2022-01-12 - Baker's Dozen

Lots of talk, cakes and glimmery stuff. Relationship stuff too!

IC Date: 2022-01-12

OOC Date: 2021-01-12

Location: Downtown/Patisserie Vydal

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 6347


Donuts. There comes a time in everyone's life that craving hits for fried bits of sweet bread. Sometimes with frosting, or other random toppings if people try to get really fancy. Today is that day for Seth. Even he succumbs to the lure of the pastry every once in a while, because it isn't like a donut or a dozen are going to really wreck his form.

Dressed today in a pair of jeans and what could only be referred to as a novelty t-shirt (https://tinyurl.com/yyyakam4), the bouncer over at the firefly stands in the line at the Patisserie waiting his turn for a new batch of fresh-baked (or fried as the case may be) pastries to be put into the glass cabinets.

Anyone who knows Ravn Abildgaard's lunch habits knows that he eats here several times a week. The number of people who actually track his lunch habits? Well, there's Vyvyan Vydal who owns the place and -- yeah, that's probably about it. And maybe the young man behind the counter who knows that Ravn will want either the goat cheese and pear gateau or the rich coffee cake, along with a generous supply of black, strong, undiluted, unaltered coffee.

The tall Dane strolls in, wearing his usual monochromatic black jeans, turtleneck and leather jacket, and indicates the cake with a gloved hand. He doesn't need to say anything -- and that means he can stop and read Seth's shirt, and then blurt out, "Did you let Vic go shopping for you again?"

Every once in a while, one finds themselves in the mood for quality food they didn't cook, especially on a cold, snowy day like this. Already dressed for his day at work (or maybe he always dresses like that, with a bright patterned dress shirt, new-looking jeans and a cardigan under a black peacoat), Turner Quinn finds his way inside shortly after Ravn. Long hair is tucked behind his ears, but actually loose for a change, the unmanageable curl tamed by the length at long last. He moves quietly into place behind Ravn, not interrupting Ravn's conversation, and in part because he's smiling at his phone, cheeks reddening just a little.

Then there comes this man, right? HUGE giant of a dude! Does he look like he does carbs? Not at all! Probably easily the tallest person in the town right now! So maybe this dude can eat whatever the heck he wants, no one is gonna tell him otherwise right? But he comes into the bakery, and he reflexively dips his head down in the doorway, an indication that he's used to small doors.

He's pretty casual in his look, stylish long sleeve shirt, jeans, leather jacket, relaxed look, long hair down past his shoulders resting easy. He practically lumbers over, perusing all of the treats that are on display. Once he makes some kinda decision, it seems he has a question or so, and looks up for assistance. Though there is someone already in line, so he waits, and observes. He's kinda eyeing Turner from behind, like 'I know that person, but I can't see' kinda thing.

Glancing over at Ravn, Seth looks down at his shirt then back over at the Dane with a grin, "Oh, we went shopping for each other. You should see the ones we got for each other." Some couples go and get jewelry or other romantic items, it seems Seth and Vic are the novelty t-shirt kind of couple. "We /may/ have gone a bit overboard on the internet in a fit of alcohol-induced madness after making things 'official'. " he says, using air quotes and everything.

As more people arrive, Seth's gaze moves to each one, in turn, assessing them for any immediate threat or identification. KC being as tall as he is gets an extra special look, Seth's eyes roaming over the large man's body looking for anything out of the ordinary.

After his assessment of each of them, Seth turns back to Ravn with a shrug, "Might be having to go back to Spokane. Joy."

"Suspected as much when I heard someone shout your name at Safeway." Ravn nods and then nods a hello at Turner whom he recognises -- and a polite one to the other man. A polite nod which turns into a slow nod of surprise as he realises that for once in his life he's not even close to being the tallest man in the room. "Goodness," he can't stop himself from murmuring, "I guess somebody did eat their brussel sprouts as a kid, instead of feeding them to the dog like I did. Hello, Turner."

How does anyone miss KC? Well. A flirty photo of a muscular torso on Turner's phone might answer that, which KC, being much taller, can easily examine. Whoever it's of, Turner's a lucky boy to be getting said photo. Still, he hears Ravn's comment and looks up, confused. "I... Brussel sprouts?" A slow blink and a smile, the phone is tucked into his coat pocket, and only then does he turn, face to chest with KC, and look up, and up, and up. Well. That's a familiar view... sort of. "Um." What's white, spotted brown, and red all over? Turner. "Mr. Kahnn." The smile is nervous. Turner's always nervous. It comes with anxiety. The only time he isn't nervous is when he's in his garden, or in the library, and even that's debatable depending on the day.

For Seth's assessment, KC's height and strong frame are the only things really out of the ordinary. Ehh, maybe the long hair and beard too but this giant is kinda jovial. Nothing sketchy that might trigger some police senses or anything. And then, here they come! The 'how's the weather up there' comments that come with being large. He's used to getting them and they don't bother him so much as he knows how to take a compliment. KC chuckles warmly, "Hey, I wasn't a picky kid. And my momma like to grow what she eats, so I got a good diet." he spreads his hands.

The name Ravn says catches KC's attention, "Turner?" he says questioningly. His job makes him naturally attentive to things people are doing, and Turner might know from KC's time as a mental tech, KC was VERY watchful of things patients were doing on the unit. His question turns into a bright smile in recognition, "Hey buddy!" he sounds glad to see him, "What's it been, years? Wow you look like you're doin great!" He's always glad to see people doing better. He holds out a huge hand for a handshake to the youngman. KC is a kinetic type, so he's one for handshakes, hugs, fistbumps and stuff. The kids like it, cause it means he's cool.

Seth's eyes shift from Ravn to Turner to KC and back, assessing like he always does for hidden threats. You don't survive long in his line of business if you let your guard down too often. Not seeing anything that causes him concern at the moment, Seth makes his way to the counter and starts to place an order for a dozen or so different pastries, ranging from a chocolate-covered croissant to a fresh donut or two that just make their way to the case.

"Yeah, you mentioned that. I was kind of hoping that was for Felix, but the more I hear the more it sounds it was for me...which is odd since as far as I knew nobody knew me. I've got Javi on my ass about the Safeway thing, and Vic's not pleased we have to head back to deal with more of this shit. She hates Spokane, and I don't blame her. Just once I would like to have to go to someplace like Tahiti or Bali or even Hawaii for work. Fuck my life," the latter is said with a smirk as he passes over a couple of bills tot he cashier, "How bout you? How're things in the life of...whatever you are doing now."

"Well, seeing as that I was there, de la Vega's obviously asked me some questions as well." Ravn chuckles and nods. "And -- yeah, I hear you. Work could be nice, send you on a tropic cruise or something. Although with our luck, somebody'd die from food poisoning one day out of port, and the entire ship would be quarantined for a month. Probably a good thing I'm too busy with the community centre to contemplate going with you, mm?"

He looks back at the other two and nods at the taller man again. "Sorry. I bet you've heard all those jokes a thousand times -- I know I have." At six foot three Ravn is certainly no midget himself. "New in town?"

There's a nod from Turner, and a smile. "I'm doing a lot better, thanks." Turner is definitely not a danger, he can't even bring himself to charge late fees half the time. He takes KC's hand and shakes it, his own much smaller, frailer. But he's put on weight, and his hair is grown out, so that's got to be a good sign, right?

"I'm doing a lot better, thank you. I actually graduated from college last year, and got a job at the library. I'm officially the research librarian, and I help out with the children's section, or whenever we have a Deaf patron." He smiles brightly, but he's still red faced, taking a step back to give KC a little more room, which almost has him bump into Ravn, but he sidesteps that, too. "Mr. Abildgaard, this is Mr. Kahnn." He smiles apologetically to Seth, as if not quite knowing the man's name, even if he's a familiar face.

"Hey! That's great!" KC cheers, "You're lookin good. Hair's all growin, trying to catch up to me, eh?" the large man gesturing to his glorious mane that people have begged him for secrets on, "Oh yeah? That sounds like a relaxing job! Perfect for you, not a heck of a lot of stress." the large man nods; approves while stroking his beard, "Yeah, not just a tech anymore myself. Worked my way up to CEO, so I kinda have my hand in everything." And he's not often being put in situation that make him have to do things that get him noticed and in danger.

Eyes going to Ravn as Turner introduces him, "Hey, yeah you're a couple inches shorter than me, so yeah I imagine you get it." KC chuckles to Ravn, giving the other man a glance from his blue eyes, and a nod. "Ah, no, not new. Grew up here my whole life, just kinda been career focused the past decade. Just moved back over to take care of my momma. KC Kahnn, pleasure.' This is of course for the benefit of the other man as well.

Watching the exchanges between the other men, Seth looks to Ravn with a bit of a shrug before moving back to claim his bag of pastries. "Yeah, but Javi actually likes you. I'm sure his questioning was more friendly. Well, as friendly as he gets anyway. Regardless it is having to go back that just sucks. I mean, we just came from there..." He sighs.

Casting a glance Turner's way as he gives Seth the apologetic smile, Seth is a tad slow when it comes to his own introduction, waiting a moment before sighing again and offering his name, "Monaghan. Seth Monaghan." Yes. Those Monaghan's, if anyone has any knowledge of the supposed organized crime ties that name brings with it. The name rings bells like Gotti in this town.

"Ravn Abildgaard," the copper blond says with a small smile and does not offer his gloved hand for a shake. "Ravn will do -- almost no one but Turner tacks a Mister on there. I'd say welcome to town but it sounds like you should be telling me that."

Whatever his accent is, American is certainly not it. And British probably isn't either, though it makes a good attempt at faking Oxford. And whoever he is, he's evidently on excellent terms with Monaghan -- one can make of that what one wills. "I've been in town for about a year and a half now, so I suppose that between the four of us, I'm the new kid in town."

There's a soft, shy laugh from Turner, but he smiles at KC's antics, all the same. "More like getting it back where it was... before." He admits, shrugging slightly. "There's not a lot of stress, no." Except when the books come alive and try to murder people. Or there's horrible monsters outside waiting in the fog. "Congratulations on your advancement, that's wonderful."

"Turner Quinn. Pleased to meet you." If Seth's name rings a bell for Turner, he doesn't show it, and the nervous young man would probably show it. Turner casts an apologetic smile to Ravn, now, "Sorry. Grams instilled good manners and it's hard to not be formal, still." Grams instilled good manners from when she was a little girl, more like.

"Monaghan," KC repeats, "Pretty strong name. Great to meet you." KC nods solemnly. Not familiar with the name, but impressed by it none the less. He offers Ravn a smirking shrug, "Hey, Turner's a good kid. Well... not a kid anymore, he was a good kid when I last saw him." There isn't THAT much difference in their age, but given what his job was back then, it was for sure a age senior sorta thing. "New isn't so bad. Just gotta lay low and not attract the wrong kinda attention, right?" KC chuckles and lightly nudges Turner with an elbow, "Folks like to gossip and they're looking for their next victim." That's what he meant.

"Oh! Hey..." KC gets kinda solemn for a moment, "Sorry to hear about your Grams." KC says empathically toward Turner, "Momma told me. Wish I could have come paid my respects." but he's been out saving the world, so to speak. But there is a different look on KC's face too, one of intental concern. Almost like there is something more to that situation that appears to be missing for him more than anyone else. His brow wrinkling visibly, and can be dismissed as his concern and empathy toward Turner's loss.

Look at that, a pleasant surprise that nobody gives Seth a look other than normal. The corner of his mouth may tick up just a bit at that. He nods to the other men as they start to discuss more personal matters and turns back to Ravn, "How is the center going? Did the donation go through ok? I haven't heard of any issues, but I figure since I am here I will ask."

"Things are surprisingly -- quiet, lately. Our finances are running smoothly, our new computer system is working exactly as Tanasha told me it would, and everything is just -- normal." Ravn returns an almost wry smile to Seth at his inquiry. "You know how that feels -- has me waiting for someone's other shoe to drop. Nothing ever stays quiet in this town for very long. These last weeks, though? The most exciting thing I've done has been politely decline some interesting offers from a young lady who is remarkably persistent in her pursuit, heaven only knows why."

Well, there's something to gossip about. On a rainy day, maybe, when nothing more exciting is going on.

The young man behind the counter manages to make coffee cake happen, at last, and Ravn accepts his plate with a nod and a thank you. "I'm going to sit and try to eat this thing and inevitably fail to eat more than half of it, which in turn will earn me Vydal's ire. Anyone care to join me?"

There's a fond smile up at KC, and a little coloring of his cheeks. Turner's always been a good bean, even when he was a bundle of anxiety and frizzled hair... "Gossip?" he asks, smiling... which fades when his Grams' passing is mentioned by the other man. He nods and smiles, sadder now, "Thank you. It was a small service, she never wanted a big fuss made." Turner shrugs a little, uncomfortably now, before placing his own order, to go. Carbs for breakfast, carbs for lunch! "I've actually got to get in to work in a little bit, but I wanted something to surprise Xavier and Kyle when I got home." he smiles. Well, that explains why he's ordering enough for three or four people.

Perhaps that novelty tee Seth is wearing has a GPS in it, because the slightly crazy scary girlfriend darkens the doorway of the Patisserie with her presence. If anyone isn't familiar with Monaghan's better half, her novelty shirt likely clues them in. The tall blonde squints before her cool blue eyes zero in on her target and she moves to her alleged fiance. "Anything good today?" She gives the Dane a half-smile of greeting. "Ravn."

Moving away from the subject pulls KC out of his own head, and back into the social setting, "Uh-- Join? Sure! Momma is probably gonna cuddle up with the dogs for a while, and it's my day off so--" KC is gonna take Ravn up on his offer. A half smile is offered to Turner, "Hey, that's good. Got yourself a busy day!" KC doesn't go into elaboration on those gossips subjects at all right now, "Maybe I'll drop by the library here soon, see what it's all about, eh?" he gives the young man one of his jovial smiles, "It's great seeing you're doing so well!"

The huge man standing with the other two looks up when a new body enters the vicinity, offering Vic a warm smile and a nod hello.

"That is terrifying..." Seth acknowledges to Ravn as the man talks about it being quiet. Quiet in this town is trouble. "Still having issues with the ladies, huh? We should put you in one of those sandwich boards announcing your lack of availability, but that would likely just draw more attention and the ones that swear they can change that."

He glances from Ravn to a table and shrugs, "Sure. Vic should be here any....and there she is." he comments as his other half wanders into the shop. "Over here, Hun," he calls out, laying on the sweetness of the last word in an overexaggerated manner as he sits down, "I got your favorite. Fried dough. We will just have to 'work it off' later. Shit....I forgot coffee..."

Trailing in through the door mere seconds after Vic-- though evidently by coincidence rather than intent-- is Una, the more-or-less redhead bundled up against the cold and sniffing the sugar-scented air appreciatively (that's not weird, is it?). More used to facing the world alone than meeting people she knows in public places, she doesn't so much as glance at the other occupants of the P�tisserie: she's headed straight for the queue (not to mention the display case).

"Nice heart, Vic." Ravn obviously has to comment on her shirt as well; what's the fun of having friends who're a couple if you don't rib both of them regularly? "I'm not unavailable. I'm just not very interested, particularly not in someone I just met."

He raises a gloved hand to wave at Una as she walks in. "Hey, Irving -- come say hello to folks. These are Seth and Vic, friends of mine from Joey Kelly's gym. Turner from the library, and -- Mr Kahnn who is recently returned to town, I think you said?" The Dane glances up at the very tall man and then settles on a chair at the corner table with his plate of coffee cake. "Irving's my new neighbour on Oak, along with two other ladies."

Turner pays for his treats with a cheerful, if somewhat forced, smile. "I'd like that, Mr. Kahnn." he smiles at Seth and Ravn, giving a polite nod, and then he's moving toward the exit, pausing to let Vic and Una by, still smiling. Una gets a bit of a brighter smile and a little headbob in greeting, since she's a neighbor, before he slips out and into the cold. And god help anyone who steals the delicious treats out of the work fridge. Turner will tell his roommates who did it.

"Women still trying to hump you on first sight?" Vic asks Ravn with a smirk. Apparently, this is not a new thing. "Do I need to get you a shirt like Seth's for your own safety?" She nods to KC and Turner and gives Una a smile because she seems so uncomfortable. "Welcome to Bizarroland, also known as Gray Harbor."

Something about Vic makes KC uncomfortable. No-- that's not accurate, it's not Vic, it's when Seth calls her 'hon' that something shifts in his demeanor. Like how he slipped off a couple moments ago with the subject of not attending Turner's grandmother's funeral. It seems to be super internal, but is rather written on his face, with a near thousand-yard stare into nothing. Almost like he is trying to remember something, and drawing a blank. Judging how well kept the man is, the way he's dressed, his physical condition, his well taken care of hair, that he might not have too many troubles to deal with, but his face indicates otherwise right now.

Thankfully, Ravn addresses him, which is a reminder that he is still here and present, and 'awake' so now is not the time to zone out! Plus Turner is leaving, and he has to wave at his departure too! "Oh, please! Call me KC." he says with a smile, breaking the cycle of internalization, "Momma named me Kaiser Caine, but that sounds all super ominous and pretentious. But she's just creative like that, yanno? KC's fine tho. Very neutral." the giant man is all smiles now.

Setting the bag of food down onto the table Ravn is at, Seth makes his way back to the line, slipping into place at the end of it behind Una. "I swear, Ravn, if I had known we were going to be eating here I would have ordered coffee when I got the food. Why didn't you say something then, asshole?" he jokes with the Dane. "Let Vic take you shopping. I am sure she will be able to find you an appropriate t-shirt. In black even!"

KC gets a look. That thousand-yard stare is something Seth has seen before, and the 'bouncer' takes mental note of it before looking back to the table his friend occupy. "

Caffeine and cake can be found in one direction, but introductions, and people in another... Una's indecision over the two is briefly visible in her expression. "Ravn," she greets, with one hand lifted in a 'hang on a moment' kind of gesture. 'Abildgaard' is too much of a challenge for her American tongue to be an easy counterpoint to his 'Irving'. "Hi. Hello. I'll be back."

At least the line isn't long, now: Una barely has a chance to nod vaguely at Seth as he falls in behind her, before it's her turn to step up and order.

"If by 'women' you mean 'one woman'," Ravn tells Vic with a chuckle as he starts to dissect his piece of cake with his spoon, in that very way that drives Vyvyan Vydal batty because the P�tisserie owner is of the firm conviction that his creations are made to be eaten, not toyed with. "I'm not exactly having my door hammered down by hordes of lonely women. And all she did was suggest a date a couple of times."

He blinks once or twice at KC. "Being named emperor? Yes, I can see how that might be a lot to live up to. Parents can be a little tricky that way, saddling you with their own ambitions and hopes." The sparkle in a blue-grey eye is sympathy -- or amusement, or both. Probably both. "I imagine the Keyser Soze jokes get old, too."

"Hah, which one, do you need me to give her my cranky bartender look?" Vic asks Ravn, watching Seth go get coffee with an appreciative look. "Kaiser, like the roll?" she asks KC with an arching of her brow. Vic, not well-versed in foreign titles.

"Aw, you'd understand if you met my momma," KC chuckles at Ravn, waving a large hand, "Maddyline Kahnn, lady eccentric extraordinaire. She LOVE to be different, and in her own circle. I mean, come on, Kaiser Caine Kahnn? Emperor, first born son, emperor? She just liked the sound of it tho. And don't even get me started on how everyone askes if I'm foreign because of my name. Heck no! I'm a red blooded American! Listen to my accent! Do I sound like I'm from round here?!" KC waves his hands at Ravn, "Not that there is anything wrong with being foreign in the slightest. It's just-- it sucks when people try to make you out to be something you're totally not, and make assumptions." Kaiser gets just a little pensive at that.

"See it all the time in my line of work, and it weighs on a person more than you might think. Mental health matters." he playfully shakes a finger at the group. "And it's totally ok to not be ok. Remember that." he smiles, and has a couple of seconds of awkward silence from him before looking to Vic and Seth, "So you two? Engaged or just--" he trails off ended, seeming truly interested and happy about the answer.

Seth continues to wait behind Una as he fields the question, "I think we are engaged. We are just kind of playing it by ear, but she has a ring and I think we made it official. You were there, Ravn. Are we engaged?" The bouncer gives Vic a look and quickly winks at her. "At the very least she seems somewhat possessive of me, so I've got that going for me."

"Yeah we are allegedly engaged and have been told by several that we are definitely engaged," Vic says, showing the ring off towards KC. "And before people start asking about wedding dates and shit, I'm heading off to run some errands before my shift at TiBS. Need to get things done in case we have to go to goddamned Spokane." Spokane is said like it is a curse word.

"I'd've thought a ring makes it pretty official, but of course the wedding--" Una has to break off in order to pay the cashier, querying the total quickly before she hands over the dollars. Croissant-- and coffee-- in hand, she makes her way back towards Ravn, KC and the departing Vic. "Hi. Properly. Una." Beat. "Irving. Una Irving."

"Mmyes, people's preconceptions can be a challenge at times. A good reason to go live somewhere far away from parents with Ideas." Ravn returns an amused look KC's way; he might not be entirely unfamiliar with quandaries of this nature. Then he shakes his head at the departing Vic. "It's fine. I politely declined. Most people do take 'no' for an answer. Even when they are clearly not accustomed to getting 'no'. I'm sure her pride will recover. Enjoy your shift."

He grins at Una and nudges a chair out with a foot. "For these two, it was official since the day they met. It just took them a few months to come around to what the rest of us saw right away. I worked with Vic back then, I got a first row seat to the entire courtship."

KC seems to hang on Seth's every word. It's not unusual for his line of work, but there is a personal interest behind itit seems. "You... think you're engaged? You have a ring, and that doesn't exactly symbolize engagement?" KC's voice has a very distinctive 'Is that how it works?' sorta sound to it. "And being possessive is... a positive part of a-- THE relationship?" KC corrects that quickly. Is he... learning about the concept of a relationship? Or something like that?

KC studies the ring very closely, making mental note of it, "Oh that's very nice! Con--gradulations to you both." A brief hesitation in the word, like trying to decide if that's what 's correct. "Hope you have a good day!" he waves after Vic's departure.

"Hm? You mean like love at first sight?" he questions to Ravn, looking from Seth and then the approaching Una. "That's actually pretty real then, huh? Lotta people say it's impossible. I've known therapists that insist it's a precursor to dependent relationships, and leads to disorders. I work around so many skeptics. And occasionally people on the opposite spectrum of that."

Seth just looks at Ravn and quirks a brow as the sarcasm of his diatribe about Vic and his relationship seems to go missed by KC, but the founder just shrugs and looks to the big man, "I was being sarcastic. Yes, we are engaged. We just play aloof about it all because that is just who we are as people."

He shifts his eyes over to Ravn, "Well not ALL of it. I mean you didn't see the time she and I..." His story is cut off by the fact he is next in line and he holds up a 'just one-moment' finger to Ravn and crew as he goes to order his coffee, and one for the now departing Vic.

Ever since Lyric had gotten some of the pretty little chocolates as a Christmas gift, she had been meaning to come and get some more. Here it was three weeks after the big day and she was finally making her way in. Dressed in a pair of faded jeans with a few rips in the knees that are more from wear than fashion, the hems around her Converse are frayed from wear also. Her shirt is a football jersey in the colors of the local team with the numbers 15 on the front and back. Beneath it is a long sleeved white t-shirt with the cuffs rolled up a couple of times.

There's a few familiar faces, some more than others, while Seth is passingly familiar, Ravn is more a 'friend'. A friendly wave to him and those around him, beaming a smile their direction on the way to the counter where all the pretties lie in wait for her money.

With Ravn's chair invitation, Una has no choice ('no choice') but to set her coffee and pastry down upon the table, and then settle herself into the chair so kindly offered. "That's adorable," she declares, both generally and with a glance towards Seth. "You're..." The latter is for KC, whose doom-and-gloom analysis is, frankly, enough to make her frown. "That's a pretty sad way to put it."

"Can't say I've experienced love at first sight," Ravn muses. "Those two? More like, they had so much in common, sharp sense of humour included, that them getting together was only a matter of time. That it turned into something worth putting a ring on is just great, though."

He puts his spoon down -- no bit of that poor cake slice has actually been eaten yet -- and reaches for his coffee cup. "I suppose not everyone is cut out for tempestuous romance but most people do seem to manage to find someone they want to share at least a part of their life with. And good on them -- I like seeing people make each other happy. The world is a good place, life is good."

"Dah ok," KC feels silly that he didn't catch the sarcasm. "Of course," he chuckles uneasily, "Of course! That's really awesome for you guys for sure!' He's kind of a big awkward giant, sorta falling over himself now socially. Mentally, as anxiety builds, he is trying to find something more socially stable to latch onto. Una's distress is enough to do that for him. It's giving him a chance to apologize for something!

"Uh, yah, sorry..." he scratches his fingers through his mane of hair, "Been at my job for so long, I kinda forget to pull the professional off of my personal sometimes." he is sheepish as he says this, "Oh! Yeah happy!" he perks at Ravn's statement, "Happy is good yeah? People should do whatever makes them happy!" Of this, the large man is agreeing. Lyric's arrival isn't unnoticed.

Paying for his two cups of black coffee Seth makes his way back to the table, taking a seat in front of the abandoned pastries. "Figures. I go get coffee for her, and she bails." He shakes his head, smirking the entire time as he shoves the orphaned cup over to Ravn.

"Yeah, you should have heard this one and Alexander trying to set us up. It was amusing. Of course, when I try to set him up with someone he gets all indignant and huffy. Such double standards."

So many choices, too many! Lyric does opt for a couple of the chocolate cake things that look to be decorated like little gift boxes. Probably they have some fancy sort of name that is likely French in origin, but she just points them out then holds up two fingers. When those are placed on the counter, she looks over the beverage choices and realizes how out of her element she is. "Um." Hesitating now, she glances over the list. "French Vanilla Cappuccino." Good enough!

It only takes a moment to pay for everything with several wadded up bills then she collects her things and, quite sure of her welcome, walks over to the table where others have mass collected. "Hi Guys." To those who don't know her though, she tosses out an introduction with a grin even as she places her things down and then herself in one of the chairs. "I'm Lyric." Peering over at Ravn a moment, she looks curious. "How's things at HOPE? Are you taking things like clothes donations?"

Una hesitates for several long seconds, studying KC, before she allows herself a nod. "Happy is good," she agrees, reaching for her fork in order to poke at her deliciously flaky pastry. "Setting people up is a dangerous game. So many ways for it to go wrong... or right, I suppose. Sometimes it does work out just fine."

Having just barely managed to get a piece of croissant onto her fork (really, croissants are best eaten with hands, but... politeness), she glances up to smile at the newest arrival, Lyric. "Una," she greets. "Hello."

Ravn raises a gloved hand in a wave to Lyric. "Long time no see, and we sure do -- mostly for kids, but if you have something adult you want to get rid of, we'll take it, heaven knows there's takers enough -- even in winter, there's a veritable homeless camp under the boardwalk. Please don't glue me to the chair again." With a glance at Una he adds some kind of explanation, "She did this when I had just arrived in town -- to show me what the town's like. Didn't touch me, just made it so that my pants were stuck to my chair. I could have left without them, of course, but, it was a chilly day."

He swats playfully at Seth's arm and then happily acquisitions the orphan mug. Perfection. "Well, set me up with someone whose idea of a good time also is spending the evening with a good book and a good whiskey, and maybe I'd roll my eyes less. Introducing me to twenty-five-year olds who want all of the excitement and action is just a waste of her time and mine. Besides, all Alexander and I did was tell you both to get on with it because we were both getting bored watching you circle each other like sharks. Not much setting up needing to be done there."

"Uh-- setting someone else rarely works for me. Its the type of unsolicited advice that I'd rathaer avoid." KC explains, smiling to Una who shares the sentiment, shaking his golden maned head, "I've sorta repressed my last relationship, I think?" KC wrinkles his brow into a frown, "Can't even remember their face much at this point. I suppose that means it was pretty bad." KC looks around the table, reading the room, and leaning forward on the table with his broad shoulders, "Might have been my fault. No one's perfect right?"

His emotions are a bit all over the place right now, wishing he had ordered something to buffer and distract him from moments of being awkward. But Lyric offers a reasonable enough distraction. Perhaps a chance to start over! The large man smiles, "KC. A pleasure."

Seth laughs at Ravn, "I've tried with Hyacinth, you told me to butt out. Not that I listened. Ok, I didn't try to 'set you up' I just tried to push you into making a move. Still, close enough. I don't think I have once tried to set you up with an under 25-year-old."

Seth picks up his coffee and takes a sip, opening the bag of pastries in front of him with the other hand...and frowning. Then rummaging around in it more before looking at the exit, "That bitch!" he exclaims, looking after what only could be in the now-departed Vic's direction. "She stole my donut..." Seth grumbles and makes do with another of the pastries in the bag, scowling at the door even though the tone and look are more humored than angered.

"She and I are very similar, it's true. This is not a case of opposites attract."

"Oh My God, Ravn, strange things live under the boardwalk if you go in far enough it's almost like another world." Lyric grimaces at the very idea of people living there. "I mean, I go to the thrift stores sometimes an' they have some super great kids clothes. I can get them and bring them. Then there's the clearance aisles at the department store that got some good things too." A wicked grin is cast his way, "I won't. You've come a long way since you got to town. And stayed." Laughter follows his comments on is pants and the walking out without them.

"Hi Una," she greets all friendly-like, "It's really great to meet ya. Are you new in town?" As the general gist of the conversation is realized, she crinkles her nose some. "Blind dates? I dunno. They don't sound super fun but they do sound super awkward." At the introduction from the larger guy she grins his way. "You're for sure new in town. Hi. You're kind of like me, huh?" No, not the weird part, but the glimmery part. Looking down at her chocolate cakes, she moves one to a napkin and keeps it before sliding the other one to KC. "Try these, they are best."

Una's choke of laughter is clearly in response to Ravn's explanation, though her gaze has almost immediately darted to Lyric, those wide eyes studying the other woman-- she's both amused and from the looks of it, faintly horrified. "Please don't glue me to a chair?" she asks-slash-suggests, not really serious. "But yeah - new in town. Been here... oh a month or so now?"

"Pre-emptive warning. Don't try to set me up with some twenty-five-year old with a lot of big dreams, she'll come after you with a gun when she realises what you've done to her." Ravn smirks at Seth.

Then Lyric says the most terrifying words in existence -- blind date -- and he focuses his gaze on his cake. "I definitely would not agree to a blind date. The idea of trying to think of someone in a romantic context when you don't even know them is honestly kind of terrifying. I will be the one chasing someone with a gun if they try that one."

He shudders again and changes to a far safer topic. "Most of the people under the boardwalk are just homeless folks. A lot of them are a lot like us -- but society's discarded them as crazy. A couple of them volunteer at the centre -- there's a bloke who warns people about carnivorous mermaids, for instance, diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. It's just, I've seen his damn mermaids, he's not making those up."

"New? Me? Not so much," KC smiles, "I grew up here. Been away for about 9 years or so but, my family is local. Probably heard the rumors about the eccentric witch in town? Maddie Kahnn? That's my momma. Don't believe what you heard, she's just a sweet free spirit and earth child." But then what Lyric says about their similarities strikes a chord in KC, and he looks a little guilty "Yeah... I guess I kinda am." it is the core of most of his current issues, mental and otherwise.

He has cake being slid in front of him, and it distracts him from going into the rabbit hole that is his internalization. He doesn't disassociate. "Ah, I have a special relationship with chocolate." the man grins, "My dogs will be mad at me for sure if I eat this. They smell it on me and pout."

Seth snorts. "I've seen you shoot, Ravn. I'd be comfortable with you chasing me with a gun." The bouncer grins at the Dane and takes a sip of his coffee before taking a bite of his pastry, mumbling through the mouthful, "I'd be the safe one, it would be everyone else that would have to worry. Stormtroopers have nothing on you."

Seth falls silent again, enjoying his pastry and coffee while he lets the others converse.

"No." Lyric responds solemnly, "He's not making them up. They live with the sharks and sea hags far, far under the boardwalk where most of those homeless people don't go." And for good reason! "Maybe they eat some of the people in the town who go missing." Hey, just a friendly observation for the new-in-town folks. "I won't glue you to a chair though, unless you want me to prove to you that I can, then I would. But you don't so I won't." After a beat, she says belatedly to Una. "Welcome to Gray Harbor. Now go home." It's spoken with the very, very best of intentions, really it is! "Or if you stay, be safe, alright?"

"Dogs can't have chocolate." Lyric offers in an off-hand manner to KC. "But you can get them something up there without chocolate and surprise them." She ponders over the mention of his mother before recognition dawns. "What year did you graduate high school?" She gives Ravn an 'I told you so' look. "Everyone always comes back, see?" It's something she said to him when he first got to town but of course she's going to remind him.

Una abandons her fork, finally, and just picks up the damn croissant in order to bite at it directly: it's much more efficient, if significantly less tidy, given the stream of crumbs that follows. She chews; she swallows. "You're not the first who's tried to tell me to leave again," she tells Lyric, with a laugh. "Nor the last. I'll stay safe, promise." Or as safe as it is possible to be.

"What kind of dogs do you have?" she wonders, of KC.

Mermaids-- and for that matter, blind dates-- are topics best left well alone.

"Oh, I give people that speech all the time. I also include the part that no one ever does, and if they do, they don't stay away. Myself included." Ravn shrugs. "I mean, I did try. I went back to Denmark a year ago for a week -- and all I could think of was how to get back here. I was in my home showing the town to Hyacinth, and all I was thinking was -- when can we get back on a damn plane. Ridiculous, really."

He finally takes an actual bite of the cake he has pretty much reduced to atoms on his plate. It is a good coffee cake. He has terrible cake manners. "Still petitioning that we change the name of this town to Hotel California."

"German Shepherds." KC answers Una happily, "One grey haired, the other is copper. In fact, that's their names. Copper and Grey." KC goes to his phone to tap and retrieve pictures of to grown and healthy German Shepherds. "These are my girls." he shows them like a proper dog dad. "And no, they don't each chocolate, but they want to." he chuckles, "The part they'd be upset about is that I did something without them. They're super possessive, and worry about me ALL the time. i have to spend at least 30 minutes convincing them that I'm not gonna die if I leave." the large man shakes his head. But he's totally serious.

KC kinda freezes up at the talk of mermaids, "Uh. 2009-- I'm sorry, you've SEEN the mermaids?" KC asks in a quick change of subject, "I haven't seen that but-- either I encounter everything else? Or I just encounter a lot of stuff. In general. On a daily basis. At great lengths--you know it's really my fault honestly."

"I should do a drive by on Dan..." mutters Seth apropos of nothing, casting a glance over Ravn's way. "See if he is being a good boy."

That being said, Seth falls back into the pattern of eating a bite of pastry, then sipping his coffee quietly as he peers at the people at the table in turn as they speak.

"Yeah, you probably met Alexander then. Just don't call him Alex. He hates nicknames. Bet you already knew that too." Lyric grins at Una, the more predictable things in town, people who made the town what it was. "If you need anything sometime, Ravn knows where I live. I work at the strip club in town too, if you ever go there." The question asked to KC about the dogs interests her too and she gives him a look of curiosity. "Cop dogs." The observation made with a smile. "Are you a cop?" Laughing at his explanation, she leans in to look at the picture even if it isn't meant for her. "Do they like walkin' at the beach? It's a great place to go with dogs." A look to Seth also, at the mention of what she assumes is his dog. "Dogs are great."

With a glance to Ravn as he eats on his cake, she queries. "You mean you lived in Gray Harbor all this time still and you're not hooked up? Welcome to my world," she grins.

"Oh, I graduated in 2015. Maybe that's why I don't remember you so much. Well, it's good to see you anyway." Tilting her head, she considers KC. "What's your fault? Seeing things daily? There's a lot to see. So much to see. I've not seen you where I've been though. Maybe now that you're back though. Did you lose some time too, like some of the others?"

"Oh, they're cute!" says Una, appreciatively. 'Cute' may not be the best descriptor of german shepherds, but she's rolling with it: genuine, at least as far as it comes across.

"'Hotel California' sounds about right. It--" She breaks off, largely, it seems, because of the sudden tinny buzzing from her well-and-truly-out-of-date cell phone. It gets a long glance, then a sigh, as she hastily attempts to sweep up her coffee-and-croissant. "I better take this. Nice to meet you!"

It takes a big of juggling, but the phone gets answered on her way out the door, no time to wait for further farewells. "What is it, mom?"

"Went on a whale safari in the bay last summer to see if the damned things were real. Sure enough, they're real. Tried to lure tourists overboard by singing at them, like sirens." Ravn hitches a shoulder. "And that was the day I found out why the marina's most popular fishing safari ship has very powerful loudspeakers. Pink versus the mermaids, Pink won."

He pauses in lifting his spoon and glances at Seth. "You're not wrong. But I just lost my appetite. Let's do that sometime this week." The spoon goes back down on the plate. "I think I may just surrender. Does anyone want a very demolished slice of coffee cake? I assure you it's excellent."

And with a laugh to Lyric the Dane says, "I'm not really the, ah, hooking up type. Never say never but, I'm not really the relationships kind of type, either. I never did get around to go see you DJ at the club, though -- probably because I've gone to that club twice. The first time to ask about a murder and I nearly got stabbed. The second time, because some bloke wanted to meet there about a motorcycle -- and then the asshole stood me up."

He shakes his head and looks sadly at the cake before standing. "I better get back as well. I'm sorry, thinking about Dan makes me want to -- go check on his wife. As in, yesterday. I'll text you later, Seth. I can't believe I forgot about Dan."

And then he's off. Nothing says Gray Harbor than people dashing out doors, phone in hand.

"No, I'm not a cop. I work in a mental health facility. I'm the CEO." he explains. His mood and his posture have completely changed. A lot less jovial, quite a bit more angsty and serious. He squirms his shoulders a bit more uncomfortably. Like he's uncomfortable in his very skin rather than clothes. One by one he watches people start to slip away, and the look on his face indicates that he is used to this kinda thing. When things start to go towards this subject, people are repelled.

But he looks up at Lyric, studying her a bit, "I'm not losing time." he tells her, "I'm losing me. Or rather the things that make me--me. Or human I guess?" On the table, KC clasps his hands together on the table, interlocking the fingers, "Stuff happens in the hospital, a LOT. Either because it's so full of negative emotions, or because I'm there, I dunno. But stuff. Happens. And I'm compelled always to do something about it, to reduce it and help people. But the more I do what I do, I start forgetting things..." he kinda starts to wave his hands while explaining, lightly.

"Emotions, and how they work or how I feel about situations. it started off with memories but it keeps getting worse. Things are starting to run together logically rather than emotionally for me. I'm sure it'd stop, if I stopped doing what I do, but-- I CAN'T." the large man shrugs.

Seth watches Ravn leave, taking a long pull from his coffee as he does. He says to nobody in particular, "This place fucks you up, man. Trying to do mental health work here is like asking a overloaded truck to stop on a dime at the end of a steep hill. Impossible. Good fucking luck with that."

Ravn mentions the club too and Lyric looks curious about the stabbing. She doesn't ask though. he seemed sort of distracted about something and so when he takes his leave, she just offers a wave to both him and Una with a bemused expression. A conversation for another time perhaps.

It's KC who gets the bulk of her attention when only he and Seth are left. Curious about some of it, she leans in and murmurs, "Stuff happens everywhere in this town. Even when you are asleep in your own bed. Even when you are awake in your own house. Lots of things happen. Bad things. You can't fix things. You can't fix everyone. Just gotta mostly choose your battles and fix the ones you can without goin' crazy, ya know?"

"What do you mean though about emotions and all? Everyone's emotions are different and I guess interpreted different. Maybe you're not losing them so much as they are changing? This place is all twisty and turny." A nod towards Seth. "Yeah, like he said. Don't try and fix everyone. Some of us ya just can't."

"That's why my job is about 90 minutes drive from here." KC manages to produce some kinda smile to Seth. "No way I would work with anyone here on that. I've made a reduction on it ever since I stepped up to this position. I'm not in the nursing department, so my interaction with patients is minimal at this point. But," He spreads his hands, "Momma isn't in the best of health, and I owe it to her to come take care of her. But part of me knows that this is where the weirdness wanted me to come."

KC draws in a breath, is blue eyes lifting to look to Lyric, "I hear you, believe me I do. But I can't help it. I'm telling you, I can't. Dreams happen all the time at the hospital. And not to mention the people who are going mad over all of this stuff. Sometimes, just letting them know they're not crazy is enough. But most times? I'm along for the ride with them. Or even if someone just needs some help that regular therapy or therapist can't reach, but I can. And I can't not do it. I can TELL myself not to use these gifts, or to stick my nose out of it, but I still do it. Deathwish? Destiny? I dunno, but if I look the other way, who's gonna try to save them?" KC frowns. His heroic complex seems to go deeper than just want.

"Ok so, changing is a good word yes but--" he looks between Seth and Lyric, "Like earlier, with him and his fiance? I have forgotten how to-- relationship. Not my feelings about them but like-- I'm forgetting how stuff WORKS emotionally. It's like-- I'm slowly developing the disorder Alexithymia, know what that is? It's a personality trait characterized by the subclinical inability to identify and describe emotions experienced by one's self or others. The core characteristic of alexithymia is marked dysfunction in emotional awareness, social attachment, and interpersonal relation. The more I use my gifts, the more I forget. It didn't start out like that, it's just gotten progressively worse." KC explains.

"Wow," Seth says with a raise of his eyebrow. "I think I can say with authority that that would pretty much suck. I can't imagine something like that...why the fuck are you even here man? I would get as far from this place as possible because this place is going to MAKE you use things and cause you that misery." The bouncer shakes his head, setting his coffee down onto the table top. "I'm not the most social person, but if I lost the ability to do it at all that would just....no. I feel for ya."

"Why don't you move your mother away from here too?" Lyric questions, but she does look interested in the issues the man seems to be having. "I don't know the answers, but maybe you've been closed off from things for so long you're just not uh.. attached anymore." Of course that's her synopsis, the one over here with the attachment disorder.

She finally reaches for her little cake and takes a bite of it and despite the offer from Ravn, she doesn't seem interested in his coffee cake. What she does do is slide it to the center of the table in case anyone else is interested in it. The cake she eats is super sweet but she seems to enjoy it. "How long's it been since you been close to someone else, other than patients and stuff?" It's asked to KC after a brief look over at Seth.

KC looks up at Seth with a tired look in his eyes, "You know, I ask myself that all the time. What is the end point of all this. What if I lose how I feel about my dogs, or my mom or just people in general? Maybe I should just stop." there is a frown across his face as memories return, "When I was 5, my father was cheating on my mother with another woman. He had a note from her, in his pocket, and as I was hugging him goodbye, I could feel her attached to that letter, how she felt and I knew those emotions were not my father's. So I started asking him about it, and he got nervous, and he let it slip that he was having an affair, and my mother figured it out." KC is staring off into space while he conveys his story, spatially reliving the trauma in his mind.

"They fought. Screaming about divorce, he walked out the door and that was the last I saw of him. And it was my fault, cause I know the other side killed him. I drew its attention to me, and it knew how to get to me best, by those I care about. My dad was the first supernatural blackmail. 'Keep doing what you're doing, or your mom is next'. That's what it felt like; what it STILL feels like. Momma started to get sick, and the doctors couldn't figure out why. When I came back here? Miraculously she stopped being sick.'" KC shrugs, using his hands mostly.

"I know my way out. Usually." the massive man taps his fingers on the table in front of him, "Get pulled into a Dream; min, someone else's, I kinda learned how to find a way out. Not everybody does, or even knows what's going on. So i help them. I'm still learning though, I only know enough to survive. Those... things walk the halls of the hospital. People always complain about the overwhelming sense of something near them. I've seen them on multiple occasions. Out of the corner of my eye, mostly on the 5th floor." There is a massive emotional weight being lifted from him, as he is able to talk to people who know the truth as much as he does. Maybe even more.

"Hm? Oh, um-- honestly? I can't recall." KC answers Lyric, "Like I said, my last relationship is fuzzy on the details, lots of details. They're not just missing, it's like-- those things weren't needed anymore. Details like when, how long, the person's face and how it made me feel, like it was such an inconsequential thing that I can't be bothered to consider it anymore. And momma tells me it was a good relationship. Even people who knew me know that something is wrong, and I'm losing parts of myself. Not changing, but emptying."

Seth watches KC for a moment, listening to what the man says with a frown. Pursing his lips the bouncer stands, grabbing his bag of pastries and coffee cup. "I...I really don't know what to say to that, man. But I can tell you that it is fucking depressing to sit here and listen to. I mean really fucking depressing. For what it is worth, I wish you the best and hope you find some way to regain what is lost. I really do, hell if I find a way I'll let you know...even if that isn't my normal type of work. You should talk more to Ravn...this is more his wheel house than mine."

To Lyric he nods his head, "Ma'am."

Without another word, the bouncer heads for the front door and doesn't look back.

There's not much Lyric can say at this point, but she does listen. As he mentions parents and threats from Them though, her expression closes off. The cake is eaten even while she listens and too soon, the little chocolate delight is all gone. The cappuccino is taken in hand, surely cooled enough by now to sip on.

"Dreams happen whether we want to be in them or not. The Shadows," her name for the Dark men, "punish those who do the things they do too much. Don't you know the more you do it the more you get caught and in trouble for doing it? You can't blame you for your dad's choices cause you were a kid, he was a grown up. Ya can't parent your parent even if sometimes they need parenting more than their kids do." There's a roll of her eyes, maybe directing that more internally, but fitting either way.

As Seth leaves, she offers him a nod, "See ya."

KC's brows knit together as Seth is disturbed, "Yeah, I'm sorry man. I understand, it's too much, I get it. I'm sorry." he apologizes, and lets the man go before he says anything more.

"They do, yes you're right. And yeah I know the more I do it, the more stuff happens, but I can't stop, or I get put in situations to where I HAVE to use them. Even now, with my current position I haven't COMPLETELY avoided it, just slowed it down. And I think that's why I got pushed back here, cause I'm not doing things as much as the Shadow People want me to." And then this is where he sits up and leans forwards a little, eyes focused on Lyric, "But that can't be it. We're made to do these incredible things, but it's bad to do anything with them? We're helpless to stop the things that go on around us, like we're cattle? No. That can't be it. 'It is what it is' is NOT a good enough answer for me. I don't want anything bad to happen to momma. I'd rather it happen to me instead. And if I gotta keep doing things so they come after me, and leave her alone, then that's what I gotta do, right? Least till I figure out how to help stop it or something."

Sitting there, at the other end of that table, with his heart practically exposed, that look on his face; the determination. It certainly shows why people like his mother find him heroic. He wants to protect the people closest to him, and he seems to be caught in this situation and this loop. "You seem to know quite a bit. I sorta envy you." The giant man gives a weak smile. "How do you do it?"

"It can be kinda scary, everything can. 'Specially when you don't have control over any of it. I don't know what you can do to protect your mom except what you're doing, but even so, it's a dangerous line to balance. Crossing it, bad things can happen. Not crossing it? You think bad things will happen. How do you know somethin' bad'll happen to your mom?" Of course when Lyric asks, her usually expressive features are surprisingly blank, probably meaning it's deliberate to have them that way. "How do you know?"

With her hands wrapped around the large to-go cup of the cappuccino, she continues to look at him like that. "Don't envy me," is finally spoken softly as she lowers her eyes. "I'd walk in your shoes for awhile if you'd walk in mine."

KC winces, "Do you ever feel like you kinda undestand what it wants? Sometimes? Like whisper and a instinct? Like something happens, or you reach an outcome and you're just like... oh, this is what it wanted." his lips press together and he nods, "Yeah... I get those impressions a lot. I don't understand it, but I FEEL it. I don't know for sure? But I just know, right?" He looks at her hoping that makes sense. In his head it really does.

The man chuckles and 'washes' his face in the palms of his head, groaning, "You know, maybe we're all just floating here, waiting to be devoured or fed upon because we're not united. Look at the world right now, everyone is just so solitary and out for themselves. A person's strife is considered a burden no one wants to deal with. Their traumas dismissed. Hell, young children are just thrown in the mental hospital because their parents would rather not deal with them than be a parent. We're all wandering scared and alone, and I feel that. So much."

"Sometimes. Then again sometimes I just wish I knew so I could give it over. I wish I could yell into the darkness You assholes you've taken everything from me what more do you want?" Lyric gives another smile, this one holds a touch of whimsy. "Then again, I sometimes tell it that it can't win and I won't let it." So, in a way she understands, but she mostly refuses to let it get what it wants.

"I think if you give in and let it have what it wants, it knows it can win with you, so it demands even more the next time." Just her own observation. "Maybe we all are, but even so, I like the real life, I like doing things, I like singing. I like dancing. I like drums and guitar. I like my job at the strip club where I play music for the dancers. I love being a DJ. I've got friends in town that I like. None I spend lots of time with unless you include the kid in the cemetery. He mostly comes out at Halloween though, but I visit him enough."

With an arched brow, she watches him a moment before getting up and taking her drink with her only to sit down closer to him. "There. Now you're not alone," she says simply. "At least you still have that emotion though. The loneliness. I have it sometimes too. But you're feeling something at least. And you care about others. You have emotions, maybe just the relationship ones you bury. The love stuff. I don't blame you, cause mostly, everyone leaves. In some way or another."

Listening to her talk about the things she likes to do with the passion and the drive, it picks KC up a bit. Shown in the way his shoulders rise in his sitting posture, "That's why I can't even think of stopping. That's why I have to keep doing what I do now, trying to reduce its influence as much as I possibly can. Because what you described just then? To me, those are the Dreams. Those are the things I want to protect, for you, for my mother, for anyone what is oppressed by this force. It may ultimately lead up to my end, and I may not completely succeed, or succeed at all. But I have to try." The ideal is giving him armor, a sword and a shield. It is igniting and spurning him on.

"I got my momma, and I got my dogs. They love me, and they keep me going. They keep me grounded enough for now. Will I lose them? Will I end up feeling differently about them, or not feeling at all eventually? I don't know. But they're here with me now. And so are all of the other people that have the right kind of dreams. Like you, and Seth and his fiancee. "

He halfsmiles at Lyric's summerization, "Yeah, I may feel alone, but it doesn't mean that I am. People like you, and people like me, we can do things. Why? I dunno. But what good is it if we don't use it to help people who cannot do what we do and help themselves?" he reaches over to pat the top of her hand if there aren't hangups, he's a tactile kinda person. "I'm not trying to call you to arms or anything, no. Just... I got your back when you need it. When anyone needs it."

"Do you know what Dreams are? You know, the ones where you go to sleep an' wake up not where you were? It's like a nightmare, but not like a regular dream. It's a Dream. With a capital D. You'll hear people talk about it, maybe. When you wake up an' you are below the boardwalk an' you know you have to go in the water there, even if you don't know why. You have to go beneath, down deep in the water an' you have to do whatever it wants you to do. Like.. fight off sharks while unable to breathe in the water. Then you have to fight sea hags who want nothin' more than for you to wake up dead. Because whatever happens to you in a Dream happens to you in real life. I've been burned by fire, burned by chocolate, burned by temperatures so cold I thought I'd lose parts of me. I've watched a little girl drown in the waters so cold I couldn't save her. I tried, I tried so hard, but I couldn't. I know what you feel, but if you turn it all off, you become one of them. You become one of the Shadows. Lackin' emotion and everything. So hold on to what makes you You and don't let go of it. If you can't do it alone, find someone who can help you. Someone strong. Don't make your mom do it, protect her, you only got one mom. Maybe if you find someone strong enough to help you through it, you'll come out the other side."

There's no objections to the physical touch, she smiles at him. "Just don't try an' touch Alexander, he doesn't like it at all." After a long moment, she tilts her head and regards him again, "Just don't give up, okay? You're worth fighting for, so keep on doing it."

As if to lighten the moment, she laughs, "The most fun Dream was Mario Kart. I had a cool car an' cotton candy hair. I had a fan club of gingerbread men who wore cotton candy hair to cheer me on."

KC is not one of those stubborn people that hears what someone says but doesn't listen. It's not his nature. So what Lyric is saying is taken to heart, and it is something that makes clear sense to him, only serving to bolster his determination, "I'm not going. Not without a fight, I can assure you of that. I think-- I can relearn the things that I keep losing. Doing a mental palace sorta situation. Take stock of the things that make me. Doesn't always work, but I've had a little bit of sucess."

He really searching his memory this person is mentioned again, "Alexander... I think... I know who that is? Not personally but-- you don't live here your whole life without knowing OF certain people. But I got it, loud and clear. No touching Alexander.He uh-- honestly sounds like he could do with some therapy himself. But we all do honestly."

KC chuckles at her description of her Dream, "My first good one was Disney related." but he shakes his head after clearing his throat on that one, "That's about as much detail about that as you'll get outta me about it." He's blushing actually.

"Oh good, cause you're kinda cool, ya know?" Lyric's penchant for understatement reigns supreme. "I hope you have success in it again. That you can find the things you lose, or at least find reasons to learn the emotions you're blocking again."

The cappuccino is given attention, a few sips since it's cooled off enough. She doesn't lose track of the conversation though. "Alexander Clayton. Class of '98 I think. Or so. He doesn't like nicknames so if you use one maybe give him your whole name. What's Casey short for?" Assuming that's what he had introduced himself as, she has no idea he meant the letters K and C.

The Disney dream does bring a smile, but then he blushes and of course.. of course she's going to ask about that one in particular. "What did you Dream? You can tell meee." Leaning on on her elbows, closer, so she can listen intently.

"Actually, it's K. C. Which sounds like an actual name if you say it together. it's short for Kaiser Caine. my full name is Kaiser Caine Kahnn. The first name sounds odd enough alone, but say all three of them and it sounds absolutely ridiculous. Momma really wanted me to stand out." The situation of his name always makes him laugh, and he gives in to take a bit of cake to munch, "The girls are gonna be so mad at me. They're gonna make me sleep on the floor with them for this." But he says it rather lightheartedly, like he's ok with that sacrifice.

"Whab?" KC blinks with cake in his mouth as Lyric presses the issue of his Dream, "Uh uh, I can't. No! Nope, I couldn't possibly." he refuses, shaking his head vigorously, turning all kinds of red. "I can't, please don't make me." the poor giant looks helplessly. "I was a Disney princess." he groans in defeat. "I was just a kid! But like-- I wasn't even a pretty one either. My hair wasn't long back then, and I was just a boy in a dress. But i talked with animals and all that crap, and it was mortifying." Probably the biggest complaint is that he wasn't pretty. "You can't tell ANYONE."

"Oh! K.C. That makes sense. I like it. I guess it's a good thing your middle name didn't start with a K too, then you'd be KK which isn't bad, but KKK is terrible." A slight pucker of her brow and the rabbit hole she just went down. Shaking her head, she dismisses it and focuses instead on his 'girls' he mentions. "Your dogs you mean? That's funny, they punish you too? Everyone punishes you, I think."

As he elaborates on the Disney Princess thing, she grins and refrains from outright laughing. "Which Disney Princess?" Because that stuff matters! "I want to be a mermaid. Maybe a Siren that sings, but a mermaid all the same. So I'd be Ariel." There's a speculative look given to him and of course she makes assumptions. "Have you met the Chief yet? Javier de la Vega?" Then she pauses to reconsider. "No, he already has two boyfriends. But maybe I could find you a blind date?" Oh God, those words again. "If you wanted? To try and reconnect with people and emotions again?"

KC draws in a breath, but cuts it short, waggling a finger and nodding to agree, "Yeah, exactly. Momma wouldn't have done that tho. There's always a method to her madness and everything is sprinkled in love. None of that hate stuff at all." It goes without saying that the man would have changed his name somehow if it had been another K. The dogs comment gets him to laugh, "Nnnyeah they're more manipulative than punishing. You know how it is, right? You have that connection with animals? Can feel their emotions, give them orders? They get pouty, and go lay facing with their noses in the corner, it's the most pathetic thing, and totally breaks your heart. They gang up on you and don't relent till you give in." the man shakes his head, "You can't say no to them, they're sweet girls, just dramatic, with abandonment issues, even though no one has ever abandoned them." which makes him rolls his blue eyes.

KC rubs his hand down his face, "I knew I shouldn't have said anything..." he mumbles into his palm, "I wasn't any existing Disney princess, just a generic type one. Like-- princess Fionna, only Disney. I was super young! Could you imagine me getting a Dream like that now? ME? In a dress? Like a Cinderella looking one?" And then the look on his face bleeds away, like a of doom had appeared over his head. "Why do I suddenly feel like I made a mistake?" he asks, and blinks, "I totally feel like I just said 'I'll be right back' in a horror movie." Could he really be that unlucky? Is it forshadowing?

"Wait wait what? The chief? Two boyfriends? How-- how does that work? Yanno, see! This is part of the reason I am kinda glad I don't do the relationship thing! Walk around on apps and sites and stuff with a whole husband AND a boyfriend. Some people don't even get a text back." He's gone into complaining mode. A subject that he's a little sensitive about. He still has emotions there at least! That part hasn't faded away. "Oh... um. Never been on a blind date before... I don't think.I'm sitting here talking about boyfriends and relationships and stuff but I'd probably screw it up. I wouldn't even know HOW to do it. I just don't anymore, I feel like I DID, but what if-- I piss the person off? And I totally bomb the date?"

"I don't think your mama would do things bad, don't worry. As protective of her as you are, I bet she's a great mom." Just to clarify that, Lyric makes sure he knows she wasn't saying things about his mom. "I don't connect as much with animals, except Batty. Batty is mine and I ride him and fly about everywhere when I go on the other side." She gives him a confident smile. "I would take you over there to meet him, but you may see the Shadow guys there and it probably wouldn't do you any good. Batty is a huge, huge bat I met and connected with over there. He's my friend now. And I'm his."

"Maybe you should draw how you looked back then in your dream. I bet it was fun though. Did you have a tiara? One time I was in a beauty competition in a Dream. And I got a tiara. It was so cool. I brought it back with me it's in my bedroom at home. And I got a shard of obsidian too. The Minecraft world was so cool, the water and lava." She leaves it at that to watch him.

"Yeah he has two boyfriends. Joe is nice, he's an astronaut or something. Or he was? Or maybe just on a boat, I don't remember. Itzhak is in my band. Or he was. He may be busy now, cause I've been busy. Ico's been busy. Scott and Park too, so we've not played much anymore. But some of us do Karaoke at the Pourhouse when there's a show. You should come sometime." Still, she hears his complaints and the rest. "Do you like guys or girls? That'd help me find someone for you to blind date with, at least."

"You've-- made friends over there? With a giant bat?" KC blinks, "I didn't know that was possible. That's incredible! There's just so much I don't know about that place..." He is certainly a man that thought he had reasonable knowledge but is finding out he doesn't yet.

The subject of being a princess continues to make him blush, "It was orange." KC admits, "I hate orange as a clothing. But it was big, and orange and difficult to walk in. I--I don't have the body type to wear something like that, I never did! I didn't have boobs or anything. Nothing changed except people kept calling me princess. Princess KC. And before you ask, I didn't bring it back with me. I didn't think you could bring anything back. Thank god I can't..." Imagine that reminder laying around. It makes him squirm. "Hideous..." he mutters.

"I've done karaoke from time to time. Usually at the hospital Christmas party, those are fun times!" It makes the big man smile, "I could come along." And the talk of possible dating? Well that is just as embarrassing, "Uh-- well if I were to start dabbling in that, it'd be guys I guess?"

"I did befriend a bat. I bet you could too. Bats are pretty cool. Especially mine." Lyric does like her pet. A lot. "I have brought things back. I collect some things too." She finishes her drink then leaves the empty cup on the table, pushing it away from her.

"Orange. I bet if you had the Dream again you could bring it back with you, but maybe you wouldn't be so young in your Dream this time?" There's a small sound of laughter. "Most dresses are hard to walk in so I wear jeans. You should try glass slippers too. Or really tall platform shoes. Not that you need them." She can tell he's super tall even sitting down!

At the acceptance of Karaoke, she bobs her head in approval. "I already invited the Chief and Joe when it's Karaoke night at the Pourhouse. So, if you come at least you can meet them. They are great, I bet you'd be friends with them eventually. I know the Chief and Joe are kinda like us, you know? They got that shine around them too. Itzhak even more. Like me and you. They are really great people, all three of them. Plus there's lots of others who like to karaoke, it'd be good for you to get out and reacquaint yourself with others in the town. New and old."

KC's eyes go wide, "Noooo, don't say that! I'm not gonna have that Dream again. One and done. No way!" He gives her a very dubious look, "Can you even imagine, a 6'7" Disney princess in an orange dress, built like this? Beard, and everything?" Surely it sounds as crazy to her as it does him he would hope. "What would even be the point of that Dream? To find a prince? Kiss one? That was the goal in the Little Mermaid, but that'd be nuts! I'd never live it down." Could it happen again? He's praying no, in fact.

"Wow..." KC sounds a bit amazed, "I've gone all this time not quite encountering other people that had it, and now all of a sudden, I have them showing up in droves. It's kinda scary, yanno? Less monster scary and more anxiety scary." The massive man has a lot of those things. Anxieties that is. As big and strong as he is, there is a lot of sensitivity there. A scary thought being him losing that, how he had talked about. All of that personality in danger of fading away, and into what? That's the kind of emotion that looms about him.

"Well, I should get back to momma and the girls. They're gonna think I got lost by now." Hands tot he table, the huge man rises, taking a moment to dig into his pocket to fish out a business card to hand over, "Just lemme know when and I'll be there."

"I've seen things, KC. That wouldn't be bad at all. Just be you, don't apologize for it or anything." Lyric shrugs. "Sometimes dreams happen that aren't Dreams. Maybe that's one of the other ones." She quirks a brow at his protesting but says nothing more on it.

Instead, she smiles, "This town attracts us. It pulls people like us because the entrance to the other side is so thin here. I can make a way in there if I wanted to. An' like Ravn said, I can do things other than you. I don't help people's minds. I could pick you up though. Or somethin' like that. Some people can heal people. So don't think the burden of helpin' people is all on you. There's lots of us that do it too. I think the Chief is like you though. An' he's pretty great." It's said with a grin.

As he takes his leave, she offers a quick wave, "See ya later." Accepting the card as it's handed over and she slides it into her back pocket. "Will do that." With that, she changes her mind and reaches for Ravn's coffee cake and starts eating it.


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