skull. "We need to see what's inside the tomb..."

<FS3> Leon rolls Composure-2: Failure (5 5 3 3 1) (Rolled by: Leon)

It was the shrieking that did it. It was a cacophony of things that you don’t know would hit you where it hurts. It was the high pitched screams of the dying. It was the sense of being surrounded by the enemy. The only way out was using his powers, and then THEY would come for him. The enemy he couldn’t escape. The enemy that punished him now.

The group can see Leon break, can see the abject terror in the man’s face as it pulls back from anger and determination from moments before. The massive armored man immediately moves on Turner’s words, his sword thrown from his grasp, abandoned as useless. Metal slams into stone as he is crouching down in a desperate sprint, jamming his shoulder, likely painfully at the lid of the coffin. He was screaming. He was panicking.

He just wanted to live.

<FS3> Ravn rolls Academic Background: Success (7 6 4 4 3 2 1 1) (Rolled by: Ravn)

No good trying to lead the group further into the lair of evil when the big guy is falling apart. Ravn pauses and looks back; he's seen this before. Not here of course. Not with Leon.

Leon the veteran.

Leon who won't look at pictures of dismembered bodies because they bring back memories from abroad.

Leon who just dismantled a couple of fish men like he knew exactly what he was doing. Not the kind of knowledge you pick up from watching HBO shows.

The Dane can barely walk on those legs that feel like frozen jell-o. He certainly doesn't have the brawn to bring the other man down and hold him until the anxiety attack subsides -- and for all he knows, Leon is doing what needs to be done. What he can do is pick up the man's sword and follow him with it; he may need it very shortly because every trope, every cliché horror story ever told, every cautionary tale will tell you -- this is when the Big Bad arrives.

With a glance to Ruiz -- the other man here with actual battlefield experience -- he walks as close to Leon as he can without actually touching him, carrying the sword. "We got you, Leon. We're here. Let's do this. Let me help you with that lid. Hang on to our voices, we'll get out of here."

One can only hope. But, maybe not the right time to tell the veteran with the full-on PTSD flashback that the odds aren't in his favour.

While Ravn tries the empathic, sound approach, Turner reaches for something more divine, once more, eyes closed and lips moving in rapid prayer, fine fingers moving through intricate gestures that seem to be part of the prayer. His breathing slows, in through the nose, out through the mouth, in through the nose, "Have hope." and then he's reaching into that seemingly endless wellspring of the divine. He knows he's probably running out of spells, but he also knows he's the next best thing to useless when it comes to physical tasks, at least in the real world. They need Leon, and they need him strong and steady... and on a more personal level, he can't stand to see the man in pain like that, and if he can't help him THAT way it's going to end up being with his OTHER abilities... which the others have said are Bad to use right now especially. And so he attempts to cast Beacon of Hope upon the party.

<FS3> Turner rolls Research: Good Success (8 7 6 5 5 4 3 3) (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Turner rolls Spirit+1: Success (8 6 4 3 3) (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Leon rolls Composure: Good Success (8 8 8 7 3 2 2) (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Leon rolls Melee (8 6 4 3 3 3 2 2 1) vs Leon's Athletics+2 (8 8 7 7 6 5 3 3 3 1 1)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Leon. (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> Leon rolls Melee (8 7 5 4 3 3 3 3 1) vs A Stone Tomb (a NPC)'s 4 (8 6 5 5 4 4)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: Maggi)

Leon's reaction is not inappropriate given how close the horrid sounds seem to be drawing to you. The large man rams the tomb but to no avail, this thing in sturdy. Luckily, so is Leon, considering he just threw his full force into almost injuring himself. Ravn's words seem to ease the veteran to a degree.

Turner pulses a light from their chest and a tingling sensation comes over the group mixed with calm. Magic Xanny's just kicked in, soothing you all enough to think, or in the Locksmith's case, stop the feelings of being a caged animal. Ruiz's head and Ravn's legs also relent some of the residual discomfort they had felt from their time here.

The skull begins to laugh, mocking you in your attempts to free yourselves, the cackling turning to more irritating music:
"Call me selfish when I say this, say this
I'm kinda helpless, and I need you"

Was this thing asking for help whilst torturing them?

"You need us?" Turner asks softly, approaching the skull. "What is it you need from us, and why?" the youth's chin is up, defiant, but there's also compassion, worry. He asks softly, looking to Ravn and the others. "If you're in pain, I can try to help, I think I'm a Cleric, here, and if you're a restless spirit I can try to help you move on, but you have to tell me what you need."

"Just don't try to hurt anyone else, please."

I need to start playing D&D. Maybe I'd have a clue as to what the hell the kid is doing.

Ravn glances at Turner and shoots him a nod of approval as whatever the light show is seems to do the job; he too can feel the panic subsiding from his mind and that, at least, is a good thing. Anxieties are a bitch. A bitch with really poor planning and a bad attitude to boot. He shifts his attention to the laughing skull.

This is a video game, isn't it. Or some book series. Harry something. German city.

"So whatever's in the tomb needs our help to get out so it can kick our asses. Why does this sound exactly like the kind of humour I'd expect," the folklorist grumbles. Then he falls quiet because 'what do you want' is in fact the one question that's generally recommended as the first damn one to ask when dealing with wrathful spirits. And the one that, for some reason, almost never gets asked.

Ravn and Turner’s efforts can be seen having a remarkable effect on the broken soldier, Leon’s face growing less panicked over a handful of moments. His eyes sink closed, his brow line relaxing, Face looking serene, then dropping back down into the determined low set they were more used to be now. The other two men get a look, a nod to confirm he was alright. Likely that nod could have meant any number of things, including his deep thanks, but a man like Leon didn’t have time for feels if he wanted to get back to the reals.

He stands up and rolls his shoulder, making sure nothing had been dislocated in the cacophonous crash of his impact on the tomb, and he steps over to retrieve the sword he’d thrown down. “Then how about we just open it a crack and stab the fuck out of it before it comes out?” He asks, looking to the other two, looking back to actually meaningfully assess if they could get the tomb lid off, maybe if it was locked by some mechanism.

The caterwaul inches closer still on all sides...

"We could... try lifting together. I'm not very strong, but if we work together we may have enough strength..." Turner does his best to smile, hopefully, moving to the side of the coffin, looking to Ravn, then to Leon, a slight tilt to his head. It's not that he expects it to work, it's... they've got to have hope. Right?

<FS3> With Our Powers Combined (a NPC) rolls 8 (7 5 4 4 2 2 2 2 1 1) vs A Stone Tomb (a NPC)'s 4 (6 4 3 2 2 1)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: Maggi)

<FS3> With Our Powers Combined (a NPC) rolls 8 (7 7 7 6 5 5 3 3 2 1) vs A Stone Tomb (a NPC)'s 4 (7 5 3 2 2 2)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for With Our Powers Combined. (Rolled by: Maggi)

Together Leon, Ravn, and Turner begin to lift the lid of the stone tomb, the reaper silent. At first it seems as though it will not budge, but the rogue gets a solid grip of careful fingers latched beneath. Black smoke billows forth, in the center, the source of the light you followed here. The creatures have just reached the azure flames, attempting to claw their way through. Leon pulls Itzhak and Ruiz forward first, allowing them to disappear from view. A mad cackle echos about you. Ravn, the last out, slides the lid closed behind him in an attempt not to allow anything through the other side.

In Turner's head the same sing-song voice chants:
"I prayed, I prayed
God sent me right to voicemail"

This is followed by a wretched sound of TV static and pained screams.

What had he drawn power on the power of in the dream? What had become of it's source?


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