2021-03-08 - Say it in Song: Karaoke@Poorhouse

Say it in Song is a musical theatre themed karaoke event. The Gyres and Davis look forward to a fabulous evening with you.

IC Date: 2021-03-08

OOC Date: 2020-06-19

Location: Spruce/The Poorhouse

Related Scenes:   2021-03-10 - There's A Storm Coming (And We Need To Play a Duet)

Plot: None

Scene Number: 5779


Another night of Karaoke set up for the Poorhouse, and the bar had the usual Wednesday crowd. The low-brows, the mill workers, normal folk. Chelsea was behind the bar tonight, seeing to the usual patrons, her big round glasses flashing in the underlights they'd mounted behind the bar everytime she had to turn her head to catch a new order. Davis was set up at a table near the raised stage, plunking away at a little laptop that was connected to the sound system. He tests the mic at some point in his traditionally monotonous tone. He sets out the binder and the cards to fill out, though there wasn't a basket to drop them in just yet, people were still filtering in. Leon and Maggi weren't visible for the moment, but were likely here somewhere.

Roxy wanders into the Pourhouse for the first time in about a year. The ballerina looks much the same, still wearing vintage dresses, with her short black hair and bright blue eyes. She saw the advertisement for karaoke and decided to see who was around and about for it, and reconnect with old friends. She smiles brightly as she makes her way towards the bar.

<FS3> Leon rolls Leadership: Success (8 6 5 4 4 4) (Rolled by: Leon)

Tada! A Kailey arrives with a big smile as usual. Tonight she is dressed in...artfully tattered gray clothes. A scarf around her neck looks for like fur and no doubt keeps her warm. It's the facepaint that probably catches some by surprise. But she is never one to not stand out. Painted up like a cat she looks like she just came from a stage production of CATS!

"I am so flipping excited!" She says to no one in particular. Heading for the bar she flashes a smile and orders two guiness. One for her and the other for the big guy. Who is probably parking the car? "Did I overdo it for the theme?" She asks Chelsea with a wave at herself.

Barnacle Bill is there. In that Joe, that Lord of the Barflies, has found himself a table at a good distance to listen to the evening's singers, and is already there with something made out of bourbon. He's only in a black t-shirt and jeans, and he's leaning back, at ease, playing with his phone before the music begins.

Only to look up and do a classic double-take when he sights Roxy. "Hey there," he says, and his tone is a mixture of shock and bemusement and affection. "I thought you had sense enough to stay the hell outta Dodge, girl." He looks very different indeed from when last she saw him. New ink, new scars, hair much, much longer. Altogether more battered and scruffier than he was.

Carrying a guitar case as he enters, Devlin first walks over to the bar to sign up and get a himself a double shot of bourbon. He then finds himself a table where he can watch and settles in.

Stepping inside, Scott looks around at the people present already. He offers them all a grin before he makes his way over to sign up and get himself something to drink. He looks in a good mood as he finds a place to seat, waiting for things to proceed now.

Roxy's face lights up at the sight of Joe, and she moves over to him, to kiss his cheeks one at a time. "Joseph! It is good to see you looking well. The longer hair suits you, I think," she quips, scritching at his cheek scruff with her nails a moment. "And Dodge decided to shoot up my dance studio here, so I came back to check on things. The production in New York was finished and, well, you know how Gray Harbor is." It always pulls you back. "It looks like it has had its way with you as well, my friend?" she asks, tipping her chin towards the new scars.

Theme, what theme. Ravn Abildgaard definitely has heard of no theme. It's probably only because somebody old, Russian, and supernatural forced him to re-evaluate a few recent choices that he's even here. He slinks in, dressed in his usual blacks, and aims for the darkest, quietest corner -- and if no one notices him doing so, he'll be all the happier about it. The Dane is not a crowd seeker, he's definitely not a stage performer, and he's giving serious thought to just turning right around and wandering off again. Goddamn you, Baba Yaga.

Chelsea laughs at Kailey's question, and there's a sad bit of resignation on her face, "Oh, honey. No... Wait til you see Leon." She grimaces.

The lights dim marginally, the faint hum of a microphone finally coming up to volume drawing attention to the stage. A big man hops up on the stage in a flash of red. Leon Gyre takes the stage, hand moving to take hold of the microphone stand. He was dressed in a halloween store version of a ringmaster's red coat, and he wore a top hat, though jeans and his traditional workman's Red Wing boots were on his feet.

A chorus of voices play through the speakers, "Wooo-oohhhh-oh!"

Davis literally can't even, the man covering his face and curling over the laptop in absolute embarrassment. On stage, Leon stomps in time to the beat that clomps out of the amps. The chorus plays again. The big man leans towards the mic, all the gravitas in the world as he tips his face up, the shadows slowly drawing until his piercing blue eyes can be seen staring out into the crowd.

"Ladies and Gents, this is the moment you've waited for." The chorus of voices sing their echoing 'woah' again.
"Been searching in the dark, your sweat soaking through the floor." The voices croon again.
"And buried in your bones there's an ache that you can't ignore... Taking your breath. Stealing your mind. And all that was real is left behiiiiind."

Everyone can agree the opening line is a little foreboding for Gray Harbor, but really, everything was foreboding in Gray Harbor. Leon launches into a spirited version of The Greatest Show, reminding the harbor he wasn't the best singer, but he could carry a tune and entertain an audience with that iconic terribleness that was amateur Karaoke.

Davis still can't even. When Leon is done, he dismounts the stage and tosses the hat down to be the request pool in front of Davis. The dadliest catch finally sighs and brings up his mic.

"Yeah, thanks boss. Alright people, you know the drill, welcome to another horrifying-" He gets a look from Leon, "I mean wonderful night of Karaoke at the Poorhouse. I'm sure some of you heard there's a theme, and anyone actually brave enough to sing a showtune gets 50 percent off their next drink. If you wanna sing, come on up, do your worst. It's all uphill from here."

"I'm glad you think so," Joe says, blinking for a moment as he's given those cheek kisses, and then chuckling rustily as she scratches his cheeks. As if reminded of his time in Russia. "Yeah, it's been a rough year, but we survivin'," he says, tone companionable. "Can't say I'm glad to see you here, 'cause this place is as crazy as ever, but glad to see you well." He offers Ravn a wave, when he spots him....but then he's watching Leon with a sort of faintly astounded expression. Like he really didn't expect that out of him, of all people.

He said he was going to show up, then said he couldn't, had to prep for a meeting with some high priced lawyers out of Portland. But at the last possible minute, de la Vega's changed his mind and put in an appearance anyway. He's in his usual grungy blending-in-with-the-civilians attire: snug black jeans, faded tee shirt and ballcap, battered leather jacket and even more battered boots. With things in full swing, he shoulders his way inside and eases out of the entryway, eyes on the 'stage' as he weaves his way toward the bar.

Roxy opens her mouth to reply to Joseph when Leon takes the stage and strikes her dumb. "My goodness, that was quite a thing," she quips cheerfully, applauding the locksmith. "Are they doing theme nights now? How fun!"

This is nooooooooot the Vyv Vydal ideal of 'date night'. Grant knows this which makes Vyv actually coming out here. Well not 'out'. They're already 'out' but out here. It's been a trying week and hanging out with familiar faces and getting tater tots and a beer is really all he wants to find consolation in the day. "Ravn, Spaceman, Kailey suuuuup guys!" He signs with the greeting. Looking to Vyv the skater (who might be a hot mess but stopped dressing for such a station) points to Ravn as if he can't pick the blonde giant out of a crowd. And with all the focus of a ferret also notices the sign up. "Shiiiit musical theatre night? Nice! I'm a go sign up. I dunno with what but fuck it, I'm a do the thing." And like that he's off to make the second worse decision of the night and that's slap Ruiz on the back of the shoulder in greeting, "Lobo, suuup."

Seeing Joe, "Evening Joe, good to see you." He takes a sip of his bourbon, "I actually got an evening off for a change."

Ravn didn't expect Leon to pull a stunt like that, either. He's gaping like a goldfish at the end of it -- wow, Leon, just wow.

He returns the greetings of Joe and Grant with an upnod back and then does his best to just fade into the background -- or, well, the foreground because the bar is where one goes if one needs a straight double whiskey, and this someone definitely needs one if he's going to spend the next hour or two in a crowded room like this. Give him the proverbial crutches, Davis.

A few songs are put in from the Harborites, Davis clicking through some things in the laptop to get things cued up. He lifts the mic to his lips again.

"Welp, first attempt to lift our spirits seems to be Devlin?" His eyes lift into the gloom of the bar, "This took some intense Google-fu, thanks pal, but he's going to be singing a parody of Impossible Dream. Good luck and godspeed to him."

Devlin walks up to the stage and sets up with his guitar. He then takes a seat as he tests the strings for their tuning. He smiles to the crowd and then says, "I hope you enjoy a good parody."

He begins to pick and chords into a intro melody for a classic, Impossible Dream. He begins to sing,

"To see the Impossible "Mish"
That's not where I'm dashing to go
No plot, just extended to borrow
Some parts "One" and "Two" didn't show.."

"Who cares if the action is strong
Or special effects what they are
Thumbs down from both Ebert and Roeper
Tom Cruise, he's an overblown star"

"It's not my quest
To favor the flick
Of someone so hopeless,
Who thinks he's so slick.."

"An image not right
Scientology weird
Demonstrated with couch jumping might,
When on Oprah, appeared"

"He's a bore, egotistical, too
Such a self-centered pest
I'd prefer, much more humility,
And more gracious, a guest"

"Oh, the world would be better for this
If the man. who thinks God is on Mars
Would leave on a spaceship, abducted
This king of unbearable Stars"

The last chords rise with his voice and then drifts off.

It may not be howling snow out there, but it's still decidedly cool and not quite spring. And Vyv is still Vyv, even if he's getting dragged to the bar whose very name suggests it's not meant for him to listen (presumably listen) to people sing probably poorly. So there's his camel coat over a brown tweed suit, a plaid scarf, general Vyvish accoutrements. He stops just inside to remove the now-excess layers, looking around somewhat dubiously as he pulls off the leather gloves. Well, yes, at least there's people he knows. Even people he likes! Though the one he likes best promptly runs off toward the signups. Mn.

He does not head that way; instead once he has things sorted out he heads toward Ravn, with light nods of greeting to the other people he recognizes; Kailey gets an amused but not disapproving look for her costume. If you're going to go, why not go all in? "So," he inquires of the insufficiently invisible Dane as he slides into a seat, "how did you get roped into this, then?"

Of course Joe lights up when he spots Ruiz, and he's rising and beckoning the cop towards him, rather than the bar. "Hey, Javier," he calls, in a lull between songs. Roxy's question has him glancing at the stage, then back at her. "Looks like it is," he agrees. "You know, I hadn't realized 'til I got here. I mean, I never sing at these things, so it's just as well, I s'pose." Devlin gets a wave, too. "Glad to see you finally do have a night off, but it looks like you got showtunes night, man."

Leon had stripped his coat off and tossed it over the edge of the bar, red-faced and laughing, throwing some comments to some of the regulars that were razzing him. He posts up to help Chelsea serving, getting a side-eye from the college student. He sighs, "There's only one blonde that stands behind this bar that gives me that look. Can it." The bartender draws her lips in and tries not to laugh, then goes about serving.

Parking the car or some such. If there's a theme for the night, when the door opens and through the doorway ducks the tall, long-haired thug. Against the doorframe he brushes the end of a cigarette, letting cherry-hot embers fall and extinguish before hitting the ground. When the smoke has been subdued, the butt follows the ash only to be stepped on before his ankle twists twice.

Through the door, into the bar proper, and Everett looks around. When he catches sight of who he's looking for, his chin rises with solemn acknowledgment then cants to the side of the raised stage, where Davis is, before he heads in that direction.

Devlin steps down from the stage and returns to his table. His guitar is put away in it's case. He then returns to sipping from his bourbon. He thumps up to Joe, "Nothing like putting a twist on it."

"OH, Hey Grant!" Kailey calls with cheerful enthusiasm as she waves at him, then bites her lip and quickly turns back to the bar. Grabbing her beers and leaving Chelsea a tip, she grabs a table near to Ravn's. Shooting him a grin and saying, "Are you gonna -sing-?" With hopeful excitement in her green eyes. Then she turns to look at the stage and, like the Dane, her mouth gapes a bit. When he finishes there is excited clapping as she takes a big drink from her Guiness. Everett's arrival earns a wave, though she likely doesn't need to announce where she is sitting, her costume and facepaint standing out.

As Devlin performs Kailey listens with one ear while turning her attention again to Vyv and Grant. But instead of saying something pops up and runs over to fill out her own song card. Giving Everett a friendly hip-check as she does. Leaving a tip and nipping back to her beer. "You look great, as usual," She says to Vyv as she flops into her seat. To Grant she signs, 'How are you?" She can keep up with basic conversation, and is getting better in it. The more you use it right?

Scott smiles as he listens, unable to hold back a bit of a grin. He takes a few sips from his drink, listening and enjoying himself.

Davis just watches Devlin dismount the stage, dumbstruck for a moment. He lifts the mic, "Well... I didn't expect anyone to actually bring a guitar, so, let's give a round of applause to the stones dangling from that man." He claps. Like twice.

"Next up we've got Kailey." He doesn't even have to search, his eyes lock on the purple from across the room, pointing, "Who's going to be getting half off her next drink because she's crazy enough to sing Memory from Cats."

Park rushes in. A bit late...and she'll probably have to leave as soon as she sings as well...but she doesn't like to miss Karaoke night. She is dressed in a toga as she rushes over to Davis to announce her intention to sing. Lord help them all. The toga might have more to do with her other job as DJ at the strip club, or it might not.

She bounces over to Scott to give him a hug. "Looking good, dude!" Kailey gets a wave too - they'll have that catch-up soon. Promise.

August comes in, maybe running a little late, or maybe right on time. As for what he's wearing, it's not fancy, but it sure is something: a red, high-collar vest with black embroidered edging; a white, sleevless, Henley undershirt; black leather wristbands; and black, high-waist, wide-leg pants. He's even in black leather, heeled dancing boots. He pauses to listen to Leon and then Devlin, lingering on the fringes. Only when those performances are done done he saunter over to Davis to put in his name, continues sauntering over to Ravn. Did you want to hide, Ravn? Not with a 6'2 guy in 2" dancing boots and a cherry red vest talking to you.

"How much liquor do I need to put in you to get you up there," he asks, and orders a black and tan. A smile and an upnod for Ruiz and Joe, then he leans on the bar and gives Ravn a bland look. He's a man on a mission: record Ravn singing drunk karaoke for Itzhak.

"I got told rather firmly by Baba Yaga to stop hiding," Ravn murmurs back to Vyv. "Consider it a social experiment. If I flee screaming in a minute, it's nothing personal." He looks positively grateful for the double scotch when acquired, and not at all sorry to share a table with Vyv and Grant. Both are colourful people, far more prone to attracting anyone's eye. Social camouflage at its finest.

He applauds Devlin upon the conclusion of his performance, though. It takes guts to go up there, and Ravn at least has not forgotten the EMT's offer to play together at some summer campfire.

The expression on his face at August's question, though, is little short of panic. "Not happening."

"Javier!" Roxy exclaims joyfully at the sight of the cop. She moves to give the often cranky man a hug. "I have missed you! You look well! I have heard you are now Chief of Police? Congratulations!" She is still a ray of sunshine peeking through the overcast gloom of Gray Harbor. She applauds for Devlin as well, though she doesn't seem to understand the parody reference.

<FS3> Kailey rolls Expression: Good Success (6 6 6 5 3 3) (Rolled by: Kailey)

"Why thank you. You look committed," Vyv replies to Kailey, and while one could possibly take a double meaning from that, the tone is just like the expression: amused, but perhaps grudgingly approving. Ravn has a good if not brilliant idea; he orders himself a double scotch as well, arching a brow at the reason given for his presence. "Isn't she mythical?" Not that this necessarily stops Grey Harbor, granted.

Colourful or not, he fades himself back a bit at August's arrival and address to Ravn -- partly to appraise that costume, but mainly to see whether he's actually going to get anywhere with that mission. Either result might be entertaining. The performance, of course, gets light applause, though he's missed a fair bit of it getting settled.

Stepping through the doors Michel looks around blinking in wide eyed confusion when he spots the crowd gathered. Tilting his head the lithe young male steps in and looks for a place to sit. He is dressed neatly in a fine button down shirt of a deep grass green and designer black jeans paired with his favorite black converse. His wing earring winks in the low light, having been revealed as his long hair is pulled into a low tail at the base of his neck. He spots Ravn and gives the other man a shy wave and a little smile before going back to the hunt for a seat.

August accepts his two-tone beer with a nod and a healthy tip, nods at Ravn. Eyeing the double scotch like he's taking notes, he turns his attention to Vyv and Grant. "Feel like assisting me in getting him up there?" he asks, shameless as always. It's more directed at Grant than Vyv; August presumes Vyv is not as much of a hellraiser and trouble-maker as Grant. This might be wrong, but seems like a safe guess.

He flicks a glance back at Michel as he arrives, considers him, and asks Ravn, "New guy in town?" brows up.

"Give her a shot, Ravn. It will be fun." Devlin says over his drink. "Have a drink or two before hand if your nervous man.. just have fun."

Roxy's innocent congratulations have Joe pursing his lips. "It was kind of a battlefield promotion, sugar," he tells her, quietly. "They murdered the last Chief. Officially, Javier's still Acting Chief, but ain't no one else stepped up for it. It's a whole long saga - got these scars as part of it." He doesn't seem in the least disposed to get up and sing, it appears. Quite content to nurse his drink and wait for Ruiz to get untangled from his phone.

"CRAZY AS A HATTER!" Yells Kailey at Leon. With a grin she hops to her feet and adjusts her Grizabella-esque attire. One last sip of beer, a squeeze to Everett's shoulder, and she is sashaying up to the stage. With enthusiasm and a nod to Davis, she takes up the mic. "You guys ready for cat death cult song feels?" She asks with a chuckle before the music starts. Then she grows somber.

"Midnight not a sound from the pavement. Has the moon lost her memory? ," Kailey begins to sing and she isn't really focusing on anyone specific in the audience. Her gaze trailing off into the distance as she signs with feeling. "She is smiling alone...In the lamplight the withered leaves collect at my feet,
And the wind begins to moan."

The music grows deeper and sadder, Kailey's voice deeper and a hint of bitterness in her singing, "Memory all alone in the moonlight. I can smile at the old days I was beautiful then. I remember the time I knew what happiness was...Let the memory live again" She holds it well. "Every street lamp seems to beat a fatalistic warning. Someone mutters at the street lamp gutters and soon it will be morning!" She smiles as the music swells and she does a little spinning dance.

"Daylight I must wait for the sunrise. I must think of a new life. And I mustn't give in! When the dawn comes. Tonight will be a memory too, and a new day will begin," The music swells and again Kailey dances across the stage with it. "Burnt out ends of smoky days. The stale cold smell of morning. The street lamp dies, another night is over. Another day is dawning."

As her voice swells high she holds those notes and could probably play a decent Grizabella in a number. "Touch me it's so easy to leave me all alone with my memory of my days in the sun! If you touch me you'll understand what happiness is...Look a new day has begun," And she lowers her head as the last note dies. With a smaller, sadder smile, she bobs her head to the crowd and settles the mic in place, heading back to her seat.

Scott leans back in his seat as he listens, looking around briefly. There's a grin offered to thise he knows, but otherwise, he remains where he's seated. Smiling as he hears Kailey's performance, appluding as it comes to an end.

Leon salutes Kailey as he hears the call, grinning at another person brave enough to show up to sing in costume.

Normally Davis just sort of suffers through performances, either puttering on his phone, or staring into the middle distance like a shell-shocked trauma victim. Not for Kailey's song. Davis actually widens his eyes, twisting in his seat to watch the performance. When it's over, he just claps, genuinely. After an awkward moment, he actually remembers he has the mic, "Well goddamn. Kailey, everyone! Clap if you own a soul."

Shaking his head as if to clear it, he looks back to his list, speaking into the mic again, "Looks like up next we have the best beard in town... Or bear in town? I can't remember, he has so many titles. August is singing Tango de Roxanne from Moulin Rogue. Scott, you're on deck. Grant..." Davis squints more at his laptop, mic away from his face so the crowd only hears a distant, muffled, "What the fuck?"

From behind the bar, Leon facepalms and Chelsea erupts into laughter.

Roxy blinks at Joe and ahs quietly. "He will be a good Chief though, Joseph. Did it have anything to do with the bullet holes in my dance studio?" she asks, with a brow arching. Then Kailey is up there performing and she watches and listens to the costumed girl belt. She applauds for her as she finishes. "That is a very difficult song, she is good." She also orders a Manhattan from the bar. Then cheers for August. "Do you still have your stone from the Baba, Joseph? I saw her again recently."

Grant turns to Kailey and grins signing ["Not great? Improving. Sister is back tho!"] This last bit does seem to improve the rest of the news. He signs his name on the slip of paper. Look it's a year ago h traumatized people by pulling out some MC Chris's 'Fett's Vette' and who knows where this is going. But Kailey's name is called and the tired, grin widens patting her on the back pointing her at the stage in a go go manner. He brings his drink back pauses and loks to August and looks to RAvn. His head tips down as he drops into a seat next to Vyv, "the threat of a group hug is there, bruh. Look even the old man's goin up! You can't let him outshine your inner disco diva, man! Veeee, tell em."

Devlin applauds for Kailey and orders another bourbon as he keeps watching the stage. And again, he comments, "Come on Ravn.. live a little."

"Hello, Michel!" Ravn's sudden enthusiasm has everything to do with wanting to shift the topic of conversation eighty miles away from anyone trying to get him up on the stage. A little more seriously he nods at August and then at the younger man. "Michel's just come into town. Met him at the laundromat a few days back. Michel, meet August, Grant, Vyv." He nods at the three men around the table already.

"Didn't bring my violin," he murmurs back to Devlin. "No, I don't sing. I have asthma. I literally don't sing."

Park will certainly applaud Kailey. And whoop and holler. "Oh my gosh, Cats! I loved that movie!"

Thumbs up for Kailey before looking around for people she knows. "Ravn! How is the cooking! Are you going to get up and sing? You totally should get up and sing." She points at Devlin. "You were awesome!"

With Kailey's hip-check, Everett gives her a long, dangerous side-look, then shakes his head gently so as to not disturb his hair too much. When Kailey's promptly announced after Devlin's song, Everett applauded politely, then gestures to the man exiting the stage: pointing to his eyes then pointing at Devlin. When Kailey passes to get to her turn, Everett gives her an encouraging swat on her tookus before applauding more. There's a casual glance around, then his hands come down while he pays attention to the stage. When her song is finished, Everett resumes applauding and escorts her back to their table where there's a drink waiting for him. He points at it with a thick finger as he looks at her, "For me?"

A young woman with long cherry red hair walks into the establishment. Since the weather is a bit warmer tonight, she seems to have taken advantage of it. She is dressed in a form fitting brown sweater that has a plunging v neck, a short black leather skirt with a wide, black leather belt with a sparkly silver buckle and knee high black leather lace up boots. She also has on a black leather jacket.

She scans the room, a bit of a smile quirking the corners of her lips upwards as she takes in the crowd and listens to the music. After a moment, she goes to find a place to sit, giving a friendly, though somewhat shy, smile to those she passes. She obviously doesn't know anyone, for she doesn't greet anyone by name or wave, and her shy smiles lack any familiarity. Still, she seems to not mind this at all, looking rather friendly and approachable.

Having detoured to Joe's table when beckoned over, Ruiz has no sooner been caught up in a hug from Roxy, and settled in to the booth, before his phone goes off. "Ah, fuck's sake," he mutters, darting his tablemates an apologetic glance as he shifts back to his feet. "Excuse me." A gruff conversation ensues, and the cop ambles away a short distance while keeping half an eye on the current performer.

August claps for Kailey, singing a song from C.A.T.S. that even he knows. A grin for the tack Grant takes, and he adds, "Yeah, can't let Itzhak see me show you up, can you?" He winks, begins sauntering again, now up to the stage.

As Davis said, the song is a tango, or at least, starts out as one; the familiar tempo and beat are unmistakable. But when August belts out the first word there's no mistaking what sort of tango it is:


This is not the Police's version, oh no. It's a wholly different song like this, and August hams up the heavy edge used by the Argentinian in the movie.

You don't have to put on that red light
Walk the streets for money,
you don't care if it's wrong or if it is right.

You don't have to wear that dress tonight,
You don't have to sell your body to the night.

This is meant to be a duet, of course; August has to make due, gentling his deeper voice for the tenor part of the piece.

His eyes upon your face
his hand upon your hand
his lips caress your skin
It's more than I can stand...

Why does my heart cry?

He's not a dancer, not by trade, so must settle for strutting. Good thing he's already tall, made taller by the boots. He sticks to the Argentian's part for the later strains, gives a sweeping bow as the orchestral section draws to a finish. More sauntering, off the stage and back to Ravn. "Okay, your turn. So what are you singing. Rent?"

Michel turns and claps for the recent performance smiling warmly. Then Ravn calls him over. Timidly he approches smiling to the group. "Hello Ravn. Its very nice to meet you all." He offers to August, Grant, and Vyv inclining his head politely to each of them. Glancing towards the stage he looks tempted to try and perform but bites his lower lip seeming to smother the urge. He listens to August's performance, and tilts his head smiling. "That was good."

The sailor's voice is very dry indeed. "Mighta had somethin' to do it with it," he agrees. "Whole thing only ended some weeks ago. A cartel decided to move in on the local underworld, and it ended up bein' a long, drawn-out war." He listens to Kailey, nodding his approval. "She is good. That's a hard one." The question of the witch makes him look at her directly, dragging his gaze from the stage. "I do. Saw her myself not long ago. Gave me a card readin'..." Something feral in his crooked grin at the memory. "She read your cards?"

Roxy nods at Joe as she watches August perform. She knows this song too, because most every man who has ever tried to pick her up has crooned one of the versions at her. She chuckles and looks amused. "Yes, she read my cards. She and I are connected in some manner I think. We understand one another. We're almost cordial." She glances at the sailor and then the retreating Ruiz. "Everyone is all right at least, that is what matters."

Vyv tilts his head and regards Ravn with possibly slightly exaggerated interest. "Have you got an inner disco diva?" he inquires. "I might even participate in a group hug to see that." Might. No promises. Probably to Ravn's relief. Asthma is, alas, possibly a reasonable excuse. "Mn. Can you dance? Dancing might be acceptable. Surely someone will sing something danceable." A sidelong glance to August may qualify as 'what did you have in mind?', even if singing may defensibly not be in Ravn's cards.

Kailey's performance is distracting, though, and he watches it while absently sipping his drink. Is he impressed? He might be just a tiny bit impressed. She gets a proper clapping when she's done, in any case, as August heads up. "How do you do," he greets Michel when introduced, looking him over assessingly. Hm. "So. Are you performing, then? Duet with Ravn, perhaps?" Innocent questions!

August's performance also gets a fair bit of attention and reasonable applause. "Not bad," he informs the man on his return.

Davis takes up the mic as August finishes, actually chuckling, "My kids had me watch that one. Let me tell you, that performance was just as sexual. I had to turn it off."
"Oh for fucks sake, Davis."
"Hey! You did this! You let this genie out of the bottle."

Both Leon and Davis's shouted exchange is made with grins on their faces, Davis moving on to introducing, "Alright, next up, we've got Scott with Pity the Child from Chess. Seriously, you guys are making me dig tonight. Grant, somehow you're up next.

Leon, from behind the bar spots the vibrant red hair, "Angel!" he calls, slapping the bar in front of him to indicate an empty stool, "Good to see you! What ya drinkin'?"

"Asthma," Ravn murmurs quietly to August. "I don't sing. If I'd brought my violin I could have tortured a cat at you all, stay in theme with Kailey's piece, maybe have her claw me to make it stop. I just wanted to come listen -- the cards did tell me to break out of old patterns." Not hearing you, Vyv. Oblivious Dane can be very oblivious.

Joe's sipping lazily from his drink - not one of those nights when he's out to sprint across the drunkenness finish line. "Yeah?" he wonders. "She kind of let me know that karma was already aware I'm a bastard who does what he wants and had better clean up his act." No real offense or ire in his voice, just that humor. "But then, she's generally more generous to the good-hearted and innocent hero, and I ain't neither of those. You qualify." Leon calling out one of the newcomers has his gaze drifting that way, and he wonders of Roxy, "You gonna sing tonight?"

Kailey grins at Everett and does a little bow at the clapping. You can't see the blush beneath her face paint, but it is there. "I got you a Guiness. Safe bet right?" She tells Everett as she slides back into her seat. "I love musicals...do you? We could go see one in Seattle sometime!" The excitement is thick in her voice. "Have you ever seen Into the Woods? That's another favorite of mine," She chatters excitedly at Everett. However her eyes keep glancing over at the table where Ravn is being pestered to sing.

Finally she turns and says, "Hey, we should just be happy he is out of his hole. Let's not try to get him to sing on his first time out too?" See? Kitty to the rescue for the poor badgered Dane. To grant she signs, "Sister?" With the questioning tilt of her head being ever so feline like with the paint.

August raises his beer to Davis in a solemn acknowledgement, dips his head to Vyv. "Why thank you. I practiced. The cat didn't approve. The goats thought it was hilarious."

He mmmms, a low and heavy sound, at Ravn's offered reason. Like Vyv, he seems to find it reasonable, and so his attention shifts to Michel. "Michel? Good to meet you. August Roen. I run the," he tilts his head unerring towards the far side of town, "garden shop." For a man who theoretically digs and climbs trees for a living he's oddly dressed, to say the least. "What brings you to town? If you don't mind saying." It's a casual enough question for a small town, except for how August is one of the brighter people with Glimmer, as is Michel, which means this question isn't casual at all.

The redhead hears her name being called and turns her head in the direction from whence it came. Her eyes light up as she actually sees a familiar face. Oh, hey Leon!" she calls out to him. She has a decidedly southern accent. Not only that, but a Cajun accent. Anyone nearby would hear her pronounce his name as 'Lee-ON'. She gives him a wide smile and makes her way over to the bar. "I didn't know you were also a bartender." she says to him, sitting on the bar stool. "I'd love a Margurita if possible." she says to him., shrugging out of her leather jacket and setting it beside her. "Wow!" she then says, looking around once more. "It sure is packed here tonight."

Grant warms a grin to Michel and points "You met Ravn whoooo is going to go up there after I'm done making an ass of myself. That's Kailey. She's amazing as she is adorable. That Smithsonian-approved preserved pile of badassery on the stage finishing is August. My boyfriend Vyv, and I'm Bax. Nice to meet you." Looking to Kailey he grins and gives a tentative wave to the giant scary man that is Everett. He signs to her [Amazing!! Great work!. Did not know you could do that.]

Applauding August's performance as well, Scott grins as he hears it's his turn, and gets to his feet, stepping up to the stage again. He takes a few moments to look out into the room before he begins singing. "When I was nine I learned survival, taught myself not to care. I was my single good companion, taking my comfort there. Up in my room I planned my conquests, on my own; never asked for a helping hand, no one would understand. I never asked the pair who fought below just in case they said no."
There's a sadness to his singing, as he actually brings out a chess piece, the white king, from his pocket to study it as he sings. The song goes on, with the sad story about the family of the character singing it, a bit of his attention seemingly focused on the chess piece in his hand. As he gets to the later parts, he sings a bit more loudly, looking up from the king in his hand. "I took the road of least resistance, I had my game to play. I had the skill, and more: the hunger, easy to get away. Pity the child with no such weapons, no defense, no escape from the ties that bind. Always a step behind. I never called to tell her all I'd done, I was only her son!"
Letting the music play before he gets to the last parts of the song, again a bit more quietly. "Pity the child but not forever, not if he stays that way. He can get all he ever wanted, If he's prepared to pay. Pity instead the careless mother. What she missed, what she lost when she let me go. And I wonder does she know? I wouldn't call: a crazy thing to do, just in case she said... who?" Holding that last word for a little while longer, he lets the last of the music play as he smiles to the people listening, while he places the king on the nearest table, tipping it over. See, the king has fallen right there. Waiting for a few more moments, he retrieves the piece, pockets it, and heads back to his seat. "Thank you!"

Thinking about the question for a moment, Everett puts one large mitt on the back of Kailey's chair, the other encircles his drink which he turns while thinking. He then pouts for a quick second and turns his attention from the crowd to Kailey again with a slight shrug, "I suppose it depends on the music," the gorilla offers. And then nods at the insistence to go see one sometime, "Just make sure it's good, or I have a pillow, but no, I live that life. I didn't know it's also a musical. Whatzit about?" he asks, the follows her eye-line to the other conversations. The wave from Grant gets a slight up-nod of his head, while he continues to glare.

Roxy hms at Joe. "Yes, she told me I was stagnating, stifling myself emotionally and creatively. Said I need to share my burdens, work with others, face my grief and loss of self." She sips her drink slowly, watching Scott's performance.

Grey eyes go wide at Vyv's innocent questions and Michel glances nervously to Ravn. "I'm not a very good singer. But I do enjoy trying from time to time." He glances to Ravn and smiles reassuringly then Grant has his attention, drawing a soft smile from him. Looking back to Ravn he considers. "If you want backup...maybe we could do a duet? I'm so terrible you will likely sound amazing..."

"Well that was musical!" Davis says with his sarcastic dad enthusiasm. "A note before our next singer, my name is still not Hank, no matter how many times you all decide to call me that." Davis takes a deep sigh and looks down at his list. "Next we have Grant with Tentacles from a Shoggoth on The Roof, which sounds like it's going to be an experience." Davis salutes the audience and goes back to his seat to take sign ups.

Michel notes August's return with a smile and then blinks as his eyes adjust to the brightness of the other's aura. The question draws a faint smile. "Seeking a place to start over. Plus I hear this town is a haven for odd occurances? It seems as good a place as any for a fortune teller to settle?"

"She doesn't mince a lotta words, does she?" Joe says, lazily. He's letting his gaze wander a little, taking in the faces he knows, as well as the newcomers. "And this place does have a way of forcing us to deal with one another. It's like Ravn," And he nods at the blond, "Always says about it being Team Humanity again-" Whatever wisdom of Ravn's Joe is about to pass on second hand is lost in him frankly choking at the announcement of that song, before he's reduced to helpless laughter, and giving Grant a mute thumbs up.

Grinning, Leon sets up to shake Angel up a drink, asking the pertinent questions like salt on the rim, what have you, "Yeah, my wife owns the bar, I help out on event nights, and just drink here the rest of the time." He slides the drink across to her in little time, wiping up condensation and spills with a rag, "And yeah, it's a madhouse on Karaoke nights. People have loved it so much it's migrated between the bars."

Grant leans over and gives Vyv's temple a smooch, finishes his drink and really looks like this may not be the first of the evening for him. "Thank you, Hank!." he gies Leon heart hands. Bax gets up to break out hte now new version of Tentacles from Shoggoth on teh Roof

"A Shoggoth on the roof
Sounds crazy... no, certifiably insane!
But here in our little village of Gray Harbor,
you might say every one of us has a Shoggoth on the roof
And I'm not speaking of metaphorically.

It's not easy having a malevolent shapeless monster like that
hanging over your head, but, well, there it is!
Gray Harbor's the home of many strange things
A big monster like that on such a pointy roof
You may ask: How does it stay up there, if it's so difficult?
That, I can tell you in one word: Tentacles!

Tentacles, tentacles! Tentacles!
Tentacles, tentacles! Tentacles!

Here in the Harbor, weirdness get into everything eventually
Changeless, legend-haunted forest
Where the clustering gamble-roofs sway and sag over attics
Where ghosts hid from the lumber mill
in the dark olden days
Well, that lumber mill's gone,
* the ghosts are still here,
and the Baxters, and the Addingtons,
and regular folks just trying not to notice
We try not to think about the scariest one of all:
The gigantic half-dragon, half-octopus half humanoid Great Old One himself,
Cthulhu, waiting to return from his city beneath the sea!"*

More of this personalize ensues and oddly it's really a pretty fair job though it's a lot of spoken word that he's got enough chutzpah and fukitol to pull off. Yes, the youngest-ish Baxter has some feelings on this, now with a musical score. Ooooh satire.

August chokes on a sip of his beer as Davis announces Grant's song. "Are you for real, Baxter," he says, coughing to clear his throat. "Can't wait for this."

Once he has his composure back, he considers Michael a long moment, nods in agreement. "That it does," he says, and gestures at Grant. "Case in point."

Kailey beams when Everett agrees to maybe see a music. "It's basically all the fairy tale people's stories, but if they all lived in the same village. And the weird shenanigans their quests lead them too together. Also there is a giant and death and turning happy ever after on their heads," She explains the play in a nutshell. Ish. "I think you might like it, though...mmmm...West Side Story might be better. Or Cabaret." She leans back in her seat, hand wrapped around her beer, and ponders that a second or two more.

Setting the glass down, after a sip, Kailey replies to Grant after a second of deciphering, "I love singing. Cats is my favorite story." She doesn't know the sign for musical yet and her hands falter as she frowns faintly. "Is your sister coming tonight?" She opts to sign instead of whatever else she was thinking about. Then she pauses to clap for Grant and giggles at the chosen song. "Shoggoth on the Roof?" The laughter erupts from her then. "Not seen that one yet!"

Remember that look of a traumatized soldier? That's Davis's face right now. He just has to ride the wave until it's all over. He slowly raises the mic, "Someone tell me where I am, because I think I just lost a couple minutes. Oh, applause for the guy getting off stage, I'm just gonna read the next one. It's contentious, let me tell you, my kids still can't agree if she's a Disney Princess or not. We've got Roxy singing Once Upon a December from Anastasia."

From behind the bar, Chelsea throws up her hands. She probably had deep feelings about this one.

Roxy blinks at Grant's song, and snorts out a laugh. "Was that on Broadway?" she asks Joseph in a whisper. She looks over to Ravn when indicated. "Hm, I agree with him. It is us vs. Them. It's the only way we survive this." Then her name is being called and she gets up to perform.

Roxy takes the stage, which is the one place she has never been shy. She sways a little as the opening strains of the song begin, Once Upon a December from the Broadway stage production of Anastasia. Her eyes are closed as she begins, her voice sweet and plaintive as fitting the song.

Dancing bears, painted wings
Things I almost remember
And a song someone sings
Once upon a December

She moves in a trancelike state, dancing on the little stage, with all the grace of the ballerina she is, like the tiny doll inside a music box.

Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory

Far away, long ago
Glowing dim as an ember
Things my heart used to know
Once upon a December

Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory

Far away, long ago
Glowing dim as an ember
Things my heart used to know
Things it yearns to remember

And a song someone sings
Once upon a December

She ends in a dance pose, like curtseying to a dance partner formally, before she rises and hops off the stage again.

Michel watches Grant perform with growing amusement. When the song ends he claps eagerly and smiles rather brightly. Nodding to August he looks back towards him with a gentle smile. "It seems like things are never dull here, that is for certain. I have not decided if that is a good or bad thing yet."

As Leon makes her drink, Angel inclines her face to watch the performance. She is grinning. "He's pretty good." she says about Grant, then turns back to Leon, accepting her drink with a happy thank you. She takes a sip then her eyes widen. "Ooo!" she exclaims. "You made it good, too!" She giggles a bit then takes another a sip. "Oh, your wife owns this place?" she asks. "That's pretty cool. This is the first time I've gone anywhere for fun since I came here. I'll definitely become a regular!" She flashes another smile then her eyes go wide again as she hears 'Once Upon A December' being sung next. She listens raptly to this performance as Roxy sings. It is plain to see that she is deeply impressed. "Who's she?" she asks Leon. "She's got a beautiful voice! I love that song so much and she just nailed it!"

"Oh, a giant?" he asks as quietly as Everett's bassful voice allows and still be heard next to Kailey, "wish I could relate." He pauses to take the first pull from his drink, makes a face, and then puts it back down, but doesn't take his hand off of it. "Is there a lot of boobs innit?" the thug asks the important cultured questions, interested by the answer, so much so that he may crack a smile.

Looking down, then across the space, Everett looks at Kailey askew, "You're doing that finger stuff again." He looks between the two, then inquires, since it's only the dog that needs sign language, "You asking him if Vyv's baked another batch of doggie treats?" This question makes Everett smirk if a private smirk that he poorly hides behind his beer bottle with another drink.

Davis claps his hands, trying to stay hold the mic at the same time. It's an awkward situation okay? Raising it back up to his lips, he clears his throat. "That was a tear jerker, which is similar to what my ex-wife calls me. Up next is the lovely lady we are still taking coat donations for at the bar, Park Me, with A Comedy Tonight from a Funny Thing Happened On The Way To the Forum. We only have one more singer after Miss Me, that might mean you have to kiss me." His face is dead pan and he sits again without allowing the crowd to process.

Vyv looks juuuust a little bit amused at that nervous look from Michel to Ravn, but the decision has been made: Ravn will be spared. This time. Tonight. And despite Michel seeming to be a better target for it, he doesn't push that one any farther. Sufficient volunteering already. He watches Scott sing, applauding when he finishes, and then-- well, then it's Bax. He has apparently not been warned ahead of time what's getting sun either, because when it begins, he mostly-hides a laugh behind what remains of his drink. This one he watches entirely, looks amused the whole time, and more so when he starts making it special for Gray Harbor. Decidedly Pleased. There is genuine applause when he finishes.

"Absolutely ridiculous," he informs Grant on the younger man's return, still masking most of a smile behind his glass. "Did you just personalise that on the fly?" He can't hear Everett's remark to Kailey across the crowd and music. Possibly for the best.

<FS3> Park rolls Singing: Good Success (8 7 6 6 5 3 3 1) (Rolled by: Park)

<FS3> Park rolls Dancing: Good Success (8 8 7 6 5 5 5 3) (Rolled by: Park)

It's Park's turn! A squeal of excitement before she is on her way to the stage, hugging everyone along the way - whether she knows them or not. Air kisses added for Kailey, Ravn, Scott, and Everett. That latter loves them so much.

A wave to the audience as she gets onto the stage. "Hello, Cleveland!! I'm Park, or Mee if you prefer. A big hand for everyone who has already sung tonight. I love that one about the tentacles. Who doesn't like tentacles? It reminds me of this movie I watched where this girl was...umm...never mind. Probably a better story for the strip club. I'm not good at ballads. Let's hope I'm better with this. So, what did the drummer call his twin girls? Anna One. Anna Two." A gesture to Davis to start the music.


Selected lyrics only. And she even has a dance routine!

//Something familiar,
Something peculiar,
Something for everyone:
A comedy tonight!

Something appealing,
Something appalling,
Something for everyone:
A comedy tonight!

Nothing for kings, nothing for crowns;
Bring on the lovers, liars and clowns!

Something convulsive,
Something repulsive,
Something for everyone:
A comedy tonight!

Something that's gaudy,
Something that's bawdy--
Something for everybawdy!
Comedy tonight!

Nothing of gods, nothing of fate;
Weighty affairs will just have to wait!

Pantaloons and tunics!
Courtesans and eunuchs!
Funerals and chases!
Baritones and basses!

A comedy tonight!//

"Thanks, everyone. You're awesome! But I've got to get to my next job. Have a great night!" A hug and a kiss for Davis on the way out before she disappears into the night like Brutus on the Ides of March.

Kailey can't help but giggle at Grant's performance. Offering up an amused clapping. hands raised and horrizontal as she aims the clap right at him. Smirking as she does so and eyes glinting. Then her fingers move and she tells him, "That was hilarious!" Before shooting Everett a 'look' and a smirk. "There are, alas, not a lot of boobies. Also, it's on a stage. Not like you can see them up close like in movies." Turning in her chair she calls out to Vyv, "Hey, Vyv? Ev is being a jerk. Want me to swat him for you or -are- you making dog treats?" She asks it with obvious amusement, glancing at the giant beside her.

"Yup, Maggi. Bout yay-high, blonde." He glances down the bar as it occurs to him, "Well... The other blond that works here. Way cooler." Again, Chelsea throws up her hands, looking like she'd chuck something at Leon, but goes back to serving drinks and running out tabs. Leon laughs and nods, "We'd love to have you. This is kinda the local's bar, and you moved here, so..." He lifts both his hands, as if he couldn't really come up with a better justification. He has to squint at the next question, eyeing Roxy, "That is... Roxy? Yeah, owns or owned the dance studio? It's actually been a minute since I've seen her."

Grant hops down as Roxy heads on up pausing and giving her a curious look. Turning back to the table he takes his drink refill and drops back down next to Vyv and looks to August with an eyebrow raised with a nod. Looking to Vyv he shakes his head, "Meh I've been mad about current events from 50 years ago all week." Roxy does get an applause but notes Park saying, pleased, "She gets MC Chris. Michel where you from? Not New York? Please no more New York." Looking back to Ravn and Vyv he says of Roxy, "THat's the lady that squirreled my deal with the old lady in the park. I need to find her. Park lady. No her... or Park." not helpful, Baxy.

"Nice work," Joe says to Roxy, as she comes back down from the stage, tipping his drink at her in salute. He's still lounging with that cheerful, leonine ease, booted foot propped up on a spare chair....but he does unfold himself to go ambling over towards August and company with that loose-jointed gait, drink held in inked fingers.

<FS3> Vyv rolls Composure-1: Success (7 5 5 5 2 2 1 1) (Rolled by: Vyv)

"Lifting a shoulder in a half-hearted shrug to Michel, August says, "It's neither, at least in my opinion. Like most of life, it just is what it is. You have to take it as it comes, and decide if you want to put up with it or not. Same as picking where you live because of the weather or earthquakes or, you know, whatever else makes people think twice about digging in somewhere."

He enjoys Grant's song for what it is, laughing through most of it. "Next time I'm singing something from Rock Horror," he says to Vyv. yes, Michael and Ravn escape without being cajoled onstage...tonight. There's always next time.

Applause for Roxy and Park, the later watched as she promptly heads off to another job. "Well. Glad she could make it, at least." He raises his eyebrows at Joe on the approach, asks, "You gonna sing for us tonight, Cavanaugh?"

Michel gives Vyv a slightly cautious look and a timid smile. Then Grant has asked him a question and he looks that way to answer it. "Is New Orleans any better? Because thats where I'm from. Not New York." He smiles softly and then glances to Vyv as he hears someone mention baking. "You bake?" He looks genuinely interested though he does offer August a nod of agreement at the other's words.

Roxy beams at Joseph and raises her glass back to him. "Heading out myself, I will see you soon!" She finishes drinking and moves to Leon to pay her tab. "This was very fun, I am glad you have brought back the practice," she notes to the owner. Then she's heading off.

Davis is actually a little stunned about how his joke went over, watching Park exit after her... friendly goodbye. He then swipes a hand down his face as he tries to figure out just what the fuck he was doing, looking back to his list.

"Alright, next up we have Everett... plus one?" He looks confused, trying to spot the hulking man, his face slightly away from the mic so it sounds distant as he asks, "Is this a D&D reference? I don't get it." He brings the mic back up, "Anyways, he's supposed to be singing If The World Was Ending by JP Saxe, which is not a show tune... But looks like a duet, so..." Davis just lifts his arms and shoulders in a huge shrug.

A farewell for Roxy, and Joe's inviting himself to August's table with a cat's assurance that he's welcome. He snorts at the question, "Have I ever sung at one of these? And I've never been into showtunes. I s'pose if I were drunker y'all might get me to get up there on my hind legs and sing some Johnny Cash, that's about as far as my range extends. 'd I hear you promise to sing somethin' from Rocky Horror?

Having to protect himself from the whirling dervish known to administer him hugs, Everett tightens his arms into his chest as a means of fending off the Mad Hugger, still grumbling with the addition of air kisses. That's put him right off, so much so that were he a cartoon there would be a dark cloud hanging over his head. Though by the time the song is over, his mood is all but mellowed out.

And then Kailey helps by sharing what he was saying to her. The giant's green eyes go large for a moment before he scoffs and leans back in his chair heavily, crossing his chest to nudge Kailey's shoulder with his hand holding his beer. "I'll get you back for that. And your little dog too." If only he could have heard Michel's question. Oh the scoff he would have. Such a scoff! "And soon, too," he murmurs, as he tips the beer up, and drinks. Fortuitous that his name is called just then. Pushing his chair back, Everett climbs to his feet, "Save my seat," he says down to Kailey."

Nodding once to Davis, "Thanks, Hank," Everett puts his drink down on the far back raised platform. Another slow song. Taking the microphone from the stand, with both hands, he cups his hands like he's at church. The song begins to with gentle alarm:
> We interrupt your programming. This is a national emergency
> The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has detected a significate environmental event that will impact the greater United States.
> You and your loved ones should seek the nearest fallout shelter immediately.
> Please stand by for further area updates.

Nice of the government to warn everybody at the Pourhouse. Veterns of the Karaoke nights know Everett's record. Heavy with slow piano, the song begins, and so does Everett. A song that's spoken, mostly, so it plays to his strength: he doesn't sing, all that much.
> I was distracted and in traffic.
> I didn't feel it when the earthquake happened
> But it really got me thinkin', were you out drinkin'?
> Were you in the living room, chillin', watchin' television?

He has a real struggle with hitting the syllables on television and matching them to the music, jerking his head to each of them, getting closer to the microphone each time, threatening feedback until the word is over, the war won, and he pulls his head back and combs the fingers of his left hand to pull the strands of that side back over his shoulder.
> It's been a year now, think I've figured out how
> How to let you go and let communication die out

"Yeah, if she's also yay high, we'll get along great then!" Angel laughs. "Us short girls gotta stick together, after all." Then, she nods. "Oh yeah." she says. "I'm goin' to need a place to hang out." she tells him. "Can't always just stick to the Suds N Duds, after all." Another laugh. "The dance studio is right down from the laundromat." she says. "So that makes me and her business neighbors." She then seems to think of something. "Oh hey!" she says. "You got an board or something here?" she asks him, glancing around, as though looking. "If so, do you think it'd be ok to put something up about Suds hiring?"

Scott continues to listen, grinning a bit to himself as he finishes off his drink. He starts stepping over in the direction of the bar to get himself something else to drink now.

"Next time I might come see it if you do," Vyv replies to August, and polishes off his drink. Well, that requires a refill, then. A nod to Grant's answer, and a soft mn, before he arches a brow. "Do you usually set the things you're angry about to parody musicals? Because if so I need to inquire as to the day's specific annoyances more often." Not that the current issues exactly qualify as annoyance.

And then Kailey's making sure he catches Everett's smartassery, and his eyes narrow a moment, just briefly, as he looks that way. It smooths out to casual almost immediately, and the crispness of his accent helps it cross the distance without him raising his voice much. "I am not making dog treats, no. Though I certainly could, if anyone locally were inclined to spoil their pooch quite that much. Regardless, the answer to whether you ought to hit him is always yes. For me or otherwise."

Glancing back to Michel, he replies a touch belatedly, "...yes, I bake. I'm a patissier. I run Patisserie Vydal, downtown." And to Grant, "Which old lady and what deal?" Look, the park is not all that short of old ladies.

Maggi comes in from the tepid, or whatever it is temperature outside in the town, weather. She is clad in the color of the night sky, ripped black skinny jeans, and a long tank with a message that really brings out her personality. She kisses Leon's cheek on the way by, blonde mane loose with minimal tangles. Maggi watches with an arched brow of judgement through Everett's song, not even putting down the rack of glasses she has carried from the back. Overhearing the red head, her eyes move to Leon. "Another project for the bleeding heart." She says flippantly with a sarcastic smile.

I know, you know, we know you weren't
> Down for forever and it's fine
> I know, you know, we know we weren't
> Meant for each other and it's fine

> But if the world was ending, you'd come over, right?

Everett opens his green colored eyes. There's just one person in the whole of the crowded bar that he transfixes on at that song-spoken question. Like they're alone, and he was singing for her; to her. There's nary a change in his death glare, at least to those that don't know him well.
> You'd come over and you'd stay the night
> Would you love me for the hell of it?
> All our fears would be irrelevant
> If the world was ending, you'd come over, right?
> The sky'd be falling and I'd hold you tight
> And there wouldn't be a reason why
> We would even have to say goodbye
> If the world was ending, you'd come over, right? Right?
> If the world was ending, you'd come over, right? Right?

But this song, this song is a duet. And at the third to last 'Right?', Everett is already pointing at Kailey, then gestures quickly for her to join him on stage, ready to surrender the microphone should she take him up on his offer.

"I mean," August's eyes narrow and he makes a vague gesture towards Joe, "it's a musical. Right? So...Time Warp, maybe. Little hip thrusting never hurt anyone." He waggles his eyebrows, turns half his attention to Everett's song and his attempt to get Kailey onstage, the other half to the conversation centering on Grant being owed something by a huxter and another new (to him) person: Angel. "Welcome to town," he says, raising his beer to her, and has a drink. "You can put a flyer up town at Branch & Bole if you want.

<FS3> Grant rolls Read Lips: Good Success (8 8 7 5 3 3 2 1 1) (Rolled by: Grant)

"I s'pose it is," Joe concedes. Then he's turning that blue gaze on Angel, expression curious, guileless. "Hi there," he says, offering her his free hand (the one with HOLD inked on the knuckles). "I'm Joe Cavanaugh. Welcome to Gray Harbor." His accent is clearly nowhere near local - it's a lazy Georgia drawl that belongs on the opposite coast entirely.

In a very similar motion to Davis, Leon swipes his hand downward over his face as Maggi quips about another project that he would likely have to undertake in improving the bar. This Honey-Do list was getting excessive, and she wasn't even the one putting things on it. He hangs his head with a chuckle and hooks a thumb, "The wife." He points out, "And no, we don't have a bulletin board... yet." Another side eye for Maggi before looking back to Angel, then nodding in combination greeting and confirmation of August's offer. "Probably one at Safeway I think."

Grant brightens a grin to the other purple-haired dynamo signing back to her <<"thank you thank you. Why you trying to start a bar fight here?">> He tilts his head curious to his across the street neighbor and back to vyv defend his honour. Looking to Michel he murmurs, "I would try to defend his honour bu unless there's a dance-off I have no idea what I'd even do to defend from..." six and a half feet of stacked up muscles? Yeaaaah. Looking to August he sets his jaw trying to...yeah. He's actually legit mad about this 'old lady problem the loner he stews about it. As if to not fall into an emotional hole or even an emotional half over it he looks to Michel for his answer. "New Orleans Ain't that the place with the tiny baguette things that look like throw pillows?"

Kailey smiles at Everett as offers her the microphone. She is rising with the littlest shake of her head. That grin is shared with Vyv as she heads up, "I may put in an order. I got a big dog who sometimes deserves a treat," She tells the chef. Then she is on the stage and takes the mic, giving Everett a kiss on his cheek when she does. And though the song is somewhat unfamiliar, she is perfectly capable of singing duet.

As the big lug earns a kiss, he smirks at Kailey, retreating for the beer he put down before beginning for the duration of Kailey's few lines. She may not be familiar with it, but she had heard him saying parts of it while around the house when he was practicing.
> I tried to imagine your reaction
> It didn't scare me when the earthquake happened
> But it really got me thinkin', the night we went drinkin'
> Stumbled in the house and didn't make it past the kitchen
> Ah, it's been a year now, think I've figured out how
> How to think about you without it rippin' my heart out

Once his whistle has been wetted, Everett puts the beer back down and heads back over, wrapping his arms around the small woman to hug her over her hips, while leaning down so he can get to the microphone as well, for the duet portions, and at one point, closing his eyes as he cants his head, and nuzzles his smooth cheek against Kailey's. So much PDA.
> And I know, you know, we know you weren't
> Down for forever and it's fine
> I know, you know, we know we weren't
> Meant for each other and it's fine

> But if the world was ending, you'd come over, right?
> You'd come over and you'd stay the night
> Would you love me for the hell of it?
> All our fears would be irrelevant
> If the world was ending, you'd come over, right?
> Sky'd be falling while I hold you tight
> No, there wouldn't be a reason why
> We would even have to say goodbye
> If the world was ending, you'd come over, right?
> You'd come over, right?
> You'd come over, you'd come over, you'd come over, right?

Angel gives Maggi a smile and then shrugs. "Oh no heart a-bleedin'." she tells the other woman. "Just wondering, is all. It's not a big deal." She nods to Leon. "Sure, I'll check there." she tells him, then turns back to his wife. "Nice to meet you. I'm Angel." she says, introducing herself to her. "Angel Duvall. You have a nice place here." The smile she gives Maggi is genuinely friendly, but before she can say anymore, Joseph has spoken up and introduced himself to her. "Well, nice to meet you, Joe." she says. "I'm Angel Duvall. I just moved here from Seattle but I am originally from a little town south of New Orleans." She then offers a smile to Scott as he approaches the bar, moving her jacket in case he needs a place to sit. "I found myself the new owner of the Suds N Duds Laundromat." she says. "So if ya'll need to do any laundry, be sure to stop on by." Somewhere behind her, she hears someone say something about New Orleans, as well and she turns to try and see who.

"Not until you teach him to heel and to speak only on command," Vyv replies to Kailey, settling back in his seat with the new, replacement drink. Grant gets a sidelong glance and a correction: "Beignets. And if the world ever starts running by musical rules, I will absolutely depend on you to defend my honour in a dance-off, darling." He gives Angel a slight inclination of the head in greeting, as she's nearby, but goes silent for the moment, taking a drink and watching Kailey chime in on the song. "Mn."

Once again, it's just him. His hand comes off Kailey's stomach and up to the microphone to point it his way, to sing-say the few lines that are his only and then he surrenders the microphone back to her again.
> I know, you know, we know you weren't
> Down for forever and it's fine
> I know, you know, we know we weren't
> Meant for each other and it's fine

Together, her singing much better than him, Kailey and Everett finish up the world's longest lyrics. Maybe except Baby Shark. I'm still only Cousin fifteen times removed Shark.
> But if the world was ending, you'd come over, right?
> You'd come over and you'd stay the night
> Would you love me for the hell of it?
> All our fears would be irrelevant
> If the world was ending, you'd come over, right?
> The sky'd be falling while I hold you tight
> No, there wouldn't be a reason why
> We would even have to say goodbye
> If the world was ending, you'd come over, right?
> You'd come over, you'd come over, you'd come over, right?

> Hmm
> If the world was ending, you'd come over, right?

And then the song ends with:
> ...seek shelter immediately.
> This broadcast will end in 5. 4. 3. 2.

A single tear is dabbed from Davis' eye at the gesture of the gesture of the big guy's love. He sniffles. "You just make me believe my heart can be mended," he says sincerely. He clears his throat again. "I practiced this all week, but first some parting announcements on my part. The selected musicals for free drinks were Hairspray, Wicked, and Le Mis. Unfortunately no one sang anything from those particular productions, so you all gotta pay the piper. Next month will be 'Rock'. There is no cute theme to that, Maggi just wanted rock songs...three artists will be selected, and if you sing a song of theirs, it's on the rocks, on the house. Feel free to stick around and pretend you aren't the crippling loneliness of your empty homes, oh wait, that is also me." Davis turns his back to the crowd and turns back dramatically as the music cues up.

We're men, we're men in tights.
We roam around the forest looking for fights.
We're men, we're men in tights.
We rob from the rich and give to the poor, that's right!
We may look like sissies, but watch what you say or else we'll put out your lights!
We're men, we're men in tights,
Always on guard defending the people's rights.

Davis begins a one man can can line.

We're men, MANLY men, we're men in tights.
We roam around the forest looking for fights.
We're men, we're men in tights.
We rob from the rich and give to the poor, that's right!
We may look like pansies, but don't get us wrong or else we'll put out your lights.
We're men, we're men in tights
TIGHT Tights

Always on guard defending the people's rights.
When you're in a fix just call for the men in tights!

The performance is overall overly enthusiastic and comical in how seriously he takes it. Parting from the stage he grins and begins to clean up the equipment.

"No, you're not-..." Leon starts with a tired sigh, aiming a look at Maggi before clarifying to Angel, "The bar is the bleeding heart project because I keep having to fix things that people just sort of work around. She's making fun of me because she thinks now I'll put up a bulletin board because someone asked." Which, knowing Leon, was likely the final result.

"Pleasure," Joe says, grinning. "I'll 'member that. I only been here about a bit over a year. You'll find it's a hell of a town." Apaprently he's decided that he won't be the one to give her the 'Get out while you still can!' warning. It didn't work on him, he doesn't imagine it'll work on her, after all.

<FS3> Kailey rolls Expression: Success (6 5 5 4 4 3) (Rolled by: Kailey)

Kailey is not so good at singing songs she doesn't know. But she still manages! And she leans in against the big guy in turn. Good thing her makeup is dry or he'd get a nice gray, white, and black smearing all over his cheek. Finishing the song with a wavering, "You'd come over, you'd come over, you'd come over, right? Hmm...If the world was ending, you'd come over, right?" And then she is just giving him the biggest grin. "Next time I get to choose the duet. And you're probably singing Aladdin," She tells him as she reaches for his hand when they exit the stage together.

Maggi laughs, a dry sound, to the interaction. The major problem with being perpetually sarcastic is that it was rare for people to pick out the nuance. "Nah Red, I'm more of the mind 'If it a'int broke'..." Glacial stare moves back to the larger man. "I liked my speakers occasionally knocking over liquor bottles. They needed to be distilled in classic rock." This is said rather flatly. One may note the speakers are currently on mounted, hand made shelves above the bottles. "Welcome to town, If you give this one," She motions with a thumb to Leon, "a flier, we will find a place."

Collecting Kailey's hand, Everett makes room for the one-man can-can, pausing to retrieve his beer before they exit the stage. Right. Saying nothing about Aladdin, or anything else, the pleased looking mook raises his beer and replies, "We'll see. Told you I'd get you back." He gives her hand a squeeze, then pulls out her chair before checking to see if he got any make-up on his cheek and when he's satisfied he's clean, ish, he sits down as well.

Grant looks sidelong to Vyv with a faint, amused grin that is easily settling into his drink. "Well... I could be prompted but without some prep time you get the quality you get." He pauses considering this further with his table, "We could do a musical Festivus. The airing of grievances is always better with a phat beat." Then there's beignets "Yeah them! Can you make that happen? What if the man misses home? What if I miss his home?"

Angel turns a bit red before she bursts out in laughter. "Oh my God, I am sooo sorry!" She laughingly apologizes to Leon and Maggi for misunderstanding. "I thought you were getting your feathers ruffled 'cuz I asked to post up something." She smiles again, widely. "I mean, you must get that kinda thing all the time, seein' how this place is so popular and all." She gives another little giggle. "Thank you so much." she says to Maggi, after she asks for a flier. "I'll bring you one by tomorrow. I didn't think to bring one with me tonight." Then, to Joseph, she grins. "Please do." she tells him. "It sure is nice to meet another southerner around here." Then, noticing both Vyv and Grant, she gives them both a warm smile of greeting. Then to Maggi again, "You want to hear some classic rock?" she asks her, her brown eyes sparkling. The alcohol has already loosened her up and relaxed her. "How does one go about gettin' a turn up there then?" she asks her.

"I'm sure I'll run into you again, soon," Joe tells Angel. "I'm there at Suds often enough. You take care," he wishes her, and then he's taking care of his bill and his usual tip, before slipping off into the chilly night.

"Ok, but they were actually broke, Magpie." Leon's oceanic blue eyes climb to the ceiling, a pleading look meant for whatever cosmic body would save him from the hellish task of trying to keep their little dive bar running. At the question, Leon glances over to Davis who was already mostly packed up and unplugging things, "Well, you'll have to show up to the next Karaoke night." He grins to Angel, grimacing just a tad that he had to disappoint a patron.

"We are hoping to get a few things fixed up for next time though, it would be cool to have you come back." Having set the glasses down she reaches out to touch Leon's arm lightly and giving it a squeeze. They were not the most overly affectionate couple, but it was still clear they loved each other. "I gotta go over some estimates on the flooring, but it was good to see that Davis deserves his pay check." Maggi gives a sweeping wave about and picks up a stack of paper's nearby.

Vyv arches an eyebrow at Grant. "You've never been to his home. But yes, I'm entirely capable of making beignets happen. Ravn already talked me into aebleskivers, though. We'll probably do that first." As though he didn't regularly bake things for research or whim in any case. "And if you're imagining me complaining in rap format you're going to be terribly disappointed."

And if he's in any way disappointed at the performances coming to an end, it would be difficult to remain so in the face of Men in Tights. Or the tights of them. Whichever. It does seem to cap things off well, even if it also seems like a very good reason to get back to that drink.

Angel looks looks back over to the empty stage. "Well, shoot!" she grumps, pouting a little. "That'll teach me to get here earlier next time, huh?" Her pout isn't serious and she smiles, finishing off her drink, before slipping off the stool and donning her jacket. "Guess I better head on home, myself." she says. "It good to see you again, Leon." she tells him. "And nice to meet you, Maggi!" she says to her. "I'll try to get over here tomorrow with the flyer to hang up. " she tells both. "I had a great time. Thanks for settin' this up. I'll be sure to be here every Karaoke night now." She grins and sends them a wave before heading out.

Leon nods to Maggi, hand falling over hers and squeezing back. He glances down the bar at Chelsea who seemed to be coming up for air at the moment, sipping from a water cup, the patrons beginning to lighten visibly as Karaoke had finished. She catches the look and gives him a thumbs up. "I can come with." Leon says finally, letting his eyes sweep back to Angel, offering her a goodbye wave, "Definitely don't be a stranger. We take care of our own around here." What he meant by that was anyone's guess, but given how Angel just seemed to fit in to the feel like many people in the bar, he thought it bore saying.

Beignets? Kailey turns big cat mooching eyes on Vyv when she hears those being discussed. "If I bring bbq can I have some?" She asks ever so sweetly.

Vyv gives Kailey a sidelong look and the ghost of a half-smile, arching a brow. "As long as that's all you bring." And once he's finished his drink, the chef and skater join the gradual flow of the assembled merrymakers out into the night.


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